Unit 3 A healthy diet-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:f1641).zip

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1Unit 3 A Healthy diet(1)课堂练习一英汉互译 1.每天_ 2.at a time_ 3.健康的饮食_ 4.some fruit_ 5.一些肉_ 6.drink water_ 7.甜食_ 8.a little_ 9.几个鸡蛋_ 10.eat a little_二根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词。 1.We should have a_(健康的)diet. 2.Yang Ling likes_(喝)some milk for breakfast. 3.Miss Li_(有时)goes shopping at weekends. 4.There is a_(少量)water in the bottle. 5.My mother only eats a _(几个)grapes. 6.Show me your_(饮食). 7.Tom likes_(糖果),Jim likes_(甜的)food. 8.Turn rigth five_(次). 9.Dont eat too much for_(晚餐). 10.I get a present _(每个)Christmas. A healthy diet( Story time )1.I can understand and read the story. 我能理解并能会读故事。2. I can know Mikes and Yang Lings diet.1. 我能了解 Mike 和Yang Ling的饮食习惯。 3. I can know healthy diet and help others to form(养成) healthy diet. 我能懂得什么是健康的饮食并帮助他人养成健康的饮食习惯。4. I can practice(练习) by myself and work with classmates. 我能自我练习并和同学合作。Aims for this lesson: food and drinkfood and drink meatvegetablesRules(游戏规则): Say Yeah, Yeah, Yeah if you think it is true. Say No, No, No if you think it is false. Lets know my diet:Listen, read and judgeI drink a lot of water every day.I love sweet food very much.I can eat four hamburgers at a time. I like eating noodles for breakfast. About my dietYeah, Yeah, Yeah!No, No, No!I have a lot of food for dinner.I have an egg every day.Step 1. Watch and tick WhatWhat foodfood dodo theythey havehave forfor threethree meals(meals(三餐三餐)?)?While-readingStep 1. Watch and tick While-readingStep 1. Watch and tick Mikes dietBreakfast: cakes bread milk noodles ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Lunchdinner:rice milk meat fish ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) YangLings dietBreakfast: egg bread milk noodles ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Lunchdinner: rice vegetables meat fish ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Western breakfastChinese breakfastFTFTFTlikes eating cakes.a few eggs every week.a little rice.Tip: 泛读课文,判断下列泛读课文,判断下列 句子,用句子,用T/F表示。表示。While-readingStep 2. Read quickly and judge How much food does he/she have?Does he /she have a healthy diet?Step 3. Read carefullya lot ofsomea fewa little一些,但数量比some少,修饰可数名词一些,但数量比some少,修饰不可数名词Learning tips:While-readingWhile-readingStep 3. Read carefullyLearning tips:1.仔细阅读课文,用笔划出他们饮食情况对应的量。2.对照图片,谈论他们的饮食习惯,并讨论: Does he/she have a healthy diet? Why? 3.对于他们的饮食习惯,你们有好的建议么?He / She can/ should likesa lot ofsome a fewa littlelikesa lot ofsome a fewa little一些,但数量比some少,修饰可数名词一些,但数量比some少,修饰不可数名词Do they have healthy diet ? Why?Can you give them some suggestions?Mike likes eating sweets, cakes and ice cream. He does not like drinking water. He only drinks a little water every day. Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, he has a lot of rice, some fish and some meat. He has a few eggs every week.Does Mike have a healthy diet?Listen and repeat.跟录音朗读,注意语音清楚,语调自然。YangLing often has a lot of noodles for breakfast. She sometimes eats an egg too. For lunch and dinner, she eats some meat and some vegetables. She only eats a little rice.YangLing likes sweet food too, but she eats a little at a time. She eats some fruit every day.Does YangLing have a healthy diet?Do you have a healthy diet? A healthy food pyramidWe shoulda fewa lot ofsomea littlea lot ofPost-readingTask1. Know a Healthy Food PyramidIn the morning/For breakfast, I have .For lunch and dinner, I have.I like eating.I dont like eating.I have/dont have a healthy diet.Tips: 使用使用a lot of, some, a little 和和a few, 让让表达更清楚。表达更清楚。Task 2. Say something about your diet What are you going to do?Im going to.I should(not).I can(not). Tips1. 4人小组讨论健康小贴士。人小组讨论健康小贴士。2. 每人写每人写12条。条。3. 完成后要读一读哦!完成后要读一读哦!Task 3. Discuss and write healthy tips. Hey! You can/should.can make us.Dont .Please eat. (写健康小贴士写健康小贴士) Task3. Discuss and write healthy tips. I can understand and read the story.I can know healthy diet and help others to form healthy diet . I can learn by myself and work with classmates.I can know Mikes and Yang Lings diet.ExcellentVery goodGood Self-evaluationEat more healthy food! Dont eat junk food!Do more exercise! Be happy every day!Have a healthy life!拥有健康的生活!Health is wealth! 健康 就是 财富!Breakfast like a king(国王), lunch like a noble(贵族), and dinner like a begger(乞丐).Homework1. Read the text freely and try to retell something about Mike and YangLings diet.2.Try to make a healthy diet for your family.Thank you.Bye-bye!Name a lot of somea fewa little sweetscakesice creamricebread milkfishmeateggsmeatvegetablesfruitnoodlesricesweet foodwater eggssweets cakes ice cream ricebread milk fish meatReadRead freelyfreely四人小组选择一种喜欢的方式读一读四人小组选择一种喜欢的方式读一读。 Read in parts.(分段读分段读)Read together.( (齐读齐读) )Read after one.( (一人领读,其余跟一人领读,其余跟读读) )1.1.HowHow muchmuch foodfood dodo theythey havehave? ? Some?Some? A A little?.little?.2.Do2.Do theythey havehave healthyhealthy diet?diet?Rules(Rules(规则规则):): WorkWork inin groupgroup ofof 6.6. EachEach membermember mustmust saysay oneone wordword aboutabout food or drinks byby turns.turns.6 6人为一组,每人必须轮流说一个食物或饮料的单词。人为一组,每人必须轮流说一个食物或饮料的单词。 Tips:Tips: NoNo repeating.repeating.(不准重复)(不准重复) Pre-reading30-Second Non-Stop Talking Give Mike and Yang Ling some suggestions!快来给快来给迈克和杨玲迈克和杨玲一些建议吧!一些建议吧!Hey! You can/should.can make us.Dont .Please eat.a lot ofa lot ofsomea few/a littleHow is the healthy diet?;Task2. Make a Healthy Food Pyramid健康膳食金字塔健康膳食金字塔Mike likes eating. He has a lot of food every day. In the morning, he has some and . In the afternoon and evening, he has , and . He likes eating , and . He likes sweet food very much. I think he has a/an diet. breadmilka lot of rice some fish some meat sweets cakes ice cream unhealthyRead and writeName a lot of somea fewa little sweetscakesice creamricebread milkfishmeateggsmeatvegetablesfruitnoodlesricesweet foodwater eggsDo they have healthy diet ? Why?Can you give them some suggestions?YangLing likes eating too. In the morning, she has a lot of . She sometimes has . In the afternoon and evening, she has some and some . She only eat a little .She also eat a little and some every day. I think she has a/an diet. noodles an egg meat vegetablesrice sweet food fruithealthylikesa lot ofsome a fewa littlelikesa lot ofsome a fewa littleDoes he /she have a healthy diet? Why?Do you have some suggestions?Step 2. Read quickly and judge1.Mike does not eat cakes.2.Mike does not drink a lot of water every day.3.Mike eats a lot of eggs every day.4.Yang Ling eats some meat every day.5.Yang Ling eats a lot of rice.6.Yang Ling does not eat a lot of sweets.7.They all like sweet food.Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!No, No, No!1 Unit 3 A healthy diet(story time )The 1st period一、教学内容:Story time二、教学目标:1.听得懂,会说,会读,会写 a lot of, some, a little, a few,healthy, diet, need.2.进一步熟悉表示数量的词汇并巩固可数以及不可数名词。3.初步了解健康饮食的重要性以及学会利用营养金字塔来评价以及衡量自己以及他人的饮食健康情况并能提出合理建议。三、教学重点:1.听得懂,会说,会读,会写 a lot of, some, a little, a few,healthy, diet, need.2.进一步熟悉表示数量的词汇并巩固可数以及不可数名词。四、教学难点:1.初步了解健康饮食的重要性以及学会利用营养金字塔来评价以及衡量自己以及他人的饮食健康情况并能提出合理建议。五、教学准备PPT、黑板六、教学过程:Step 1 Warm up.1.Talk about the day, date and weather.22.Show the students some pictures of different kinds of food and ask the questions:T: Whats your favourite food? / What food do you like? / What do you like drinking? / Can we eat a lot of hamburgers or chips? / What food should we eat more?/ What food should we eat less? 导入健康饮食的话题。3.Play a game: Picking apples. ( 向学生展示一些表示食物的单词, 要求学生先正确朗读出来然后分别按照可数以及不可数名词将它们进行归类)Step 2 Presentation and practice1.Show the students four groups of pictures, teache the students how to use a lot of,some,a little and a few to describe the pictures after comparing them.2.Look and match. 引导学生将 a little 和 a few 同若干食物(包括可数以及不可数名词)和饮料图片匹配, 然后说出完整的句子。3.听录音,圈出 Mike 和 Yangling 的日常食物并填入表格。4.Read the text and finish the exercise of True or False on page 28, discuss and introduce the dieting habbit of Mike and Yangling.Step 3 Drills1.Finish the exercise of Checkout time and Ask and answer on page 34, discuss their answers in groups with sentence there beand words some, any, a little, a few or a lot of.32.Look at the picture of food pyramid and tell what food are countable or uncountable.3.Discuss in groups about what food should we eat more?/ What food should we eat less?4.Read the text after the teacher.5.Read in groups.Step 4 Consolidation1.Retell the story.2.Be a little dietician. 呈现一些食物的照片, 要求学生从营养和口感的角度进行描述, 然后利用所学习的营养金字塔的知识,从均衡饮食的角度给出建议。Step5 Homework1. Read the text freely and try to retell something about Mike and YangLings diet.2. Try to make a healthy diet for your family.
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