Unit 3 Asking the way-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c0bf4).docx

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Unit 3 Asking the way-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c0bf4).docx_第1页
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Unit 3 Asking the way-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c0bf4).docx_第2页
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Unit 3 Asking the way-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c0bf4).docx_第3页
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Unit 3 Asking the way-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c0bf4).docx_第4页
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1、1五下快乐英语五下快乐英语TheThe givinggiving treestrees教案教案一、Teaching Contents本故事主要讲的是一棵苹果树和一个小男孩的故事。男孩小的时候,经常到苹果树下玩。一天小男孩饿了,大树立即给予他自己的果实。男孩觉得很热时,大树就让他摘下自己的树叶做一把扇子。男孩长大后,想要一间房子成家,大树让他砍去自己的枝条去建房子。十年过去了,当年的男孩变成了一个中年人。他对大树说他想要一艘船去远航,大树给了他树干去造船。许多年过去了,男孩早已进入垂暮之年。他回到树下,大树悲伤地告诉他自己什么也给不了他了。但此时,这个老人却只想要个安静的地方坐下来休息一会儿。通

2、过这个故事,让学生学习到“Giving is happy .”二、Teaching Aims :1、能听懂、会说、会读: tear ,leaf , branch , trunk , stump ,chopoff.2、理解”Givingishappy . “的真正含义。3、学习大树的精神,并能在日常生活中热心帮助他人。三、TeachingImportances and difficulties :1、能听懂、会说、会读:tear ,leaf , branch , trunk , stump ,chopoff.2、理解 Givingishappy . 的真正含义。四、TeachingTools :

3、多媒体五、Teaching steps :Step 1. Warm up :1、free talk2、playa game:bomb 看见单词大声说出来,看见炸弹就说 bombStep2. Presentation :1、教师拿大树道具服和学生打招呼:T:Hi , boys and girls . Look ! Can you guess “What tree is it ?”Ss: An apple tree .T:Yes . Itsan apple tree .手指树叶 “whats this ?” 引导学生说出 “树叶 leaf (复数)leaves”P.P.T 呈现树叶,板书,将树叶卡

4、片帖在黑板上。多种方式操练单词:树叶leaf(复数) leaves2、同法教授单词 branch(复数)branches树枝 ; trunk 树干;stump树根3、呈现课文T:Boys and girls,I have a story about the tree . Do you wantto listen ?Ss: Yes .T:Lets listen .When you listen to the radio , you should findout the first questions answer of the form .听录音,完成手2中表格的第一项任务。_Time(时间)A

5、ppearance(容貌)Need(需要)Give(给予)Feeling(心情)Onedayanapplehappya fanAs time byhappya middle-aged manhappyMany yearslatera place tostump(1).听录音,将表格中的 Time 和 Appearance 两栏补充完整,将正确的序号填入表格中:A: an old manB: ten years laterC:a young manD: alittle boy(2)仔细阅读故事,找一找故事中的主人公在不同的时期,需要什么?大树给予他什么?完成三、四竖行在文中圈出关键词,并填入表格

6、。(3)给故事添加标题:_A:How to use a treeB:The trees friendC:The giving treeD:The boy became a tree(4)找出文中大树每次帮助主人公之后的心情,并完成表格。4、P.P.t 呈现,核对第一题答案,请学生上台写,并板书5、P.p.t 呈现,完成表格中第二题,核对答案,并板书。6、完成表格中第三题,呈现课题。板书7、P.p.t 呈现,完成表格中第四题,并板书。8、T: why the tree was happy and smiled with tears?让学生说一说,体会大树最后的心理感情。T:If you are

7、the tree ,how about your feeling ? Can you helpthemanlike the tree?让学生换位思考,说一说自己如果是这棵树,你在主人公每次遇到困难时会这样舍己为人吗?体会树的不平凡,总结这棵树的伟大。讨论自己在帮助别人时的心情。在帮助别人的同时,自己也得到了快乐。9、教师总结,呈现本故事的主旨。_D_T:What can we learn from the story ?Awe can make a fan with the leaves .Bwe can make a house with the branches .Cwe can make

8、 a boat with the trunk .DGiving is happy .(给予是快乐的)Step3:practice1、read in different ways2、act 穿道具服表演,同时去除将黑板上树的相应的部分。可以3自己进行改编、创新,也可参照下文:(1) A: Hello, apple tree, nice to see you !B:Hello, little boy , nice to see you ,too !A:Im hungry ,.Can you give me an apple ?B:Sure . Here it is .A:Thank you .B:

9、Not at all . Im happy to help you.(2) A: Hello, apple tree, nice to see you again !B:Hello , little boy , nice to see you ,too !A: I need a fan.Can you give me a fan ?B:Sorry .But you can take some leaves from the tree.A:Thank you .B:Not at all . Im happy to help you.(3) A: Hello, apple tree, nice t

10、o see you again !B:Hello , young man , nice to see you ,too !A:I need a house. Can you give me a house?B:Sorry .But you can chop off my branches.A:Thank you .B:Not at all . Im happy to help you.(4)A: Hello, apple tree, nice to see you again !B:Hello , middle-aged man , nice to see you ,too !A:I need

11、 a boat. Can you give me a boat?B:Sorry .But you can cut the tree trunk .A:Thank you .B:Not at all . Im happy to help you.(5)A: Hello, apple tree, nice to see you again !B:Hello , old man , nice to see you ,too ! I only leftan old stump .I cant give you anything .A:I only need a place to rest . Imso

12、tired .B:Ok . 注意最后的表情,含泪微笑着说。3、学生五人一组,一人扮演树,四人扮演不同时期的主人公:小男孩、年轻人、中年时期、老年时期。表演时注意不同时期人物年龄、语气、感情的变化。对于表现好的给予表扬。Step4、Consolidation1、根据板书复述课文。可以两人一组,一个说,一个上台将图片放在合适的位置。2、填空:When he was a little boy , he neededto eat an_.The tree gave him an _ .When he was hot , heneeded a _. The tree gavehim its _ .Whe

13、n he was a young man , he neededa _. The treegave him its _ .When he was a middle-aged man , he needed a _ .4The tree gave him its _ .When he was an old man , he needed a place to _ .The tree only left a strum .The tree was very _every time .Step 5、Summary1、T: boys and girls . from this story , we k

14、now : “Giiving ishappy .”so we should help others as possible as we can .The story is not end .它遍地开花 look ! 伴随着音乐爱的奉献P.P.T 呈现各界人士帮助他人的图片,引导学生在日常生活中助人为乐。Step6、Homework1、Retell and actthe story with your friends .2、Help others as possible as you can .板书设计:The giving treeWhen he washe neededThe tree gave himIt was.图片图片图片a Little boyan applean applea Fanleavesa Young mana housebranchesa Mid-aged mana boattrunkanOld mana place to reststump


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