Module 7 A famous story-Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80a55).doc

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Module 7 A famous story-Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80a55).doc_第1页
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Module 7 A famous story-Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80a55).doc_第2页
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Module 7 A famous story-Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80a55).doc_第3页
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Module 7 A famous story-Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80a55).doc_第4页
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Module 7 A famous story-Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80a55).doc_第5页
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1、Module 7Unit1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.(第一课时第一课时教学设计教学设计)Teaching aims :To learn some new words and phrases(fall, follow, hole, fall down, arriveat).To listen for specific information.To understand the description of past continuous actions .To talk about past on-actions.Studen

2、ts need to master the past continuous tense.(Sb. was/were doingsth.)Key points:To master the past continuous tense. (Sb. was/were doing sth.)Teaching procedure:Step1Lead-in(1) Greeting!(2)Look at the pictures and talk something about them.Step 2 Learn new words(1) Show some pictures and tell the sto

3、ry : Alices Adventures inwonderland.(2) Introduce the new words.(3) Learn the new words.(4) Read the new words.Step3Listening practice (Activity 1)(1)Ask students to look at three pictures and read the sentences inActivity 1(2) Ask students to listen carefully and number the pictures.(3) Listen agai

4、n and check answers.Step4Listening practice (Activity 3)(1)Ask students to close books, listen and choose the correct answers.(C )1 Whats the book about ?A. A catB. A rabbitC. A girl called Alice(C )2 What was the Queen of Hearts doing?A She was drinking tea.B She was smiling at everyone.C She was p

5、laying a game.(2) Listen again and complete the tableAlice_with her sister by the riverthe White Rabbit_ past and looking at its watch.the Cheshire Catwas sitting in a tree and _everyonethe Mad Hatter and theMarch Hare_a tea partythe Queen of Hearts_a strange gameA. were havingB. was playingC. smili

6、ng atD. was runningE. was sittingStep5Readingpractice(1)Ask students to open books, watch a video about the conversation andread in a low voice, students need to pay attention to the pronunciationand intonation.(2)Listen again and read with the tape loudly.(3)Practice reading by themselves about thr

7、ee minutes.(4)Role-play(A : TonyB:Lingling)Step6 Retell the story(1) First I give students an example about how to retell the story.(2) Let students practice retelling the story for about 5 minutes(sixstudents in a group, each student practice telling each picture).(3) 5 分钟的练习后,我们就搞一个抽签活动,每个小组派出一个代表

8、抽签(九个小组九条签,签上写着 picture1, picture2 等, 期中有两条签是复述整个故事的,一条签是不用复述故事的),假如抽到 picture1,你那个小组就派一个代表来复述 picture1, 以此类推,如果抽到整个故事的小组,就派出一个代表复述整个故事,抽到的内容是不用复述故事,那个小组就认真看其小组表演。Step 7 Make a survey创设一个情景昨天下午 6:00 学校宿舍被盗窃,学生们针对这件事对同学展开调查,看他们那时候都在做什么。这一环节主要是增加学生学习的兴趣并且训练句型:What were / was sb. doing sth? Sb.was/were

9、 doing sth.例如:What were you doing at 6pm yesterday ?A: I was taking a walk.B: C: Step 8 Make a report.Good , everyone!. At 6pm yesterday, different people were doingdifferent things. I was taking a walk, . Thats all.Step 9 Summary.过去进行时的基本结构:肯定句:sb. was/were doing sth.否定句:sb. was/were not doing sth.

10、一般疑问句: Was/ Were sb. doing?肯定回答: Yes, sb.+ was/were.否定回答:No, sb.+ wasnt/werent.就划线部分提问:What was/were+sb. doing?Step 10 Homework.(Retell the story to your parents or friends tonight.)Blackboard design:Module 7Unit 1Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.-What were you doing at 5pm yesterday ?

11、-I was taking a walk.-They were + V-ing.- What was he doing ?-He was having dinner.教学反思教学反思1. 好的方面(1)教师教学基本功扎实,和蔼可亲,引入自然。(2)教学目标明确,站在学生角度,精心设计活动。这样增加学习兴趣,并且降低了学习的难度。(3)课堂设计合理,结构流畅,过渡自然,重难点突出,成功地达到教学目标。在这堂课中,教师通过多媒体技术,为学生提供丰富的教学资源,改善了学生的学习方式,拓宽了学生的学习渠道和学习方式。(4)分小组教学,以任务型为教学原则,本节课的每一个任务都是围绕学习者“学”的角度设计的,并且通过小组讨论活动,培养了学生合作探究的能力。(5)课堂气氛活跃,学生积极性高,师生互动好,调查报告这部分相当有特色,学生能根据教师的指导,很好地完成任务,效果好。2. 存在问题(1)没有强调学生回答问题时要用到麦克风,所以视频的效果不够好。(2)第一次在视频录像室上课,不知道播完听力还会放音乐的,这点事疏忽了,对课堂有点影响。(3) 内容有点多,时间比较紧,如果总结时能多读一遍本节课的重点句型会更好。3. 改进措施下次去别的教室上课,还是先去播放一次课件好一点。


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