Module 1 How to learn English-Unit 2 You should smile at her!-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:60d5e).zip

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How to give advice?1. Why not.2. Why dont you.3. Lets.4. We/You should.5. Its a good idea to.6. How/What about.7. I think. 1Unit 2 You should smile at her!Watch, listen and try to understand.I have problems with understanding listening speaking reading writing vocabularyProblemsAdviceI cantI dont knowYou should.Why dont you/ not?How about.?Listen and complete the table.Listening Many students ask for (1)_ how to improve their English. Here are three (2)_ questions.The first question is about (3)_ English films and songs.The second question is about (4)_.The third question is about (5)_.advicebasicunderstandingspeakingvocabularySkim and matchWang FanLi HaoZhang LeiIm shy and I am afraid to speak to the foreign teacher.I write down new words but I forget them quickly.I like watching English films and listening to English songs, but I dont understand much.Task 1 Skimming(略读)ReadingScan the passage and complete the table.Advice from DianaLi HaoWang FanZhang Leiwatch and listen several times; guess the meaning of the new words; talk about the films or songs with friendssay “Hello! How are you?” ,“Do you like China?” to start a conversation; smile before speaking; dont be shy; just try.write four or five words a day on pieces of paper and place them in your room; read the words when you see them; try to use themTask 2 Scanning (寻读)Task 3 Careful reading (细读)Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. advise basic conversation improve meaning shy suggestActivity 4Diana, the Language Doctor, gives some (1)_ advice about learning English. She (2) _ you to talk about films and songs, and guess the (3)_ of the new words. The second piece of advice is this: Start your (4)_ with greetings or question. She (5)_ that you smile before you speak and do not feel (6)_. Finally, (7)_ your vocabulary with four or five new words every day. meaningadvisesbasicconversationimproveshysuggestsadvise basicconversation improve meaning shy suggestAfter-readingTask 1 Find some expressions of giving advice in the passage.找出表达建议的句子7654312常见的提建议的几种句型:I advise you to 我建议你You can say 你可以这么说There are good ways to 这些是很好的方式去You should 你应该Remember 记得I suggest you 我建议你Make conversationos with the help of the table.Student Question Advice Li Hao(Hubei) likes English films and English songs doesnt understand much watch and listen several times; guess the meaning; talk about with friendsWang Fan(Jilin) teacher from the US is afraid to speak start a conversation with greeting question; smile at; dont be shyZhang Lei(Anhui) writes the new words but forget them quickly write4 or 5 words a day place them in the room; read when see themTask 2 Student Questions Advice Li Hao(Hubei) Wang Fan(Jilin) Zhang Lei(Anhui) Lihao: Good morning, doctor. My name is Lihao. I am from Hubei. Doctor: Good morning Linhao. What can I do for you?Linhao: Em, I like watching. but. What should I do?Doctor: Well, watch and listen.; guess. I also advise.Linhao: Thank you for your advice. It sounds great.Doctor: You are welcome./ It is my pleasure.Dear Diana,I understand English in the classroom, but it is sometimes hard to understand American and British people. Can you help me? Thanks,Lingling Read the letter from Lingling and give advice. 称呼正文签名希望得到建议提出问题 Writing【思路点拨思路点拨】写作任务要求提供英语学习的建议,可以根据本模块的所学知识,对听、说、读、写四个方面进行写作。【小贴士】1. 主要人称:第二人称;2. 主要时态:一般现在时。OutlineParagraphsBeginningBodyEnding点明主旨:写出学习英语的重要性、 表达收到对方信件的喜悦。I am happy to hear from you. English is important and useful to us.学习英语的具体方法:(1) You should listen. watch.(2) I advise you to speak English.(3) I suggest that you should read.(4) It is a good idea to.(5) Why not write down 4 or 5 words.表达愿望:I hope you can .Dear Lingling, I am happy to hear from you. English is important to us. To learn English well, you should_ I hope my advice can help you. I also hope you will learn English well. Best wishes for you.Yours, Diana Summary1. Words and phrases:vocabulary,ask for, improve, basic, conversation,advise, quickly, natural, suggest, place 2. Sentences:-I also advise you to talk about the films-What should I do?-I suggest you (should)ConfidentHardworkingLOREMCreazyEnjoy English learning, enjoy life.Love1. Write a letter to Lingling.2. Finish the exercise of Unit 2.See you everybodyvocabularyask forimprovebasictimeadviseshy n. 词汇;词汇量词汇;词汇量 请求(给予)请求(给予)v. 改进;改善改进;改善adj. 主要的;基础的主要的;基础的n. 次;回次;回v. 向向提出意见;忠提出意见;忠 告;建议告;建议adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的羞怯的;腼腆的 Words reviewconversationquicklynaturalsuggestplacen. 谈话;交谈谈话;交谈adv. 快地;迅速地快地;迅速地adj. 合理的;合乎合理的;合乎 常情的常情的v. 建议;提议建议;提议v. 放置放置 Words review教学反思教学反思我上课的课题是外研版初中英语八年级上册 Module 1 Unit 2 You should smile at her. 这是一节读写课,是一节 40 分钟的课。经过在大学里对英语教学法教程的学习、2012 年去桂林观摩全区初中英语优质课所得,我喜欢在每堂课展开“整体式教学法” ,即一堂课集“听、说、读、写”为一体,让各种技能相辅相成,整个教学流程也是按“五步教学法”展开的:Revision-presentation-practise-production-consolidation。同时根据兰老师在很多培训中多次提到的“以本为本”的理念进行“说”和“写”活动的设计。首先是复习环节,跟学生复习 Unit 1 学过的用来表达建议的句子,这些句子有一些在 Unit 2 中还会再出现,也是本模块的重点,起到承上启下的作用。导入是通过观看一个短视频然后提问学生问题、要求他们回答并呈现他们的问题来展开的,歌曲是 See you again, 电影是 Finding Nemo,里边的说唱和对话都很快,学生们可能听不懂,听完之后问他们是否理解,他们说不理解,我告诉他们我也不理解,因为太快了,引起共鸣,减轻紧张感,呈现我们英语学习中的各种问题,问他们在英语学习中是否存在问题,把问题呈现,其他同学给建议,并告知他们不仅是他们,中国的很多学生在英语学习中都会存在这样活那样的问题,比如 Unit 2 三位来自不同省份的学生,他们在学习英语方面也有问题,自然而然引出 Unit 2 的内容。接着是 Listening,我把录音进行剪辑,减少听力时间又不失学生对文章大意及结构的理解,采用挖空的形式进行。阅读采取读中和读后活动。读中分为三个任务:skimming, scanning, careful-reading, 每一种任务都是一种阅读技巧的践行,重要不在于去理解文章而是技巧的训练。读后有两个活动:找关键句和对话。用表格的形式展示文章的学生的问题及博士的响应建议,让学生扮演三位学生及博士的角色根据文本进行对话。然后请一位学生上来体验博士,答同学问,自信回答同学们的问题。写作部分是 production 阶段了,首先是呈现 Lingling 给 Diana 的信,分析信的内容与结构,告诉他们假设他们自己是 Diana,让他们给 Lingling 回信,给他们进行一些简单的写作指导:行文结构及内容的安排、人称和时态的选择等。接着就是写作和展示了,遗憾的是由于时间的关系大部分学生没能完成写作,展示的例子有限,而且读范例的时候没能提醒孩子们停下来去欣赏别人的作文。接下来就是课堂总结和情感提升了,情感教育方面,选取了几位有代表性任务: 李阳、马云、俞敏洪、奥巴马,鼓励学生学习英语时需要:crazy,confident, hardworking, love,希望孩子们 “Enjoy English learning, enjoy life”。作业是回去写一封信及完成 Unit 2 的练习。不足之处:主观方面:1. 个人能力有限,口语不够流利,指示语有时候重复啰嗦,活动形式缺乏多样性,没能把学生的活跃气氛提到最高点。2. 没能分析文本中所蕴含的重要知识点。客观方面:施工声音有所干扰;也没能按照准确的上课及下课铃声进行等。在特别感谢谢老师给我提供这样的机会及对我的鼓励,感谢三十七中的英语老师、特别是初二英语组老师们的支持、帮忙与指导。Teaching PlanTeaching contents Module 1 Unit 2 You should smile at her.Type of lesson Reading and writingDescription of students Junior 2 (58 students)Time & Date 8:50- 9:30 am, Wednesday, 7th Sept. 2016Teaching objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1.Use the key words to complete the passage correctly;2.Find out the expressions and structures of giving advice and use them to give advice correctly;3.Improve their reading skills through various reading tasks;4.Make conversations with others confidently according to the content in the passage;5.Write a letter to give advice on learning English with the help of the information in the passage.6.Learn to be a good English leaner.Main vocabularyvocabulary, ask for, improve , basic, time, advise, shy, conversation, quickly, natural, suggest, placeMain structure1.I advise you to 2.You can say 3.There are good ways to 4.You should 5.Remember 6.I suggest you Teaching methodFive-step teaching methodLearning strategiesListening for key wordsReading for main idea and detail informationPair cooperation in the role playBuilding up confidence in presentationTeaching aidsWhiteboard, ppt, paper sheet Homework assignmentsWrite a letter to give advice on how to learn EnglishTeaching procedureStepTimeInteractionpatternsSkillsStudent activityTeacher activityComments (fill after class)1. Revi- sion2Whole class workRevise the key structure in Unit 1Ask the students to revise the key structure in Unit 1Went well.2. Leading-in3Whole class workWatch the short video, show their problems in learning English and give others the advice.Ask the students to watch the short video, show their problems in learning English and show others the advice, then lead them to the teaching topicWent well.3. Listen- ing3Whole class workListeningListen to the tape and fill the blanks to get main idea of the passageShow the table and play the tape. Ask the students to show the answer in groupsWent well.3Task 1 SkimmingSkim the passage and match the people with their questions;5Task 2 Scanning Scan the passage and complete the table.4. Read- ing7Whole class workRead-ingTask 3 Careful-readingRead the passage carefully and finish Activity 4.Show the tasks. Give instruction. Walk around to give help where needed.Not difficult enough with help of the teacher.2Whole class workTask 1 Find some expressions of giving advice in the passage.Ask the students to find out the expressions of giving advice in the passageWent well.5. After- reading5Group workSpea-kingTask 2 Making conversationsMake conversations with the help of the table with their desk mates.Make conversations with the help of the table with their desk mates and give instructionsThey are excited.6. Writing7Whole class workWri- tingRead Linglings letter. Listen to the teachers instruction and write a letter back to Lingling.Show Linglings letter. Analyze the structures of a letter, person, tense. Give them the basic structure of writing work.A little difficult and the practice time was not enough.7. Sum- mary2Whole class workSpea-king1.Summarize the key words and key sentences; 2.Enjoy the pictures and listen to the music. Read “Enjoy English learning, enjoy life” loudly.Ask the students to summarize the key words and key sentences. Show the picture, play the music and encourage the students to learn English with crazy, confident, hard-working and love.Went well.8. Home- work1Whole class workListeningNote down in their notebook the homework for this lessonAssign homeworkClear.After class reflection:The lesson went on well. The students were quite excited and motivated. But not enough time was given at the writing practice stage so many students cant finish their letters and not enough opportunities were given them the show their conversations and their writing work. More practice and checking are needed for the students in the next lesson. 外研版八年级上册外研版八年级上册 Module 1 Unit 2 课后练习课后练习姓名:姓名:_I. 根据句意及汉语提示完成下列单词。根据句意及汉语提示完成下列单词。1. Can you give me some advice on how to _ (改善) my listening in English?2. Its _ (合乎常理的) to forget new words.3. This little girl is very _ (害羞的). She is afraid to speak in front of class. 4. This _ (对话) about shopping is very important. Please read it again.5. What are the three _ (基础的) questions about learning English?II. 用方框中所给单词或短语的恰当形式完成下列句子。用方框中所给单词或短语的恰当形式完成下列句子。quick; smile at; suggest; understand; ask for 1. Many students in my class have problems with _ English.2. I remember English words slowly and forget them _. What should I do?3. When we meet the girl, she often _ us.4. The doctor _ my father he should eat a little meat every day.5. I will go to _ some advice about this trip to the Great Wall. 八年级上册八年级上册 Module 1 Unit 2 You should smile at her.课堂练习课堂练习Name_How to give advice?1. Why not.2. Why dont you.3. Lets.4. We/You should.5. Its a good idea to.6. How/What about.7. I think.Listen and complete the table.WritingDear Lingling, I am happy to hear from you. English is important and useful to us. To learn English well, you should_ I hope my advice can help you. I also hope you will learn English well. Best wishes for you.Yours, Diana Many students ask for (1)_ how to improve their English. Here are three (2)_ questions. The first question is about (3)_ English films and songs. The second question is about (4)_. The third question is about (5)_.
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