(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration 词汇ppt课件.pptx

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1、Unit 4 SPACE EXPLORATION Words and Expressions Chinas astronauts astronaut strnt: n. 宇航员宇航员; 太空人太空人 spaceman: n. 宇航员宇航员 astronomy 翻译:翻译: 我一直梦想成为一名宇航员。我一直梦想成为一名宇航员。I have always been dreaming of becoming an astronaut.2. procedure prsid(r): n.程序程序;步骤步骤;手续手续 mental mentl: adj. 精神的精神的; 思想的思想的 physical:

2、adj. 身体身体的的;物理的物理的 e.g. Mental health is as important as physical health. cm = centimeter/centimetre sentimi:t(r) : n. 厘米厘米1)The player is 185 cm in height and 95 kg in weight. intelligent nteldnt: adj.有智慧的有智慧的;聪明的聪明的;有智力的有智力的 近义词?近义词? intelligence Dolphin is an intelligent animal. She seemed to hav

3、e everything- looks, money, and _ (intelligent). rocket vehicle universe junvs : n. 宇宙宇宙;天地万物天地万物earth: n. 地球地球moon: n. 月球月球1)Do you know how the universe began?a universal truth 普遍的真理普遍的真理a universal language 通用语言通用语言2) It is universally accepted that nothing is more important than good health. det

4、ermine vt. 查明; 确定; 决定 determined adj. 有决心的, 意志坚定的 determination n. 决定, 确定 determine to do sth. 决心做某事 be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事 be determined that. . . 决心He has been _ (determine) that nothing should be changed in his report.We determine _ (get) the work done before Sunday.He showed great cour

5、age and _.determinedto getdeterminationa determined look 坚定的眼神6.launch vt.&n.The enemy launched an attack again._The new model will be launched in July._China will launch another satellite into space._发起 上市 发射 send up: 发射发射发射;发起;上市 satellite satellitegiant 1 The electronics giant, Hitachi won re

6、spect all over the world.2 Yao Ming is a great basketball giant.3 China is a giant standing in the eastern part of the world.4 They ate a giant meal.5 They made a giant success.17.leap li:p: n. 跳跃跳跃;剧增剧增;剧变剧变 v. 跳过跳过;跃过跃过 (leapt-leapt lept; leaped-leaped) jump: v.跳跳; 跳跳跃跃;跳跳过过; 跨跨越越1 Look before you

7、 leap.( Before you make a decision you should think twice.)2.Smith won with a leap of 2.37 metres.3 Even the fastest horse can not reach far with just one leap. transmit transmit trnsmt trnzmt: v. 传输传输;发送发送1)The game was transmitted live(实况实况) all over the world. n. transmission 14.disappointed adj.

8、失望的;沮丧的 disappoint vt.使失望 disappointing adj.令人失望的 disappointment n.失望;沮丧;令人失望的事(或人)to ones disappointment 令人失望的是They were disappointed _ the result of the game他们对比赛结果很失望。He was disappointed (see) she wasnt at the partyThe news that he failed the exam made us very (disappoint)4) To my _(disappoint),

9、they refused my request. atto seedisappointingdisappointeddisappointment15. desire n. 渴望; 欲望 vt. 渴望; 期望 desire to do 渴望做 desire sb. to do 希望某人做 desire that. . 希望(从句中用should do结构, should可以省略)(1) She has _success. (2) The people expressed their desire that the war _soon. a desire forshould come to an

10、endhave a strong desire to do sth单句语法填空The opening ceremony will be carried _ this afternoon at 3:00.That family has carried _ this business for five generations.Their hope helped those people to carry _ this last difficult test.outonthrough8. independently ndpendntli: adv. 独立地独立地;自立地自立地 independent

11、 : adj. 独立的独立的; 自自主的主的; 自治的自治的 depend (on/upon.): v. 依靠依靠;依赖依赖1)It is the first time that she has lived independently.2)She is now able to drive the car independently.4)Many people have to wear glasses to/ in order to/so as to see distant objects clearly. = To/ In order to see distant objects clearl

12、y, many people have to wear glasses. muscle muscle11. lack lk: n. 缺乏缺乏;短缺短缺 v.没有没有;缺乏缺乏 a lack of food/money/skills: 缺缺乏食物乏食物/金钱金钱/技能技能 through/for lack of.: 因为缺因为缺乏乏. lacking adj. 缺乏的,短缺的缺乏的,短缺的12. beyond bjnd: prep.在更远处在更远处;超出超出beyond repair: 无法修复无法修复beyond reach: 在在摸摸/够够/拿不到的地方拿不到的地方beyond wordsb

13、eyond description/ wordsbeyond hill the solar system microwave49.microwave makrwev: 微波微波炉炉 = microwave ovenWe often heat foods in the microwave. tissue tu/tisju: n.纸巾纸巾; (人人/动植物细胞的动植物细胞的)组织组织 muscle/brain/nerve tissue: 肌肌肉肉/大脑大脑/神经组织神经组织 a box of tissues: 一盒纸巾一盒纸巾1)Human tissue is made up of cells.

14、2)As we age, we lose muscle tissue.3)She shook her head and wiped her tears with a tissue. keen kin: adj.热衷的热衷的;渴望的渴望的be keen to do.: 热衷热衷/渴望渴望/急于做什么急于做什么be eager to do.: 渴望做什么渴望做什么be anxious to do.: 渴望渴望/急于做什急于做什么么be dying for.be thirsty/ hungry for. argue ju: v. 论证论证;争辩争辩;争论争论; 证明证明; 说明说明argument:

15、 n. 争论争论; 争吵争吵; 辩论辩论; 理由理由; 证据证据argue for: 赞赞成成argue against: 反对反对argue with sb. on over/about sth. 与与某人争论某事某人争论某事argue/talk/persuade/reason sb into doing: 说说服某人做什么服某人做什么argue/talk/persuade/reason sb out of doing: 说说服某人不做什么服某人不做什么persuade sb. (not) to do sth. 说说服某人做服某人做/不做某事不做某事result in.: 导致导致;造成造成

16、lead to./cause/contribute to1)The bad weather resulted in the traffic jam. 2)The traffic jam resulted from the bad weather. 16. pattern ptn: n. 模式模式;图案图案;模范模范 set a pattern for. :为为树立榜树立榜样样 60. analysis nlss: n. (复数复数analysesnlsiz) (对事物的对事物的)分析分析;分析结果分析结果 analyse/analyze nlaz: v. 分分析析 do an analysis

17、 of.: 分析分析 18. provide for sb: 提供生活所需提供生活所需; 供养供养; 抚养抚养support: v. 赡养赡养; 抚养抚养raise: v. 抚养抚养; 养育养育keep: v. 供养供养; 养活养活feed: v. 喂养喂养; 饲养饲养; 给给.食物食物 provide sb with sth= provide sth for sb: 向向提供提供1)Attach this rope to the front of the car/truck/jeep.2)Dont forget to attach a recent photo to your applica

18、tion form.3)The hospital/school is attached to that university.4)We attach great importance to this research. (adj attached n attachment) Yuri Gagarin Neil Armstrong 82.NASA ns: (美国美国)国家航空航天局国家航空航天局 (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国国家航空航天美国国家航空航天局局,又又称称美国宇航局美国宇航局、美国太空美国太空总署总署。正式成立于。正式成立于1958年年10月月1日。它是美国联邦日。它是美国联邦政府的一个行政性科研机政府的一个行政性科研机构构,负负责制定、实施美国责制定、实施美国的太空计的太空计划划,并并开展航空科学暨太空科学的研究。开展航空科学暨太空科学的研究。NASA是目前世界上最权威的航空航天科研机是目前世界上最权威的航空航天科研机构构,与与许多国内及国际上的科研机构分享其研究数据。许多国内及国际上的科研机构分享其研究数据。


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