Module 6 Animals in danger-Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:8040e).zip

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*WhatWhat cancan youyou seesee in in thethe video?video?wildwild animalsanimalsAreAre theythey happy?happy?野生的野生的*polarpolar bearbearGuessCan we see a lot of polar bears today? Why?*global warming (全球变暖)(全球变暖)in dangerless sea ice (海冰海冰)How to help protect them?*?Module 6Animals in dangerUnit1* *1.Where did Lingling and Betty go?A .Wolong Panda Reserve B .The zoo 2.They are mainly talking about_.A.why some animals are in danger and how they can help protect many animals are in danger what animals are in danger. Activity 1:Listen and choose the correct answer.*WhyWhy somesome animalsanimals areare in in dangerdanger HowHow wewe cancan helphelp protectprotect themthemT Theyhey dontdont havehave a a 1.1._ placeplace toto livelive becausebecause villagesvillages andand farmsfarms areare growinggrowing 2._2._ andand areare takingtaking awayaway theirtheir landland andand forest.forest.ThereThere isntisnt enoughenough 3._3._water_water toto drinkdrink . .WeWe cancan 4.4._ moneymoney toto helphelp protectprotect thethe animals.animals.WeWe cancan raiseraise 5.5._ atat 2:Listen and complete the table. safesafe拿走拿走givegive moneymoney cleanclean biggerbigger筹集筹集* _ are in danger because they dont have a _ to live because villages and _ are growing _ and people are _ their land and forest. There isnt _ to drink. To protect them, we can _ to help protect the animals, maybe we can _ at school.Lets talk about the pandas!(fill in the blanks)PandasPandassafesafe placeplace farmsfarms biggerbigger takingtaking awayaway enoughenough cleanclean waterwatergivegive moneymoneyraiseraise somesome moneymoneyAnimals in danger (mindmap)why what how* Activity5: Introduce an animal in danger.My sample(范例范例).? Polar bears are in danger because there is less and less sea ice in the Arctic (北北极极) because of the global warming . To protect them, we can advise our parents to take buses but not drive cars to work.*Activity6: Introduce an animal in danger.GoldenGolden MonkeyMonkeydolphindolphin AsianAsian ElephantElephantWork in groups . Draw your groups mindmap.*4 students in a group. 2 students give ideas1 student writes themthem down .1 student presents (展示展示)ReportHello, everyone. our group would like to help .As we all know, .are in danger because .and.I think as students we help the animal.In a word, we hope .*“When the buying stops, the killing can too.”What does he want to tell us?When the buying stops, the killing can too.没有买卖就没有杀害!没有买卖就没有杀害!*1.1. WriteWrite a a passagepassage aboutabout anan animalanimal in in danger.danger. (1)(1) WhatWhat is is thethe animal?animal? (2)(2) WhyWhy is is thethe animalanimal in in danger?danger? (3)(3) HowHow cancan wewe protectprotect thethe animal?animal? (no(no lessless thanthan 6060 words)words) HomeworkHomework*Thank you!授课时间:授课时间:10 月月 27 日日 第第 1 节课节课 授课教师:授课教师: 授课班级:授课班级:227、228 授课班级初二 (1)班授课时间2015-9-24 第一节课 Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them教学指导思想与理论依据义务教育英语课程标准2011 年版 语言技能听: 能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,识别主题并能从中获取重要信息和观点;能借助语境克服生词障碍,理解大意;语言技能说: 能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,参与讨论;能与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务。教学内容分析 本课所用的听力材料是外语教学与研究出版社教材初二上册第 6 模块 Animals in danger 中的Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them.本单元的对话是关于贝蒂和玲玲在参观完动物园后引发的关于保护动物的讨论。整个对话围绕野生动物的生存现状、人类活动对动物的及其生存环境的影响以及人们对动物的保护措施等内容展开,有助于推动学生践行保护动物的理念。本课出现的重点词汇有:wild, in danger, protect, take away, raise money, allow.学生情况分析 学生自然情况:本节课授课对象是 227、228 班学生。学生已知:1. 知道常见动物的英文名称,如 lion, tiger, bear, monkey, zebra, panda 等。2. 通过前面三个模块的学习,已经基本掌握形容词副词的比较级及最高级的用法。3. 具有爱护动物的初步意识。存在不足:1. 对于濒危动物及其濒临灭绝的原因和保护动物措施缺乏详细的了解。2. 词汇量不够大,通过上下文或构词法推断词义的能力还不是很强。3.完整谈论濒危动物相关信心的能力还有待提高。解决方案:1. 通过从整体到细节的听力活动让学生逐步获取对话的大意及细节信息。2. 在听力活动中通过适当的方式引导学生学习生词;3. 在听力环节进行前,引导学生围绕问题积极思考;在听力环节完成后,引导学生根据表格信息进行口头操练。在整个听力活动结束后,通过跟读以及分角色读进一步熟悉文章内容,带领学生总结结构,复述对话;然后通过老师给出示例,引导学生小组合作,根据表格想出更多的保护野生动物的措施,并进行口头操练,最后能够完整谈论濒危动物的相关信息。教学目标 通过本课的学习,学生能够:1获取听力文本中关于谈论濒危野生动物的大意及具体信息。2能根据 what, why, how 的表述结构谈论野生动物,说明某种动物濒临灭绝的原因以及作为中学生的保护措施。3了解濒危动物的生存现状、人类对其的影响和现行保护措施,增强保护动物的意识。教学重点、难点重点: 1. 通过听对话,获取文本中表述的关于谈论濒危野生动物的大意及一些细节信息。 2. 讨论保护动物的措施。难点:不能够有逻辑性、连贯地谈论濒危动物及其保护措施。突破难点措施:通过听力问题的设计引导学生思考,利用思维导图的形式激发学生思维,引导谈论濒危动物,小组活动中学生进一步探讨,最后达成目标。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 Lead-in(2mins)Ask Ss to watch a video and answer the questions.* What animals can you see in this video?* Do you think they are happy or not?Why?Answer the questions.激发兴趣,了解话题。Pre-listening(3mins)1. Ask Ss to play a guessing game. (Polar bear) 2. Ask questions.* Can we see a lot of polar bears today? Why? .* What are other animals in danger?How can we help them?1. Guess the animal.2. Answer the questions.积极思考,为听力做准备;学习新词。While-listening(15mins)1. Ask Ss to listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.(见学案)Where did Lingling and Betty go?A .Wolong Panda Reserve B .The zoo They are mainly talking about_.A.why some animals are in danger and how they can help protect many animals and what animals are in danger.2. Ask Ss to listen to the dialogue and complete the table.(见学案)Why some animals are in How we can help Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer. Listen and complete the table.了解对话大意,学习新词,并关注问题中的关键词。获取文中关于濒危野生动物及人类对其影响的细节信息,保护濒危野生动物的具体措施的细节信息,学习新词。dangerprotect themThey dont have a 1._ place to live because villages and farms are growing 2._ and are taking away their land and forest.There isnt enough 3._water to drink .We can 4._ money to help protect the animals.We can raise 5._ at school.Post-listening(24 mins)1. Play the video.Ask Ss to read the dialogue after the video and read in roles .Watch the video and read after it.Read in roles.进一步熟悉文本信息,为下面口头输出环节做准备。2. Ask Ss to talk about pandas based on what they have heard in the dialogue.Talk about pandas based on what they have heard in the dialogue .进行口头练习,为最后口头输出整体信息做准备。3. Ask Ss to watch a video about animals killing.Watch a video about animals killing.增强学生保护野生动物的意识。4. Lead Ss to talk by sharing a sample about the polar bears.Listen to a sample about the polar bears.进一步熟悉介绍濒危野生动物的文章结构以及了解更多的关于濒危野生动物的信息,为下面的口头输出做准备。5. Ask Ss to draw a mindmap about a kind of animal in danger in groups. draw a mindmap about an animal in danger in groups.小组画出关于所选的一种濒临灭绝动物的思维导图,为下面口头输出做准备。6.Ask the Ss to introduce an endangered animal based on the table in groups.Introduce an endangered animal based on the table in groups.口头输出野生动物濒临灭绝的原因以及保护濒临野生动物的措施。Homework(1min)Ask Ss to write a passage about a wild animal in danger.Write a passage about a wild animal in danger.生成保护濒危野生动物的文段。 板书Module 6 Animals in danger Why no safe place to live pandas what Animals in danger no clean water to drink How give money to help raise money at school
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