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1、Unit 2 Part 3Reading for Writing, Assessing Your Progress &Video Time基础过关练.单词拼写1.She never hides her(情感) in front of her friends.2.The only difference between us is the colour of our(皮肤).3.The number of Phayres langurs(菲氏叶猴),an endangered(物种),has beenrising steadily in Southwest Chinas Yunnan Pr

2、ovince.4.Most people walk at an average(速度) of 5 kilometres an hour.5.A bull(公牛)is a(生物)that works hard, and we should try to be as energeticand humble as a bull.选词填空in an effort to;send out;stir up;day and night;on earth;make progress1.Before the death of basketball superstar Kobe, the crew did not

3、 have time toany rescue signals.2.Teachers shouldstudents study enthusiasm and their desire toexplore new things.3.The online celebrity gets up early to be well prepared every time,shoot a wonderful video.4.What can AI bring for us?You see, it can bring muchconvenience for our life. Of course,it als

4、o has some disadvantages.5.Thanks to Mao Xianglin, Bai Jingying and so many other people,wein the poverty alleviation(扶贫)fight and finally succeeded.6.The patient has been attended to by nursessince the operation.单句语法填空1.I can workpressure and get along with my colleagues.2.The actress volunteered t

5、o help many poor children out of school, and inspiredmany people with her inner(beautiful).3.To protect my computer from(attack) by hackers, I equipped it withanti-virus software.4.To our surprise, he was observed(follow) her closely every day.5.They have replanted many areas with rare and(usual) pl

6、ants.6.I heard the voices, but couldnt makewhat they were saying.7.The money was being keptreserve for their retirement.8.(immediate)he had finished his homework, he rose excitedly to go out.9.Its well known that a good(neighbor) is a part of harmonious society.完成句子1.延迟退休的目的是调整人口的年龄结构,以便一些人才能够很好地发挥作

7、用。The purpose of delaying retirement is to adjust the age structure of the populationwell.2.有时候,你在学校里所学的东西将来也许似乎毫无用处。Sometimeswhat you are learning at school will be ofno use in the future.3.众所周知,当涉及与别人分享玩具时,有些小孩子是不情愿的。It is known to us that some children are unwillingsharing toys with others.4.就是在南

8、方的一个小村庄里,他度过了童年,并且遇到了他一生的好友一位当地的教师。in a small village in the southhe spent his childhood and methis lifelong frienda local schoolmaster.课文语法填空When it comes to wildlife1(protect), all speciesthe good, the bad, and theuglyshould be treated2(equal). Pandas, dolphins, and other cute wildlife3(be) import

9、ant, but we must pay attention4less cute animals, too. Theworld needs all5(kind)without variety, our planet cannot survive. So if youwant the future to be beautiful, you have to give ugly a chance.Billions of trees6(cut) down every year7(make) paper for humans.Every tree8is cut down is a part of the

10、 habitat of animals such as9(this)koalas. In this way a lot of animal homes are being destroyed! Is10right tomake animals homeless so that humans can have more paper?能力提升练.阅读理解Species of all types have evolved over the centuries to be just the right height fortheir need.So wheth

11、er its a giraffe or an elephant, these land animals stand just as tall asthey need to.No other land mammal (哺乳动物) has quite the view like the giraffe. Standingbetween 14 and 19 feet, giraffes are the tallest land mammal in the world. Theirheight is an advantage.Because of their height, good eyesight

12、 and strong kicks, giraffes arent oftenbrought down, even by lions. Still, giraffes face threats from humans for their skinand meat.The ostrich (鸵鸟), a large flightless bird, is among the most recognizable ofbirds. Their long necks are matched by their long legs, and this gives them an averageheight

13、 of 6.6 feet. With their legs, they can reach up to 64km per hour. These birdshave a reputation for sticking their heads in the sand, but in fact, theyre digging holesto bury their eggs. From far away, it looks as if theyre putting their heads in the sand.Now, most of their living areas have been ta

14、ken up by man, which has greatly reducedtheir number.Coming up behind the giraffe in the height competition is the African bushelephant. They weigh about 6,100 kilogramstheyre even more difficult to be caughtthan giraffes. Lions try their best to catch younger elephants, but often with littlesuccess

15、. Still, the species is considered endangered due to the loss of their homes thatare occupied by humans.Arabian camels are the tallest of the camel species. Males can reach about 6.6feet. Despite their impressive size, Arabian camels disappear in the wild due to mansillegal hunting.1.Why do ostriche

16、s dig holes in the sand?A.To build homes.B.To cover their eggs.C.To hide themselves.D.To bury their heads.2.Which land animals are the second highest?A.Giraffes.B.Ostriches.C.African bush elephants.D.Arabian camels.3.What might be a common threat to these animals?A.Human activities.B.Natural enemies

17、.C.Agricultural development.D.Lack of living areas.4.What is mainly talked about in the text?A.The right height for wild animals.B.Reasons for the height of animals.C.The strongest mammals in the world.D.The tallest land animals on the earth.七选五The Amazon Rainforest: A Natural TreasureWelcome to the

18、 Amazon rainforest. As the largest rainforest in the world, itplays a significant role in maintaining the fine balance of the Earths ecosystem.The Amazon rainforest crosses eight countries. With an area of around 5.5million square kilometres, the Amazon rainforest is more than half the size of China

19、.The Amazon River, from which the rainforest gets its name, is about 6,400 kilometresin length. On its journey from the mountains to the ocean the river supports manydifferent ecosystems.1Of the 390,000 plant species known to man, more than 40,000 can be found inthe Amazon. The forests different lev

20、els support an unbelievable variety of wildlife.At the bottom, there is a system of roots beneath the ground. Above that is the mass ofleaf litter on the dark forest floor.2Then there are the towering(高大的) ancienthardwood trees, and finally the tops of the tallest trees many metres above the ground.

21、Each level of the forest forms its own little world, home to different kinds of livingthings.More than 1,300 species of birds and over 400 species of mammals hide amongthe jungles plant life. The jaguar(美洲虎) is one example. It has yellowish-browncoat with black spots. While a significant number of j

22、aguars survive here, they areonly one element of this forests food chain.3These frogs, in turn, feed oninsects which eat leaves and fruit. When a jaguar dies, a tiny army ofmicroorganisms(微生物) helps break down its body and return the nutrients to theearth.The Amazon rainforest breathes life into the

23、 planet by fixing carbon andproducing over 20 percent of all the Earths oxygen.4Moreover, the Amazonrainforest is a treasure house of species that can be used for food or medicine. Yetthere is one major danger to these irreplaceable plants and animals: us.5As the impact of human activities such as a

24、griculture and cattle farmingcontinues to grow and the list of species in danger of extinction becomes longer, weare left with a question: can we afford to damage the “lungs of the planet”?A.They feed on at least 87 species, including frogs.B.Thus, it is often known as the “lungs of the planet”.C.Ri

25、vers tend to be the easiest way to enter the forest.D.The next level is made up of shorter plants with large leaves.E.They give this area the richest species of plants and animals on the Earth.F.Currently the trees in the Amazon take in around 500 million tonnes of CO2eachyear.G.Over the past 50 yea

26、rs, 17 percent of the rainforest has disappeared due to humanactivities.完形填空Some of the greatest problems we face today are connected with the gradualdestruction of our environment. Brown clouds, wildlife extinction,1water.These2all seem so huge.So my family do what we can. We take clothba

27、gs to stores instead of using plastic bags. We walk where we dont have to3.But does it do any good?I recently learned something about flamingos(火烈鸟). These beautiful birdsgather in4groups of a thousand or more. Every year, when the time5formigration,a few flamingos start the process by taking off fr

28、om the lake. But none ofthe others seem to notice,6the tiny group returns.However, the next day they7again. This time a few more struggle alongwith them, but the vast majority still8no attention, so these pioneers comeback.Then one day something9. The same small group of birds takes wing and atiny n

29、umber more join, just as before. And this time their total number, though stillquite10,is enough to tip the balance (起决定性作用).11one, the wholegroup takes flight and the migration12. What a(n)13sight it must bethousands of flamingos flying to the sky at once!A few can make a14. Its true that all of th

30、e great problems of the worldhave been solved due to the15efforts of a few.1.A.removedB.pollutedC.desertedD.used2.A.choices B.costsC.profitsD.problems3.A.driveB.reduceC.cycle D.stand4.A.unusual B.differentC.huge D.similar5.A.comesB.passesC.varies D.moves6.A.but B.whenC.soD.and7.A.gatherB.tryC.singD.

31、observe8.A.attractB.requireC.escapeD.pay9.A.approaches B.worksC.changesD.disappears10.A.significant B.reasonableC.mass D.small11.A.AsB.AboveC.OnD.At12.A.continuesB.recoversC.finishesD.begins13.A.familiarB.strangeC.alarming D.poor14.A.beauty B.decisionC.difference D.mistake15.A.useless B.tirelessC.ex

32、tra D.special参考答案基础过关练.1.emotions2.skins3.species4.rate5.creature.1.send out2.stir up3.in an effort to4.on earth5. made progress6.day and night.1.under考查介词。句意:我能在压力下工作,并能与同事和睦相处。underpressure 在压力下。2.beauty考查名词。 句意:这位女演员自愿帮助了许多贫困失学的孩子,以她内心的美丽激励了许多人。设空处作 with 的宾语,故应用名词 beauty。3.being attacked考查动名词。 句意

33、:为保护我的电脑免受黑客攻击,我给它安装了杀毒软件。 设空处作介词 from 的宾语,且 my computer 与 attack 之间是被动关系。故用动名词的被动形式。4.to follow考查不定式。句意:令我们吃惊的是,有人看到他每天紧跟着她。“observe sb. do sth.”结构中的宾语变为主语后,补足语中省略的 to 要还原。5.unusual考查反义词。句意:他们在很多地方重新种上了稀有罕见的植物。由句意可知,设空处意为“不寻常的;不常见的”,故填 unusual。6.out考查动词短语。句意:我听到了声音,却听不清他们在说些什么。make out听清。7.in考查介词。句

34、意:他们把钱存着以备退休后使用。in reserve 储备;备用。8.Immediately考查连词。句意:他一做完作业,就兴奋地站起来出去了。设空处为连词,意为“一就”,引导时间状语从句。故用 Immediately。9.neighborhood考查名词。句意:众所周知,良好的城区是和谐社会的一部分。结合句意可知此处应填 neighborhood,意为“城区;街区”。.1.so that some talents can play the role2.it may seem that3.when it comes to4.It was;that.1.protection考查名词。句意:当谈及

35、野生动物保护时,所有物种好的、坏的和丑的都应该得到平等的对待。When it comes to 中的 to 为介词,故设空处应用名词形式。wildlife protection 意为“野生动物保护”。2.equally考查副词。本空修饰谓语动词 should be treated,故应用副词形式。equally 意为“平等地”。3.are考查时态及主谓一致。句意:熊猫、海豚和其他可爱的野生动物是重要的,但我们也必须关注不太可爱的动物。本句表述的是客观事实,故应用一般现在时,且第一个分句的主语为复数,故本空应填 are。4.to考查介词。pay attention to 意为“关注;注意”,故本

36、空应填介词 to。5.kinds考查名词复数。句意:世界需要所有的种类。根据空前的 all 可知,本空应填 kinds。6.are being cut考查动词的时态及语态。句意:每年数十亿的树木正在被砍倒来为人类造纸。 根据句意及 every year 可知,本空应用现在进行时,且 trees 和动词 cut之间为被动关系,故本空应用现在进行时的被动语态。7.to make考查动词不定式。本空在句中作目的状语,故应用不定式。8.that考查定语从句。句意:每一棵被砍倒的树都是像这些树袋熊这样的动物的栖息地的一部分。本空引导定语从句,修饰名词 tree,本空在从句中作主语,且先行词被 Every

37、 修饰,故应用关系代词 that。9.these考查代词。根据空后复数名词 koalas 可知,本空应用 these。10.it考查 it 作形式主语。句意:为了人类能有更多的纸而让动物无家可归是对的吗?本句中不定式短语为真正的主语,故应用 it 作形式主语。能力提升练.本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了四种最高的陆地动物以及它们的生存状况。1.B细节理解题。根据第五段第四句“These birds have a reputation for stickingtheir heads in the sand, but in fact, theyre digging holes to bury th

38、eir eggs.”可知,鸵鸟在沙子里挖洞是为了盖住它们的蛋。故选 B 项。2.C细节理解题。根据第三段第二句中的“giraffes are the tallest land mammal inthe world”以及倒数第二段第一句“Coming up behind the giraffe in the heightcompetition is the African bush elephant.” 可知,长颈鹿是最高的陆地动物,排名第二的是非洲丛林象。故选 C 项。3.A推理判断题。根据第四段第二句“Still, giraffes face threats from humans fort

39、heir skin and meat.”、第五段最后一句“Now, most of their living areas have beentaken up by man, which has greatly reduced their number.”、倒数第二段最后一句“Still, the species is considered endangered due to the loss of their homes that areoccupied by humans.”和最后一段最后一句“Despite their impressive size, Arabiancamels disa

40、ppear in the wild due to mans illegal hunting.”等内容可知,这些动物都受到了人类活动的威胁。故选 A 项。B 项“天敌”,文中没有提到相关信息;C 项“农业发展”,文中没有提到相关信息;D 项“缺少生存区”,文中只提到鸵鸟和非洲丛林象受到缺少生存区的威胁,其他两种动物并未提及。4.D主旨大意题。第一、二段提到,所有种类的物种都进化到了适合它们需要的高度,下文以陆地动物为例,第三、四段介绍了陆地上最高的动物长颈鹿,第五段介绍了平均身高为 6.6 英尺的鸵鸟,第六段介绍了陆地上第二高的动物非洲丛林象,最后一段介绍了骆驼中最高的阿拉伯骆驼,由此可知,文章

41、主要讲地球上最高的陆地动物。故选 D 项。A 项“适合野生动物的身高”;B 项“动物身高的原因”;C项“世界上最强壮的哺乳动物”。.本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了亚马孙雨林的情况。它是一个自然宝藏,但在过去的 50 年里,17%的雨林由于人类活动而消失。1.E根据上句“On its journey from the mountains to the ocean the river supportsmany different ecosystems.”可知,在从山脉到海洋的旅途中,这条河维持着许多不同的生态系统。所以它们把地球上最丰富的动植物物种给了这个地区。故选 E。2.D根据上句“Abov

42、e that is the mass of leaf litter on the dark forest floor.”和下句“Then there are the towering ancient hardwood trees, and finally the tops of thetallest trees many metres above the ground.”可知,底层上面是深色森林地面上的落叶层,所以接下来的一层是由长着大叶子的矮植物组成的,然后是高大的古老阔叶树,最后是高出地面许多米的最高树木的顶部。故选 D。3.A根据上句“While a significant number

43、 of jaguars survive here, they are onlyone element of this forests food chain.”和下句“These frogs, in turn, feed on insectswhich eat leaves and fruit.” 可知,虽然大量的美洲虎在这里生存,但它们只是这片森林食物链的一部分。 它们以至少 87 个物种为食,包括青蛙,这些青蛙转而以吃树叶和水果的昆虫为食。故选 A。4.B根据上句“The Amazon rainforest breathes life into the planet by fixing ca

44、rbonand producing over 20 percent of all the Earths oxygen.”可知,亚马孙雨林通过固定碳和生产地球上 20%以上的氧气给地球带来了生机,因此,它经常被称为“地球之肺”。故选 B。5.G根据下句“As the impact of human activities such as agriculture and cattlefarming continues to grow and the list of species in danger of extinction becomeslonger, we are left with a qu

45、estion: can we afford to damage the lungs of theplanet?”可知,在过去的 50 年里,17%的雨林由于人类的活动而消失,随着农业和养牛业等人类活动的影响持续增长并且濒临灭绝的物种的名单越来越长,这就给我们留下一个问题:我们能承担得起破坏“地球之肺”的后果吗?故选 G。.本文是一篇记叙文。作者从那些准备迁徙的火烈鸟先行者身上认识到少数人也可以产生大影响,他们最终会带领大多数人行动起来解决世界上所有的大问题。1.B考查过去分词词义。此处与 Brown clouds 和 wildlife extinction 并列,是三个严重的问题之一,指的是受

46、污染的水,即 polluted water。removed 去除了的;polluted受污染的;deserted 被抛弃的;used 使用过的。故选 B。2.D考查名词词义。根据该段第一句中的“problems”可知,这些问题看起来都很大。choice 选择;cost 费用; profit 利润; problem 问题。故选 D。3.A考查动词词义。根据本空前的“We walk where we dont have to”可知,作者一家人步行去不需要开车的地方。drive 开车; reduce 减少; cycle 骑自行车;stand站。故选 A。4.C考查形容词词义。根据空后的“groups

47、 of a thousand or more”可知,一个鸟群有上千只火烈鸟,规模非常大。unusual 非同寻常的; different 不同的; huge 巨大的; similar 相似的。故选 C。5.A考查动词词义。句意:每年,到迁徙的时候,一些火烈鸟会从湖面上起飞来开始这个过程。 come到来; pass经过; vary不同; move移动。 when the time comes for.表示“到的时候”。故选 A。6.C考查连词词义。句意:然而,其他的火烈鸟好像都没注意到,因此这一小群火烈鸟又飞回到湖面上。but 但是;when 当时;so 因此;and 和,又。故选 C。7.B考

48、查动词词义。根据空后的“This time a few more struggle along with them”可知,第二天,这些少数的先行者会再次尝试起飞。 gather 聚集; try 尝试; sing 唱歌;observe 观察。故选 B。8.D考查动词词义。这一次有一些与它们一起起飞,但绝大多数仍然没注意到,所以这些先行者又回来了。 pay no attention 表示 “没注意到” 。 attract 吸引;require要求;escape 逃跑。故选 D。9.C考查动词词义。根据空后的“The same small group of birds takes wing and

49、atiny number more join”可知,情况发生了改变,又有一些火烈鸟加入。approach 靠近; work 起作用; change 改变; disappear 消失。故选 C。10.D考查形容词词义。根据空前的“though”及空后的“is enough to tip thebalance”可知,尽管总数仍然很小,但足以起决定性作用。significant 重大的;reasonable 合理的; mass 大量的; small 小的。故选 D。11.A考查介词词义。根据空后的“the whole group takes flight”可知,作为一个整体,整个群体起飞了。 as

50、作为;above 在上面;on 在上(意指接触物体表面或构成物体表面的一部分);at 在(某处)。故选 A。12.D考查动词词义。句意:作为一个整体,整个群体飞了起来,迁徙开始了。continue 继续; recover 恢复; finish 完成; begin 开始。故选 D。13.C考查形容词词义。根据空后的“thousands of flamingos flying to the sky atonce” 可知,成千上万只火烈鸟同时飞上天空,场面是非常惊人的。 familiar 熟悉的;strange 奇怪的; alarming 惊人的; poor 贫穷的。故选 C。14.C考查名词词义。根据上文


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