Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30591).docx

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Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30591).docx_第1页
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Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30591).docx_第2页
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Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30591).docx_第3页
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Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30591).docx_第4页
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Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:30591).docx_第5页
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1、Project 1 Around our city (Part C&D)教学目标:教学目标:A. 知识目标:1. 综合复习 2-3 单元所学公共交通及路线方位的词汇以及问路指路的词汇。2. 综合复习 2-3 单元所学的句型和日常用语:Where is ? Its in/on Wheredo you live? I live in/on How do you go/come to ? I go/come to byHow do I get to.? Get on/ Turn left/right. Go along.询问并回答。3. 拓展 B 部分地名类词汇 restaurant,

2、 post office, bank, supermarket, 要求能听懂、会说、会读。B. 能力目标:1. 能绘制简单的城市地图,确定学校和家所在的位置,并准确标注出地标建筑;2. 能根据城市地图, 综合运用 2-3 单元所学的词汇和句型介绍交通方式及路线。C. 情感目标:1. 在情境交流中,深化学生尊敬老师的意识。2. 在小组活动中,培养积极向上的竞争意识,发挥互帮互助的合作精神。教学重点:教学重点:1. 在综合运用中复习 2-3 单元所学公共交通及路线方位的词汇以及问路指路的词汇。2. 在综合运用中复习2-3 单元所学的句型和日常用语: Where is ? Its in/on Whe

3、re do you live? I live in/on How do you go/come to ? I go/come to by How do I get to.? Get Turn leftright. Go along.询问并回答。教学难点:教学难点:1. 根据地图,熟练地口头描述交通方式及路线。2. 综合运用 2-3 单元所学知识,完成书面表达。教学步骤:教学步骤:Step 1 Free talkTeacher and students ask and answer about the following topics.1. Where do you live

4、?2. How do you come to school?3. Where is our school?【设计意图】通过轻松地自由问答,回顾所学知识,并自然地导入新课。Step 2 Lead-inT: Our school is on Piaoyi Road.1. T: Whats near our school?PPT: show the map; review some words about the public transport facilities:road/ street/ avenue/ traffic lights/ corner/ crossing2. T: There

5、are more interesting places near here. I have some riddles for you. Letsguess what they are.a.If(如果) you want to withdraw money(取钱), where do you go? (bank)b. If you want to send a letter to your friend, where do you go? (post office)c.You can buy all kinds of(各种各样) things here. (supermarket)d. You

6、can have dinner here when you dont want to cook. (restaurant)Ss guess the answers. T asks more: where is it? (Its on road) How do we getthere?(on foot/by bus)3. T: It is a map around our school? What else do we have near here?PPT: picturesS: flower shop/ fruit shop/ market/ cinema【设计意图】学校是学生最熟悉的环境之一

7、。用学校附近的地点来复习公共交通和地点名称的词汇,更具真实性。4. T: Where is the cinema?S: Its in In City.T: Yes. In City is a big shopping mall. We can go shopping, have dinner, and domany things there. I like In City. Yesterday, I had dinner with my friend in In City.Look! This is my friend. Do you know her?S: Shes is Ms. HuT:

8、Because she has a baby, she doesnt teach your maths this year. You haventseen her for a long time. Do you miss her?S: Yes.T: Lets visit Ms. Hu this weekend, ok?S: Ok!T: I think, if we will visit Ms. Hu, we should buy some presents for her. But wedont have enough money. Dont worry. Today, in this les

9、son, if you have a goodjob in the competition, you will get stars for your group. The stars can be changedto money. You can use the money to buy presents and choose the best way to Ms.Hus home. Of course, the more stars, the more money.T: Ok. Its time to have some tasks.【设计意图】 胡老师是孩子们非常爱戴的老师。 因为怀孕生子

10、不再教授本班数学。孩子们十分想念胡老师。 在征得胡老师同意的前提下, 我尝试用 “去看望胡老师”这一情境作为本课的教学线索,既激发了学生的兴趣,又能鼓励学生在真实的环境中用英语解决问题。Step 3 Presentation and practiceTask 1 Choose presentsT: What can we buy for Ms. Hu and her baby? Do you have any ideas?S: I want to/would like to buyT: Ok, we can buy something like this:PPT: show four pict

11、ures (food and fruit/flowers/babys clothes/toys)T: Lets buy presents in groups. Each group just buys one thing.Group 1: fruit and foodGroup 2: flowersGroup 3: babys clothesGroup 4: toys【设计意图】先由学生自由讨论可以买哪些礼物,教师将学生的答案大致分成 4类,为接下来的小组活动做准备。Task 2 Buy presentsT: Where can we buy the presents? Look at our

12、 map. We can buy them nearschool. Do you know where to go and how to go?T: Its near school (板书). So we can go there on foot (板书). And we also say, wecan S: we can walk to (板书)T: Lets think how to tell the way on foot.S: Walk along road/street. Turn left/right at the corner/traffic lights. The is on

13、your right/left.(板书)T: What words can we use to make the sentences together and in order?S: first/next/then/finally(板书)【设计意图】教师引导学生复习当目的地较近时指路所需的句型,为后面同桌讨论环节打好语言基础。T: Now, take out the map around our school, work in pairs, and talk about how toget to the right places.S: (One student from each group

14、shows, while teacher drawing the route on themap.)T: Great! All of you have got the presents. Now, its time to think how to get to Ms.Hus home.T: I know, Ms. Hu lives in Jincang Mingyuan. Can we go there on foot?S: No. its too far.T: Yes. Its far from here (板书). So we can go there byS: by bus or met

15、ro (板书).T: And we can say, we canS: We can take a bus/a metro (板书)T: Lets think about how to tell the way by metro/bus.S: Get on/off the bus/metro at. (板书)T: Good. But how do we get to Ms. Hus Home? Lets ask Baidu Map for help.T: Look, there are three ways. If I want to get there fast, which way can

16、 I choose?S: You can go by metro 1 and metro 2.T: If I dont want to take too many buses, I can chooseS: Bus No.900.T: If I dont like walking too much, I can chooseS: Bus No.3 to Bus No.512.T: Which do you like better? Lets look at them one by one.【设计意图】教师引导学生复习当目的地较远时指路所需的句型,为后面表述三条不同路线打好基础。用百度地图推荐的

17、真实路线,并与学生自由讨论各路线的区别与利弊,让学生在真实的情境中运用英语。Task 3 Listen and drawT: The first one. How do we get there?T: Now, take out your paper, listen carefully and draw the route on your map. Areyou ready?Listening scripts:First, walk along Piaoyi Road. Turn left at the corner. Theres a metrostation in front of you

18、.Next, get on the Metro Line 1 at Donghuan Lu Station, and get off atGuangji Nanlu Station. Then, get on the Metro Line 2 at Guangji NanluStation, and get off at Youlian Station.Then, walk along Wuzhong West Road. Turn left at the traffic lights.Finally, turn right at the corner. Walk along Yangsu R

19、oad. Ms. Hus homeis on your left.T: now, lets check the answer.S: (One student from each group shows.)Task 4 Look and sayT: Now, the second one. How do we get there?S: We can get there by bus No.900.T: Look at the map carefully. Work in pairs and show the way. You can do it likethis.You can use:We c

20、an get there byFirst, walk alongNext, get on , and get offThen,S: (pair-work for I minute. Choose two pairs to show.)Task 5 Look and writeT: The third one. How do we get there?S: We get there by Bus No.3 and Bus No.512.T: Yes. This time, read the map carefully. Then fill in the blanks by yourselves.

21、First, _ _ Piaoyi Road. Turn _ at the corner. There is a busstop on your right.Then, _ _the Bus No.3 at Xiangmen Xincun Bus Stop, and _ at Wuzhong Dong Lu Bus Stop.Next, _ _ the Bus No. _ at Wuzhong Dong Lu Bus Stop, and_ _ _ Baodai Xi Lu North Bus Stop.Finally, _ _ Baodai West Road and _ _ at the _

22、. Ms. Hus home is on your _.S: (Fill in the blanks. Then check the answer sentence by sentence.)【设计意图】三条路线,乘坐不同的交通工具。第一条路线,学生根据所听内容画出路线,训练并考察学生的听力理解能力。第二条路线,学生根据路线图,同桌讨论如何到达目的地,PPT 上的句型结构可以帮助学生表达,在合作中训练学生的口头表达能力。第三条路线,学生根据路线图完成填空,将口头表达转化成书面表达,帮助学生回忆重点词汇。三条路线,由听到说再到写,层层递进地帮助学生综合运用句型来描述路线。Step 4 Conso

23、lidationTask 6 Think and writeT: great! Because of your good job, I have a surprise for you.PPT: A video from Ms. Hu.T: Ms. Hu also wants to visit you. And she needs you to write your way to gethome from school. Now, take out your map, and try to write down how to get toyour home on the paper.【设计意图】

24、 通过一节课的综合复习与操练, 最后利用 “老师也想到你们家做客”这个情景,要求学生完成“从学校到家的路线”的书面表达,将这节课零散的词句整合成文,以达到巩固复习的目的。Homework1. Choose one way to Ms. Hus home you like and talk with your group memberscorrectly and fluently.(小组讨论,选择一条你们喜欢的路线,准确流利地说出如何到达胡老师家).2. Finish the writing of how to go home from school (完成书面表达:如何从学校回家).Blackboard designProject 1 Around our city (Part C&D)Its near here.You can go on foot.You can walk to FirstNextThenFinallyIts far from here.You can go byYou can take a Go along Turn left/right at The is on your left/right.Get on/get off at


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