Unit 3 Asking the way-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:6009a).zip

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Unit 3 Asking the way( Checkout time &Ticking time)http:/ 中小学课件 I can ask and tell the way. I can name some places in the city.Ive got _ stars. TiTickinking ti ime I know the sound of sh. http:/ 中小学课件shopcinemazoohospitalLook and sayhttp:/ 中小学课件stationbookshopsupermarketlibraryhttp:/ 中小学课件Yang Ling _the metro.Yang Ling _ the metro.gets ongets offhttp:/ 中小学课件turn right at the traffic lightsturn left at the traffic lightshttp:/ 中小学课件on the right on the lefthttp:/ 中小学课件 Retell Story y ti imehttp:/ 中小学课件 Retell Ca artoon n ti ime Bobby and Tina want to . First, they .Next, they . Then, they . Finally, they . Ask and answerA:Excuse me, how do I get to the hospital?B: Walk alongThen, turnat The is on your http:/ 中小学课件Read and chooseon my right, get to, supermarket, get on, on your right, get along, bus stop, turn left1.-Excuse me, how do I _ the zoo? -_this street, _ at the traffic lights. You can see the zoo_.2. -Hello, John. I am on Beijing Street now. There is a hospital _. How do I get to your home?-There is a bus stop next to the hospital. _No.2 and get off at Lake stop. Then you can see a _. My home is behind it. Dra aw andand wri ite Dra aw andand wri ite I live in Tianmu Garden. It is on Tianmu Road. It is near No.2 Peoples Hospital. I often come to school by bus. First, I get on the bus at No.2 Peoples Hospital Stop. Then, I get off at No. 1 Peoples Hospital Stop. Then, I walk to school. Its on my left.BusBushttp:/ 中小学课件 I can ask and tell the way. I can name some places in the city.Ive got _ stars. TiTickinking ti ime I know the sound of sh. Homework k 1. Talk about the way from your home to your school to your family in English. 2. Revise unit 3. Bb d desisign n Unit3 Asking the way (4) Asking the way: Showing the way:Excuse me, *is there a .? wheres the .? *how do I get to the .?*can you show me the way to .?*which bus is for .?*how many stops are there?.Its on . Street/ Road.*Its near/ far .*Go along . Turn left/ right .at .*We can go by bus/ taxi/ metro.Get on/ off at . Station.http:/ 中小学课件 说课说课 本课时以问路为主线,主要教学内容和目本课时以问路为主线,主要教学内容和目标是:标是:1、帮助学生、帮助学生熟练掌握熟练掌握更多的问路和更多的问路和指路方式。指路方式。2、Checkout time,引导学生,引导学生在在活动中熟练运用句型进行问路和指路;活动中熟练运用句型进行问路和指路;3、引导学生用较丰富的语言介绍自己家到学校引导学生用较丰富的语言介绍自己家到学校的路线并完成相关写话。的路线并完成相关写话。4、学生能够通过、学生能够通过小组合作,综合运用语言知识和语言技能,小组合作,综合运用语言知识和语言技能,完成活动任务。完成活动任务。*T Tea achinhing con nten nts s andand aiaims s:http:/ 中小学课件*Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 1. 能熟练运用问路相关语言和词汇。能熟练运用问路相关语言和词汇。2. 能够正确理解故事并整合本单元知能够正确理解故事并整合本单元知识,进行实际语言上的交流与运用。识,进行实际语言上的交流与运用。在在复习中,学生能够通过合作完成复习中,学生能够通过合作完成英语活动,提高英语语用能力。英语活动,提高英语语用能力。教学重点教学重点:教学难点:教学难点:http:/ 中小学课件Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Process教学环教学环节节Activities教学活教学活动动Purposes设计意设计意图图导入导入1. Free talk通过师通过师生互动交流,生互动交流,学生回忆本单学生回忆本单元学习的知识元学习的知识,激发学生学,激发学生学习的主观能动习的主观能动性。性。 2.出示出示Ticking time让学生让学生了了解本课时的解本课时的教学要求,同教学要求,同时检查语音版时检查语音版块的目标达成块的目标达成 http:/ 中小学课件Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Process教学环教学环节节Activities教学活教学活动动Purposes设计意设计意图图复习复习Task 1 Look and say检查学检查学生对本单元的生对本单元的重点词汇和短重点词汇和短语的掌握情况语的掌握情况。 Task 2Retell Story time and Cartoon time 复习复习Story time 和和Cartoon time 的内容,引出的内容,引出下一个任务下一个任务http:/ 中小学课件Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Process教学环教学环节节Activities教学活教学活动动Purposes设计意设计意图图复习复习Task 3 Ask and answer 帮助学生帮助学生熟练掌握问路和熟练掌握问路和指路方式指路方式, 并熟并熟练地运用问路及练地运用问路及指路相关的词汇指路相关的词汇及句型及句型.。 Task 4Read and choose检查学检查学生是否掌握问生是否掌握问路与指路的相路与指路的相关的词汇和句关的词汇和句型型http:/ 中小学课件Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Process教学环教学环节节Activities教学活教学活动动Purposes设计意设计意图图复习复习Task 5Think and write考查学考查学生把有关问路生把有关问路与与 指路相关指路相关词汇与句型运词汇与句型运用到写作中的用到写作中的能力。能力。 Task 6Ticking time让学生让学生结合本节课的结合本节课的任务练习进行任务练习进行自自我我评价评价英语(五年级下册英语(五年级下册) )Unit 3 Ask king the wa ayCheckout time & Ticking timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 帮助学生熟练掌握问路和指路方式, 并熟练地运用问路及指路相关的词汇及句型. 2. 引导学生在活动中熟练运用句型进行问路和指路;3、引导学生用较丰富的语言介绍自己家到学校的路线并完成相关写话。4、学生能够通过小组合作,综合运用语言知识和语言技能,完成活动任务。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点:1. 能熟练运用问路相关语言和词汇。2. 能够正确理解故事并整合本单元知识,进行实际语言上的交流与运用。教学难点:在复习中,学生能够通过合作完成英语活动,提高英语语用能力。Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1. Free talkT: What do you learn from this unit?【设计意图:通过师生互动交流,学生回忆本单元学习的知识,激发学生学习的主观能动性。 】2. Show Ticking time【设计意图:让学生了解本课时的教学要求,同时检查语音版块的目标达成】Step 2 Review Story time and Cartoon time(1) T: Yang Ling wants to visit Su Hais new home. How does she get there?(学生根据课文内容选择 Yang Ling 的交通方式)(2) 在 PPT 地图上用箭头和图片提示引导学生根据文字提示复述路线。First, Yang Ling gets on the metro at Park Station. Next, she (PPT 显示杨玲下地铁的图片) at Station. Then, shes on Sun Street. She walks along Street. She (PPT 显示杨玲右转的图片) at the (PPT 显示红绿灯的图片). She walks along Street. The (PPT 显示书店的图片) is And Su Hais home is it.(老师首先边画路线边请学生起来指路,之后学生根据地图提示和文本提示同桌互相复述杨玲的路线,最后全班集体看地图复述一遍)(3) Retell Cartoon time要求学生用 First,Then, ,Next, , Finally, 复述课文内容,Bobby and Tina want to . First, they .Next, they . Then, they . Finally, they . 。【设计意图:图文结合,引导学生复述 Story time 和 Cartoon time,帮助学生梳理利用交通工具出行时对出行方式和路线的表达以及步行时对路线的表达。 】Step3. Checkout time(1) Listen and guessT: Sharon is in the shoe shop. And there are some shops near the shoe shop. Please listen and guess what shops they are. Script (教师读,学生猜): No. 1 is a big place. Sharon can buy food, drink or other things in it. What is it?No.2 is a lovely place. Sharon wants to watch a movie in it. What is it?No. 3 is a place where Sharon can take a train. No. 4 is a place Sharon can buy some books. Where is it?(2) Look and talk(学生根据地图,两人一组展开练习问答)(3) Point and say (将 Checkout time 中的地点做成路标形式,以教室中桌子间的过道为街道,师生开展问答游戏) T: Im at school. Today we are going to visit the museum. How can we go there?(学生大组回答,然后两人一组操练并展示)(4) Think and chooseHow to ask the way?How do I get to the ?How to show the way?Go along Street. Turn left/right at the traffic lights. Then, walk along Street. Its on your left/right.(5) Draw and write (课本 P35)(1) 教师在地图中画出 home 到 school 的路线,并示范用英语描述路线。(2) 学生画路线并将路线写下来。(3) 请个别学生将其画的路线图和写的路线用投影仪展示出来。【设计意图:进一步巩固学生在不同情境中准确使用问路、指路的英语表达的综合语用能力。 】Homework 家庭作业家庭作业1. Talk about the way from your home to your school to your family in English.2. Revise unit 3.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:教学课件(PPT)板书设计:Unit 3 Asking the wayCheckout time Ticking timeGive directionsYou can get on the metrobus atThen walk to get along Asking the wayHow do I get to ?
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