Unit 3 My day-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:907ec).zip

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常州市龙城小学常州市龙城小学 陈星焱陈星焱 EllenEllenEarlyEarly toto bedbed andand earlyearly toto rise,rise, makesmakes a a manman healthyhealthy, , wealthywealthy andand wisewise. .早睡早起,使人早睡早起,使人健康健康、富有富有而而聪明聪明。Do you have any questions to ask? 你有问题想要问她吗?你有问题想要问她吗?Shes my English friend, Lucy. Shes 10 years old. She likes Music and Art. She likes snacks very much. She usually has a snack at .When does she usually have a snack every day? Tips:用英语表达各种时间时,可以直接读写用英语表达各种时间时,可以直接读写数词,数词,“先读时,后读分先读时,后读分” 。7:007:008:208:209:309:3011:4511:4510:010:00 012:5212:52When does Lucy usually have a snack? 10:00 amLucy usually has a snack at ten oclock. Do you know?:在英国等国家,每天上午的在英国等国家,每天上午的10点点半左右,有半小时的半左右,有半小时的morning tea(早茶)时间,学(早茶)时间,学生可以补充一些自带的点心。除此之外,在每天下午生可以补充一些自带的点心。除此之外,在每天下午45点,便是点,便是afternoon tea (下午茶)时间了。(下午茶)时间了。Dear Mike,How are you? I miss (想念) you so much. What about your days in China? When do you get up? When do you go to school? When do you have lunch? When do you? Please let me know.Yours LucyWatch and answerThe video(视频视频) is about Mikes . A.family B.friends C.dayMikes morningListen and answer What does Mike do in the morning?Mikes morninghave four lessonshave lunchgo to schoolget upRead in three.三人读一读三人读一读A: When do you ,Mike? B:I at .12:007:007:40Listen and match同桌两人同桌两人,交流答案,并以对话形式汇报。交流答案,并以对话形式汇报。 My morning I (usually) at.7:007:4012:00Try to retellusually What does Mike usually do in the afternoon /in the evening? WhenWhenWhatWhatIn the afternoonplayplay footballfootballIn the evening4:409:00Mikes Daydodo mymy homeworkhomeworkhavehave dinnerdinnerRead and fill. 阅读课文,独立完成表格7:00have dinner Do you know?: dinner 一词常用来表示一天中的正餐(main meal),它既可以是晚餐,也可以是午餐。但在英美等西方国家,午餐通常极为简单,例如汉堡、三明治;晚餐才是一天中最为丰富的一餐,因此,dinner常用来指晚餐。 WhenWhenWhatWhatIn the afternoonplayplay footballfootballIn the evening4:409:00Mikes Daydodo mymy homeworkhomeworkhavehave dinnerdinnerRead and fill. 阅读课文阅读课文P18,独立完成表格,独立完成表格。7:003 3人小组交流答案,选择人小组交流答案,选择afternoonafternoon 或或evening,evening,准备准备汇报汇报, , 句型句型 “ I at. ”,可以一人说一句。可以一人说一句。4:005:306:15gogo toto bedbedwatchwatch TVTVgogo homehomewatch TVwatch a football match watch a moviematchStory time I get up at seven.I usually go to school at seven forty.I have four lessons in the morning.I have lunch at twelve.Listen and imitate (注意朗读标记哦!注意朗读标记哦!)Story time I have two lessons in the afternoon.I play football at four and go home at four forty.I do my homework at five thirty.Story time I usually have dinner at six fifteen and watch TV at seven.I go to bed at nine every day.Mikes DayWhat do you think of Mikes Day?你你认认 Mike的一天怎么的一天怎么认 ?Good!Busy!Fun!Wonderful!Interesting!Read in groups. 三人朗读课文。 选择一个任务,你能得到对应的星哦!Retell in groups. 三人看板书进行介绍。Describe your day in groups.在组内自述自己的一天。如:添加开头如:添加开头 ”Hello, Im . 文中文中“ I like. Its interesting .” 结尾结尾 “This is my day.TipsThey go to school at 9:00.The students in EnglandThey have two lessons in the morning.They play outside.After school, they usually read books in the library. The boys usually play football. Homework1.1.ReadRead andand actact UnitUnit 3 3 StoryStory time.time.2.2. 2.2. DesignDesign youryour “Dream“Dream day”.day”. ( ( 设计你设计你 “ “理想的一天理想的一天 ”) ”) Goo odbyePresentationAfternoonMorningEveningRead or retell one paragraph. 选择一段进行有感情的朗读或复述。Read or retell two paragraphs.选择两段进行有感情的朗读或复述。Read or retell all of the text.全文进行有感情的朗读或复述。Say about your day.叙述自己的一天。如:添加开头如:添加开头 ”Hello, Im . 文中文中“ I like. Its interesting .” 结尾结尾 “This is my day.Tips1Unit 3 My day教学内容Story time ( Period 1 )执教教师 教学目标教学目标:教学目标:1. 在情境中学习词汇和动词短语 usually, go to school, have lunch, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening , do my homework, have dinner, watch TV, go home, go to bed 2. 初步感知非整点时间的表达方式。3. 能在情境中整体感知故事内容。4. 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试复述 Mike 的一天或自述 my day。5. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型 Iat描述人物的日常活动。教学重难点能在情境中正确理解故事内容,并能准确朗读故事,并在老师的指导下尝试复述或自述。教学准备PPT, 板书教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm up &Pre-reading1.Enjoy a song.2.Greeting3.Free talk. A:When do you usually get up/go to bed? B:I usually get up/go to bed at.Teach : usually / go to bed4. Lead in Mike and his friend.1) What do you want to know about Mikes friend?2) Guess: When does Lucy have a snack? 3) Enjoy the story about Lucys day in England.文化渗透:morning tea / afternoon tea1.Enjoy the song.2.Greeting.3. Answer. Learn usually/go to bed.4.Ask some questions about Mikes friend.She usually has a snack at.利用歌曲引入本课情境,帮助学生集中注意力;自由交流,提升学生的口头表达能力,渗透usually/go to bed。初步感知非整点时间的表达方式。While-reading1.Mike shot a video for Lucy. Watch the cartoon, then answer:Whats the video about?2.Ask Ss to listen and answer:What does Mike do in the 1.Watch and answer. Its about Mikes day.2.Listen and answer.get up/ go to school/ have 视频整体感知,把握主题。学生带着问题去听,培养学生捕捉关键信息的2morning?3.Let Ss listen and match.4. Encourage the students to retell Mikes morning.5. What does Mike do in the afternoon or evening?Encourage Ss to read the text and fill in.Teach: do my homework / have dinner / go home / watch TV four lessons /have lunch Listen and matchDiscuss in pairs and report.A: When do you, Mike?B: I at.4. Try to introduce Mikes morning.6. Read and fill. Discuss and report in groups.能力,提升听力能力。通过让学生进入文本,成为故事中的主角,进一步理解文本。通过阅读填表并小组练习,进一步巩固重点词句。在师生的问答互动中教学单词;Post-reading1.Read and mark sentences one by one.2.Read together.3.Read or retell 4.Enjoy “The students in England”. 1.Read the story after the tape.2.Read together.3.Read or retell 4.Enjoy “The students in England”.通过听录音跟读和角色扮演,能运用所学交际用语进行简单交际。要求读音正确,语调自然。师引导学生评价。Homework1.Read and act Unit 3 Story time.2. Design your “Dream day”. ( 设计你“理想的一天”)养成良好的课后听读习惯以及复习习惯。板书设计 Unit3 My day When do you usually .?I usually . at. in the morningget up 7:00go to school 7:40have four lessons have lunch 12:00in the afternoonhave two lessonsplay football 4:00go home 4:40do my homework 5:30in the eveninghave dinner 6:15watch TV 7:00go to bed 9:00
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