Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:30ce4).zip

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Unit 4 Drawing in the park Period 3(song,sound&cartoon) WhatWhat cancan youyou see?see?( (快速说出你所看到的东西快速说出你所看到的东西) )I I cancan seesee -.-.What can you see? What can you see in the tree ,in the tree? I can see_. I can see _ in the tree, in the tree .a monkeya monkeyWhat can you see?What can you see_ ,_?I can see a _. on the lake on the lakeboatI can see a_ , _?on the lake on the lake.boatWhat can you see? What can you see_,_?on the tree on the treeI can see some _. applesI can see some _ ,_ . on the tree on the tree. applesPeepshow 西洋镜西洋镜一种民间玩具一种民间玩具正面有小圆孔正面有小圆孔通过圆孔,可以看通过圆孔,可以看到放大的图片。到放大的图片。K Ke en nten to ten (9:50)b be ed dbedKentene/e/你发现了什么?总结归纳一下吧你发现了什么?总结归纳一下吧!I can chant你能用其他这样的单词说一说吗你能用其他这样的单词说一说吗?K Ke en nten b be ed de, e, e is for _.e, e , e is for _._, _, _ is for _.e/e/i:/e/Game time Ee/i:/Ee/e/hemelessonredwhentreeshedesk Chinesegetthreepene/e/I I cancan readreadleg(腿)(腿) wet(潮湿的)(潮湿的) end(结束)(结束) send(发送)(发送) net (网)(网) clever(聪明的(聪明的)你能读读这些单词吗?你能读读这些单词吗?Ken, its ten to ten.Go to bed before ten.去睡觉去睡觉十点前十点前bedKenten你能用这些单词造句吗?你能用这些单词造句吗?/e/Cartoon time1.What can Bobby see?2.Is he happy?PeepshowCartoon time1.What can Bobby see at first?(首先首先)2.Is he happy at first?A:B:He can see a boat on the lake.Yes,he is.Cartoon time4.Is he happy now?A:B:He can see a tiger.3.Then(然后然后) what can Bobby see ?No,he isnt.afraidIts a tiger.Whats in this big box?Have a look,Bobby.Its great fun.有趣极了有趣极了What can you see in it?I can see a boat on the lake.Try again. What can you see now?再试试。再试试。Its a tiger!r.Read in roles分角色读分角色读 Act in roles分角色表演分角色表演Act with a new ending续演卡通续演卡通 is .afraidis happy.He plays a trick on Bobby.恶作剧恶作剧Think and saySam, look!I can see a fish in the box.Fish? I like fish very much.Ah! Its a shark.What can you see in it?Think and write: Look at this picture. I can see a _ on the river. I can see two_ and some_in the park. I can see a _ in the sky(在天空)I can see a _ over there.boattreesflowersbird/kitehill1.Read the text for five times.2.Try to act the dialogue.3.Make a dialogue with “What can you see? I can see.in/on the.”Try to make我们需要空罐头、胶带、小刀、笔、钉子、尺子和图片。我们需要空罐头、胶带、小刀、笔、钉子、尺子和图片。Try to makeStep1.Step1.从罐头底部向上量从罐头底部向上量3 3英寸,并用笔做好记号。英寸,并用笔做好记号。Try to makeStep2.Step2. 围绕着刚才画的记号贴上胶带。围绕着刚才画的记号贴上胶带。Try to makeStep3.Step3.沿着胶带位置,把罐头切开。沿着胶带位置,把罐头切开。Try to makeStep4.Step4.把模板沿着罐头口贴好加固。把模板沿着罐头口贴好加固。Try to makeStep5.Step5.按着模板上的线在罐头上做记号。按着模板上的线在罐头上做记号。Try to makeStep6.Step6.把刚才的记号加到把刚才的记号加到1 1英寸长度。英寸长度。Try to makeStep7.Step7.用剪刀剪开这些记号。用剪刀剪开这些记号。Try to makeStep8.Step8.用大头钉钉在罐头底部中心。用大头钉钉在罐头底部中心。Try to makeStep9.Step9.把漂亮的纸片像这样放入罐头内侧。把漂亮的纸片像这样放入罐头内侧。9Try to makeparkTips:小组活动小组活动Choose one picture you like best. Make a dialogue in groups. Ask and answer one by one.1.Read the text for five times.2.Try to act the dialogue.3.Make a dialogue with “What can you see? I can see.in/on the.”Unit 4 Drawing in the parkPeriod 3【教学内容】Cartoon time,Sound time,Song time&Checkout time 【教材分析】 本单元以“描述公园里的事物”为话题,通过句型“What can you see?I can see.”来描述公园里的事物,同时学习一些新词汇。学生在以前已经学过”Can you.?的句型,因此句型的难度不大。这节课是本单元的第三课时,是综合版块的教学。本课时教学中我通过 Cartoon time 中 Bobby从西洋镜中看到的不同场景的转换将各个版块串联起来,将每个环节的连接自然,紧凑。【学情分析】四年级的学生对英语依然保持着浓厚的学习兴趣。他们喜好新奇,善于模仿,热爱表演。他们经过一年的英语学习,已掌握了简单的英语单词和日常交际用语,初步具备了用英语听说读写的技能,具有一定的英语学习方法,形成了良好的英语学习习惯。【教学目标】1. 能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。2. 能够掌握元音字母 e 在单词中的读音。3. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。4. 能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。5. 能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做出评价。【教学重点】1. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。2. 能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。3. 学生能够掌握元音字母 e 在单词中的读音。4. 熟练会唱歌曲:What can you see?【教学难点】1. 能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。2.学生能够掌握元音字母 e 在开音节和闭音节单词中的不同发音。教学准备:PPT,头饰【学习准备】1、回忆学过哪些含有字母 e 的单词。2、查找一两个含有字母 e 的单词。【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Free talk.T 问 S1:What day is it today?S1: Its -.T: spell itS1: -.T: Good job! Now you can ask anyone a question.s-s 学生轮流进行 free talkStep 2 RevisionTwo gamesGame 1:Quickly respondRules(游戏规则): 快速读单词,看谁读得又快又好!Game2: what can you see? T: Look, here is a picture. Look carefully. You have 15 seconds to remember what you can see? Are you ready? Go! (15 秒的倒计时,记住图中的事物,越多越好!)【设计意图:游戏是学生最喜欢的教学方法之一,课堂伊始,用快速设计意图:游戏是学生最喜欢的教学方法之一,课堂伊始,用快速反应的游戏既复习了本单元前几课时所学的新单词,同时又活跃了课堂气氛,反应的游戏既复习了本单元前几课时所学的新单词,同时又活跃了课堂气氛,把学生带入了一个良好的英语学习氛围。游戏二通过比一比谁的记忆力好的方把学生带入了一个良好的英语学习氛围。游戏二通过比一比谁的记忆力好的方式快速的复习句型,将课堂教学过渡到下面的一个环节,衔接自然。式快速的复习句型,将课堂教学过渡到下面的一个环节,衔接自然。 】Step 2 Presentation and practice1.Song time(1)T:(承接上面的游戏)OK, now can you tell me what you can see in the picture?S1: I can see some trees.S2: I can see a river.S3: I can see some flowers.T: What can you see in the tree? Do you know?S3: No.T: Lets enjoy a songWhat can you see?听完歌曲填空What can you see?What can you see in the tree, in the tree?I can see _.I can see _ in the tree.(2) make two new songs课件出示两张图片(在湖上的船,在树上的苹果)2. Sound time(1)T: You did a good job. So I have a present for you. Look, whats in the box? Can you guess? You can ask: Is it a -?Ss guess.T 揭晓答案:Look, its a peepshow!教师介绍西洋镜。T: Do you want to have a look at the peepshow?Ss: Yes, I do.T: So, you can say “peep, peep, what can you see?”依次出示美丽的图片,最后一张为 sound time 图片。T: What can you see?Ss: I can see a boy, a clock and a bed.T: Look at the boy,he is Ken.Teach: KenT: Look at the picture, what time is it?S:Its nine fifty.T:We can say:its ten to ten. (呈现两种表达方式)教师边总结图上的物品,边将这些单词一一呈现在屏幕上(2) Can you find?T: (指着屏幕上刚刚呈现的单词)Can you read these words?Ss: 学生逐一朗读T:Can you find what is “e” pronounced here?S: /e/T: 教师领读音标,单词并板书。(2) lets chantE,e, e is for _.E,e, e is for _._,_,_ is for _.教师示范单词 Ken, ten , bed.学生朗读。T: Can you say more words like this?(3) Lets compareT: look at these words. Me, tree, bed, get. Whats the sound of the letter e?Ss: /i:/ /e/T:Are they the same?Ss: No, they arent.(4) Enjoy a song of letter e(5) Game1: sorting将 12 个单词根据不同发音/i:/ /e/分类(6)Game 2:Lets spell拼词游戏,可以是学过的单词,也可以是没学过的单词(7)Know more了解更多 e 发/e/的单词(8)Make sentencesCan you say something to Ken using these words?根据学生回答,呈现句子。Ken, its ten to ten, Go to bed before ten.T: Look at the sentence. These words all have the letter e, what does e pronounced as? S: /e/T: Look at my mouth, open it big or small. Try to imitate. (根据 Tips: P58的要求) S: Read one by one. T: Read the sentence.小组里读一读,然后叫两到三组反馈一下。【设计意图:单词辨音一直是学生的软肋,在教学时适当让学生说一说除书上设计意图:单词辨音一直是学生的软肋,在教学时适当让学生说一说除书上外其余一些含有相同发音的单词既是对学生对本课时所学内容的检测,同时也外其余一些含有相同发音的单词既是对学生对本课时所学内容的检测,同时也是在为日后学生做单词辨音作准备。是在为日后学生做单词辨音作准备。 】3.Cartoon time上一环节回到西洋镜,然后过度到这一环节(CAI 呈现 Cartoon 中的 big box)(1)T:Boys and girs,look at the peepshow.Sam has a peepshow too.T: Now Bobby is looking at the Peep Show, its very interesting. Lets watch and answer:1) What can Bobby see? 2) Is he happy?Lets watch the cartoon and check.(2)T: Whats in it? S: A boat, a tiger.(3) (出示图 4) 指导阅读,Its a tiger! T: If you are Sam, What will you say?(4) Listen and repeat. (5.)Try to read together emotionally. (6)Choose one way to read.(7) Set an example for Ss to act the cartoon. Try to act it in pairs, you can add some new sentences. 根据表演情况,评价给星。【设计意图:学习过程同时也是亲自实践的过程,缺少学生主体参与的学习活设计意图:学习过程同时也是亲自实践的过程,缺少学生主体参与的学习活动将不利于学生知识技能的提高。模仿课文对话表演提供给学生一个展示学习动将不利于学生知识技能的提高。模仿课文对话表演提供给学生一个展示学习成果的平台,使学生能通过语言实践内化语言,提高语言运用能力。成果的平台,使学生能通过语言实践内化语言,提高语言运用能力。 】Step 3.Consolidation and production1. T: Sam is naughty, but bobby is naughty, too. He wants to make a joke with Sam too. Look! 课件出示图:Bobby 告诉 Sam 他在盒子里看见了鱼。Sam 最喜欢鱼了,一听口水都要下来了,结果一看,是一条鲨鱼,吓了一大跳!2. 你还有其他的创意吗?也可以编一编。Tips:模仿书上的故事,小组内续编新故事,并把它演出来。3. 根据表演情况,评价给星。4.Summary:Today, we are playing in the amusement park. How do you feel now? From the learning of this lesson, what can you do now?引导学生用 I can 总结今天的学习。S: I can say/ read/ chant/ 【设计意图:英语课堂的教学内容不仅仅是单词、句型结构和语法项目,积极设计意图:英语课堂的教学内容不仅仅是单词、句型结构和语法项目,积极的情感态度和有效的学习策略也是重要目标。积极的情感态度能促进学生主动的情感态度和有效的学习策略也是重要目标。积极的情感态度能促进学生主动积极学习和持续发展,有效的学习策略能提高学习效率和发展自主学习。让学积极学习和持续发展,有效的学习策略能提高学习效率和发展自主学习。让学生根据书上生根据书上 CartoonCartoon timetime 的情节续编一个小故事,从书本学习延伸到实际生的情节续编一个小故事,从书本学习延伸到实际生活中,打开思维,提升目标。活中,打开思维,提升目标。 】Step 4 Homework1.Read Cartoon time and Sound time after the tape.2. 寻找更多字母 e 发音为/e/的单词,记在书上;3. 根据图片,把今天在课堂中学到的故事说给爸爸妈妈听
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