Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:c0f02).zip

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Unit 4 Drawing in the parkPeriod 3(Checkout time &Cartoon time & Sound time)I can chantI can chantLook,look,what can you see?I can see a _I can see a _I can see a _1. What can she see?2. What can she do?Outside readingspring girl1. She can see1. She can Good memory (好记好记性性)10秒观看时间秒观看时间I can talk1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910A: Look at this picture. What can you see? B: I can see A: Can you draw it ? B: Sure. Its easy. / Its difficult, but I can try. 和同桌用左和同桌用左边的句型问边的句型问答对话。答对话。1分钟准备分钟准备 red flower/e/sten同学们,你能用这些单词编写句子?同学们,你能用这些单词编写句子?TryTrypencil desk pen red egg lesson Its my red pen. 3 0秒,秒,同桌讨论同桌讨论。同学们,你能说出其他含同学们,你能说出其他含e e发发/e/的单词吗?的单词吗?同学们,你们知道字母同学们,你们知道字母 e 的其他发音?的其他发音?me threeshe reddesk sleep/ i:/ i:/ i:/ i:/ i:/e/e/ What can Bobby see in it? A. A boat B. A tigerC. A treeWatch and chooseI can readPeep show(西洋镜西洋镜) :一种民间一种民间的游戏器具,匣子里面装着画片儿的游戏器具,匣子里面装着画片儿,匣子上装有放大镜,可以看放大,匣子上装有放大镜,可以看放大的画面。的画面。 因为最初画片多是西洋因为最初画片多是西洋画,所以叫西洋镜。画,所以叫西洋镜。 I can read What can Bobby see in it?A. A boatB. A tigerC. A treeWatch and choose Is Bobby happy?Is Bobby happy now?12Watch and sayHave a look, Bobby.Its great fun.Whats in this big box?What can you see in it?I can see a boat on the lake. Tips:要根据故事情节,注意要根据故事情节,注意人物的语音语调和语气变化人物的语音语调和语气变化哦!哦!Learn to sayTry again. What can you see now? Its a tiger.Learn to sayI can dub比一比谁是配音王比一比谁是配音王!(两人一组)(两人一组)看谁表演看谁表演的最棒!的最棒!2分钟准备分钟准备TipsTips: 1.1.眼神交流。眼神交流。2.2.声音洪亮。声音洪亮。3.3.面带表情。面带表情。4.4.适当的动作。适当的动作。I can actI can draw and introduce(介绍介绍)The world is not the lack of beauty, but the lack of eyes to find beauty.世界上并不缺少美,只缺少发现美的眼睛世界上并不缺少美,只缺少发现美的眼睛。1.Read and act the Cartoon time with your classmates. 风 后和你的同学后和你的同学风 一一风 ,演一演,演一演风 个故事个故事2. Introduce scenic spots of Lianyungang to your friends and give some tour advice. 向你的好朋友介向你的好朋友介风风 云港的云港的风 景区并景区并风 他他风 一些旅游建一些旅游建风HomeworkThank you!The world is not the lack of beauty, but the lack of eyes to find beauty. 世界上并不缺少美,只缺少发现美的眼睛。世界上并不缺少美,只缺少发现美的眼睛。 UnitUnit 4 4 DrawingDrawing in in thethe parkparkPeriodPeriod 3 3 ( ( CartoonCartoon timetime & & CheckoutCheckout timetime & & TickingTicking time)time)班级 姓名 1.1. I can talk(我会说我会说)A: Look at this picture. What can you see? B: I can seeA: Can you draw it? B: Sure. Its easy. / Its difficult, but I can try. 2. I can make a new sentences.(我能造一个新句子我能造一个新句子)red pen eg: Its my red pen.3.I can play: Bingo(我会玩游戏我会玩游戏) 四人小组在 10 秒内用以下句子问答接龙。A: What can you do? B: I can 4. I can read and act(我会读和表演小故事)(我会读和表演小故事)5. I can introduce(我会介绍)(我会介绍) 用以下句子向春姑娘介绍景点This is . A. Qingnian parkB. many trees You can see . C. many flowers D. a kiteYou can . E. dance F. skate H .go boatingDo you like it? Lets go. 6. I can tick(我会自我评价)(我会自我评价)Ticking timeI can talk about things in the park well.我能很好地谈论公园内的事物。I know the sound of the letter “e”.我知道字母“e”的发音。I can use “What can you do?” to ask questions.我会用“What can you do?”来问答 How many red flowers have you got?你一共得到多少红花?译林译林 4B4B Unit4Unit4 DrawingDrawing inin thethe parkpark(Period(Period 3 3 checkoutcheckout timetime &Cartoon&Cartoon timetime & & soundsound time)time)教学目标教学目标知识技能目标:知识技能目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常用语 What can you see? I can see. 2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇 drawing, easy, difficult, try, hill(三会)3.能听懂、会说、会读词汇 park, draw, flower, them, boat, river, lake(四会)4.会唱歌曲What can you see?5.能听懂、会说、发音准确: 字母 e 在单词中的读音过程与方法目标:过程与方法目标:学生能用所学知识简单介绍自己会做什么,并能向朋友介绍自己家乡的景点。情感态度与价值观目标:情感态度与价值观目标:1.培养学生乐于参与,积极表达。在自主学习和成功的体验中,进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性。2.通过学习自己会做什么,不会做但是可以试试,引导学生试着通过努力可以会做更多的事情,让自己变得更优秀。教学重难点:教学重难点:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常用语 What can you see? I can see. 2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇 drawing, easy, difficult, try, hill(三会)学情分析学情分析本课是出自教材译林小学英语四下 Unit4 Drawing in the park 第三课时综合板块,适合小学六年制四年级的学生。本课时是学生在完成新授知识的基础上进行巩固拓展,所带班级学生的英语口语能力和语言组织能力比较强,已经有了一定的英语思维能力。学生在学本节课内容之前,已掌握了一些常用的反映日常生活和学习情况的单词或词组。本节课的主要任务是让学生能够运用所学句型自由表达,用英语表述谁会做什么,并尝试用所学的英语简单介绍自己的梦想公园。教学过程教学过程StepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming up.up.1. Greeting.2. Say a chant “What can you see?”. 尝试唱编歌曲3. Free talk. T: What can you see in the classroom? S: I can see a door/a window4. Outside reading. T: Do you want to know more about Spring girl? Lets enjoy the film. Q1: What can she see? Q2: What can she do? 【设计目的】 :通过 chant、自由交流、课外阅读等不同活动,为学生学习英语热身,活跃课堂氛围,为下面学习做铺垫。Step2Step2 PresentationPresentation1. Checkout time.Game: A good memoryA: Look at this picture. What can you see? B: I can see A: Can you draw it ? B: Sure. Its easy. / Its difficult, but I can try. 【设计目的】 :设计竞赛活动:比一比谁是记忆王,激发学生说英语的兴趣,通过对话的形式复习本课 Story time 的重要句型。2. Practice. What can you do? Free talk.T: Look, I can use the chalk to draw a red flower. Can you draw?S: Sure, its very easy. / Its different. But I can try.【设计目的】 :通过同桌讨论对话,训练学生 What can you do? 句型的操练,让学生在学中玩,玩中学。3. Sound time, T: Red flowers. How many red flowers?Ten (pronounce /e/) Say other words. T: Can you write any other words that pronounce /e/? Make a new sentence. T: Can you make a new sentence? 30 seconds for you to prepare with your partner. Do you remember any other words that pronounce /i:/?Ask the students to tell us some examples, then finish the exercise.【设计目的】 :运用平板的书写与及时展示,核对功能通过举例说其他单词、用词造句、联系之前所学并且作比较等活动巩固学生的语音知识,活学活用。Step3Step3 ConsolidationConsolidation Free talk. T: Look, what can you see? I can see a. What can you see in it? Lets have a look. Bobby and Sam have a big box. Whats in the big box? (peep show) Watch and answer. Q1: What can Bobby see in it? Q2: Is Bobby happy? Read in different ways. Dub for the story. Act the story.【设计目的】 :通过看、听、答、配音、表演等多种形式循序渐进的理解并表演课文。Step4Step4 ExtensionExtension1.I can draw.This is a park.Everyone has his own Dream Park.You can draw some trees,flowers,kites and so on to make it more beautiful.2. I can introduce.Let the students say something about his/her Dream Park. 2.As we knowThe world is not the lack of beauty, but the lack of eyes to find beauty. 世界上并不缺少美,只缺少发现美的眼睛。 【设计目的】 :设计一个做“梦想公园”的活动整合本单元的重点内容让学生画一画,说一说。重视情感教育,让学生感受美,体会生活,快乐每一天。Step5Step5 HomeworkHomework1. Read and act the Cartoon time with your classmates.2. Introduce scenic spots of Lianyungang to your friends and give some tour advice.
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