Unit 2 How do you come to school -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:e0665).zip

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UnitUnit 2 2what tales do you like? 你喜欢哪些故事?你喜欢哪些故事?How does he come to school? Hogwarts School霍格沃茨魔法学校霍格沃茨魔法学校He comes to school by train.Quick respond 快速反应!快速反应!Watchandsaythetransportations asquicklyaspossible!看卡通快速说出交通工具!Loudly! 大声!大声!Watchandsaythetransportations asquicklyaspossible!看卡通快速说出交通工具!Listenandguesswhattransportation itis.a taxia traina busa planea ship听一听是什么听一听是什么交通工具交通工具by taxiby busby trainby planeby shipTip: 出行方式的表达:出行方式的表达: by+某种交通工具某种交通工具on footI come to school on foot.How do you come to school?TAXIby busby planeby taxiby trainby carmetroby bikeon footA: How do you come to school/go to Beijing?B: I come to school/go to Beijing _. byHow do they come to school?Watch and matchHowdotheycometoschool?Howdotheycometoschool?Ask and matchon footby busby taxiby metroHowdotheycometoschool?Think and talk让我们一起来说一说吧!让我们一起来说一说吧!2314comestoschoolWorkingroupsandcircletheplacesasquicklyasyoucan!小组合作以最快速度圈出P16-17表示地点的短语。Moon StreetPark StreetSunshine Town街道街道小镇小镇Where do they live?oninName fruit streets/animal towns 用水果街用水果街/动物镇组词动物镇组词Read and circle翻到翻到18页,默读或小声读课文页,默读或小声读课文,用笔圈出答案。用笔圈出答案。Su Hai lives near/ far from school. She lives on Moon Street/ Park Street, near City Library.Yang Ling lives near/ far from school.Mike lives in Sunshine Town/ near City Library.Liu Tao lives on Moon Street/ Park Street.1234Where do they live?街道街道城镇城镇WhoWhereSu HaiYang LingLiu TaoMikeWhere do they live?(完成表格第(完成表格第2列)列)Try to answeron Moon Streetnear schoolon Park Streetin Sunshine Town Read and answer自读第自读第16页,寻找答案,页,寻找答案,可将关键词句圈出来哦!可将关键词句圈出来哦!far from schoolnear City LibraryI live on nearI come to schoolWho wants to be Su Hai?Moon Street,.City Library.by bus.Try to actTask 3:A:How do you come to school? B:I come to school.Read P17,find Yang Lings,Mikes and Liu Taos home.(自读自读17页然后说出页然后说出ABC分别代表谁的家分别代表谁的家。)Read and findSchoolPark StreetSunshine TownSchoolPark StreetSunshine TownWhy?Think and sayWhoWhereHow WhySu HaiYang LingLiu TaoMikeHow do they come to school?Why?(完成表格第(完成表格第3和第和第4列)列)Her home is far from school.She lives near school.His father is a taxi driver.Try to fillon Moon Streetnear schoolon Park Streetin Sunshine Townby taxion footby metroby busDo you like your new home, Su Hai?Yes! Its very big. I like it very much, but its far from school.Listen and repeatWhere do you live now?I live on Moon Street, near City Library.Su Yang and I come to school by bus.How do you come to school?仔细听,大声读,注意仔细听,大声读,注意语音正确、语调优美哦!语音正确、语调优美哦!Listen and repeatI live near school. I come to school on foot. Where do you live?Where do you live, Yang Ling? How do you come to school?I live in Sunshine Town. I come to school by metro. What about you, Liu Tao?I live on Park Street. I come to school by taxi. My father is a taxi driver.仔细听,大声读,注意仔细听,大声读,注意语音正确、语调优美哦!语音正确、语调优美哦!Doyoulikeyournewhome,SuHai?Yes!Itsverybig.Ilikeitverymuch,butitsfarfromschool.Wheredoyoulivenow?IliveonMoonStreet,nearCityLibrary.SuYangandIcometoschoolbybus.Howdoyoucometoschool?大声读,注意大声读,注意语音正确、语调优美哦!语音正确、语调优美哦!Read in roles分角色读分角色读 (4人一组人一组)Ilivenearschool.Icometoschoolonfoot.Wheredoyoulive?Wheredoyoulive,YangLing?Howdoyoucometoschool?IliveinSunshineTown.Icometoschoolbymetro.Whataboutyou,LiuTao?IliveonParkStreet.Icometoschoolbytaxi.Myfatherisataxidriver.Read in roles分角色读分角色读 (4人一组人一组)大声读,注意大声读,注意语音正确、语调优美哦!语音正确、语调优美哦! 自我评价自我评价1. I can understand and read the story.我能够理解并朗读故事。1.朗读正确、流利、有感情:朗读正确、流利、有感情:2.有一些小错或不太流利:有一些小错或不太流利:3.仍然需要好好努力:仍然需要好好努力:Retell the story 参照板书,一起来参照板书,一起来描描 述课文内容吧述课文内容吧!Su Hai lives She comes to schoolYang Ling She Mike Liu Tao 自我评价自我评价2. I can try to retell the story.我能尝试复述课文。1.能复述文中四个人情况:能复述文中四个人情况:2.能复述两到三个人情况:能复述两到三个人情况:3.能复述一个人情况:能复述一个人情况:Lets talk Look,this is my friend Mary.Shes a teacher in Shanghai.Everyday she goes to work by e-bike. Her parents work in a factory in Shanghai,too.They go to work on foot.Her brother walks home,too.When he wants to go shopping,he always goes to the shopping centre by subway.1. e-bike means_ walk means_ 2. subway =( ) A.metro B.train C.bus 3. They dont go out by car , why?电电动动车车on footALow-carbonlife,greencommuting!低碳生活绿色出行Homework1.Finishyourwriting.完成小练笔2.Readthestoryfluently,trytoretellthewholestory.熟练朗读课文,复述整个故事。3.Collectthenamesofpublictransportation.收集更多的公共交通方式的名称。(选做)UnitUnit 2 2what tales do you like? 你喜欢哪些故事?你喜欢哪些故事?How does he come to school? Hogwarts School霍格沃茨魔法学校霍格沃茨魔法学校He comes to school by train.Quick respond 快速反应!快速反应!Watchandsaythetransportations asquicklyaspossible!看卡通快速说出交通工具!Loudly! 大声!大声!Watchandsaythetransportations asquicklyaspossible!看卡通快速说出交通工具!Listenandguesswhattransportation itis.a taxia traina busa planea ship听一听是什么听一听是什么交通工具交通工具by taxiby busby trainby planeby shipTip: 出行方式的表达:出行方式的表达: by+某种交通工具某种交通工具on footI come to school on foot.How do you come to school?TAXIby busby planeby taxiby trainby carmetroby bikeon footA: How do you come to school/go to Beijing?B: I come to school/go to Beijing _. byHow do they come to school?Watch and matchHowdotheycometoschool?Howdotheycometoschool?Ask and matchon footby busby taxiby metroHowdotheycometoschool?Think and talk让我们一起来说一说吧!让我们一起来说一说吧!2314comestoschoolWorkingroupsandcircletheplacesasquicklyasyoucan!小组合作以最快速度圈出P16-17表示地点的短语。Moon StreetPark StreetSunshine Town街道街道小镇小镇Where do they live?oninName fruit streets/animal towns 用水果街用水果街/动物镇组词动物镇组词Read and circle翻到翻到18页,默读或小声读课文页,默读或小声读课文,用笔圈出答案。用笔圈出答案。Su Hai lives near/ far from school. She lives on Moon Street/ Park Street, near City Library.Yang Ling lives near/ far from school.Mike lives in Sunshine Town/ near City Library.Liu Tao lives on Moon Street/ Park Street.1234Where do they live?街道街道城镇城镇WhoWhereSu HaiYang LingLiu TaoMikeWhere do they live?(完成表格第(完成表格第2列)列)Try to answeron Moon Streetnear schoolon Park Streetin Sunshine Town Read and answer自读第自读第16页,寻找答案,页,寻找答案,可将关键词句圈出来哦!可将关键词句圈出来哦!far from schoolnear City LibraryI live on nearI come to schoolWho wants to be Su Hai?Moon Street,.City Library.by bus.Try to actTask 3:A:How do you come to school? B:I come to school.Read P17,find Yang Lings,Mikes and Liu Taos home.(自读自读17页然后说出页然后说出ABC分别代表谁的家分别代表谁的家。)Read and findSchoolPark StreetSunshine TownSchoolPark StreetSunshine TownWhy?Think and sayWhoWhereHow WhySu HaiYang LingLiu TaoMikeHow do they come to school?Why?(完成表格第(完成表格第3和第和第4列)列)Her home is far from school.She lives near school.His father is a taxi driver.Try to fillon Moon Streetnear schoolon Park Streetin Sunshine Townby taxion footby metroby busDo you like your new home, Su Hai?Yes! Its very big. I like it very much, but its far from school.Listen and repeatWhere do you live now?I live on Moon Street, near City Library.Su Yang and I come to school by bus.How do you come to school?仔细听,大声读,注意仔细听,大声读,注意语音正确、语调优美哦!语音正确、语调优美哦!Listen and repeatI live near school. I come to school on foot. Where do you live?Where do you live, Yang Ling? How do you come to school?I live in Sunshine Town. I come to school by metro. What about you, Liu Tao?I live on Park Street. I come to school by taxi. My father is a taxi driver.仔细听,大声读,注意仔细听,大声读,注意语音正确、语调优美哦!语音正确、语调优美哦!Doyoulikeyournewhome,SuHai?Yes!Itsverybig.Ilikeitverymuch,butitsfarfromschool.Wheredoyoulivenow?IliveonMoonStreet,nearCityLibrary.SuYangandIcometoschoolbybus.Howdoyoucometoschool?大声读,注意大声读,注意语音正确、语调优美哦!语音正确、语调优美哦!Read in roles分角色读分角色读 (4人一组人一组)Ilivenearschool.Icometoschoolonfoot.Wheredoyoulive?Wheredoyoulive,YangLing?Howdoyoucometoschool?IliveinSunshineTown.Icometoschoolbymetro.Whataboutyou,LiuTao?IliveonParkStreet.Icometoschoolbytaxi.Myfatherisataxidriver.Read in roles分角色读分角色读 (4人一组人一组)大声读,注意大声读,注意语音正确、语调优美哦!语音正确、语调优美哦! 自我评价自我评价1. I can understand and read the story.我能够理解并朗读故事。1.朗读正确、流利、有感情:朗读正确、流利、有感情:2.有一些小错或不太流利:有一些小错或不太流利:3.仍然需要好好努力:仍然需要好好努力:Retell the story 参照板书,一起来参照板书,一起来描描 述课文内容吧述课文内容吧!Su Hai lives She comes to schoolYang Ling She Mike Liu Tao 自我评价自我评价2. I can try to retell the story.我能尝试复述课文。1.能复述文中四个人情况:能复述文中四个人情况:2.能复述两到三个人情况:能复述两到三个人情况:3.能复述一个人情况:能复述一个人情况:Lets talk Look,this is my friend Mary.Shes a teacher in Shanghai.Everyday she goes to work by e-bike. Her parents work in a factory in Shanghai,too.They go to work on foot.Her brother walks home,too.When he wants to go shopping,he always goes to the shopping centre by subway.1. e-bike means_ walk means_ 2. subway =( ) A.metro B.train C.bus 3. They dont go out by car , why?电电动动车车on footALow-carbonlife,greencommuting!低碳生活绿色出行Homework1.Finishyourwriting.完成小练笔2.Readthestoryfluently,trytoretellthewholestory.熟练朗读课文,复述整个故事。3.Collectthenamesofpublictransportation.收集更多的公共交通方式的名称。(选做)Unit 2 How do you come to school?Story timeTeaching contents 教学内容教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读 bus, taxi, metro, on foot 等交通工具类单词及词组。2. 能初步运用句型 How do/does come to school?及回答 I by/on 。3. 学生能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能听懂、会说、会读 bus, taxi, metro, on foot 等交通工具类单词及词组。2. 能初步运用句型 How do/does come to school?及回答 I by/on 。3. 能较流利、有感情地朗读故事。教学难点:2. 能初步运用句型 How do/does come to school?及回答 I by/on 。2. 学生能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事。Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls. First, lets do a review.T: In Unit1, we learnt a story about a beautiful girl-CinderellaT: Yes, and the story is actually a fairy tales.Do you like reading tales?T: what tales do you like?(PPT)S: The Journey to the West, Little Red Riding HoodT: To me, I like Harry Potter. Do you know? Its about a boy who can use magic.T: Let me introduce him to you. His school is Hogwarts. And its a special magic school. Can you guess how does he come to school?S: Walk/Fly/drive a car(PPT 出示)T:He comes to school by train(teach). And today we will talk about “How do you come to school?”【设计意图:通过回顾第一单元,结合旧知,引出新授句型 How do you come to school?,为下面课文的学习做铺垫。 】Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Quick respondT: Watch a video and say the transportations as quickly as possible!S: By train/ By boat/ By car/ By planeT: Well done!【设计意图:带着任务欣赏歌曲,引导学生学说交通工具,揭示教学内容。 】2. Listen and guessT: Listen and guess what transportation it is.S: a taxi/ a bus/ a plane/ a ship T: 出示 Tip: 出行方式的表达: by+某种交通工具S: (练习 by taxi/bus)T: Sometimes we dont need any transportation, what can we do? On foot(teach)T: How do you come to school? (T v.s. Ss)3.Try to say- Make a dialogueT: 出示句型“A: How do you come to school/go to Beijing?B: I come to school/go to Beijing _.”S: work in groups and make a dialogue.【设计意图:将所学交通工具运用到对话举行中,借助自编对话的方式加强操练,在小组合作中训练对话的问和答。 】Step 3 Storytime1. Watch and matchT: How about our od friends? How do they come to school? Ss: watch a video and finish the match.2. Think and talkT: How does Su Hai come to school? S1: She comes to school by bus.T: So we can say “Su Hai comes to school by bus.” Try to make sentences like this.(Tip:注意三单)3. Work in groups and circle the places as quickly as you can。(P16、17)T:Where do they live?Ss: Read and circle.Ss: Finish the formT: Why does Su Hai come to school by bus? S1/S2/S3:4. Try to sayT: So Su Hai can say S: I live on Moon Street, near City Library. Su Yang and I come to school by bus.T: And we can say S: Su Hai lives on Moon Street, near City Library. She and Su Yang come to school by bus.【设计意图:学生根据所掌握的信息,分别用第一人称和第三人称表述苏海的居住地和上学方式,进一步巩固一般现在时的运用。 】5. Read and locateRead P17, find Yang Lings, Mikes and Liu Taos home. Try to askT: Heres a map and there are three points on it. Read Story time and locate Yang Lings, Mikes and Liu Taos home.S: A is Yang Lings home. B is Mikes home and C is Liu Taos home.【设计意图:根据课文信息在地图上标出杨玲、迈克、刘涛三人的居住地,将文字与图片结合,帮助学生理解和概括。 】T:Why does Mike come to school by metro?Ss: Think and talk.6. Happy readingListen and repeatRead in rolesRetell the storyStep 4 Consolidation1. Reading developmentT: Now, lets talk. Ill show you something about my friend Mary.Ss: finish the exercise and learn to introduce how do our friends come to school?2. Think and writeTry to introduce how do you and your family go to work/come to school? And then introduce your friends.4. Emotional EducatonLow-carbon life, green commuting!【设计意图:通过阅读并模仿写作的方式,帮助学生巩固课文内容,加深对课文的理解,加入对绿色生活的呼吁,感情的升华,培养学生养成良好价值观。 】Homework 家庭作业家庭作业1.Finish your writing.2.Read the story fluently, try to retell the whole story.3.Collect the names of public transportationTeaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:光盘、PPT、板书、相关道具 板书设计: Unit 2 How do you come to school? Who? Where? How ? Yang Ling Su Yang Mike Liu Taoby busmetrotaxion footnearfar frommoonstreetsunshinetown
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