Unit 2 How do you come to school -Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30daa).docx

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Unit 2 How do you come to school -Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30daa).docx_第1页
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Unit 2 How do you come to school -Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30daa).docx_第2页
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Unit 2 How do you come to school -Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30daa).docx_第3页
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Unit 2 How do you come to school -Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30daa).docx_第4页
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Unit 2 How do you come to school -Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30daa).docx_第5页
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1、Unit2 How do you come to school(song time, cartoon time , checkout time)教学目标:教学目标:1.知识目标复习巩固本单元重点词汇和句型,在情境中灵活运用。通过复习与练习,使学生能够在情境中熟练用.live(s).,.come(s) to.by.,.get(s) to.by.等描述自己或他人出行方式的句型,锻炼综合语言运用能力。2.能力目标学生能唱 the wheels on the bus。学生能理解,有感情地朗读并尝试表演 cartoon。学生能正确使用本单元所学句型描述自己和他人的居住地以及不同的出行方式。3.情感目标在

2、教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。引导学生学会用英语描述自己的居住地以及出行情况, 并介绍同伴的相关情况,乐于表达,同时激发学生了解城市周边甚至更大区域的欲望。教学教学重点重点学生能综合运用所学知识完成对话及相关学习任务。教学难点教学难点学生能综合运用本单元学到的词汇和句型谈论过居住地及出行方式。教学准备教学准备: :1.教师准备:ppt,板书,头饰,道具。2.学生准备:复习 Story time 和已经学习的第二课时句型的表达,准备交流同学和家人的居住地点和出行方式。Step1 Greetings and

3、lead-in1.GreetingsT: Boys and girls. Im Miss Yang. Im your new English teacher today.Shall we begin our class?Ss: Yes.T: Good morning , boys and girls.Ss: Good morning Miss Yang.2.Lead-inT: Boys and girls , today, we will continue to learn Unit2, lets read thetopic together: How do you come to schoo

4、l?Ss: Read the topic togetherT: Good ! Every day , I come to school by bus, because I live on ZhujiangRoad, its far from my school. My husband goes to work by bike , mydaughter goes to the kinder-garden on foot. So this is about my family.What about you?Try to tell me something about you and your fa

5、mily.Ss: I live in /on . Its near/ far from .I come to school.My father /mother goes to work .3.Sing a songT: You said very well. So as a prize, I bring you a song here todayThewheels on the pink school bus. Lets enjoy the song together, OK?T: Do you like the funny song ?Ss: Yes!T: So in todays less

6、on, lets join these animal friends , and go through thetown with them together, OK?Ss: OK!T: Stand up, please. Lets sing with the music!Ss: Sing the song with actions 设计意图设计意图 课程伊始,老师带领学生齐读课题,让学生对产生主题意识,作为本单元的第三课时,老师将继续跟学生聊一聊“How doyou come to school”这个话题,并从自身说开去,看看身边的亲朋好友都有怎样的出行方式,在本节课中,又会经历怎样的学习历程

7、?通过主题歌曲,老师进一步拉近与学生的距离。Step2 Presentation1. Lets retell(After singing the song)T:Look, the bus goes through the town, where are we now?Ss: We are at a school.T: Whose school is this?Ss: They are Mike, Yang Ling , Su Hai and Liu Taos school.T: Yes! What are they talking about? This time, lets try to r

8、etell the story.Here are the rules: Four students a group, choose one character to act,then. Introduce one of your friend.Ss: .Check 1 group ( T stick the key sentences) 设计意图设计意图 在复习 Story 的活动环节,采用角色扮演的方式,先用第一人称介绍自己,再用第三人称介绍同伴,这样的设计既能让学生融入到故事里,有角色代入感,又能基于第三课时的教学目标,实现从“我”到“他人”的升级介绍,使学生的语言表达进行螺旋式上升。2.

9、 Cartoon time(1)Present the storyT: We know a lot about the students and their friends, lets say “Bye bye”to them, look, theres a park near the school. Shall we go there?Ss: OK!T: Lets sing: The wheels on the bus go round and round ,round andround. Look, Who is at the park?Ss: Booby.T: Look at Bobby

10、, how does he feel?Ss: He feels so happy.T:Yes! But why is he so happy?Ss: Because he has a new bike.T:Yes, he likes ring it in the park. Teach “rideriding”.So can Booby ride his bike well?Ss: Yes!T: What would he say?Ss: I like my new bike./ My bike is coolT: Good ! Now ,lets listen , what does Bob

11、by say?Can you say like Bobby?(引导学生体会 Bobby 开心的心情,加上动作,注意语气,说说图 1的句子)(2)Learn the storyT:Bobby likes his new bike, he wants to show his bike to Sam, but can heride his bike to school ? Lets read and find the answer.Ss: No, he cant.T: Why?Ss: Because he is too young.T:Yes, Bobbys father says: Youre t

12、oo young. (教学 young )In China, there is a traffic rule : Children under 12 years old are tooyoung to ride to school!T:So, is Bobby happy now?(PPT 出示图 3)Ss: No, he is not happy.T: Why?Ss: Because Sam goes to school by bike.T: But does Sam really go to school by bike? (PPT 出示图 4)Ss: No, he always sits

13、 in the basket.T:Yes, so if you were Bobbys Dad, what would you say ?Ss:.(3)Listen and repeatT: Now, lets listen to the tape and read the cartoon.(4)Read and actCheck 2 groups in classT: Oh, thats interesting! Little Bobby can only ride his bike in the park! 设计意图设计意图 老师巧妙地把卡通故事放在了 In the park 的情境中进行

14、学习,既串联了本节课的大活动,又自然地从上一环节的“学校”场景过度到 Bobby 在公园骑车,衔接自然。在学习时,启发学生对故事进行思考,认识到 Cartoon 想向我们传达的“Traffic rule”这一安全理念。同时,在故事的结尾,Bobby 的 Dad 对 Bobby 无厘头式的回答感到很无奈,故事戛然而止,而老师设计了开放型问题,让学生继续往下走一步,想象 Bobby 的 Dad 会如何应答 Bobby,充分激发了学生的想象,增加了他们的表达欲。3. Checkout(1)Present the contentT: Look , Who is in the park too?Ss:

15、Helen is also in the park today.T:Yes! Helen is looking at her photo album in the park.Look, there are many photos in her album.T:This time, Ill be Helen, let me introduce this photo to you.Boys and girls, look, this is my uncle. He works on a big ship.He goes to many cities by ship, isnt that cool?

16、(2) Look and sayT: Boys and girls , Helen has more photos, this time, lets try to be Helen,talk about these photos in turns.(3) CheckT: Who can talk about Photo1?Ss: .T: Look, this is Helens aunt, who can introduce her?Ss: .T: If you go to Beijing, where do you want to visit?Do you want to go tothe

17、Great Wall?.(拓展 High speed train).Ss: Yes.T: How can you get there?Ss: .T: Who can talk about Photo4?Ss: .T: Yes! We know Su Hai and Su Yang always go to the library.And today,they are going to the library , too. Lets go with them, OK? 设计意图设计意图 对于 Checkout 环节的学习, 老师把背景内容以 Helen 的Photo Album 形式呈现,情境更

18、加立体,与整节课大情境巧妙地融合一体。在教授顺序上,老师对原有教材的图片呈现顺序稍加修改,原图 4(介绍 My uncle 的船员生活)由于跟学生实际生活有一定距离感,所以把其作为范例单独讲授,使学生更容易理解;而把原图 2 放到最后说,也为下一环节进行了铺垫。Step3 ExtensionT: Look ,Su Hai and Su Yang are reading an interesting story, its called:A happy dinosaur village. Wow,sounds great! Do you want to listen tothe story?Ss:

19、 Yes!T: OK, this time, lets listen to the story!T: Do you like this funny story? Who live in the Dinosaur Village?Ss:.T: This time, let s read the story in groups. Please choose one characteryou like, and tell us something about their life according to the story.Ss show,T check 1group.T: You did a g

20、ood job! Now, lets do more. Look at the rules: First, youact one dinosaur, then, choose one of your friend, and introduce in turns.Do you understand?Ss: Show, T check 1group. 设计意图设计意图 在最后一个活动版块,老师老师创编了一个简单的主题绘本,抓住学生的学习兴趣,用新绘本内容滋养并拓展学生的学习。作为本节课的最后一个大活动,让学生分两步来逐步达成学习目标:先用第一人称, 再用第三人称介绍小恐龙的生活方式, 学生兴趣盎然

21、,并且自主表达,基于第三课时的学习目标,学生在本节课中对本单元的目标语使用语也呈螺旋式上升,目标达成度较高。Step4. The end.T: Boys and girls, today, weve been to many places, we met Bobby,Helens friends and relatives, and lovely dinosaurs. Who impressed youmost? Pick up 2 you like, talk about them and write down their trip mode.Thats the homework for today.Step5. HomeworkT: Class is over, goodbye class.Homework:在本节课中你遇到了很多有趣的人,选择给你印象最深的两位,说给小伙伴听,并写下他们的出行方式。板书:


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