Project 2 My important days-Part A&B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:a0e2c).zip

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Project 2 My important days(AB)Its a happy day, Its a happy day.Hurry,hurry,hurry,hurry,hurry,happy day.Lets sing a song, lets sing a song. Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry On a happy day. Hello,everyone! My name is Kimi. Im happy to be your friend.My important(重要的重要的) day is coming.Can you guess it? Wheres the party? Whens the party? Dear friends, I will have a party at my home and we can have nice food and play games. I hope you can come to my party at 4:00 p.m. on the 27th of June. My home is next to City Library. Looking forward to see you (恭候光临。恭候光临。) .blow out the candles (吹蜡烛)(吹蜡烛)What is Kimi doing? What do you do on your birthdays?play gamesbuy/eat a birthday cakehave a big dinnerdrink some juicebirthdayplay gamesGame1Game1 SaySay a a chantchantGameGame 2 2 QuickQuick respondrespondGameGame 3 3 SolitaireSolitaire game(game(接龙游戏接龙游戏) )1.Say a chant Thirty-three songbirds Sitting in the tree. Singing songs to me. Thirty-three songbirds Today is my birthday. Im happy as can be.2.Quick respond first fifth ninth third eighth second tip:看到单词起立并大声读,看到看到单词起立并大声读,看到“炸弹炸弹”就说就说“Boom!”。twentieth twenty-second thirtieth twelfth thirty-first fifteenth 2.Quick respond tip:看到单词起立并大声读,看到看到单词起立并大声读,看到“炸弹炸弹”就说就说“Boom!”。Date表达:表达: 1. the 序数词序数词 of 月份月份2. 月份月份 the 序数词序数词 3.Solitaire game(接龙游戏接龙游戏) tip:该该游游戏戏需需要要同同学学们们一一个个接接一一个个快快速速回回答答并并提提问问。Jun.27A:Whens your birthday, ?B:Its on Whens your birthday, ?C: A:When is your birthday ? B:My birthday is on theof A:What do you do on your birthday ? B:I usually/sometimes _s birthday is on the_of_. On his/her birthday he/she usually _ and _ . He/She has a great time /a lot of fun. Do a survey1. Ask and answer (互相问答)(互相问答)3. Try to retell (尝试复述)(尝试复述)2. Take notes (记录)(记录)Thank you,my friends.Im so happy today.Lets keep in touch (让我们保持联系让我们保持联系).In our western countries,we have Halloween,Thanksgiving Day( (感恩节感恩节) ) ,Christmas and so on( (等等等等).). My favourite festival is Halloween.Its also my important day.Its on the thirty-first of October.Children usually dress up.We knock on peoples doors and shout”Trick or treat”for stweets.We have a lot of fun. What festivals do you have in your country? Whats your favourite festival?Whats Kimis favourite festival?What Chinese festivals do you know? Spring Festival Chinese New YearMid-Autumn FestivalDragon Boat FestivalDouble Ninth Festival s favourite festival is . He/She usually .Its in . or . Month: Activity: 活动活动 Festival: s favourite festivalMake a dialogue Whats your favourite festival? My favourite festival is . Whens the . festival? What do you do at this festival? I usually . Its in . or . What do you eat at this festival? I eat .take notes小组合作小组合作,记录下伙,记录下伙伴们最喜爱伴们最喜爱的节日吧。的节日吧。 Festivals are our i days. mportant our important daysunforgettable days 刻骨铭心的日子刻骨铭心的日子our important days航母下水exciting days 激动人心的日子激动人心的日子your important daysmemorable days 值得纪念的日子值得纪念的日子My important days Tip: 相信在你的生活中有许多难忘的日子,相信在你的生活中有许多难忘的日子,和同伴们说说你的重要日子吧和同伴们说说你的重要日子吧。 Date: Note: 31st Oct . Halloween “Trick or treat” dress up Date: Note: 9th Apr. Dads birthday go fishing play games Date: Note: 10th Jun. my birthday eat a cake have a partyFinish “My important days ” on page 101 .五下五下 Project2 My important days 教学设计教学设计一、教学内容: Project 2 Part A&B二、教学目标1. 以 Kimi 为线索,在情境中帮助学生复习 58 单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用 58 单元的单词和句型。2. 以 “Birthdays” 、 “Festivals”为主要话题,并与“My important days” 联系起来,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。3. 在“Festivals” 、 “Birthdays”这样的重要日子中体会快乐,并在“unforgettable days” 、 “exciting days” 、 “memorable days”中体会其他不一样的情感,从而理解“important days”的意义。三、教学重、难点1. 运用所学句型讨论话题。2. 知道并熟练掌握中国节日的相关信息,能正确朗读、拼写月份单词以及相关词语。3. 询问别人的生日,掌握序数词的读音和变化规则。4. 通过小组合作,完成 “最喜欢的节日”和“生日”的问答,并根据问答的内容进行描述。四、教学准备 PPT,作业纸五、教学过程Step1 Warm upT: Are you happy?Ss: YesT: Me too .Lets sing a happy song, OK? (播放On a happy day)T: Wow, you are good at singing.Today, I want to introduce you a new friend .He is also very happy.Step2 PresentationPart 1 Birthdays (个人层面)(个人层面)1.自主提问,通过自读方式找到自主提问,通过自读方式找到 Kimi 生日聚会的时间和地点。生日聚会的时间和地点。(播放录音)Hello, everyone ! My name is Kimi. Im happy to be your friend. My important(重要的) day is coming .Can you guess it?T: Can you guess: Whats Kimis important day?Ss: Birthday!T: Kimi will have a birthday party. Can you ask some questions about the party?S1: Whens the party?S2: Wheres the party”S3: How do we go to the party?S4: What can we do at the party?T: Here are two important questions. Please read Kimis words and find the important information. (学生自渎 Kimi 的话找到问题答案。)T: We know the partys time and place. Would you like to go to the party? Me too. I cant wait. Lets go.2.学生根据图片,运用现在进行时的句子猜测学生根据图片,运用现在进行时的句子猜测 Kimi 正在做的事正在做的事情。情。 T: Look! What is Kimi doing?S1: He is having a party.S2: He is singing a happy song.S3: He is watching TV.S4: He is seeing a film.S5: He is playing some games.(呈现另一张图片)T: What about him?Ss: He is blowing out the candles.Read: blow out the candles.3.小组讨论:小组讨论:What do you do on your birthdays?T:On Kimis birthday, he usually has a birthday party and eats a birthday cake .What about you? What do you do on your birthdays? You can discuss it in your group.Ss: T: You do a lot of things on your birthdays. And I think you like playing games very much. Lets play some party games.4.通过游戏,复习通过游戏,复习“th”的发音、序数词、某月某日表达方式。的发音、序数词、某月某日表达方式。Game1:Say a chant.Thirty-three songbirdsSitting in the tree.Thirty-three songbirdsSinging songs to me.Today is my birthday.Im happy as can be.Game2:Quick respond.T: If you see a word, you should stand up and read it loudly. If you see a bomb, you should say“boom”.Game3:Solitaire game.T: Do you remember: When Kimis birthday is?Ss: Its on the twenty-seventh of June.T: Yes, and we can also say: Its on June the twenty-seventh. Now lets play the third game. You should ask and answer one by one.T: Whens your birthdayS1: Its on the Whens your birthdayS2: Its on the 5.小组合作,完成对话,并记录笔记,进行复述。小组合作,完成对话,并记录笔记,进行复述。T: Kimi wants to know more about you. First, make a dialogue. Next, take notes. Then, try to retell.小组合作并展示。T: Well done. You have a lot of fun on your birthdays. So, are birthdays your important days?Me too. Whats more, my parents birthdays and my childrens birthdays are also important to me. I have a great time on their birthdays.T: Well,Kimis party is over.(播放录音) Thank you ,my friends . Im so happy today .Lets keep in touch (让我们保持联系).T & Ss: All right .See you soon, Kimi.Part 2 Festivals(国家层面)(国家层面)T: Boys and girls, if birthdays are important to persons and families, festivals are important to countries.1.学生猜测学生猜测 Kimi 最喜爱的节日,并说出理由。最喜爱的节日,并说出理由。(播放录音) In our western countries ,we have Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and so on(等等).T: They are the festivals in the West, Can you guess: Whats Kimis favourite festival?Ss: T: Kimi will tell you the answer.(播放录音) My favourite festival is Halloween .Its also my important day. Its on the thirty-first of October .Children usually dress up. We knock on peoples doors and shout“Trick or treat” for sweets .We have a lot of fun. 2.复习中国传统节日。复习中国传统节日。T: So Kimis favourite festival is Halloween .What about you?(播放录音) What festivals do you have in your country? Whats your favourite festival?T: Kimi has two questions for us.What Chinese festivals do you know?Ss: T: What else traditional festivals do we have?Ss: T: Lets enjoy our festivals and love our culture.3.小组合作,完成对话,并记录笔记,进行复述。小组合作,完成对话,并记录笔记,进行复述。T: Whats your favourite festival? Now please make a dialogue with your partner. 学生小组合作并展示。T: Good job. At these festivals, we feel very happy. So festivals are our important days.Step 3 Sublimation1. Show other important days(呈现另外一些重要的日子呈现另外一些重要的日子)T: However,our country also has other important days.(1). unforgettable days(对国家和民族)(2). exciting days (对所有中国人)(3). memorable days (对个人)2. talk about “My important days”( 谈论谈论“我的重要的日子我的重要的日子”)T:I think there are many memorable days in your life. Just like the first day you came to school and the day you wore the red scarf. Whats your important days? Please share your important days with your friends. OK?学生小组交流并个别展示。3. Show Kimis important days(呈现(呈现 Kimi 重要的日子)重要的日子)T:I know your important days. And our friend Kimi has some important days too. (播放课件)T: Can you make a card about your important days. Just finish the task on page 101, this is your homework.Step 4 HomeworkFinish the task on page 101, and share it with your parents and friends.
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