Module 8 Accidents-Unit 3 Language in use-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:51229).zip

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导学案导学案一一Language practice1. While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.2. When Henry was trying to find the snake, his hand began to hurt badly.3. I was trying to pick up when it bit me again. 二区分区分 whenwhen 和和 whilewhile 的不同用法。的不同用法。(1)观察My mother was doing housework when I came home.My sister was reading when I was drawing.He was just crossing the street when a bike hit him.I was doing my homework when my friend phoned me.(2)思考_ _所引导的时间状语既可以指时间点,也可以指时间段;_ _所引导的时间状语只指时间段。在_ _引导的时间状语从句中,动词可以是短暂性动词,也可以是延续性动词;而在_ _从句中,动词必须是延续性动词。当主句和从句的动作都是延续性的或是同时发生的,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用_ _引导。由 when 引导的时间状语从句,如果主句用过去进行时、从句用一般过去时,则表示一个动作正在进行的时候另一动作(突然)发生了,强调后一动作发生的突然性。三Writing 放学时有一个学生在校门口被出租车撞伤,请根据下面的信息写一篇报道。placeAt the school gatecauseLi fang was riding a bike ,and the taxi driver was talking on the phone and didnt see her.she fell off the bike.resultLi fang was badly hurt.How to tell an accident?Use the whenwhenw wh ho ow wh ho ow wh ha at tw wh ha at th ho ow wh ho ow w要素要素记记叙叙文文:明明确确要要素素wherewherewhen it happenedwhere it happenedwho are the chracterswhat did they do?/what were they doing?How about your feeling about the story?Outliningfollowing notes to write a short story about the accident:.a terrible accident happened at .(name)was. .he /she was not. .the accident happened because. .after the accident. .the lesson is.1.能够通过能够通过unit1和和unit2的学习,掌握本课的重点单词的学习,掌握本课的重点单词 appear, hit, bite, climb, hide, throw,掌握这些行为动词掌握这些行为动词的基本用法,并且能够运用过去进行时结合的基本用法,并且能够运用过去进行时结合 while,when对对事件进行陈述。事件进行陈述。2.能够利用配图和所学基本句型表达事故的类型和救助方式能够利用配图和所学基本句型表达事故的类型和救助方式, 完成相关任务活动。完成相关任务活动。3.能够通过本课的学习使学生意识到注意安全的重要性,使能够通过本课的学习使学生意识到注意安全的重要性,使其掌握一些基本的急救措施,有助于提高学生应对突发事件其掌握一些基本的急救措施,有助于提高学生应对突发事件的能力。的能力。There was an accident.The man (talk) on the mobile phone when the accident happened.The policewoman (ask) the man some questions .The doctor _(check) the boy.was askingwas talkingwas checkingThe boy _(sit) on the road.was sittingTalk about the pictureAt that time1.While the lights were changing to red ,a car suddenly appeared round the corner.2.When Henry was trying to find the snake, his hand began to hurt badly.3.I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again. Language practice1.My mother was doing housework when I came home.2.When Henry was trying to fine the snake, his hand began to hurt badly.3.While the lights were changing to red ,a car suddenly appeared round the corner.区分区分whenwhen和和whilewhile的不同用法。的不同用法。_所引导的时间状语既可以指所引导的时间状语既可以指时间点时间点, ,也可以指时间段也可以指时间段;_;_所引所引导的时间状语只指时间段。导的时间状语只指时间段。在在_引导的时间状语从句中引导的时间状语从句中, ,动动词可以是短暂性动词词可以是短暂性动词, ,也可以是延续也可以是延续性动词性动词; ;而在而在_从句中从句中, ,动词必须动词必须是延续性动词。是延续性动词。whenwhilewhenwhile1.My sister was reading while I was drawing.2.While Tony was playing in the park ,I was visiting my grandparents当主句和从句的动作都是延续性当主句和从句的动作都是延续性的或是同时发生的的或是同时发生的, ,两句都用过去两句都用过去进行时的时候进行时的时候, ,多用多用_引导。引导。while由由_引导的时间状语从句引导的时间状语从句, ,如如果主句用过去进行时、从句用一般果主句用过去进行时、从句用一般过去时过去时, ,则表示一个动作正在进行的则表示一个动作正在进行的时候另一动作时候另一动作( (突然突然) )发生了发生了, ,强调后强调后一动作发生的突然性。一动作发生的突然性。when1.He was just crossing the street when a bike hit him.2.I was doing my homework when my friend phoned me.Practice Activity1Complete the sentences with when or while.Can you make sentences with when or while?Jenny _ a red dress _she was taking photos in the park.wearedwhileShe_ supper _I called her.was havingwhen_Tony_ ,his father _in the library.Whilewas drawing was reading ChangeTo redCross the roadAppear the cornercross the roadthe dog appeared round the corneryesterday afternoonthe man was talking on his mobile phoneWhen thewhenComplete the new report with the correct form of the words in brackets .Accident report The accident happened to a (1) _ at about four oclock yesterday afternoon. When the accident happened, Alice was (2) _ in the sitting room. She heard a strange (3) _ from the next room. lucky catreading a booksoundHe was looking into the fish bowl and trying to get a (4) _ from the bowl. The bowl fell on Pete. Alice picked him up and took him to the _ and dried him.fishbathroomWriting:放学时有一个学生在校门口被出租车:放学时有一个学生在校门口被出租车撞伤,请根据下面的信息写一篇报道。撞伤,请根据下面的信息写一篇报道。placeAt the school gatecauseLi fang was riding a bike ,and the taxi driver was talking on the phone and didnt see her. she fell off the bike.resultLi fang was badly hurt.make a simple competition For example(微课展示):Use the following notes to write a short story about the accident: .a terrible accident happened at .(name)was. .he /she was doing. .the accident happened because. .the lesson is. Sum up1.The differences between when and while.whenwhen所引导的时间状语既可以指时间所引导的时间状语既可以指时间点点, ,也可以指时间段也可以指时间段. .whilewhile所引导的时所引导的时间状语只指时间段。间状语只指时间段。在在whenwhen引导的时间状语从句中引导的时间状语从句中, ,动词可动词可以是短暂性动词以是短暂性动词, ,也可以是延续性动词也可以是延续性动词; ;而而whilewhile从句中从句中, ,动词必须是延续性动词动词必须是延续性动词。当主句和从句的动作都是延续性的或当主句和从句的动作都是延续性的或是同时发生的是同时发生的, ,两句都用过去进行时的两句都用过去进行时的时候时候, ,多用多用whilewhile引导。引导。由由whenwhen引导的时间状语从句引导的时间状语从句, ,如果主如果主句用过去进行时、从句用一般过去时句用过去进行时、从句用一般过去时, ,则表示一个动作正在进行的时候另一动则表示一个动作正在进行的时候另一动作作( (突然突然) )发生了发生了, ,强调后一动作发生的强调后一动作发生的突然性。突然性。when whowho whatwhathowhow wherewhen it happenedwhere it happenedwho are the chracterswhat did they do?/what were they doing?How about your feeling about the story?How to tell an accident. Write a short passage about an accident.Homework 1. At least 60 words. 2. Use at least one of when., while., as. to make your passage more clearly.外研版八年级上 M8U3 language use 教学设计一一 教学目标教学目标1. 能够通过 unit1 和 unit2 的学习,掌握本课的重点单词 appear, hit, bite, climb, hide, throw,掌握这些行为动词的基本用法,并且能够运用过去进行时结合 while,when 对事件进行陈述。2.能够利用配图和所学基本句型表达事故的类型和救助方式,完成相关任务活动。3.能够通过本课的学习使学生意识到注意安全的重要性,使其掌握一些基本的急救措施,有助于提高学生应对突发事件的能力。二学情与教材分析二学情与教材分析这是本模块的语言运用课,学生通过学习,能够复习巩固本模块的重点单词和词组;通过看图说话、填词等活动,掌握连词 when 和 while之间的区别和联系,并能熟练运用 when 和 while;同时,通过听力、阅读等活动,学生能够掌握有关意外事故文章的写法,能够运用合适的词汇语言写一篇有关身边的事故的报告,也可让学生运用配图和所学基本句型表达事故的类型和救助方式,完成相关任务活动。在此环节中我会运用微课来提高课堂的效率。三教学重点难点三教学重点难点 1.重点:运用本模块的语法项目过去进行时对事故进行报道,以提高他们的语言表达能力。2.难点:大多数孩子没有遇到过突发事件,就是有,家长也会尽可能的帮孩子处理,这就造成他们安全意识淡薄,急救常识匮乏,从而加大了融入本课学习的难度,而 When 和 while 的用法更是本课的难点。 四教学过程四教学过程 活动 1 复习理解Step1 Revision Look at the picture and Talk about it according to the unit1.Use some key words and phrases.Step2 Language practice1.Read the sentences in the box with the whole class(activity1 点读笔), then To master the structure of the past continuous tense by filling the blanks.2.2.区分区分 whenwhen 和和 whilewhile 的不同用法。的不同用法。(1)(1)观察观察My mother was doing housework when I came home.My sister was reading when I was drawing.He was just crossing the street when a bike hit him.I was doing my homework when my friend phoned me.(2)思考_whenwhen_所引导的时间状语既可以指时间点,也可以指时间段;_whilewhile_所引导的时间状语只指时间段。在_whenwhen_引导的时间状语从句中,动词可以是短暂性动词,也可以是延续性动词;而在_whilewhile_从句中,动词必须是延续性动词。当主句和从句的动作都是延续性的或是同时发生的,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用_whilewhile_引导。由 when 引导的时间状语从句,如果主句用过去进行时、从句用一般过去时,则表示一个动作正在进行的时候另一动作(突然)发生了,强调后一动作发生的突然性。设计意图设计意图:学生虽然已经在前两个单元中大量学习过这种用法,但本阶段的活动中仍需给学生适当讲解,采用母语和英语的混合教学模式,并引导他们对该语法进行归纳总结。而在本环节中我会重点运用点读笔来引导学生阅读,以加强学生的记忆和理解力。Step3 Practice Look at the pictures and make more sentences .Pay attention to the right tense of the past continuous tense.设计意图设计意图:本活动的目的是巩固练习本模块的重点语法内容过去进行时与 when、while 引导的状语从句连用的结构。利用学生的兴趣问题,引导学生注意区分 when 和 while 的不同用法。活动 2 workwork inin pairspairs(领悟加深)(领悟加深) Step1 Pair workLook at what Tony did last Saturday and complete the column. Then fill in the column in groups. (Activity2)Look at the table and complete the column. eg. A:What was Tony doing from 8:30 to 11:30 in the morning last Saturday? B:He was playing in the park. A:What were you doing then? B:I was visiting my grandparents. A:What were you doing last Saturday while Tony was playing in the park? B:Last Saturday while Tony was playing in the park, I was visiting my grandparents.Step2 look at pictures and write sentences. Follow the examples . 设计意图:灵活的运用过去进行时,加深对 while and when 的理解,为后面的写作打下基础。活动 3 Module task:(掌握运用)Writing:放学时有一个学生在校门口被出租车撞伤,请根据下面的信息写一篇报道。placeAt the school gatecauseLi fang was riding a bike ,and the taxi driver was talking on the phone and didnt see her.she fell off the bike.resultLi fang was badly hurt.Step1 writing skills Step2 make a simple competition For example(微课展示):Use the following notes to write a short story about the accident: .a terrible accident happened at .(name)was. .he /she was not. .the accident happened because. .after the accident. .the lesson is.设计意图:能够根据提示用过去进行时描述事故。利用此题型,引入教学,培养学生的语言综合运用能力和创造性思维能力。本环节中我会运用微课技术引导学生融入话题,发展和提高他们的发散思维和语言能力。
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