Unit 2 After school-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:11352).zip

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After school(Revision) Unit2Rules:1. If you see a word , please say it loudly. 如果看到一个单词,请大声说出它如果看到一个单词,请大声说出它。2. If you see Jim, please say “Hi, Jim.” 如果看到吉姆,请说如果看到吉姆,请说 “Hi, Jim!”Hello, Im Jim. Play a gameat sixat nineWednesdayMathsTuesdayScienceSaturdayChineseevery dayBrain stormingI can makeOn Monday, I have an English lesson.On Tuesday, I have a swimming lesson at five.Rules:1. 试着选择一些词语。 2. 仿例子造句 。MONTUEWEDTHURFRIMorningChineseEnglishEnglishChineseEnglishMusicChineseMathsMathsArtEnglishMathsChineseEnglishMusicAfternoonArtMusicMusicArtSciencePEPEScienceJims timetableI can singI can singDays of the weekSaturdaySundayMondayChinese MusicEnglishTuesdayEnglishChineseMusicWednesdayScienceMusicPEThursdayMathsEnglishChineseFridayEnglishArtMusicWhat day?Its.What lessons ?I have.DadcapcatbagI can readBut Jim cant find the cat, cap and bag. How to ask his Dad? 吉姆找不到吉姆找不到猫猫,帽子帽子和和包包了,他了,他 该如何问该如何问他的他的 爸爸呢爸爸呢?Wheres the cat?Wheres my cap?Wheres my bag?I can askI can say和你的同桌一起拍手读一读和你的同桌一起拍手读一读Sound time 吧!吧!Dad,Dad,wheres the cat?Wheres my cap and wheres my bag?alligatorappleaxant/ /I can sayI can chant你能说出一些含有你能说出一些含有字母字母a,并且字,并且字母母a发音为发音为/ /的单词吗?的单词吗?Try to say more words. 四四人一人一 组找出更多组找出更多的单的单 词词。I can sayThinking time:读单词,哪个站错了队伍?snackfatskatesandwichhappya发音发音 /snakelategrapemakea发音发音 /eI/handThinking time:哪个站错了队伍?a发音发音 /snackfatsandwichhappya发音发音 /snakelategrapemakea发音发音 /ei/skatehandm a p map of China 中国地图中国地图 地图地图I can listen and spell fl a g旗,旗帜旗,旗帜 national flag 国旗国旗 I can listen and spell Jims homework1. Look and say.2. Try to know more.3. Finish some exercises. What lessons do they have?I have a Music lesson. I have a PE lesson. Billy has a Music lesson. Sam has a PE lesson. Look and sayTry to know more用用have或或has完成句子。完成句子。have hasYou _ a small cat.I _ a Music lesson.He _ a Maths lesson.Helen _ long hair.We _ big ears.They _ a PE lesson.It _ a long tail.havehavehashashavehavehasDo some exercisesReading timeReading timeReading timeWas Woody happy at last(最后)?Reading timeReading timeReading timeReading time A. happy B. sad C. crazy(发疯的发疯的)Reading timeReading timeWork hard and never give up.不断努力并永不言弃不断努力并永不言弃!Sharing your happiness with others , and you will be happier.把快乐和别人分享,你会更快乐把快乐和别人分享,你会更快乐哦!哦! 将学到的歌曲唱给家人听。1 找出更多含找出更多含有字母有字母a a的的单单词词,并,并试着试着用用学到的规学到的规则则读读它们读读它们。2 试着制作自己一周活动的绘本,并和朋友分享(选做)。3Unit 2 After school教学内容:教学内容:单元复习教学目标:教学目标:(一一) 知识目标知识目标: 1. 通过复习活动,进一步巩固星期的英文名称,并能在交际情境中灵活运用。2. 通过本课时的复习,学生能够在情境中运用句型:What day is it today? Its What lessons do you have? I/ We have He/ She has 3. 通过本课时的学习,学生能进一步掌握字母 a 在单词中的发音。(二二) 能力目标能力目标: 1. 通过本课时的复习,学生能运用本单元交际语言与他人交流,并能用have/ has自如地表达。2. 通过本课时的学习活动,学生能准确运用学到的规律认读新单词,并能区分出字母 a 在单词中的不同发音,并能用这些单词自由造句。(三三) 情感目标情感目标: 1. 通过本节课的学习,培养学生的参与意识,提高他们学习英语的兴趣和积极性,会用句型表达自己的观点。2. 通过课堂的不同教学活动,培养学生与人交往,合作学习的能力,并培养他们乐于助人的品格。教学重点:教学重点:1. 通过本课时的复习,学生能够在情境中运用句型:What day is it today? Its What lessons do you have? I/ We have He/She has 2. 通过本课时的学习,学生能进一步掌握字母 a 在单词中的发音。教学难点:教学难点:1. 通过本课时的复习,学生能运用本单元交际语言与他人交流,并能用have/ has自如地表达。2. 通过本课时的学习活动,学生能准确运用学到的规律认读新单词,并能区分出字母 a 在单词中的不同发音,并能用这些单词自由造句。3. 通过课堂即时评价,引导学生反思和调控自己的学习过程,同时建立学生学习英语的自信心。教学准备:教学准备:转盘及教学 PPT教学过程:教学过程:Step1 Warming up 1.Greetings2. Brain storming(PPT 出现星期名称、课程及时间)T: Hello, boys and girls. Look ! This is my friend Jim. OK, lets play a game with Jim. Look at the rules. If you see a word or a phrase, please say it loudly. If you see Jim, please say hi to Jim.Ss: .(游戏结束后,词组按类别归类,,并进行拓展,说出其他的同类词。 )T: Look, they are days of the week. What other days of the week do you know?S: .T: And how about them? They are lessons. What other lessons do you know?S: .T:Great! I can make sentences with them. On Monday, I have an English lesson. On Tuesday, I have a swimming lesson. Ss : .T: I know your lessons. What about Jim? What lessons does Jim have on Friday?Ss: He has English Art and music.T: Yes. He doesnt have any lessons this afternoon. He will chat with his dad. And he will do his homework in the evening.(引导学生说。) lets know more about Jims Friday.设计意图设计意图: 通过头脑风暴,让学生发散思维,复习自己知道的星期名称,科目名称以及时间,游戏的趣味性可以吸引学生投入到课堂教学中来,也为下面的环节做好准备。同时,通过游戏中孩子和主人公 Jim 打招呼来认识 Jim,进而引出Jims Day.Step 2 Revision and practice1. Sing a song T: Jim is singing in the music room now. Lets join him and sing the song together, OK?Ss : . (学生一起唱歌)T: From the song we know how many days in a week?S: Seven days.T:What are they?S:Sunday, Monday. Saturday.(出现一周的名称,教师可以引导学生拼写这七天并板书,)设计意图:设计意图:通过 Jim 的音乐课来唱歌曲活跃课堂气氛,同时复习本单元的四会单词,使得学生将一星期名称熟记于心。2. Play a gameT: This is a turntable. Jim made this turntable at his Art lesson. Its fun. Lets play it together. What day is it today ? (转动 PPT 的转盘进行示范对话) S: Its .T: What lessons do you have?S: I have .T:What subjects do you like ?Ss : .T: Now please play your turntable with your partner.(老师板书,学生两组合作玩转盘游戏并展示几组)设计意图:设计意图:通过 Jim 美术课上做的圆盘来玩转盘游戏,帮助学生复习本单元的重点句型,避免枯燥无趣,同时学生人手一个转盘,不仅可以激发学生的学习兴趣,还可以提高学生的参与面。3. Sound timea.T: School is over. Jim is at home now. He is chatting with his dad. What are they talking about?S: .(cat, cap, bag)T: Thats right. They all have the letter a. What does the letter a pronounce? Try to read them.(PPT: bag cap, cat, Dad)Ss : /b. T: But Jims cat, cap, bag are missing. How to ask his dad? First , lets look for the cat first.S1: Wheres the cat?S2: Wheres my cap?S3: Wheres my bag?T: Great! Lets follow after the cartoon.PPT: 呈现 Sound time 的动画(表扬并推进下一环节)c. T: Ive got some new words here. Please try to read them with your partner.PPT 呈现一些新词,学生尝试读新词。 (同桌讨论读出单词)T: Can you find more words with the letter aprouncing /? Please work in groups. (小组讨论找出更多的单词,对找出单词的孩子进行表扬)d. T: Ive got some words here. Now please read them and find out which one is on the wrong line.Ss : .T: Great! Lets read them together. (齐读分类好的单词,进一步区分两种发音)设计意图:设计意图:通过 Jim 在家找东西的环节进行语音版块的学习,让学生掌握本单元字母 a 的发音,再结合一二单元的语音复习,引导学生开展探究学习,学会语音学习的方法,提高他们语用能力。Step 3 Production(闹钟响七点钟)Its time for Jims homework. But he has some difficulties now. Lets go and help . Look! This is Jims homework .(PPT 呈现 Jim 的作业:look and say try to know more do some exercise)1. Look and sayT: Look at some pictures here. What does Billy say?Ss : I have a PE lesson(配书 P9 Sam 踢球 P9 Billy 唱歌)引导学生尝试用 I have . lesson. 。T: Good job. We can say.(PPT: 引导学生用 has 来描述)S: Billy has a Music lesson. 2. T: Well done! lets help Jim know more about “have” and “has”. 观看微课.(微课: has, have 用法)3.T: You know much about “have” and “has”. Lets help Jim do some exrecise. Ss : .设计意图:设计意图:has, have 用法是本单元学习的重点,通过帮助 Jim 完成家庭作业的形式复习巩固通过第一,第三人称的转换,让学生发现他们的规律,并会学以致用。Step4: Consolidation.(Jim 完成作业,可以轻松享受睡前阅读啦!)T: With your help, Jim finished his homework. He is very happy . now, guess! What will Jim do before bedtime? A. Watch TV. B. Read a book. Who can guess?Ss : T: Yes, you are right. He is enjoying some reading now. Lets enjoy together and tell me : Is Woody happy at last(最后)?Ss : . (欣赏绘本获取大意并回答问题)T: Lets enjoy the book again. (第二次阅读逐页解读绘本) On Monday, Woody is happy. Why ?Ss : (He got a present from Gran. Its making a house.)T: On Tuesday, he is not happy. Why ?Ss : (He cant make the house.)T: On Wednesday, Is he happy ?Ss : T: Because his dad and mum help him make the house. Today is Thursday. Woody is cross. Look at their face and guess: What does the “cross mean?Ss : T: woody is a working hard boy. He think and think. On Friday, he had an idea. He wants to make the house with the box.(引导孩子跟着老师一起说)T: on Sunday, Woody is happy. Why ?Ss : (He invited his friends to play with his house.)T: From the story we know Jim is a clever and working hard boy. And he is willing to share his happiness with others. T: OK, boys and girls, work hard, you will get more. And share your happiness with others you will happier.设计意图:设计意图:通过与本单元内容相关的绘本阅读来提升孩子的阅读能力,知识运用能力,提取信息的能力以及语言表达的能力,增加孩子学习英语的趣味性,也为本课时的情感升华作了很好的铺垫。Homework:1. 将学到的歌曲唱给家人听。2. 找出更多含有字母 a 的单词,并试着用学到的规则读读它们。3. 试着制作自己一周活动的绘本,并和朋友分享(选做) 。Design:
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