Project 1 Around our city-Part A&B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:40f9b).zip

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五年级下册五年级下册(Period 1)Project 1Where do you live?How do you come to school?Isthereazoonearyourhome?Anywhereelse?It is a place. It is big. It is clean. We can see many doctors and nurses there. It is a_ .hospitalIt is a place. It is big and clean. People can see and learn about many interesting things there. It is a_. libraryIt is a place. It is big and beautiful. We can see many animals there. They are cute and clever.It is a _.zooIt is a place. It is small. We can send letters and cards there. The postmen work there.It is a office根据各种标志的地图,请尽可能多根据各种标志的地图,请尽可能多地用英语说出各种场所的名称。地用英语说出各种场所的名称。Project 1Which city is it?WeNanjingA:Wheredoyoulive?B:IliveinTown/onstreet.A:Wheresourschool?B:ItsonStreet.A:Howdoyoucometoschool?B:Icometoschool.fromMondaytoFriday.SometimesIcometoschool.Whatcanweask?1.Isthereapostofficenearyourhome/school?2.Isitnearorfaraway?3.Whereisit?4.Wheredoyoulive?5.Ilivein.Town/on.Street.6.Howdoyougetthere?7.Itakeabustogothere.8.Oh,youcantakeametrotogotothepostoffice,too.Work in groups. Draw a map of your city on page 99(在第99页上画一幅你所在城市的地图). Mark your homes and school on the map(在地图上标记你的家庭和学校).1.Discuss(讨论):Whatsaroundourcity?2.Drawamap3.Talk:Where.Marktheseplacesonthemap(在地图上标记这些地方).(bookshop,museum,restaurant,postoffice,cinema,hospital,supermarket,bank)S1:Where do you live?(Where does he live?S2:I live in Town/on Street.(He lives in)S1:Wheres .?S3:Its on.Street.1.ReadthedrillsofPartAthreetimes,trytomemorizethem(阅读部分的练习三次,努力去记住它们).2.FinishthemapofourcityonPage99.3.(完成第99页的地图我们的城市)4.Thinkabouthowtointroducethecitiestothewholeclassnextlesson(思考如何向全班介绍城市,下一课学习).Project 1 Around our city (Period 1)一、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“S” ,不同的写“D” 。( ) 1. put bus ( ) 2. teeth feet( ) 3. full fun ( ) 4. far party( ) 5. dress drive ( ) 6. mushroom watch二、按要求写单词或词组。1. drive (名词) _ 2. tooth (复数) _3. right (对应词) _ 4. should (否定形式) _5. good (副词) _ 6. try (第三人称单数形式) _7. party (复数) _ 8. get on (对应词组) _三、英汉互译。1. 到达电影院_ 2. 看牙医_ 3. 在聚会上_ 4. 问路_ 5. 在汽车站_ 6. 向.求助_ 7. brush your teeth_ 8. have a good rest_9. turn right on Moon Street_ 10. get off the metro _ 四、从 II 栏中选出与 I 栏相对应的应答句。 I II( ) 1. Whats wrong with you? A. She feels ill.( ) 2. How do you go to school every day? B. I feel better.( ) 3. How does Su Yang feel? C. Because he is very hot.( ) 4. Why does Mike take off his coat? D. I have a bad headache.( ) 5. How do you feel now? E. Its near our school.( ) 6. Where is Su Hais house? F. You should put on your sweater.( ) 7. I feel very cold. G. I go to school on foot.五、按要求改写下列句子。1.She walks to school every day.(对画线部分提问) _ 2. You should drink some warm water.(改为否定句) _ 3. I live on Sunshine Town.(对画线部分提问)_ 共 2 课时,课 题Project 1 Around our city (Period 1)课 型新授课 时第 1 课时学习目标1. Review the words and drills we have learned before. 会用 where? 句型询问并回答。2.Review the grammar point Where guides the special questions and Try to use it smoothly.3. Be able to communicate with each other easily.重点、难点:1. Review the words and drills we have learned before.2. Be able to communicate with each other and feel happy for communicating.3. Be able to master the grammar point Where guide the special questions.易混、易错点:正确运用巨型 where?询问并回答。学情分析学生认知基础: 学生已基本正确掌握 unit 1 unit 4 的基础词汇和句型。时间分配 学 12 讲 8 练 20 教法与学法 讲练结合法、小组合作学习法、讨论法、表演法教学准备 多媒体、PPT、教学光盘、单词图片学生活动教师助学课后改进StepStep 1 1 Warm-upWarm-up1.Greeting.2.Free talk.(1) Where do you live?(2) How do you come to school?(3) Is there a zoo near your home?(4) Anywhere else?StepStep 2 2 RevisionRevision复习已学词汇:根据老师的提示,让学生先读一读,再猜一猜,说出场所的名称。 (1)It is a place. It is big. It is clean. We can see many doctors and nurses there. It is a _. .(2)It is a place. It is big and clean. People can see and learn about many interesting things there. It is a _. (3)It is a place. It is big and beautiful. We can see many animals there. They are cute and clever.出示 PPT,呈现问题。让学生根据自己的实际情况回答问题。向学生出示各种场所标志的地图。加深巩固单词的学习,同时让学生看图说一说可以在这些地方做什么。It is a _.(4)It is a place. It is small. We can send letters and cards there. The postmen work there.It is a _.3、根据各种标志的地图,请学生们尽可能多地用英语说出各种场所的名称。(bookshop, museum, restaurant, post office, cinema, hospital, supermarket, bank)StepStep 3 3 PresentationPresentation 1. Know the city: PPT (Picture: Nanjing)T: This is a city. Do you know its name? Great! Its just our big city, Nanjing. Do you like it?Ss: Sure.T: Me, too. Hello, S1.Where do you live?S1: I live inTown/onstreet.T: Wheres our school?S1: Its on Street.T: How do you come to school?S1: I come to school by bus from Monday to Friday. Sometimes I come to school on foot.T: Who is your good friend?S1:.T: Where does your good friend/he/she live?Ss: He/She lives in/on/nearT: Do you come to school with him/her?S1: Yes/No.T: What do you like talking about?StepStep 4 4 TasksTasks 问答会话练习,让学生以小组的形式操练。 四人小组谈论话题:T:What can we ask?Is there a post office near your home/school? Is it near or far away? Where is it?Where do you live?S1: I live in .Town/on .Street.T:How do you get there? S1: I take a bus to go there. Oh, you can take a metro to go to the post office, too.StepStep 5 5 ConsolidationConsolidation - Make a card出示 PPT,呈现带有各种场所标志的图片。Todays topic: Around Our city先示范:看图,猜一猜小女孩想做什么,引出故事,让学生独立思考,各自回答。小组上台对话表演。组织学生在小组内 1. Work in groups. Draw a map of your city on page 99. Mark your homes and school on the map. 2. Mark these places on the map.(bookshop, museum, restaurant, post office, cinema, hospital, supermarket, bank)3.The students ask and answer each other and make the information maps. The teacher go around and instruct them.Step6Step6 HomeworkHomework1 Read the drills of Part A three times, try tomemorize them. 2 Finish the map of our city on Page 99. 3 Think about how to introduce the cities to the whole class.BlackboardBlackboard designdesign 板书设计板书设计:Project 1 Around our city (Period 1) Where do you live? (Where does he live?)I live in .Town/on .Street. (He lives in)Wheres our school?Itson . Street. 活动,绘制一张简易的城市地图。地图要标注小组所有成员的家庭位置、学校位置、主要街道、附近的公交车站位置等。得: 失: 课后反思纠:
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