Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:83e12).doc

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Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:83e12).doc_第1页
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Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:83e12).doc_第2页
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Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:83e12).doc_第3页
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Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:83e12).doc_第4页
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Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:83e12).doc_第5页
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1、四下四下 Unit6 Whose dress is this? 教案教案一、教学课题:四下 Unit6 Whose dress is this? (Fun time&Cartoon time&Sound time)二、教学目标知识目标1.学生能听懂、 会说、 会读、 会写词汇: whose, move, matter, hurt, ouch, trousers,glove, so, wrong, right2.学生能听懂、会说、会读词汇:move, matter, hurt, ouch, wrong, right3.学生能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Whats the mat

2、ter? 及其回答。能力目标1.学生能用 Whose . is this/are these? Its/Theyre .s. 询问他人物品所属关系。2.学生能用 Whats the matter?来询问他人的状况。情感目标学生能在生活中多多关心他人。三、教学重难点1. 重点:学生能够熟读卡通并进行表演。2. 难点:学生能掌握字母 i 的发音,并归纳总结之前学过的单词,区分两种不同的发音。四、教学方法与手段教学方法:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片等。教学手段:游戏法,情景教学法,小组合作法。五、教学过程Step 1: Warm up1. Enjoy a song The clothing song.

3、2. T: Boys and girls, listen to me! Look at her blouse. Look at his shirt. Look atmy dress and my shoes. They are all look great. Yes?S: Yes!T: So, today we will continue to talk about clothes in Unit6. Read after me,Unit6 Whose dress is this?2. Learning aimsT: Before we start our class, lets see ou

4、r learning aims. Firstly, you can usewhose to ask questions. Secondly, you know the sound of the letter i. Thirdly, youcan read and act out Cartoon time. And today I will devide you into three groups. Wewill have a competition: climbing the string. At the end of the class, which groupclimbs the high

5、est will be the winner.Are you ready?设计意图设计意图: 在展开正式教学前, 播放与本课主题相关的歌曲 The clothing song,活跃课堂气氛,之后教师出示本课教学目标,让学生对本课学习内容有个初步了解,也有助于其在之后进行自我检测。Step 2: Lead in1. Quick responseT: First, a game for you. Quick response. Rules: Please say the words, phrasesor pictures quickly when you see them. If you see

6、this picture, please hug your headand say bomb.S: two shirts, coat, try this, jeans, so beautiful .设计意图设计意图:快速反应环节带领学生复习学过的服装类单词,以及词组,并且用节奏欢快的背景音乐来调动学生的积极性,为学生营造了良好的英语学习氛围,在复习的同时又不乏趣味性。2. Lets judgeT: Here, I have some sentences for you read and judge. If it is right, please sayYeah, yeah,yeah. If i

7、t is wrong, lets say No, no, no. And we can only change oneword of each sentence. Can you?T: Just now, we have changed these words. What differences can you find?S: Shorts, gloves.是复数,其他是单数。The:Great! Shorts, trousers, gloves, jeans, socks are plural forms and sweater,shirt, cap, dress and coat are

8、singular words. So, we can summarize: In English, thereare some words like shorts, trousers, gloves, jeans, socks are usually used in pluralforms. And we can also use a pair of to describe them. For example, can youtranslate?一双鞋子a pair of shoes一条短裤a pair of shorts一副手套a pair of socks设计意图设计意图:本环节是复习句型

9、,出示句子让学生判断对错,并改正,即检测学生对服装类单词单复数的掌握情况,然后将其归类,归纳用法规则。3. Lets talkT: Now, we have reviewed the words and sentences. Its time for us to talk. Iwill give you 30s to talk about your classmates clothes with your partners. I will setan example for you: Look at her shoes. Theyre black. Her coat is so long.T:

10、You can use the sentence patterns and the key words.Look at my/ his/ her/Its/ Theyre My/ His/ Her is/ are too/soColor: white, red . Valuation: big, long, beautiful, nice .设计意图设计意图:讨论环节,教师作出示范,用所学句型对学生进行描述,复现服装类单词和句子,.是谁的?鼓励学生说得越多越好。同时 His,Her 是对物主代词的巩固和复习。Step 3: Fun time1. Lets guessT: Another game

11、 for you: Guess! Rules: One group is A and they know whothe things belong to. A asks Whose.? The other students are B and guess Is it/Arethey . ? A responds Yes, youre right. or No, youre wrong. Who answers correctlywill help your group climb up.T: Who want to beA?A: Whose.?B: Is it.s?A: Yes, youre

12、right./No, youre wrong.B: Is it.s?.设计意图设计意图:Fun time 中设置了转盘的游戏,一组同学是 A,知道物品属于谁,问 Whose.?Guess! 其余三组是 B, 用句型 Is it/Are they.s?进行猜测,A 则用 Yes,youre right./No, youre wrong.(你是对的、错的)回答。哪个组最终猜对可爬上一层。让学生在游戏中巩固句型。Step 4: Sound time1. T: Look at the sweater. Guess, whose sweater is this? Guess!S: Is it Sam s

13、?T:Yes, youre right! Why?S: .T: Good. Because there is a fish on the sweater.And Sam likes fish.设计意图设计意图:通过刚才的转盘,顺势过渡,用 Whose sweater is this?继续让学生猜,引出这是 Sam 的毛衣,因为毛衣上有一条鱼,Sam 喜欢吃鱼。2. Teach the sound of the letter i.T: Pay attention to the word fish. Listen carefully!Play the sound of the word fishT

14、: Can you feel the sound of the letter i.How can we pronounce?Teach: /I /3. Present more wordsT: Here I have some more words with letter i pronounced/I /.Can you read them out?list mix fit fish wish listen dish EnglishT: Now, can you choose three words to fill in the blanks?Before eating _. Lets_ to

15、 some _.设计意图设计意图:让学生自我体会字母 i 在单词中的发音,然后教师出示更多含有字母 i 并且有相同发音的单词,让学生读一读,看看他们是否能读出来,再从这些单词中选出三个填空,完成 Sound time 句子的填写,播放录音,让其跟读,并拍手。4. Teach the word before.5. Play the tape of Sound time and read.Read after the tapeGroup competition设计意图设计意图:小组比赛的方式能够充分激起学生的竞争意识,提高其学习的主动性,能够促使其更积极地投入到学习中来。6. Compare di

16、fferent sounds of the letter i.T: Sometimes, the letter i , we pronounce / ai /. For example.T: Can you read?time bike five nine five like nice ride kite whiteT: So, what can you find?S: .T: We can summarize: In most of the words, if the word includes vowel i,consonant and the letter e, then the let

17、ter i we pronounce / ai /.7. Play a gameT: Now, game for you. Rules: Sam likes eating the fish if the letter ipronounced / I /, lets say eat,eat. If not, we say no,no.设计意图设计意图:字母 i 有两种发音,结合前一单元的所学,复习之后,通过一个游戏来巩固,即 Sam 吃鱼,Sam 喜欢吃的鱼上所含字母 i 发音为/ I /,让我们一起说eat,eat,其余的说no,no。该游戏比传统的 TF 做题形式要有趣些,学生能集中注意力。

18、Step 5Cartoon time1. T: Sam says After eating fish, lets go and play.2. Play the sound Ouch!T: Whats the matter?3. Teach: Whats the matter?T: When our friends are in a bad mood or they are ill, we can use Whats thematter? to care about them. Except Whats the matter?, we can also say Whatswrong with

19、you? or Whats up to you?, etc.4. Watch and answerT: Lets see whats the matter with Bobby?A. My hand hurts. B. My nose hurts.5. Teach: hurthurts设计意图设计意图:请学生看动画,回答问题,视频是学生喜闻乐见的形式,在有趣的动画中得到休息,并找到答案。6. Read and answerT: Lets move on to the next part, read and answer.Q1: Can it move? Teach: moveQ2: What

20、is it?Q3: Do you like to play with it?设计意图设计意图:通过让学生精读的方式,找到三个问题的答案,一是提高学生的自主学习能力, 二是锻炼口语, 第三题是开放题, 学生可以喜欢, 也可以不喜欢,教师可以请学生说一说为什么。7. Lets readT: Now, lets read after the tape. And when you are reading,please payattention to the pronunciation and intonation. Here are the stress, the raising tone, thef

21、alling tone and the pause.Ss read after the tape.Teach: I think so. I dont think so.设计意图设计意图:逐句跟读环节,向学生强调重读、升调、降调、停顿,帮助其读得更优美,播放录音后教师进行带读,也可以辅以相应的动作,让学生更好地理解。朗读过程中,教授语言点:I think so. I dont think so.8. Lets readT: Now, please open your books and lets read the cartoon together.9. Lets dubT: Its time f

22、or us to dub for the cartoon. Three in a group and discuss yourroles.设计意图设计意图:通读课文后,请学生角色扮演,三人一组,并注意加上表情和动作,表演的好的组可以向上爬,然后交换角色,体会各个人物的语言、心情、动作,为下面表演环节做好准备。10. Lets actT: The cartoon is very interesting. Lets act it out. Three in a group and donot forget to add your actions.Step6 Consolidation1. T: L

23、ook at the screen. Its the hedgehog, right? He is in trouble. Lets seewhat happened to it? Its -.Is it . Monkeys ?T: Look, the hedgehog is playing with Sam and Bobby under the apple tree.And an apple falls down on his head. Sam and Bobby are caring about him.2. Present two picturesT: Here I have two

24、 friends. They are also in trouble. Can you imagine andact them out?A: Ouch!B: Whats the matter?A: Look, its/theyre_.B: Whose _ is it/ are they?A: Is it/Are they _s?B: I think so. / I dont think so.设计意图设计意图:延续故事,续编刺猬和 Sam,Bobby 在苹果树下玩耍,结果遇到了麻烦, 被苹果砸中了头, 然后 Sam, Bobby 关心刺猬, 让学生朗读他们的对话,复现句型,再让其同桌两人演出另

25、两个朋友的对话,继续巩固所学。3. Lets enjoyT: Lets enjoy some pictures.T: We should care about others in our daily life.设计意图设计意图:出示互相帮助的图片,让学生一边休息一边欣赏,并向其渗透情感教育:在生活中,我们要多多关心他人。4. Ticking timeT: Times up. Lets check our learning. First, I can use whose to askquestions. Three stars? Second, I know the sound of the l

26、etter i. Three stars? I canread and act out Cartoon time. Three stars? Good!Now, lets see which group is thewinner?设计意图设计意图:自我评价环节,出示课前的三个教学目标,让学生对照本节课自己的学习情况进行自我评价,一是查漏补缺,看看自己哪方面还欠缺,二是锻炼学生的自我评价能力。Step7 Homework1.Act out Cartoon time with your partners after class.2. Read more words with letter “i” pronounced/ I /.Step8Blackboard designUnit 6 Whose dress is this?Whats the matter?My hand hurts.It can move.I think so.listeni IfishEnglish


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