Unit 6 In the kitchen-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:e0007).zip

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五下五下 Unit6 In the kitchen Checkout time & Ticking time 教学反思教学反思本节课是第六单元的第四课时,教学内容是 Checkout time 板块和 Ticking time 板块的有机结合。本课时的教学功能是单元复习、检测和评价。Checkout time 板块旨在检测学生对现在进行时的一般疑问句、可数名词和不可数名词的运用能力。Ticking time 板块旨在引导学生自我评价。本课时以 Story time 的复习导入,引出现在进行时,再而导入现在进行时的一般疑问句及问答。在本单元的 Grammar time 已经学习过现在进行时的一般疑问句及问答,所以本课时浅显地带过,重点在语言操练上。本课时设计了两个任务以检测学生对现在进行时一般疑问句的语言运用能力。一是记忆挑战任务。对于本版块的 Ask and answer 看图问答活动进行创造性的处理,打乱了图片中六组任务的活动,让学生在规定的时间内记忆图片中的信息,进而进行判断。这样的处理颇具趣味性,能够极大地调动学生的积极性。 如果单纯地呈现图片,让学生用所给句型问答,就会变得“明知故问” ,失去语言的交际性。二是信息差任务。借助书本的人物图,设计信息任务,为学生提供更多的语言操练的机会。两人一组,每个人的图片中都有一些未知的信息,学生想获得图片的信息,只能向同伴询问 Is.? Are.?这样的问答,是有意义的,有需求的。而不是明知故问。对于可数名词和不可数名词的检测,我还是通过 Story time 的复习引入,通过呈现 Story time 板块的最后一幅图片(刘涛和他的父母在吃晚饭) ,让学生仔细看图回答 What are they eating for dinner?引出可数名词和不可数名词。进而补充和操练可数名词的复数变化规则,建构学生头脑中的不可数名词库。最后利用该板块的 Look and write 活动,要求学生根据图片内容,辨别可数名词和不可数名词,填写 some 或数字,完成句子。本课时有些许不足之处,教学节奏的把握不甚理想,后面的教学安排稍快,有前松后紧的问题。教学指令还有待提高,指令不够简练。译林版五下 Unit 6 In the kitchen1. Ask and answer the picture.2. Complete the exercise book of Unit 6.3. Review the whole unit.Checkout timeTicking time学习目标1. I can name some food .我能说说出一些食物的单词单词 。2. I can say some uncountable nouns.我能说说出一些不可数名词词。3. I know the rules of countable nouns.我知道可数名词词复数的变变化规则规则 。4. I can ask and answer “Yes/No”questions about actions. 我可以用一般疑问问句问问答。Lets retellisnt anyorange juice . gamecook dinnercook meat .be readytomato soupTips: 1.四人小组组,尝试尝试 复述故事!2.可以一起说说,也可以一人说说一场场景!3.下面的图片和重点单词可以帮助你哦!Liu Taos mother _ _ some vegetables. Liu Taos father _ _ meat with potatoes.Liu Tao _ _ some juice . They _ _ dinner.Present progressive tense Present progressive tense 现在进行时现在进行时Lets say is washing is cooking is looking forare having be主语 v.ingDo you know? 简单的说,现在进行时的一般疑问句变化方式只要将Be动词提前,其他部分按顺序下来。主语be v.ing ?主语Be 你知道现在进行时的一般疑问句变化方式吗?Do you know?The children are helping in the kitchen.Try to remember(15秒钟记忆): What are they doing?Memory challenge task 记忆挑战任务 orcleaning the table.washing the dishes.No, he isnt.Yes, she is.No, he isnt.Yes,they are.Q1:Iswashing the dishes?Q2:Iscooking vegetables?Q3:Iscooking fish?making salad?Q6:AreNo, he isnt.Q4:Iscooking soup?No, she isnt.Q5:Is cleaning the table?Information- gap task信息差任务两人一组,互相询问,才能获得图片中未知的信息。S1:Is/are.?S2:Yes,.is / are.No,.isnt / arentLook and sayWhat are they eating for dinner?可数 不可数 orororor?meatricesouppotatoestomatoesvegetablesBrain stormingmeatricesouppotatoestomatoesvegetablesTips: 1.你还还知道哪些不可数名词词呢?四人小组组,说说一说说!2.说说的越多越好哦!Do you know? some 既可以修饰不可数名词,也可以修饰可数名词。如: some water一些水 some apples一些苹果你知道可数名词复数形式是如何构成的吗?1, 一般名词词尾直接加s。2, 以s、x、ch、sh 结尾以及部分以o结尾的名词加es。 3, 以辅音字母加 y结尾的名词, 把y改i再加es。4, 以f或fe结尾的名词。把f或fe去掉加ves。applepianoboypestzoobusboxpeachdishmangocithobbbodstudknileasssssesesesesesi yesesy iesy iesy ivesfe(树树叶)ves fGrammar timeThere is . in the fridge.There are . in the fridge.Whats in the fridge?1.There is meat in the fridge.2.There is fish in the fridge.3.There are bananas in the fridge.4.There are oranges in the fridge.5.There in the fridge.6.There in the fridge.7.There in the fridge.8.There in the fridge.9.There in the fridge.someafour/somefive/someis some breadare four applesare twelve eggsis some milkis some orange juiceLets writeare two cartons of milkare three bottles of orange juiceI can say some uncountable nouns .I can name some food.I know the rules of coutable nouns.I can ask and answer “Yes/No”questions about actions.2. Complete the exercise book of Unit 6. HomeworkHomework3. Review the whole unit.1. Ask and answer the picture . 五下五下 Unit 6 In the kitchen (Checkout time & Ticking time)教学设教学设计计教学目标:教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 vegetable, tomato, photo 等食物类的词2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 Are you/ Is he/she?及其肯定和否定回答3.能够掌握现在进行时的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答。教学重点:教学重点:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 Are you/ Is he/she?及其肯定和否定回答2.能够掌握并运用现在进行时的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答。教学难点:教学难点:能够掌握并运用现在进行时的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答。教学过程:教学过程:Step I Lead in1. Greeting2. Presentation of the learning objectivesIn this lesson, well have some learning objectives1. I can name some food.2.I can say some uncountable nouns.3.I know the rules of countable nouns.4. I can ask and answer “yes/no ”questions about actions. PPT 出示学习目标。Step II Grammar time of present progressive tense1. Lets retellTips: 1.四人小组,尝试复述故事!2.可以一起说,也可以一人说一场景!3.下面的图片和重点单词可以帮助你哦!2. Lets sayLiu Taos mother _ _ some vegetables.Liu Taos father _ _ meat with potatoes.Liu Tao _ _ some juice.They _ _ dinner.现在进行时(Present progressive tense):主语+be+动词 ing+其他你知道现在进行时的一般疑问句变化方式吗?简单的说,现在进行时的一般疑问句变化方式只要将 Be 动词提前,其他部分按顺序下来。3. Memory challenge task 记忆挑战任务T:The children are helping in the kitchen.Try to remember(10 秒钟记忆): What are they doing?Lets judge: Yes or NoQ1:Is Liu Tao washing the dishes?Q2:Is Yang Ling cooking vegetables?Q3:Is Wang Bing cooking fish ?Q4:Is Mike cooking soup?Q5:Is Nancy cleaning the table?Q6:Are Su Hai and Su Yang making vegetable salad?4.Information-gap task 信息差任务两人一组,互相询问,才能获得图片中未知的信息。Lets ask and answerS1: Is he/she? Are.?S2: Yes ,.is/are. No,.isnt/arent.Step III Grammar Time of nouns 1.Look and sayLook at the picture. What are they doing?What are they eating for dinner?They are eating.What do you think of their dinner?2.Countable or uncountable?(meat/potatoes/vegetables/tomatoes/soup/rice)3.Brain stormingMeat, soup and rice are uncountable nouns. Can you say some other uncountable nouns? Work in four and say in your group.Tips: 1.你还知道哪些不可数名词呢?四人小组,说一说!2.说的越多越好哦!some 既可以修饰不可数名词,也可以修饰可数名词。如: some water 一些水 some apples 一些苹果4. 你知道可数名词复数形式是如何构成的吗?Try to write the plural form of these countable nouns.Lets check.你能总结一下可数名词的变化规则吗?1, 一般名词词尾直接加 s。2, 以 s、x、ch、sh 结尾以及部分以 o 结尾的名词加 es。3, 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词,把 y 改 i 再加 es。4, 以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词。把 f 或 fe 去掉加 ves。apple buscity knife piano box hobbyleafboy peach bodyzoo dish study pest mangoStep III Checkout timeT: Whats in the fridge?Lets write!Step IV Ticking timeTime for ticking! How many stars can you get? Assess for yourselves.Step V Homework1. Ask and answer the pictures of the characters.2. Complete the exercise book of Unit 6.3. Review the whole unit.板书设计: Unit 6 In the kitchen S1: Is he/she.? S2: Yes ,.is/are. S1: Are .? S2: No,.isnt/arent.
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