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U8 ReadingEnglish: fun for lifeWhile-readingWhile-reading:Read Paragraphs 2-3. Find out the names of the activities and information about them. Complete the table.Post-readingPost-reading:运用思维导图和句型结构,口头复述文章主要内容。FrameworkFramework: :Last week, there was. During English Week, there was . There was also . Henry was . He advised us to The head teacher also . For example, we should . We had better . Above all, .HomeworkHomework: : 运用思维导图和句型结构,完成书面复述。 (作文翻译本)English Week at Rosie Bridge SchoolActivityOther informationAn English book fairPlace: _A _ huntAn _ playAn _ competitionA speaking competitionStudents had to _.Unit 8 English Week ReadingHow do you improve your English?What are Mr. Hus suggestions? Listen to English speeches; Listen to English songs/ news; Go to English Corner; Take every chance to speak English; Watch English films; Use English in our daily life as often as we can; Recite as many words and useful expressions as we can; Take part in the activities of English Week.a playa treasure hunta book faira speaking competitionA1 It is English Week at Roise Bridge School, and the students are doing some activities. a book faira speaking competitiona play a treasure huntrecite lines / learn new English wordsenjoy reading /get favorite bookshave fun using Englishspeak English confidently in publicEnglish Week at Roise Bridge Schoola playa book faira treasure hunta speaking competitionA2 Which activities do you like best? Why?Look at the picture, the title and the sub-heading on page 115. Then circle the correct answers.1. What type of text is it?Before you readA. An email usually has a greeting and an ending, and is online.B. A newspaper report usually has a date, a headline and a picture.C. An interview usually has a photo of the interviewee and is usually written in the form of dialogue.Part 1. IntroductionPart 2. BodyPart 3. Conclusion2. English Week probably gives the students a chance to _. (There can be more than one answer.)a have fun using Englishb learn new English wordsc speak English confidently in publicI. Read the whole passage quickly and divide it into three parts.English Week at Rosie Bridge SchoolPart IPart IIPart IIIAn _to English Week_ during English WeekThe head teachers _on how to improve their EnglishWhile-ReadingParagraph 1Paragraphs 2-6Paragraph 7 Last week, students at Rosie Bridge School worked hard to make their English Week a big success. English: fun for lifePart 1 There was an English book fair in the library and a treasure hunt. Some students put on an English play. Other students took part in an English singing competition. There was also a speaking competition. The students had to speak on a topic in English for two minutes. We spoke to the winner, Henry. “Im so happy that I won,” he said. “I advise people to speak slowly. If they want to be good public speakers, theyd better speak clearly and confidently.” We also spoke to several other students about English Week. One of them was Amy. “I really enjoyed English Week. It gave me a chance to learn new words. In my opinion, every school should have an English Week. Its well worth doing,” she said. Part 2 On the last day of English Week, the head teacher gave a speech to the whole school. He gave students some suggestions on how to improve their English. “You should communicate in English with your friends whenever you can. You should read English books and magazines, and watch English television programmes. Above all, you should enjoy English!” he said.Part 3I. Read the whole passage quickly and divide it into three parts.English Week at Rosie Bridge SchoolPart IPart IIPart IIIAn _to English Week_ during English WeekThe head teachers _on how to improve their EnglishintroductionActivitiessuggestionsWhile-ReadingParagraph 1Paragraphs 2-6Paragraph 7 When did the students at Rosie Bridge School have their English Week? What was their English Week like? II. Read the first paragraph and answer the questions. Last week.It was a big success.Topic sentence/Introductionwhen, who, where, what, why, howEnglish Week at Rosie Bridge SchoolActivityOther informationAn English book fairPlace: _A _ huntAn _ playAn _competitionA speaking competitionStudents had to _.III. Read Paragraphs 2-3. Find out the names of the activities and information about them. Then complete the table.There was an English book fair in the library and a treasure hunt. Some students put on an English play. Other students took part in an English singing competition. There was also a speaking competition. The students had to speak on a topic in English for two minutes.III. Read Paragraphs 2-3. Find out the names of the activities and information about them. Then complete the table.English Week at Rosie Bridge SchoolActivityOther informationAn English book fairPlace: _A _ huntAn _ playAn _competitionA speaking competitionStudents had to _.the librarytreasureEnglishEnglish singing speak on a topic in English for two minutesIII. Read Paragraphs 2-3. Find out the names of the activities and information about them. Then complete the table.English Week at Roise Bridge School Visit our _ in the _.We have a lot of English books for you to read. You can go on a _. You can watch an _ by our students. If you love music, you should not miss our _.You can also take part in the _You must speak on a topic _ for _.Come and take part in English Week. You will enjoy it a lot!English book fair libraryEnglish playtreasure huntEnglish singing competitionspeaking competitionin Englishtwo minutesComprehension (P117)D1 Read the newspaper report on page 115 and complete the notice below.Invite/Invitation1 Who was the winner of the speaking competition?2 How did he feel?3 What advice did he give the other students?4 What did Amy think of English Week?Henry.He felt so happy.If they want to be good public speakers, theyd better speak slowly, clearly and confidently.She thought it was well worth doing.IV. Read Paragraphs 4-6 and answer the questions. Tips on improving your English Communicate in English _ _ Read _ Watch _ with your friends whenever you can.English books and magazines.English television programmes.V. Read Paragraph 7. Then complete the table. (P117)If you want to improve your English,Post-Reading: ReviewEnglish Week at Roise Bridge Schoolan English playan English book faira treasure huntan English singing competitionlibrarya speaking competitionwinnerspeak slowly, clearly and confidentlythe head teachers suggestionscommunicateread watchRetelling Suppose you were Amy, you want to introduce the English Week of your school to your friends.Speak slowly, clearly and confidently!Framework:Last week, there was. During English Week, there was . There was also . Henry was . He advised us to The head teacher also . For example, we should . We had better . Above all, .RetellingEnglish Week at Roise Bridge Schoolan English playan English book faira treasure huntan English singing competitionlibrarya speaking competitionwinnerspeak slowly, clearly and confidentlythe head teachers suggestionscommunicateread watchMy Version: Last week, students of our school worked hard to make the English Week a big success. During English Week, there was an English book fair in the library. There was also a treasure hunt, an English play, an English singing competition and a speaking competition. Henry was the winner of the speaking competition. He advised us to speak slowly, clearly and confidently if we want to become good public speakers. The head teacher also gave students some suggestions on how to improve our English. For example, we should communicate in English with our friends whenever we can. We should read English books and magazines and watch English television programmes. Above all, we should enjoy English.Unit 8 English Week Improve EnglishEnjoy English!HomeworkWritingComplete the passage according to the mind map. Introduction Activities Henry, Amy Suggestions (communicate, read, watch)Thank you!1一文本分析:一文本分析:本文是八年级上册 Unit 8 English Week 的阅读文章,课题为 English: fun for life, 本文为第一课时。本文体裁是新闻报道,题材是 Rosie Bridge 学校的“英语周”。通过阅读本文,学生既可了解英语周的各项活动名称、内容以及它们对英语学习的帮助,也可了解一些学生和教师关于提高英语水平的建议。 “英语周”的话题贯穿整个单元,之后的听力、会话、写作和补充阅读等板块都有出现。通过对本文的学习,学生既可了解英语周的主要活动,也可初步知晓新闻报道的文体特征,并激活已知与话题相关的知识储备,同时学习新的与话题相关的知识,发展表达能力,为单元后续的学习活动开展打好基础。本文较长,可以通过对文章体裁的分析,引导学生注意新闻报道这种体裁的文章的要素,帮助他们发展相关的阅读策略。二学情分析:二学情分析:初二(4)班是一个平行班,整体比较活跃,大部分学生对英语学习持有一定的兴趣。但班上学生分层比较严重,尖子生突出,后进面也大。这个班同学英语口语较弱,需要多种手段激发他们在堂上开口用英语表达交流。 “英语周”这一话题学生是第一次接触,之前的话题相关知识储备较少;另外文章里出现的新词如 competition, suggestion, communicate, confidently 等比较难,可能会对阅读理解造成一定的障碍。三教学目标:三教学目标: 在本节课结束时,学生能够:1.了解英语周的各项活动名称、内容及其对英语学习的帮助。2.通过标题、副标题和插图判断文体;通过首段预测文章内容;2.理清文章的篇章结构,清晰地了解文章的细节及主旨大意。3.能够认读、辨识课文中的生词、词组。4.能够对阅读文章所获取的信息进行一定的归纳和陈述。5.能够认识到提高英语水平的意义和建议,提高学习英语的愿望和兴趣。四教学重点:四教学重点: 学生通过阅读,获取英语周各项活动名称、内容等相关信息以及它们对英语学习的帮助;通过对文章体裁的分析,引导学生注意新闻报道这种体裁文章的要素,帮助他们发展相关的阅读策略。五教学难点:五教学难点:理清文章的篇章结构,对阅读文章所获取的信息进行定的提取、归纳、迁移和陈述。2六学习准备:六学习准备: 学生课前已经自学了词汇表里的新单词。七教学环节:七教学环节:Step 1.开展开展“头脑风暴头脑风暴”,引入背景知识。,引入背景知识。a.播放视频,提出问题:How do you improve your English? 激发学生兴趣并学习部分新表达。b.呈现图片,介绍“英语周”各项活动名称、内容以及它们对英语学习的帮助;激活学生关于校园“英语周”的背景知识,引入本单元的话题。Step 2. 读前活动,通过阅读标题、副标题和图片,学生对文章体裁有初步的了解。读前活动,通过阅读标题、副标题和图片,学生对文章体裁有初步的了解。Step 3. 略读全文,让学生划出关键词句,给文章分段,并归纳段落大意。略读全文,让学生划出关键词句,给文章分段,并归纳段落大意。Step 4. a.阅读 Part 1,通过对文章首段的分析,引导学生注意阅读新闻报道体裁文章的要素,帮助他们初步了解新闻报道的文体特征。b.运用找读策略,阅读第二、三段,完成表格。c.完成 Comprehension D1 的练习,口头汇报答案,并引导学生对比两篇报道的写作目的。d.阅读第四至第六段,回答问题。Who was the winner of the speaking competition? (Henry.)How did he feel? (He felt so happy.)What advice did he give the other students? (If they want to be good public speakers, they had better speak slowly, clearly and confidently.)What did Amy think of English Week? (She thought it was well worth doing.)e.阅读第七段,完成 Comprehension D2 练习。3Step 5.运用思维导图,理清文章结构,全面理解文章。运用思维导图,理清文章结构,全面理解文章。Step 6.读后活动:运用思维导图和句型结构,口头复述文章主要内容。读后活动:运用思维导图和句型结构,口头复述文章主要内容。Framework: Last week, there was. During English Week, there was . There was also . Henry was . He advised us to The head teacher also . For example, we should . We had better . Above all, .Step7: Summary & Assignment:运用思维导图和句型结构,完成书面复述。:运用思维导图和句型结构,完成书面复述。教学反思:教学反思:最后一个任务让全体学生复述课文,任务难度有点大,可能只有个别尖子生才能完成,因为学生水平比较参差,要顾及全体学生,如果把任务划分成 introduction, body and conclusion 分三部分复述,这样完成难度会降低许多,有能力的同学才全篇复述;作业也可以布置成为分层作业,水平较弱同学完成“补全篇章”练习,水平较好同学完成全篇写作。这样才能真正做到分层教学,因材施教。
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