Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b07c2).docx

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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b07c2).docx_第1页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b07c2).docx_第2页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b07c2).docx_第3页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b07c2).docx_第4页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b07c2).docx_第5页
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1、14B Unit6 Whose dress is this?教学内容:教学内容:Fun time, Sound time &Cartoon time学情分析:学情分析:本单元的主要教学内容是衣物类的单词和学会用 whose 去询问问题,要求学生围绕衣物类的单词在一定的情境下正确使用 Whose . is this/ are these? Is it/ Are they.? Yes.Youre right./ No, youre wrong. 进行问答和交谈。由于这个句型具有相当强的情境性,所以在教学中要创设较多的情景,引起学生的学习兴趣,使学生在乐中学,乐中用。本节课是这个单元的第二课

2、时,在第一课时 Story time 学习的基础上,学习 Fun time进一步用句型熟练交流,进而转入 Sound time 的语音学习及 Cartoon time 的课文学习,各部分逐步深入,注意衔接,营造一个丰富又有趣的课堂,基于书本并高于书本。教学目标:教学目标:知识目标:1.能用 Whose . is this/ are these? Is it/ Are they.? Yes. Youre right./ No, youre wrong.进行问答和交谈。2.能掌握字母 i 在单词中的发音/I/。3.能理解、朗读并表演 Cartoon time 课文对话。能力目标:1. 能运用疑问词

3、“whose”进行问答,掌握名词所有格s 的用法。2. 能通过与上一单元字母 i 的发音比较,掌握元音字母 i 的发音规律。3. 能掌握一定的朗读技巧,养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。情感目标:1.在引导学生学习字母发音过程中,感受语言的发音规律,激发学生英语学习的兴趣。2.培养学生自我保护的意识:当刺猬遇到危险时会卷成一团,变成有刺的球以保护自身,我们也要学会保护好自己,生命是最重要的。3.培养学生爱护动物和大自然的意识:动物是人类的朋友,善待它们即善待我们自己。教学重难点:教学重难点:重点:1.能用疑问词“whose”进行问答,注意名词所有格s 的用法。2.能掌握字母 i 在单词中

4、的发音/I/,注意发音要领,了解写法。3.能理解、朗读并表演 Cartoon time 课文对话,掌握有效的朗读技巧。难点:1.能初步掌握服饰类单词中复数单词的形式和用法。2.能初步掌握动词第三人称单数的用法。3.能正确辨音字母 i 的两个发音/I/和/a/。教学方法和手段:教学方法和手段:2方法:游戏教学法,情境教学法,听说练习法,任务型教学法等。手段:PPT 课件,板书,练习等。教学过程:教学过程:Step1. Warmup1.GreetingsT: Class begins. Good afternoon, class.S: Good afternoon, Miss Shi.T: Sit

5、 down, please.T: Today we go on learning Unit6. Lets read the title.Ss: Whose dress is this?2. Lets know our learning aims:No.1: can use “whose” to ask questions.No.2: can know the sound of the letter “i”.No.3: can understand, read and act “Cartoon time”.T: We have a competition in learning. We are

6、divided into three groups, ten students in eachgroup. I hope you can try your best to make your stars rise. At the end of the our lesson, thehighest star is the winner.Are you clear? Lets go!Ss: OK!3.First, lets sing a song:The clothes shop.T: Good singing.(设计意图:本课为这一单元的第二课时,引出课题继续学习这一单元,知晓本堂课的三个学习目

7、标,并说明这堂课的学习赛制,鼓励学生通过努力提升自己获得成功。与学生一起演唱英文歌曲 The clothes shop 切入主题, 活跃课堂气氛, 开启英语课堂。 )Step2 Revision1. Lets play a game. Pay attention to the rule: Say out the words, phrases or sentences asquickly as you can, if you see this picture, hold your head and say “Ouch!”. Are you ready?Lets go!Ss: Yes!T: Wel

8、l done!2. Lets classify the words of clothes: Please put the clothes into the right wardrobes,the first one is the single one, and the second one is in pairs. For example: The T-shirt is in 1.Are you clear? Lets begin!Ss: Yes!T: Good job!3T: Do you know: Whose clothes are these?3.Lets work in pairs:

9、Ask and answer:A: Whose.is this/are these?B: Its/Theyre.s. Lets start!T:You two please!/ You two please!/ .T: Good job!4. Lets chant together.5. Lets adapt the chant.T: Talk about it in pairs first.T:Are you ready? Lets begin.T: Well done.(设计意图:复习环节,先是设置了两个游戏(1)Say quickly!(2) Lets classify!第一个游戏的目的

10、是复习衣物类词汇,第二个游戏是引导学生对单复数衣物类词句的表达运用,进而进行四会句型 A: Whose.is this/are these? B: Its/Theyre.s. 的问答,最后通过说唱和改编重组的 chant 进一步巩固,总体是从词到句再到对话的一个层次渗透。 )Step3 Fun time1.T: Oh! Whose sweater is this? Lets guess: Is it Dans?录音:No, youre wrong.T: Follow me “wrong”.T: Lets guess again.Ss: Is it Joes?录音:Yes, youre righ

11、t.T: Follow me “right”.2. Lets play a guessing game:Whose clothes are they?T: We can use these sentence patterns.First, you ask, I guess. You please!Then, one student guess, the others ask.T: Well done. Lets go on guessing: Whose things are they?One student asks, one student answers.T: Well done! I

12、think Jerry likes English. Tom likes fish.(设计意图:呈上一环节 chant 的句子 Whose sweater is this?引入 Sound time 的句式A: Is it/Are they.? B: Yes.You re right./ No, you re wrong. 采用插结合录音的方式教学判断正误的两个新句 Yes.You re right./ No, you re wrong. 进而设置了三个分层的游戏:(1)First, you ask, I guess.(2)Then, one student guess, the others

13、 ask.(3)At last, one4student asks, one student answers. 来猜猜衣物的主人,在猜的过程中融会贯通 Fun time四会句型,最后再读猜猜看游戏的最后两句做点明:Jerry likes English. Tom likes fish.引出 Sound time 的学习。 )Step4 Sound time1. Lets read: Jerry likes English. Tom likes fish.2. Can you use English, fish to make a sentence? Pay attention to “befo

14、re”, its opposite wordis “after”, lets read: before/after, here “listen to” is a set phrase, for example: listen to musicS: Before eating fish, Lets listen to some English.T: Good job!3.Now lets read together after the tape.T: Good reading.T: Can you find out the words with letter “i” pronounced/I/?

15、Lets learn the soundmark “ i /I/” , look at the explanation of how to pronounce it?(中文录音)Lets practice:/I/. Yes, youre right. Now can you find out the words with letter “i”pronounced /i/?T:You are right. Here the letter “i” in the word pronounced “/I/”, lets read again.T: Can you say more words with

16、 letter “i” pronounced /I/?You please./ You please. Well done.Lets read.4. Now try to read out these words with letter “i” pronounced /I/.Ss: kids, hill, pit, digT: Talk about with your partner to finish the sentence. Well done, lets read together.5.As we have learned in last unit, the letter “i” in

17、 the word has another pronunciation “/aI/ ” ,please read these words.Ss: .T: Good reading.6. Lets play a game: Go fishing with Sam. Some fish will come, each fish has a word withthe letter “i”, if the letter “i” pronounced /I/,we should say /I/loudly ,then we will get the fish,if the letter “i” pron

18、ounced /aI/we should say/aI/ loudly ,then we will also get the fish. Areyou clear?T: Good job.(设计意图:承上读句子 Jerry likes English. Tom likes fish.结合课文插图和录音,让学生完成 Sound time 的句子填写,培养学生的观察和思考能力,进而通过让学生找出含有字母 i 发音为/I/的单词顺势教学音标/I/, 强调口型发音到位及了解音标的写法,进而引导学生找出含有字母 i 发音为/I/的单词,并举出更多的例子,结合板书进一步巩固。5在掌握 i 发音为/I/的基

19、础上,结合上一单元字母 i 的发音/aI/ ,融会贯通同一个字母的两个发音,设置一个 Sam 钓鱼的游戏进行字母 i 的辨音。 )Step5 Cartoon time1. After fishing, Sam goes home, he meets Bobby.2. Teach: matter, Whats the matter?3. Watch and answer: Whats the matter with Bobby?4. (1)T: Whats the matter ,Bobby? He says “My hand hurts.”Lets learn “hand”Lets learn

20、 “hurt”T: Bobbys one hand hurts. Here why we add “s” after hurt. Lets think about it. (出示Learning tip.)(2) If Bobbys left hand hurts, right hand hurts too. How to say the sentence?S: My hands hurt.T:You are right. Pay attention to the difference.5.Now please read the text by yourselves, and try to c

21、hoose: Whats this? T: Hand up and tellme: Whats this?AOR B?T:Yes, youre right. Lets learn: hedgehog6. Lets imitate the dialogues. Here is a reading tip for you, pay attention to the pronunciationand intonation.7. Lets do happy reading. Three students in a group, you can choose one way of reading.Her

22、e are three ways of reading. The first is .The second is . The third is .Different waysof reading will get different stars. Lets start to read.T: Good reading.8. Lets dub now: Group1: Sam, Group2 Bobby, Group3 hedgehogT: Good dubbing.9. Lets act: Three students in a group, act out “ Cartoon time”, p

23、lease add your expressionsand actions to make you acting more vividly. Different ways of acting will get different stars.Let begin.T: Good acting.10. Lets know: When a hedgehog is in danger, it rolls into a ball to protect itself. We mustalso protect ourselves. Life is the most important! Also, anim

24、als are friends of human beings.Being kind to them is to be kind to ourselves. Love each other. Let feel the love!11. Lets continue the story.Yes, Bobby and hedgehog are friends. He invites the hedgehogto his home and shows his and his families clothes and toys, lets image, talk about, make6new dial

25、ogues and go on acting. Work in pairs please.T:You two please.(设计意图:用衔接语 After fishing, Sam goes home, he meets Bobby. Whats the matterwith Bobby?引出 Cartoon time 的学习,先是通过任务型教学法,设置问题进行(1)看动画初步回答问题, 解答问题并初步讲解第三人称单数的用法, 解决重难点知识点;(2)自读课文进一步回答问题,深入了解文本; (3)课文对话,模仿对话引导有效的朗读方法和技巧; (4)配音对话,创设情境练说英语; (5)三种方式

26、方式的朗读,引导学生加入表情和肢体语言绘声绘色的演绎(6)动画配音, 让课文文本从静止的文本上升到动态的画面; (7)不同层次的表演,创设真实的情境让学生用英语开口交际; (8)顺势展开情感教育(9)续讲故事,让课堂基于书本又高于书本; (10)将延伸的故事放到情境中让学生发挥想象力,不停留在本课的句型,运用所知的交际用语进行交流,让对话更丰富,更生动。 )Step6 Ticking time1. Ticking time now, look at the learning aims carefully, how many stars can you get?2. Lets have a lo

27、ok at the result of our learning competition. Group ? is the winner,congratulation.Actually, I think all of you are studying hard, you are the winner of yourself.(设计意图:通过自我评价,引导学生了解自己对本课三个学习目标的掌握情况,根据学生不同的特点,设置了三颗星、两颗星、一颗星的具体的评价标准,以培养学生学习英语的自信心,每个学生对各个学习目标反思和调控自己的学习过程。最后对本堂课的学习竞赛做一个汇报,肯定每个同学的进步。 )St

28、ep7 Homework1. Look at the homework: 1.Copy the new words and sentences: (move, I think so. My handhurts.) 2.Read “Cartoon time” fluently and act out with friends or families. 3.Continue totalk and write the text, then act out with classmates.2. Thats all for this class. See you, boys and girls.(设计意

29、图:第一个是写的作业,这节课在课堂中没有设计笔头写的环节,所以布置了抄写 Cartoon time 里面新学的词汇及句子:move, I think so. Whats the matter? Myhand hurts.等, 这样一堂课的听说读写就可以面面俱到。第二个作业是课后表演 Cartoontime 课文,学以致用,课堂的英语练习时间非常有限,所以课后尽量多创造条件和同学、朋友、家人交际练习英语。第三个作业续谈、续写课本 Cartoon time 的课文对话,学生可以根据自己的英语能力发挥想象力完成这一条,可以简单编写,可以丰富编写,可以伙伴演绎,这也是自主探究及分层教学的两个理念。 )7板书设计:板书设计:Unit6 Whose dress is this?Fun timeWhose . is this/ are these?Is it/Are they.?Yes. Youre right./ No, youre wrong.Sound timeeatingfishlistenEnglish/I/(学生具体举例后板书)(学生具体举例后板书)Cartoon timeWhats the matter?My hand hurts.


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