Unit 6 In the kitchen-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:4049d).docx

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Unit 6 In the kitchen-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:4049d).docx_第1页
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Unit 6 In the kitchen-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:4049d).docx_第2页
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Unit 6 In the kitchen-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:4049d).docx_第3页
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Unit 6 In the kitchen-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:4049d).docx_第4页
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1、Unit 6 in the kitchen知识目标1.了解各国进食工具的文化差异。2.能正确掌握 qu 的发音并正确朗读含有 qu 发音的单词并利用 qu 发音规则认读、听写新词。3. 能听懂、会读、会说卡通故事中出现的词汇:angry, spot, catch, drive away;4. 能够流利地朗读卡通部分。技能目标学生能够流利地朗读卡通部分并能在老师的帮助下简单表演卡通对话。情感目标1.让学生体会到阅读故事的乐趣,培养学生阅读的兴趣。2.能了解中西方不同餐具和餐桌礼仪文化。A. Warmingup1、 Greetings.2、 quickresponse3、 Cinderella b

2、ecomes a queen now.Afemale king. Golden crown4、 Ive got an invitation from Cinderella.B.Sound time5listen,a man is shouting, the queen is coming!Look at the pictures,2 questions for you. what is she doing? she is walking through our littletown. what is she wearing? she is wearing her golden crown.Ho

3、w is the queen? one word.nice,beautiful,rich,fairy.6. Lets say the rhyme in rhythm.listen and say7. see these words have the same letters,qu, how to pronounce it? kwLook at my mouth.very close/almost/you got it!Can you read these words? try to read the new words!Make sentences with these words.C.cul

4、ture time8.After that, Cinderella invite us to enjoy dinner, so many people here, Chinese, Korean,Japanese,American,British, IndianHow to eat? Lets learn some table manners first!9. How do the western people use the knife and fork? Watch the video.Maybe they feel it is very easy to eat!Listen and re

5、ad, can you divide the food with different table wares.Say: 1/2/bothLearn chopsticks 渗透一双筷子a knife and fork 一副刀叉Lets show it! Work in groups. Who would like to be a Korean?10.Do in rome as Rome does.入乡随俗.D. cartoon time11.After dinner, we need some fruits, which one do you like?Bobby is coming!He is

6、 taking some grapes to the queen.He has a big garden, do you remember what happened last week.Lets review the story, look and read.12. so Bobby is very sad,Who can help me? Watch the video.Who come to help Bobby?Read and find ,t ry to order the mood of BobbyP1 sad T:Why is Bobby sad?P2 angry What wi

7、ll they say?P3 Learn catchmatch How many spots does the Ladybird have?Which one is the good ladybird?出示小知识P4 can you imitate Bobby? if you are good ladybirds, what do you say to the bad ladybirds?lets work together, drive them away! One pest is going away. Go on!13. its reading time.Try to act the s

8、tory.15.ExcusesE.homework1.熟读并表演 Cartoon time.2.找出更多含有kw发音的单词.3.告诉你的父母和朋友关于中西餐具的区别.教学反思:本课时是 Sound time,Culture time 和 Cartoontime 的教学。在本课时的 Sound time 的教学中,我采用了课前渗透,边学边发现字母组合的发音,然后由老师总结的方式开展。学生在阅读的过程中,真切体会到了字母组合的发音,比教师直接教给学生效果要好很多。在Culture time 的教学中,我除了教会学生课文知识以外,还拓展了学生中西方餐桌的礼仪给学生,让学生的知识面更加的全面具体。Ca

9、rtoon 的教学中,有趣的故事让学生沉迷其中,这也是发挥故事在英语教学中的作用。这部分的 Cartoon time 是第五单元 Cartoon time 的延续,学生在学习中,也特别的顺手。同时,他们对故事的结局也是非常的期待。在教学中,也让学生明白了一个科学的道理:瓢虫也是分好坏的。这个知识我本来也是不知道的。通过这个故事,不但让学生学习到了英语的知识,也让学生学习到了一些自然科学知识,真是一举两得。同时,我也发现了一些问题。比如,catch 的三单,有部分学生还是不知道要加 es,这是比较让人头痛的问题,之后的教学中,要多注意。评课:金慧霞许老师执教的是五下 Unit6 In the k

10、itchen 的第三课时。首先,我们知道第一课时许老师教 Story time,第二课时,巩固了 Story time,并教授了语法板块。本课时作为第三课时,其主要内容是语音版块、文化板块和 Cartoon time 的教学。本堂课充分体现了课堂有活力, 学习有动力, 师生长能力的课堂。 同时也彰显了许老师的智慧,体现了她有效整合文本与再构的能力。1.回顾与呈现,旧知与新知的巧妙结合a. Quick respond 中引出 Cinderalla becomes a queen.将教学自然引入语音版块的情景。 本课堂也是以 Cinderalla 人物发展贯穿始终,主线突出,主题明确,许老师也用不

11、同的视角去处理各个板块,过渡自然、巧妙、无痕。b.由回顾 Unit5 中 Cartoon time 的故事情节,从 Do you remember what happened in Bobbysgarden?引入本课时的卡通教学。并出示问题,让学生自主阅读,体会 Bobby 的心情变化。教授几个心情的形容词 angry happy sad surprisedc.在教 cartoon time 时,教师出示图片,让学生看图想象 Wha will they say?培养学生的读图能力和思维能力。d.单词教学的以旧引新,自主学习garden-goldenbrown-crownmatch-catch2

12、.知识的拓展延伸,思维能力的培养与发展a.文化板块中内容简单许老师通过一段 video 展示了不同国家的 table manners,让学生感受中西方国家不同的餐饮文化。b.语音版块中,许老师教学巧妙,在课前的 class rules 中提出 You should be quite quiet.提前渗透 qu 的发音。在学生学完 qu 组合的发音后,出示部分含有 qu 的单词,让学生自主朗读,同时创设情境,让学生学会运用,达到语用能力的拓展。我认为三力课堂,其实也是培养学生的阅读能力,表达能力和思维能力。许老师在主题与内容的设计,情境渗透方面做得很好。更加尊重学生原有基础,凸显教师在课堂上最大程度的让学,也能够让学生在课堂上跳的起,够得着,吃的饱。


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