Project 2 A travel book-Part B & C-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:70821).zip

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the summer holidaymiddle school (初中)(初中)high school(高中)(高中)grow up What do you want to be in the future? What do you want to do in the future? I want to be a / an I want to Whats your travel plan for the holiday? I will Whats your travel plan for the holiday? I will Graduation Travel(毕业旅行)(毕业旅行)capital 首都 kpt()lthe White House 白宫the Pentagon五角大楼pent()nice hockey冰球(一种运动)hkWord list hot in summer, cold in winterthe White House, the Pentagonhamburger, hot dogWashingtonFood/DrinksFood/DrinksAbout ShanghaiWeather :Interesting places :Food / Drinks :About LondonWeather :Interesting places :Food / Drinks :About BeijingWeather :Interesting places :Food / Drinks :About New YorkWeather :Interesting places :Food / Drinks :Food/Drinks1. Why do you like these cities?2. What can we do for our city?2. Introduce your favourite city to your friends. 1. Find more things about your favorite city.3.Make a travel tip of our city Nantong for the travellers.法意 A travel A travel bookbook By Class2 Grade6 By Class2 Grade6HKMacauBeijingShanghaiTaipeiNanjingKunmingHarbinSydneyNew YorkLondonOxfordParisRomeSingaporeTokyo六年级下册六年级下册 Project2(Part B&C)教案)教案Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容六年级下册 Project2(PartB&C)Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标:教学目标:1. 通过复习,能熟练掌握以 will 引导的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及答句。2. 能运用 How is the weather in? What interesting places will we see in? What food/drinks will we have in? 对某个城市的信息进行询问以及回答。3. 进一步拓展国际视野,初步了解国内外一些著名城市,并能通过多种渠道自主查询资料了解更多信息,并通过有效先学,能用英语分享、交流。4. 深化爱家乡的情感,树立起通过自己的行动使家乡变得更好的意识。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 通过复习,能熟练掌握以 will 引导的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及答句。2. 能运用 How is the weather in? What interesting places will we see in? What food/drinks will we have in? 对某个城市的信息进行询问以及回答。教学难点:1. 了解国内外著名的一些城市的信息,并能通过多种渠道自主查询资料了解更多信息,并通过有效先学,能用英语分享、交流。Teaching aids 教学准备:教学准备:多媒体课件、Travel book 旅行册封面、City tips 城市信息卡、板书、学生最喜爱城市的英文资料文本等。Teaching procedures 教学过程(每个教学过程(每个 step 写设计意图)写设计意图)Step 1 Warm up1. Enjoy a song Lets travel!2. Lets talk! T: We know a long holiday is coming soon. Right? Whats the holiday? S: The summer holiday!T: After the holiday, youre going to the middle school and the high school. Soon, you will grow up. What do you want to be when you grow up?S: I want to be a / anT: What will you do then? / To make your dream come true, what should you do now? (进行回应,适时追问)T: I believe your dreams will come true! Do you want to know my dream? S: Yes!T: When I was little, I wanted to have a take-copter of Doraemon and travel around the world. So my dream is to be aS: Traveller!T: Thats right! Do you like travelling?S: Yes!T: Whats your travel plan for the summer holiday? Where will you go?S: I will go toT: Sounds great! Hey! I have a good plan for the holiday. The graduation travel! We can travel around many cities together! How does it sound?S: It sounds great / wonderful / exciting!T: Lets say Hooray! The graduation travel!S: Hooray!【设计意图:1. 在交流运用中复习巩固关于“梦想”话题的表达。2.在轻松愉悦的课堂氛围中将话题由 dream 转入 travel,自然引入本课主题 A travel book。】Step 2 Lets Learn!1. How to make a travel book?T: We should make a travel book before travelling. Follow me, a travel book! But how to make a travel book? Lets learn! Doraemon: First, choose our favourite cities.Next, find information about it.Then, finish the travel tip in pairs.Finally, make a class travel book!(生逐句跟读)【设计意图:1. 引入卡通人物叮当猫作为课堂活动线索,引发学生的学习兴趣。2.在活动前出示活动流程,让学生明白本堂课具体要做什么,而不是在课上被蒙着眼牵着鼻子走,有助于学生在课堂主体性的发挥和学习积极性的提高。】Step 3 Lets do it!1. Choose our favorite cities. T: OK. lets follow the steps and do it! The first step is to Choose ourS: Favorite cities!T: Weve finished this step last lesson. Heres the survey table. Can you read these city names?S: ( read the city names )T: Do you want to know the most popular cities in China? Lets find out!(Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau, Tai pei 图标)T: Do you want to know the most popular cities in the world? Do you know the symbols? (London, Paris, Sydney, New York, Rome 图标)【设计意图:让学生知道国内外著名城市的英文名称,培养学生的国际视野,引发学生进一步想了解这些城市的兴趣。】2. Find information about it.T: Do you want to know my favorite city? Ask me.S: Whats your favourite city?T: My favourite city is Washington. Do you know it?S: Yes.T: Is it a city in China? S: No, its a city in the US. (呈现国旗)T: Im going to Washington soon. What do you want to know about it? You can ask me. S1: Hows the weather in Washington?S2: What food or drinks will we have in Washington?S3: What interesting places will you see in Washington?(把生提问的问句板书:places / weather / food / )T: I sorry. Im not sure. I need learn more about Washington.Where can we find out more information about Washington?S: On the Internet. / In the books. / In the magazines.T: Today, we can ask Doraemon for help.Doraemon: You can find information on my travel blog.T: This is Doraemons travel blog. Heres a passage of Washington. Please read quickly and help me find the answers. S: (根据网络内容回答) T: This is a new word. (the Pentagon 五角楼) Dont worry. Heres the meaning and the soundmark in Doraemons blog. Try to pronounce it.【设计意图:通过引导学生对城市的气候、景点、饮食等方面进行提问,接着让学生自读城市资料,自答问题,培养学生自主查阅资料、搜索信息的策略和能力。】3. Finish the travel tip.T: With your help, I can finish a travel tip.T: Also I printed the information in Doraemons blog for you. Now Its your turn to work in pairs and finish a travel tip for our travel book. OK? S: (搜索信息并完成表格)T: You can use these sentence structures to talk about your favourite cities. Can you show us in front of class?S:(利用实物展台展示 travel tips,进行问答对话)T: Thank you for sharing. But I have some questions. Whats the meaning of?(针对该城市资料的个别生词进行提问) S: It meansT: Can you teach us its pronunciation?S: Follow me【设计意图:通过学生互相问答分享城市信息,巩固以 will 引导的特殊疑问句及答句,培养学生的综合表达运用能力。通过追问学生信息中生词的意义、发音,增强学生有效自主先学和分享学习成果的意识。】4. Make a class travel book.T: Thank you. Please stick your travel tip on our travel book.T: Now were making a travel book. We can finish it together after class. OK? S: OK!【设计意图:通过形成语言实践活动的成品班级城市旅行册,让学生感受到英语学习带来的乐趣和成就感。】Step 4. Lets think!T: Doraemon helped us. We should say to himS: Thank you!Doraemon: No worry! Boys and girls, I have two questions for you.1. Why do you like these cities? S1: Because there are many interesting cities. S2: Because people in these cities are nice.About Washington (the flag of the UK) Weatherhot in summer, cold in winterInteresting placesBuckingham Palace, the PentagonFoodhamburger, hot dog S3: Because these city are big and beautiful.2. What can we do for our city Nantong?S1: What can put rubbish in the bin to keep the streets clean.S2: We can move factories away from our city to keep the air clean.S3: We can plant more trees and grow more flowers to make our city beautiful. T: Your ideas are great! We can do some small things for our city. I believe, more and more people will visit and love our city!【设计意图:通过线索人物叮当猫的问题,深化学生热爱家乡的情感,树立起通过自己的行动使家乡变得更好的意识。】Homework1. Find more information about your favorite city on the Internet.2. Introduce your favourite city to your friends. 3. Make a travel tip of our city Nantong for the travellers.Blackboard design 板书设计(见录像)板书设计(见录像)A travel bookplacesweatherfood / drinksmoreA busy city: ShanghaiWord listsea si海Oriental Pearl Tower rntl pl ta 东方明珠Shanghai is a busy city near the sea. Its usually hot in summer and warm in winter. There are many interesting places in the city, like the Bund and the Oriental Pearl Tower. These days, Disneyland becomes the most popular place to go. Steamed buns in Shanghai is very yummy.most mst 最Capital of China : BeijingWord listcapital kpt()l 首都most mst 最roast rst烤的Beijing is the capital of China. The weather is sunny and cloudy in Beijing. There are many interesting places in the city. For example, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace. The most popular food in Beijing is the Roast Duck. Many people like Beijing opera.opera p()r歌剧The shopping paradise: Hong KongWord listparadiseprdas天堂Hong Kong is a wonderful place for shopping. In Hong Kong, its usually hot in summer and warm in winter. Ocean Park in Hong Kong is an interesting place to go. All the children love Disneyland. Egg tart is the most popular food in Hong Kong.egg tart tt蛋挞The sleepless city: TaipeiWord listIn Taipei, the weather is hot in summer and warm in winter. Taipei 101 was the tallest building in the world before 2014. The night market tallest tlst最高的building bld建筑night market夜市in Taipei is always busy. Visitors can have lots of snacks and drinks here. The milk tea is the most popular drink in Taipei. most mst最The gambling city: MacauWord listgambling mbl赌博The weather in Macau is usually warm. It is often rainy in spring and summer. There are many interesting places to go, like A-Ma Temple and Fishermans A-Ma Temple templ妈祖庙Fishermans Wharffmn wf渔人码头egg tart tt蛋挞Wharf. There are many gambling houses in the city. Egg tart and crab congee are popular food in Macau. crab congeekrb kndi三杯鸡Capital of Six Dynasties: NanjingWord listcapital kpt()l 首都dynasty dnst朝代Confucian Temple knfjn templ夫子庙Nanjing was the capital of China in six dynasties. The weather in Nanjing is usually sunny and cloudy. Confucian Temple is a good place for shopping. It has really nice view in Zhongshan Cemetery. Boiled salted duck in Nanjing is very yummy.Zhongshan Cemeterysemtr中山陵boiled salted duckbld sltd盐水鸭The city of spring: KunmingWord listthe Dian Lake滇池seabird sibd海鸟rice-flour fla米线Kunming is a beautiful city in China. In Kunming, the weather is always warm in all year. The Dian Lake in Kunming is very beautiful. There are lots of seabirds there in the sky. The stone forest is very interesting. There are lots of stones there. They look like the forest. Rice-flour noodles and Puer Tea in Kunming are popular very much. Puer Tea普洱茶The city of ice: Harbin Word listsnowy sn下雪的sculpture sklpt雕塑island alnd岛屿Harbin is a wonderful city in China. In Harbin, It is usually cold and snowy in winter and cool in summer. The ice and snow world is an interesting place. There are lots of Ice sculptures. The sun island is a very beautiful place. People in Harbin like eating the rice cakes and bean buns. They are very yummy.bean bun bi:n bn豆沙包Capital of Australia: SydneyWord listcapital kpt()l 首都opera p()r歌剧building bld建筑Sydney is the capital of Australia. It is rainy all the year in this city. The Sydney Opera House is an interesting building. There are many music shows there. Central Coast is a very beautiful place. The seafood in Sydney is very popular in the world.Central Coastsentr()l kst中海岸seafood si:fu:d海产食品A foggy city: London Word listcapital kpt()l 首都foggy fgi有雾的known nn知道的chip tp薯条London is the capital in the UK. Its usually foggy and rainy all the year. Its cool in summer and warm in winter. There are many interesting places in London, for example, Big Ben, the London Eye and Tower Bridge. Fish and chips is the most popular food in this city.most mst 最A city of universities: Oxford Word listuniversity junvst大学dessert dz:t甜点scone skn司康饼Oxford is an old city in the UK. It is usually warm and rainy in this city. There are many universities in Oxford. Students from all over the world dream of studying in University of Oxford. The Museum of Oxford is an interesting place to go. There are many desserts like pies, scones, trifles and pudding.trifle trafl乳脂松糕The big apple: New YorkWord listbiggest bgst最大的the Statue of Libertysttu: lbt自由女神像New York is the biggest city of the US. In New York, it is hot in summer and cold in winter. The Statue of Liberty in this city is a symbol of America. Music shows in Broadway are popular in the world. People in New York like eating cheese cakes and pizzas.symbol smb()l象征Broadway brdwe百老汇cheese tiz奶酪pizza pits披萨City of flowers: Paris Word listcapital kpt()l 首都the Eiffel Towerafl ta埃菲尔铁塔Arch of triumpht tramf凯旋门Paris is the capital of France. In Paris, the weather is not too cold or too hot. There are many interesting places in Paris, like the Eiffel Tower and Arch of triumph. Food in Paris in very nice. Escargots and custard are really yummy.escargots esk:u(z)蜗牛custard kstd 蛋羹City of seven hills: RomeWord listcapital kpt()l 首都Italy tl意大利Roman rmn罗马Colosseum ,klsim 斗兽场pasta pst意大利面Rome is the capital of Italy. The weather is usually warm all year round in this city. There are many museums in this city, like the Roman Museum. Colosseum is an interesting place in Rome. People in Rome like eating the pasta and steaks.steak stek牛排Capital of Japan: Tokyo Word listcapital kpt()l 首都Tokyo Tower tkj ta东京塔tallest tlst最高的building bld建筑sushi su寿司Tokyo is the capital of Japan. In Tokyo, its usually hot in summer and cold in winter. The Tokyo Tower was the tallest building in the city before 1958. Children love to go to the Disneyland. There are many yummy food in Tokyo like sushi and udon noodles.udon u:,dn乌冬面City of Gardens: SingaporeWord listSingapore sgp: 新加坡Singapore is a beautiful city and also a country. In summer, its sunny and hot. In winter, its often warm and rainy. Many visitors go to Merlion Park and Sentosa every Merlion Park mlrn鱼尾狮公园Sentosa sents圣淘沙岛Coconut rice bld椰浆饭year. People in Singapore like eating coconut rice and curry fish head. curry su咖喱Home of silk: Hangzhou Word listWest Lake west西湖Lui Fung Tower ta雷峰塔known nn知道的snake snek蛇Hangzhou is a beautiful city in China. In Hangzhou, it is usually rainy in summer and cold in winter. West Lake and Lui Fung Tower are well known in China. Because there is a fairy tale about a white snake. People call Longjing Tea in Hangzhou the queen of green tea.Longjing Tea龙井茶
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