Module 1 How to learn English-Unit 1 Let's try to speak English as much as possible.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:13226).zip

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Unit 1 Lets try to speak English as much as possible1. When did you start to learn English?2. How do you feel about learning English? Interesting or boring? 3. What difficulty do you have in learning English?sentencevocabularypronunciationgrammarpunctuationletterEnglishspeakinglisteningreadingwritingWhat do you need to learn about English?Listen and answer the questions. Use the words and expressions in the box.dictionary grammar letter look up make a mistake understand1. Which word did Daming not understand?2. What mistake did Lingling make?Daming did not understand the word “Spring”.Lingling made a grammar mistake. She said “go” instead of “went”.3. How does Daming usually check the spelling of a word?4. Why is it difficult for Daming to check the spelling of cinema?He looks it up in the dictionary.It was difficult because he did not know the first letter.Listen and Answer:1.What is the possible relationship (可能的关可能的关系)系)among the speakers? Teacher and students.2. When and where are they? They are in the classroom at the beginning of the term.3.What are they talking about? How to learn English.4.From what aspects(方面)方面)are they talking? Speaking, listening, reading, writing, new words learning.Listening:Speaking:Reading:Writing:Learning new words:listen to the radioalways speak English in class / try to speak English as much as possible; just need to understand key words and main ideas; read English storiestry to find some English pen friends and write to themspell and pronounce new words aloud every day Read and write notes about learning English.Read in role and divide the dialogue into five parts分角色朗读课文,将对话分为分角色朗读课文,将对话分为5个部分个部分 1. Speaking 2. Mistakes 3. Pronunciation/Listening 4. Reading 5. WritingRetelling Ways to learn English: 1. SpeakingMs J: Welcome Today were Ready ? Who ?L : We should in Ms J: Good! Lets try to asas 2. MistakesD: Why not in ?Ms J: Thats a And dont forget to next to What else?Retelling 3. Pronunciation & ListeningL :Its a good idea to aloud Ms J: Thanks How about?D: Yes, thats good for our too. But there areMs J: You dont need to You just need to 4. ReadingD: Thats the same. English stories I get to know a lot about through 5. WritingL :I think Why dont we some ? We can Ms J: Excellent! I you.1. You should (do) .2. Why dont you (do).?3. How about (doing)?4. Try to (do). / try not to ( do )5. Lets ( do ) =What about (doing)?= Why not ( do )?小结:提建议的表达方法:小结:提建议的表达方法:6. Its a good idea ( to do )Act OutTask 1:You will have an English exam next month, but you have trouble in , now you are asking the other classmates for help.Task 2:You will go on a trip to England next month, but you are not very good at English. Now you are asking for some advice from your classmates.Using at least three sentences about giving adviceTalk about the problems in learning English and give advice.1. my grammar2. my listening3. my vocabulary 4. my writing 5. my reading6. my speakingDo more grammar exercises.Listen to English programmesRemember the meanings of each word and read English materialsWrite diary every dayRead English materials and dothe comprehensive questionsSpeak English with your Englishteacher, classmates or foreignersSummary Vocabulary: Spelling, pronunciation, grammar, dictionary, Make a mistake, look up, agree with sb. Function: (功能)(功能) How to give advice?Language is the dress of thought and the carrier of culture. With language, we can hold a better way to find the beauty of the world, to sense the miracle of the livings.语言是思想的外衣,文化的载体,拥有语言,我语言是思想的外衣,文化的载体,拥有语言,我们就会更好的发现世间美好,感知生命的奇迹。们就会更好的发现世间美好,感知生命的奇迹。教学反思教学反思本堂课的课堂组织较为有序,环节完成较流畅,学生互动较积极,能够有效完成课堂设计的任务,达到预定的教学目标。听记,回答问题的环节,多数学生能够获取到有效信息,并能将信息经过处理有效传递出来。对话听练环节,学生们能够听懂对话大意,并能用自己的语言概括大意。读说环节,学生们能够正确、连贯、流畅地朗读课文,语音语调基本正确,并能根据对话中语轮的转换,归纳大意,达到三级听读标准。复述环节,根据所给的关键词,学生们能够复现文章内容,包括新单词和固定搭配,表现出了较好的吸收理解能力。对话生成环节,是本堂课的评价环节,通过对话的准备及展示,学生们能够熟练使用提建议的句型,甚至能够创造性的应用语言,语言知识及语言技能的获得两个方面,都达到了三级目标。不足:前面讨论环节时间拖得有点长,导致后面的生成部分时间较短,作业部分,因为时间仓促,也没有来得及布置。应该有更加清晰的课堂时间分配,达到更好的评价效果。课课 题题外研版八年级上册外研版八年级上册 Module1 Unit 1 Lets try to speak English as much as possible.备课教师备课教师上课日期上课日期教学目标教学目标1.Knowledge objective来源来源:学学.科科.网网 Z.X.X.K来源来源:学学*科科*网网1)To master some words and expressions about English learning. 2)To understand the sentence structure of giving advice. 2.Ability objective1)Listening: to understand the dialogue about learning English and get the main information about the advice.来源:学科网2)Speaking: To talk about the ways to learn English, ask for information and give advice about learning English.3)Reading: To understand the main idea of the conversation.4)Writing: To write down the new words and expressions. 3. Emotional objective1)To find suitable English learning strategy and get to know the beauty of language such as Chinese and English.教材分析教材分析来来源源:学科网学科网 ZXXK教学重难点教学重难点1. To learn some words and expressions:Correct, practice, complete, dictionary, grammar, letter, advice, possible, pronounce, pronunciationagree with sb., look up, write down, make a mistake2. Sentence structure: How to give advice.课课 型型Listening and speaking授课方法授课方法task-based method and interactive approach教具准备教具准备Multimedia and some pictures and radio教与学的设计Chapter 1 Lead-in : Warming upStep 1 Warming up Free-talk:1. When did you begin to learn English?2. How do you feel about learning English? Interesting or boring? 3. What difficulty do you have in leaning English? 4. What do you need to learn in English?Step 2 Presentation 1.Listening practice: 1). Activity 2: Listen and answer the questions. Use the words and expressions in the box.Students listen to the dialogue, take notes and check the answers. 2). Activity 3: Listen to the conversation and answer the questions: Students listen and take notes, give the answers and repeat the relevant content. 2.Reading and speaking:1). Read the dialogue in groups and finish Activity 3: Write notes about learning English. Students stand up and read in three, after finish reading, sit down and do activity 3.2). Read in role and divide the conversation into 5 parts. Find 3 students to read in role, after reading, discuss in group to divide the conversation into 5 parts.3). Retell the conversation according to the key words.4). Find out the sentences of giving advice: Why not? Why dont we? You should You dont need to Its a good idea to How aboutStep 3: Language in use Make a short dialogue according to the given tasks, using at least three sentences about giving advice. Task 1: You will have an English exam next month, but you have some problems in , now you are asking for some advice from the classmates and they are giving you advice. Task 2: You will go on a trip to England next month, but you are not good at English. Now you are asking for help and the classmates are giving advice for you.Divide the students into two parts, one part of them prepare for task one, the other part prepare task two. Then ask the students to act the dialogue out.Step 4: Summary1.Vocabulary2.Structure3.Share one sentence:Language is the dress of the thought, the carrier of cultures. With language, we can hold a better way to find the beauty of the world, to sense the miracle of livings.
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