Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:a1c37).zip

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Unit 4 Drawing in the park(Story time)Can you?Its difficult.Its not easy.drinkdraw pictures 画画 I can seeWhat can you see in the park?在公园里你能看到什么? and his brother are in the park. They draw in the park.a boat Lets watch and tick.a rivera hillsome flowersa treea birda boat They can seea rivera hillsome flowersa treea birdnamethingscan cantTimLets read and judge.在课文中找出判断的依据哦!Can Tim draw them(它们) ?1.先大声朗读课文;2.在Tim会画的事 物旁画 , 不会画的事画 ;3.并找出判断依据。namethingscan cantTimeasy容易的Lets read and judge.Can Tim?namethingscan cantTimeasydifficultLets read and judge.Can Tim?Letslearn Nothing is difficult tothe men who will try.天上无难事,只怕有心人。 Lets readLets imitate.Lets draw some pictures here.Good idea !What can you see over there?I can see a tree and some flowers.Can you draw them?Sure. Its easy.This is the tree and these are the flowers.Well done.Can you see the boat on the river?Yes.Can you draw it?Its difficult, but I can try.Is this a boat?请试着读出Mike的语气哦!自己朗读其中任意一幅图小组内齐读图3、4和同桌分角色读图1、2Lets read. Happy Reading选择你喜欢的方式朗读课文。我们一起来演一演这个小故事吧!同伴合作小提示 :1.语音语调优美。2.配合默契有感情。3.增加适当的表情动作。4.请小组评委们客观、公正地评价哦!Lets act.Lets design and show.小小设计师1. 小组合作,设计思维导图2. 合作展示3. 可以运用下面的句子:This is I can seeI can drawIts easy.I cant drawIts difficult,but Ican try.I loveHomework1.Listen to the tape three times. 听课文磁带3遍。2. Retell the story according to the mind-map. 根据思维导图复述课文。3.Go on talking about the zoo with your frieds. 继续和朋友们谈论动物园。MikeTimtreeboatflowersrivereasydifficult Mike and Tim are in the park.They draw pictures .They can see , , a and . Tim can draw _ and _. Its _. He cant draw _. Its _.a treesome flowerseasya boatdifficulta tree some flowersa boata riverHowever it is difficult, we should have a try. 无论多难,我们都应该试一试。无论多难,我们都应该试一试。 基于预习背景下的“学导式”课堂教学模式4B Unit4 Drawing in the park 作业纸作业纸班级:_ 姓名:_一、自读课文,圈圈出他们在公园里看到的事物。二、互读课文,用笑脸画出 Tim会会画的东西,用哭脸画出 Tim不会不会画的东西。NameTimThingsCanCantHowever it is difficult, we should have a try. 无论多难,我们都应该试一试。无论多难,我们都应该试一试。 基于预习背景下的“学导式”课堂教学模式Unit 4 Drawing in the park1教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea! Sure, its easy. Its difficult, but I can try.3. 能初步用以下句型 What can you see? I can see 来对看到的事物进行交流。4.能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。5. 理解课文并能运用思维导图复述课文。6. 能在情境的体验中让学生感受自然的美丽,同时培养学生不畏困难、勇于尝试的精神。7. 能在创设的情境中简单描述自己的见闻。2学情分析 小学四年级学生具有一定的自行探究的意识,有着强烈的好奇心,他们喜欢在自己的探索中获取知识,喜欢在玩中学、做中学、想中学、用中学。 “公园”是学生常去的地方,学生有生活经验,加之上学期学生已初步了解 can 的用法,内容有较强的生活性,易于激发学生的学习动机。该班学生对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,喜欢寓教于乐的课堂氛围,乐于思考、主动参与。3重点难点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult.2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea! What can you see? I can see Can you ? Sure, its easy. Its difficult, but I can try.教学难点:1.能正确地朗读单词 easy, difficult。2.能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语简单描述自己的见闻。4 学习策略以兴趣为支点,以交流为、以活动任务为途径的教学原则,充分运用信息技术教学手段,创造大量贴近生活的教学情景,并在课堂上大量采用互动式教学模式,使学生自然进入英语世界。在教学过程中,综合运用情景教学、交际教学、白板教学、整体语言教学等手段,全面培养学生的听、说、读、写等语言综合运用能力。5 教具电脑、板书、白板笔、多媒体课件6教学过程4.1第一学时4.1.1教学活动活动 1【导入】Step1.WarmingupT: Hi, boys and girls. Nice to see you.S:Nice to see you, too.T:I can sing. Can you sing with me?T:Yes.(sing and do some actions)(以歌曲热身,除了调动学生的情绪,活跃课堂气氛外,更重要的是通过这首歌曲复习以前学过的巨型 Can you.?为新内容的学习做好铺垫。)T:I can sing .I can do many things. Do you want to know?S:Yes, I do.T:You can ask me “Can you?” Play a game and teach new words “easy ,difficult”T: Can you jump?T: Jump and touch my hand. T: Its easy.T: Can you touch my hand now?S1: (学生跳起来也没能触摸到)Sorry, I cant.T:Its not easy. Its difficult. (板书:easy, difficult)(以游戏的形式很轻松地解决了本课的重难点单词 easy 和 difficult,降低了学生学习的难度,从而达到了“课伊始,趣即生”的教学效果。 )T:I can. I can draw pictures too. Please look! This is my picture. What is it?S: Its a park./ Its T:Do you usually go to the park?S:Yes, I do.T:I can see .T:What can you see in the park?(S:I can see(此处利用电子白板教学,电子白板教学寓教育教学于一定的形象思维和创设的情景当中,能够综合利用视、听觉,使学生感受到语言和音像的不断冲击,从而更加集中注意学习本课重难点内容。 )活动 2【讲授】Step2.PrereadingT: We can see many things in the park. Today Mike and his brother Tim are in the park too. They draw pictures in the park. What can they see in the park? They can see.(Lets watch and tick)(带着问题去观看视频,让学生的学习更加有目的性,同时可以充分调动学生的学习积极性 )活动 3【讲授】Step3.WhilereadingT: They can see many things in the park. Can Tim draw them? Can Tim draw well? Now lets read and judge.T: Can Tim draw a tree some flowers?S: Yes, he can.T: How do you know? Please find the reasons in your books. S: Sure, its easy.(模仿语音语调)T: Can Tim draw a boat?S: No, he cant.T: Why do you know? S: Its difficult, but I can try. (模仿语音语调)T:So we must remember (Nothing is difficult to the men who will try). T: Try to imitate.(read after the tape 最后一句加动作表演模仿)T: Lets read.T:Lets act. Try to do more and more actions. (从看到自读,教师采用设疑、追问、模仿等方法,呈现课文内容,层层递进,符合学生的认知规律,很好的检验了学生对课文的掌握 情况,还有利于培养学生自主学习的一种能力。 )活动 4【活动】Step4.PostreadingT: Today we know Mike and TimYou all did a good job. So lets enjoy a cartoon about the zoo. Do you like this zoo? What can you see in this zoo? T:Try to make a mind maps about the zoo in groups. Show us your mind maps. (用白板笔拖拽和利用画画的功能,带领学生复述思维导图,并完善语段输出内容,最后引导孩子自己制作一张自己的思维导图。通过制作思维导图,既可以训练学生的思维,即将所学的知识系统化、内化,并形成知识模板图式,又可以通过彩笔及图的形式,将书写兴趣化,同时加深和提高对所学知识的识记。)活动 5【作业】Step5.Homework1. Read correctly and act out the dialogue .2. 用 What can you see?询问和 I can see来回答,描述生活中观察到的事物3. Retell the story according to the mind-map.(作业题 1、3 是平时常规作业,是对本课新授内容的巩固。作业本 2 从书本内容延伸到平时的生活,让学生很轻松地实现了对本课知识点的迁移。)However it is difficult, we should have a try. 无论多难,我们都应该试一试。无论多难,我们都应该试一试。 基于预习背景下的“学导式”课堂教学模式4B Unit4 Drawing in the park 评测练习评测练习知识链接:知识链接:1、本节课中,能让学生在一定情境的体验中感受自然的美丽,同时培养学生不畏困难、勇于尝试的精神。2、理解课文并能运用思维导图复述课文。课堂回顾:课堂回顾:在整个教学过程中,我合理利用了教材。同时,以学生的兴趣为导向,重心下移,让学生在丰富多彩的活动中轻松学习,把机械的操练升华为对语言的运用,真正体现语言的交际功能其中以思维导图的形式,让学生复述课文,大大降低了孩子们复述课文的难度,这也是本次研究中比较成功的一次尝试。正如课文中所说:Its difficult, but I can try.我们在教学研究中也要具有不畏困难,勇于尝试的精神。课外拓展:课外拓展:能在老师创设的动物园的情境中,用所学内容 What can you see in this zoo? Try to make a mind maps about the zoo in groups. Show us your mind maps.简单描述自己的见闻。
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