Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:10bed).zip

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      • Chant节奏_clip(1).wav
      • gloves.wav
      • qq - 连连看背景音乐.mp3
      • TFBOYS - 青春修炼手册 (伴奏)_clip.wav
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4B Unit 6 (period 2)4B Unit 6 (period 1)er glovesAbout clothesoutr_ _ssTheyre loveblousetree看见不能接在该句型后面的服装单词,说 Pass。能接在句型后面的单词,要快速读出完整句子。They are .Quick responseWhose?Guess Its s, I think.Maybe its s.Say it: Whose, Whose, Whose dress is this? Its Yang Lings. Its Yang Lings. Its Yang Lings dress.Memory KingWhose?Memory KingWhose?Say it: Whose, Whose, Whose gloves are these? Theyre Mikes. Theyre Mikes. Theyre Mikes gloves. Where?化妆舞会Scene1: Before the partyHOMEWatch and answer Scene1: Before the partyWatch and answer Scene1: Before the partyWatch and answerSu Hai is trying on the _.Su Yang is trying on the _.trousersdressSu Hais dress is_ _ .too short Try this. Scene1: Before the partyWatch and answer太too longYour trousers_ _ ._ theseTry _ . are Scene1: Before the partyWatch and answer Look at Its/Theyre (注意单复数噢!) Scene2: At the party Whose?Scene2: At the partyWhose dress is this? Read and answerIts Helens cousins.Whose gloves are these?Theyre Su Yangs fathers.so如此的too太Listen and imitate (跟读模仿)Happy reading timeRead and complete (填空并朗读)Lets dub(配音)Listen and imitate_OK.Read and completedressshortthis_trouserstheseRead and complete_partyRead and complete_ _glovessobig.Read and complete_glovesfathersRead and complete_ _dresscousinsso beautifulRead and completePrepare in groups1、Lets dub!2、Lets act!1、Lets dub!2、Lets act! 同学们可任选一个场景进行表演哦! Scene1: Before the partyScene2: At the party Scene1: Before the partyScene2: At the partyaudience A: Look at my A/B: Its / Theyre too/so B: Try this/these.A: OK. /All right. 先四人一组进行换装,然后再从每组中选 一名同学上台进行Fashion Show(时装表演)!A: Look at s B: Its / Theyre too/so Whose is this/are these?A: Its/Theyre s. 1.Listen and imitate the story. 2. Try to dub. 3. Copy the new words and sentence patterns. 4B4B Unit6 Whose dress is this ?读一读,请根据课文内容来试着完成填空吧!读一读,请根据课文内容来试着完成填空吧!4B4B Unit6 Whose dress is this ?读一读,请根据课文内容来试着完成填空吧!读一读,请根据课文内容来试着完成填空吧!教材:小学教材:小学英语英语四年级下册:四年级下册:Unit6 Whose dress is this ?4B Unit 6Whose dress is this?Story time 教学设计教学设计设设计计思思路:路:本单元通过谈论化装舞会的服装,呈现了物品的所属关系。在设计时,我将本课设计为本单元的第一课时。在这一课时中,旨在让学生通过整体感知学习理解语篇、培养学生阅读兴趣和阅读技巧;同时培养学生根据角色有感情地朗读故事的能力。首先,整体呈现课文,通过听录音并提出一个问题:What do they want to do ?让学生初步感知课文内容,并产生阅读的兴趣。然后通过 Before the party 和 At the party 两个场景展开对课文的梳理,帮助学生理清课文脉络,整体把握课文。最后通过角色表演进一步理解、体验课文。Teaching contents:小学英语四年级下册:Unit6 Whose dress is this?1. Words and phrases: gloves, trousers, too , so 2. Sentence structures: Try this/these.Whose is this/are these? Its /Theyres.3. Language function: Enable students to read the dialogue fluently.Teaching aims and learning objectives:1. Knowledge Aims:1)Help the students understand the following phrases and sentences in the contest: too , so Try this/these Whose is this/are these? Its /Theyres.2) Enable students to understand and read the dialogue.2. Ability Aims: 1) Enable students to read the dialogue 2) Enable students to imitate the dialogue correctly and act it out. 3. Emotion Aims:1) Students are able to be powerful、active and confident in my class;2) Students are willing and can be polite to give praise.Teaching focus:1)Help the students understand the following phrases and sentences in the contest: too , so Try this/these Whose is this/are these? Its /Theyres. 2) Enable students to understand and read the dialogue.Predicated area of difficulties:1) Enable students to imitate the dialogue correctly and act the dialogue.2) Enable students to understand and use the sentence patterns: Try this/these Whose is this/are these? Its /Theyres. Teaching aids:PPT, word cardsTeaching procedures:Step 1 Warm up and lead in:1、Free talk【设计意图】通过师生相互介绍,引出今天教学的主题:clothes。2、Game1: Say them quickly!【设计意图】通过游戏复习服饰类词汇,并进行单复数的比较,进而到今天要教学的两个服装类新单词:trousers, gloves,并板书这两个单词。3、Teach new words : Listen and try to spell: trousers They re trousers. Read and spell: gloves4. Game2: Quick response: Theyre (规则:看见单数单词说 pass, 看见复数单词快速读出完成句子)【设计意图】通过该游戏训练学生对复数句型 Theyre 的反应,帮助学生能正确使用复数句型。5. Game3: Memory King(1)Before the game, guess: Whose dress is this? Its s.(2)Chant: Whose, whose ,Whose dress is this? Its Yang Lings, ItsYang Lings. Its Yang Lings dress.板书:Whose dress is this? Its Yang Lings.(3) Students will have three seconds to remember whose things these are.(Ask and answer: Whose dress/cap . is this/ are these?Its s. / Theyre s.)(4) Chant:Whose gloves, whose gloves, Whose gloves are these?Mikes, Mikes, Theyre Mikes gloves.板书:Whose gloves are these?Theyre Mikes.【设计意图】通过 Memory King 这个游戏,首先引出句型 Whose dress is this?,让学生猜测裙子是谁的?然后通过儿歌的形式,使学生熟悉该句型的运用及名词所有格的使用。再通过该游戏带着学生饶有趣味地进行句型操练,避免机械操练。Step2 Presentation and practice:1.Task 1.Guess,then watch: Where? (Where are they going to)Students guess where they go ,then watch the cartoon and find the answer: Go to a party.【设计意图】在整体呈现课文之前,先让学生预测一下 Su Hai 她们今天穿了这些衣服可能会去哪里。然后通过观看动画故事,培养学生整体理解故事大意的能力。并得出:Theyre going to a party.2. Task2. Watch and answer:Scene 1: Before the party. They are at home, What clothes are they trying on? Su Hai is trying on the dress .Su Yang is trying on the trousers.(1)Su Hais looks unhappy. Why?(Because) Its too short. (teach“too” )Try this.(板书)(2)How about Su Yangs trousers?.They are too long. Try these.(板书)(3)Put the clothes in right place. “Try this.” and “Try these.” 【设计意图】将课文场景分成 Scene 1: Before the party.和 Scene 2: At the party.学生通过再次观看 Scene1 动画,得出:Su Hai is trying on the dress .Su Yang is trying on the trousers.再观察 Su Hais dress is too short.Su Yang 提议: Try this.而图 2 中 Su Yangs trousers are too long.所以 Su Hai 建议:Try these.然后通过朗读来理解 Its too short, 和 Your trousers are too long.这两句话,朗读时通过重读 too 这个单词来帮助学生理解其含义。接着,通过单复数服装图片的摆放来检测学生对 Try this.和 Try these.的正确使用。3. Task 3. Read and answer:Scene 2: At the party. Look at Helens dress. Its soTry to describe with: Look at s . Its / Theyre Any Q about Su Yangs gloves and Helens dress?Q1: Whose dress is this?Q2: Whose gloves are these?Read picture 4-6 and try to answer the questions.【设计意图】引导学生通过描述图片中人物着装来质疑:Q1: Whose dress is this?Q2: Whose gloves are these?然后学生通过自主阅读来找到这两个问题的答案。同时在检查答案的过程中对比 too 和 so 这两个单词的区别。Step3 Consolidation:1. Listen and try to imitate.【设计意图】在之前教师指导朗读的基础上,学生借助肢体语言跟录音朗读,充分体验故事人物情绪,为故事表演做好准备。2. Read and complete .【设计意图】通过一些关键词填空检测学生对文本的掌握情况,也是再次熟悉故事整体。3. Lets dub【设计意图】该环节通过分角色配音,既是练习整个故事的朗读,又增加了朗读的趣味性。4. Act it out.【设计意图】学生可任选一个场景进行表演。因为要在这节课中让学生一下演绎出整体故事,是有一定难度的,所以为降低难度,建议学生任选一个场景 Before the party.或 At the party.进行表演5. Have a fancy dress party in the classroom.(1) (四人一组,其中两人换装,另两人描述或建议:A: Look at my B. Its /Theyre too/so Try this/ these.A: OK. / All right.(2) Fashion Show. (每组选一名 model 上台表演)A: Look at his/her Its /Theyre too/so B: Whose is this/are these?.Model: Its/ Theyre s.【设计意图】学生 4 人一组进行换装准备,先在组内内充分操练:Look at my Its /Theyre too/so Try this/ these.然后再从每组选一名同学上台进行Fashion Show.进行第二轮拓展练习:Look at sIts /Theyre too/so Whose is this/are these? Model: Its/ Theyre s.通过该活动为学生创设情境进行语言交际。Step4 Homework:1. Listen and imitate the story.2. Try to dub.3. Copy the new words and sentence patterns.【设计意图】引导学生通过作业的完成进一步巩固今日所学,充分体验模仿朗读、配音等活动所带来的英语学习的快乐。Board design:
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