Project 1 Being a good student-Part B & C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:d0b73).zip

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Project 1 Being a good studentSingSing thethe songsongLetsLets singsing. .PickPick applesapplesLets pick apples.(动副搭配 )earlylatequicklyslowlywellfastquietlyhighhappilyloudlyHaveHave nicenice foodfoodLets have nice food.a littlea fewmilkeggshamburgersbreadsweetsricecoffeehot dogsQuickQuick responseresponseTryTry toto describedescribe andand judgejudgegood habitsbad habitsTryTry toto describedescribe andand judgejudgeReadRead andand writewriteRead and writeLetsLets talktalkLetsLets makesmakes a a goodgood studentstudent? ?A A goodgood studentstudent should.should.A A goodgood studentstudent must.must.A A goodgood studentstudent mustntmustnt.TryTry toto makemake . .HowHow cancan youyou bebe a a goodgood studentstudent? ?同学同学们,们,让让我们我们试着来做一张试着来做一张好好学学生海生海报吧!报吧!Were all good students . Good habits. Happy life(生活). Bright future(未来).Homework2.Try to be a good student. Try to believe you are the best. ( 试着相信你是最棒的!)1.Try your best to finish your posters.(尽你最大的努力完成海报,我们将评选出“最佳海报”。)Thank you!1Project1 Being a good studentTeaching aims:1.在竞赛中帮助学生复习在竞赛中帮助学生复习 1414 单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用 1414 单元的单单元的单词和句型。词和句型。2.2.以以”Being”Being a a goodgood student”student”为主题为主题, ,帮助学生归纳好习惯和坏习惯,以培养学生的良好帮助学生归纳好习惯和坏习惯,以培养学生的良好习惯。习惯。3.帮助学生尝试制作帮助学生尝试制作“Being a good student”宣传海报。宣传海报。Teaching steps:Step1.Review1.GreetingsT:Class begins. Good morning,class.Ss:Good morning,Miss Zhao.2.Lets PK.T:Today,well learn Project 1 Being a good student.Do you want to be a good student in class?Ss:Yes.T:Good.Lets PK.(Each group has a box.Now open the box .If you did a good job,you will get a heart from the box .)1)Round 1a.Sing a song T:You sing well,you can get a heart.b.Try to make a new songT:Can you make a new song like this?This is the way I brush my teeth.This is the way I go to school.T:Wonderful!2)Round 2:Pick applesT:get up.S:get up earlyT:go to school.S:go to school late.T:Good job.3)Round3:Have nice foodS:a few hamburgers a few eggs.S:a little water a little milk.T:Perfect.24)Round 4:Quick responseT:Try to describe and judge Are they good habits or bad habits?Ss:get up early(a good habit) brush teeth in the morning and before bedtime(a good habit) Do homework early(a good habit) make the bed every day(a good habit) go to bed early(a good habit) listen to the teachers at school( ) drive so fast( ) drink and drive( ) throw rubbish on the road( ) wear a safety belt( ) wait for the green man ( ) When you see the red man,you should stop( ) .T:You are smart. Step2.Read and writeRound 5:Read about Amy and John.T:What habits do they have?Try to write. Are they good habits or bad habits?(T 板书 Good habits,Bad habits)Ss:.(Ss answer the questions and write the answer on the blackboard.)T:Great!Round 6:Ask and answerT:Are Amy and John good students?Ss:Yes,they have some good habits. No,they have some bad habits.T:What makes a good student? Talk about this in groups.Ss:A good student should. A good student must. A good student mustnt.(T 板书)T:Well done.Step3:Try to make a posterT:Can you try to make a poster? Here are some nice posters. How to make a poster?Do you know?Ss:The title is“Being a good student” Draw some pictures Colour them Write some sentences or compositionsT:Yes ,you can make posters like these after school.Ss:OKStep4:Lets count.3T:Now ,lets count .How many hearts do you have?Ss:. You have so many hearts. You re all good students. Try to read together.Ss :Good habits. Happy life. Bright future.Step5.Homework1.Try your best to finish your posters.2.Try to be a good student,try to believe you are the best .6B Project1 Being a good student 自主学习导学案Hello, boys and girls, do you want to be a good student ? If your answer is yes , please follow me and learn about (了解) how to be a good student. 提示:你要通过以下几关就可以成为“好学生” 。第一关:sing the song “ This is the way” (一个赞) 改编这首歌,你可以使用“brush my teeth”, “go to school”等短语来替换“wash my face”. (一个赞)第二关:picking apples (一个赞) 用合适的动词或者动词短语来搭配以下这些副词fast, quickly, loudly, quietly, happily, well, early, late, slowly, high例如:run fast 跑得快 第三关:have nice food (一站到底才有一个赞) 用 a little 和 a few 来搭配迅速出现的食品。 (一定要会读哦)面包: 米饭 咖啡 糖果 汉堡包 热狗 牛奶 鸡蛋 第四关:quick response (小组课前讨论你们所知道的好习惯和坏习惯,然后根据图片快速说出这些习惯并且判断出是好习惯还是坏习惯,回答正确者可以得一个赞) good habits bad habits 第 5 关:read and write (分组 PK,女生组齐读 Amy 的短文,男生组齐读 John的短文,并且以接龙的形式完成短文下方的练习,表现较好的大组每人加一个赞)第 6 关:lets talk(四人一小组,运用以下句型进行表演,表演获得全班称赞的每个组员一个赞) A:What makes a good student? B: A good student should C: A good student must D: A good student mustnt第 7 关:make a poster (根据本节课所学到的内容,制作一个小小的海报,我们要晒晒优秀作品,课前可以给你的小海报加彩加色,两个赞的奖励哦) 晒晒我的赞赞
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