Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:80313).zip

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Unit 4 Drawing in the park (Period 3)Class Name I have got stars in all.(我一共得了 颗星星。 ) 仿照例句,写一组对话吧!What can you see?I can see a boat.Unit 4Drawing in the parkPeriod 33学习目标Look at this picture. What can you see?I can see a boat on the river. I can seeKenWhat can you see?I can see a boat.仿照例句,写一组对话吧!你能发现Ken修改后的画和之前有什么不同吗?What can you see?What can you see_ ,_ ?I can see a _. on the lake on the lakeboatI can see a_ _ boat on the lake , on the lake.What can you see? What can you see_,_?on the tree on the treeI can see some _. applesI can see some _ ,_ apples on the tree on the tree.CWhat can you see? What can you see , ?I can see .I can see , .What can you see?PKI can sing the song “What can you see?”.我能唱What can you see?这首歌。组内互评:能改编歌词并演唱歌曲的得 能按原词演唱歌曲的得 仍然需要好好努力的得 1ten to tenKen, its ten to ten.Go to bed before ten. Ken, its ten to ten.Go to bed before ten.Kentenbed去睡觉十点前Sound time/ e /Early to bed and early to rise does good to your heath.早睡早起有益于身体健康!ten to tenKen, its ten to ten.Go to bed before ten. e你能说出更多含有字母e发/e/的单词吗?/e/先在小组内讨论一下吧,记得不要重复别人说的哦!pendeskbedtenred字母e在单词中的发音Sound time desk pen red egg let seven eleven elephant lesson get every yes very welcome well 同学们,你能说出字母e发/e/的其他单词吗?I know the sound of theletter “e”.组内互评:能读准发音并且能说出类似单词的得 能读准书上单词和句子的得 仍然需要好好努力的得 我知道字母“e”的发音。2Which park do I go today?今天去哪个公园好呢?假设你们小组中的一人是Ken,其余三人分别是三个公园的小志愿者。快拿着导图册给Ken介绍介绍为什么自己负责的公园比较值得游玩吧!可用句型:What can we see?We can seeWhat can we do ?We canDo you like?I like.I can talk about things in the park well.我能很好地谈论公园内的事物。组内互评:能正确流利地谈论公园内事物的得 有一些小错或不太流利的得 仍然需要好好努力的得 3Homework1.继续和小组成员谈论你的画,记得用上What can you see?不少于三个轮回哦!2.搜集更多含有字母e发/e/的单词,以及字母e在单词中的其它读音。3.3.演唱What can you see?给父母听,也可以按自己改编的歌词演唱。英语(四年级下册英语(四年级下册) )Unit 4 Drawing in the park(Song time, Sound time, Checkout time and Ticking time)一、教学内容一、教学内容Song time, Sound time, Checkout time and Ticking time二、教学目标二、教学目标1. 能够熟练说出有关公园的物品词。2. 能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。3. 能够掌握元音字母 e 在单词中的读音。4. 会演唱歌曲 What can you see?5. 能够完成故事 A new friend 的阅读。6. 能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做出评价。三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点1. 能够熟练说出有关公园的物品词。2. 能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。3. 能够掌握元音字母 e 在单词中的读音。4. 能够完成故事 A new friend 的阅读。四、教学准备四、教学准备本单元教学挂图和卡片,PPT。五、教学过程五、教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1. Greetings.2. Free talk (教师与学生利用句型 Can you ? 进行快速问答)【设计意图:交流既起到复习巩固的作用,又起到了激发兴趣、营造英语学习氛围的作用,为进一步学习做好铺垫。 】Step 2 RevisionT: On Saturday, Mike and Tim go to the park. What can you see in the park? You can ask and answer in pairs. (学生两人一组问答)【设计意图:本课的句型并不复杂,小组合作操练进一步巩固句型。 】Step 3 Song time1. T: Who is he? (PPT 最后引出 Ken) S: He is Ken. T: He can draw pictures. Look at these two pictures. What can you see?S: I can see T: How many can you see?S: T: What difference can you see between these two pictures?S: A monkey.T: Yes, and I can sing a song. (播放歌曲 What can you see?)2. T: Can you sing the song? Lets try together.3. T: Can you make a new song according to the picture in groups? Have a try. (小组内编唱歌曲。一人看着书上 Checkout time 图片唱问句,其他三人唱答句)4. 完成 Ticking time 第 1 项 【设计意图:歌曲教授的环节,教师通过试听,领唱,齐唱,改唱等多个方法,帮助学生记忆歌曲,也是记忆本单元的重点词句。 】Step 4 Sound time1. T: Oh, whats the time? Oh, its ten to ten. (PPT 呈现小诗并播放录音,学生先跟读,然后同桌一起读) 2. T: Look at the rhyme. What does “e” pronounce? S: e. (教师示范发音并纠正,然后带读例词。随后,教师出示更多例词,读的同时出图释意。)【设计意图:教师拓宽词汇,归纳总结字母 e 的发音,学生反复操练记忆。 】3. T: We have learnt another pronunciation of “e”. What is it? T: Whats the difference between them? When is it pronounced as e and when is it pronounced as i:? (PPT 出示:me, he, she, these, bed, pen, red, ten。教师讲解:开音节中,发i:,重读闭音节中,发e)4. Enjoy a song. (与 e 的发音相关)5. 完成 Ticking time 第 3 项【设计意图:语音环节是教学中的一大难点,教师让学生自己感受单词的发音,并为句子配上节奏感十足的音乐,激发学生的学习动力,通过快读,慢读,击掌读等形式,为语音环节的学习增添乐趣。 】Step 5 Memory game1. T: Its Sunday today. Ken is drawing in the park too. Try to remember everything in Kens pictures. T: What can you see on the lake/? S: I can see2. 四人一组谈论图片 3. 仿照例句,写一组对话4. 完成 Ticking time 第 1 项【设计意图:设计笔头练习,不仅可以检验学生是否掌握了本单元中的重要信息,而且可以帮助学生将信息片段组合成完整的句子,这一输入到输出的过程,也是学生的语言学习能力提升的过程。 】Homework 家庭作业家庭作业1. 继续和小组成员用 What can you see? 句型来谈论你的画,不少于三个轮回。2. 搜集更多含有字母 e 发e的单词,以及字母 e 在单词中的其它读音。 3. 演唱 What can you see? 给父母听,也可以按自己改编的歌词演唱。六、板书设计:六、板书设计:Unit 4 Drawing in the park bed, desk, pen, red, ten Ken, its ten to ten. Go to bed before ten.Checkout timeAsk and answer七、教学反思七、教学反思
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