Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:1009b).docx

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Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:1009b).docx_第1页
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Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:1009b).docx_第2页
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Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:1009b).docx_第3页
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Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:1009b).docx_第4页
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Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:1009b).docx_第5页
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1、Project 1Around our cityTeaching material:牛津小学英语五年级下册 Project 1Around our cityTeaching aims and learning objectives:By the end of the lesson, the students would be able to:1. know maps and make simple maps of their city;2. use words and sentences they have learned in Unit 2 and Unit 3 to introducesp

2、ecific routes correctly;3. get to know the meaning of “museum, restaurant, post office, bank”;4. establish sense of ownership and learn to plan routes.Focus of the lesson:1. The students would be able to know maps and make simple maps of their city.2. The students would be able to use words and sent

3、ences they have learned in Unit 2and Unit 3 to introduce specific routes correctly.Predicted areas of difficulty:1. The students would be able to use words and sentences they have learned in Unit 2and Unit 3 to introduce specific routes correctly.2. The students would be able to establish sense of o

4、wnership and learn to plan routes.Teaching aids:CAI; maps; stickers; word cardsTeaching procedures:Step Free talk and lead-in1. Free talk.T: Im your new English teacher. Im Miss Chen. You can also call Vicky, OK?Do you want to know something me? You can ask me some questions.2. Show the topic of the

5、 lesson.T: I live in Zhenjiang, but I come to Nanjing today to teach you a lesson. Nanjingis a beautiful city, right? Would you like to show me around your city Nanjing? Sotoday lets learn “Project 1Around our city”.Teach: Project 1Around our cityT: Today I bring some awards for you. These awards ar

6、e for “City Stars”. Inorder to become “City Stars”, you need to work very hard to be the best guides,introduce your city to all of the teachers and win city star cards. Understand?T: Good. Today we will talk about places, locations and routes around your city.Lets start with places.【设计意图【设计意图】通过通过师生

7、对话了解新老师信息师生对话了解新老师信息,结合评选结合评选“城市之星城市之星” ,争当争当“最最佳小导游佳小导游”的主题,引出本课的话题的主题,引出本课的话题 Around our city。Step Presentation1. I know places. Magic eyes: What can you see in the maps?T: Magic eyes. Look and tell me “What can you see?”. You should look verycarefully, because whatever you see, theyre all very us

8、eful. Understand?T: OK, lets go! What can you see? What can you see in the maps? Review the names of places and learn new words.Teach:Aqua City, post office, museum, gallery, senior high school,kindergartenRead the words together two times.T: Except for these places, what else do you know? You know

9、so many places,Very good!I know locations.Ask and answer: Where are these places?T: Where are these places? Wheres the museum? The museum is onChangjiang Street. So I think No. 1 is the museum.T: Wheres the gallery? So . (引导学生说出 I think No. 2 is the gallery.) Talk in pairs.T: Look at the maps, find

10、the locations of these places. Try to use the dialoguelike this. Understand?T: What about location No. 9. What is it? Can you guess? Yes, youre right.No. 9 is your school.T: Wheres your school? Wheres your home? (Where do you live?) How doyou come to school from your home?(询问 ppt 上呈现的地图的制作者)I know r

11、outes: introduce routes from their homes to their school. Presents maps the students have made before.T: Well done, can you introduce the route like her? Look, you made mapsbefore. Lets talk about the route from your home to your school according toyour maps, OK?(板书:(板书:From home to school) Review t

12、he sentences about showing routes.T: But first of all, lets play a game “I say, you say!”. Look at the rule, are youclear? OK, follow me. I say(指自己), you say(指别人)!Are you ready, boys andgirls, lets go. (板书:学生说的句型,但是不要加人称)(板书:学生说的句型,但是不要加人称) Introduce the routes from their homes to their school accor

13、ding to maps.T: Look, the maps are shining. Its time to choose. Lets say “Lucky, lucky!Choose me!”.T: Whose map is it? Please introduce the route for us.(板书:学生上来贴自己介绍的地图)(板书:学生上来贴自己介绍的地图)【设计意图】由三张含有不同任务的【设计意图】由三张含有不同任务的“城市之星城市之星”卡引入到学生作为卡引入到学生作为“小导游小导游”介绍城市地图的话题讨论。通过交流、猜测、汇报等复习与介绍城市地图的话题讨论。通过交流、猜测、汇

14、报等复习与 places, locations,routes 有关的词句有关的词句,讨论地标建筑的名称讨论地标建筑的名称、位置和从家出发到学校的路线位置和从家出发到学校的路线,展现展现了学生正确认识地图和根据地图正确介绍具体路线的能力,也为后面的整体介了学生正确认识地图和根据地图正确介绍具体路线的能力,也为后面的整体介绍打好了基础。绍打好了基础。Step Group work1. Talk about the strategies about making a map.T: Look at the maps here. What do you think of these maps? How

15、do you makethese maps? Brain storm, think about “How to make a map?”.(板书:学生说,老师在地图(板书:学生说,老师在地图 A 的方框内用白色粉笔示范)的方框内用白色粉笔示范)T: So to make a map, first, we should determine the direction of north, south,west and east. Next, we should draw the outline. Then, we should write down thenames of the streets,

16、 draw the places or stick the pictures of them. Finally, we candecorate the map. Draw the bus stop, metro station, traffic lights and pavements on it.Now, we have nice maps(手指学生做的地图说).T: Do you want to make nice maps today? OK, lets make maps. Today we willmake four different maps. Group one, map A.

17、 Group two, map B. Group three, map C.Group four, map D. (板书:用红色粉笔在方框内写(板书:用红色粉笔在方框内写 A, B, C, D )2. Group work:TaskA: Talk about the locations of the places and make maps.T: Task A. Four students a group, talk about the locations of the places andmake maps. Everyone has different jobs. Look, are yo

18、u clear? Whos A? I call, youput your hands up and say “Me!”. Understand? A, B, C, D, A and B, C and D. Do youknow your jobs now? Good! Go, talk in groups.T: Its time to report. Who wants to try? Show your map and talk about thelocations.(实物投影呈现学生要介绍的地图)(实物投影呈现学生要介绍的地图)Task B: Choose one destination,

19、 design the best routes and introduce.T: Lets go on to talk about task B. Ask teachers to choose ways, design thebest routes and introduce. A asks a teacher to choose the way. Here are so manyteachers, go and ask them for help. You can use the sentence like this. (引导学生把句子齐读出来) And dont forget to wri

20、te down the way on your map. Look, from . to .(板书(板书: 用红色粉笔在地图用红色粉笔在地图 A 上写上写 From _ to _.). Understand? Good. Bcircles the locations, C draws the best route, D introduces the route, you can use thesentences here to introduce(手指板书). Are you clear, everyone? OK, go!3. Report in groups.T: Boys and gir

21、ls, have you finished? Lets report.T: You should listen to their introductions very carefully, because I will ask youquestions according to their introductions.(实物投影呈现学生要介绍的地图)(实物投影呈现学生要介绍的地图)T: Which way does the teacher want to know?(板书:学生介绍完之后把地图(板书:学生介绍完之后把地图 A, B, C, D 贴在方框内)贴在方框内)【设计意图】在进行了关于【

22、设计意图】在进行了关于 places, locations, routes 有关的话题讨论之后,通过有关的话题讨论之后,通过制作地图的策略指导进入到小组合作制作地图并整体介绍的环节。策略指导使制作地图的策略指导进入到小组合作制作地图并整体介绍的环节。策略指导使学生理解制作地图的基本步骤和方式学生理解制作地图的基本步骤和方式, 为后面的分组制作地图提供了帮助为后面的分组制作地图提供了帮助, 组内组内分工合作则降低了整体介绍的难度,同时培养了合作意识和学会规划路线的能分工合作则降低了整体介绍的难度,同时培养了合作意识和学会规划路线的能力。力。Step City Stars1. Choose “Ci

23、ty Stars”: the best guidesT: Well done, everyone! Thank you for your introductions. I think youre all thebest guides. Have you got any cards? Show me your cards. Oh, youre all the citystars today. You can get my awards. Look, theyre the medals for city stars. Do youwant them?Ask me for them after cl

24、ass, OK?2. Try to remember: You are the owners of the city, the city becomes betterbecause of you!T: Boys and girls, today you show us around your city Nanjing.(板书板书:Aroundour city) You have a wonderful city.(指着整个板书说) And you should alwaysremember “You are the owners of your city, the city becomes b

25、etter because of you!”.【设计意图】通过评选【设计意图】通过评选“城市之星城市之星” ,也就是,也就是“最佳小导游最佳小导游”的形式呼应本课主的形式呼应本课主题并总结,同时引导学生理解其实每个城市公民都是题并总结,同时引导学生理解其实每个城市公民都是“城市之星城市之星” ,都应该为自,都应该为自己的城市做出贡献,培养学生主人翁意识和热爱城市、热爱生活的积极态度。己的城市做出贡献,培养学生主人翁意识和热爱城市、热爱生活的积极态度。Step Homework1. Exchange maps and evaluate.2. Write down the routes accor

26、ding to the maps.3. Try to know other places and routes in Nanjing.T:And todays homework. Number one, exchange maps and evaluate. Groupone and Group three, Group two and Group four, exchange maps, understand? Good.Number two, write down the routes according to the maps you have got. Numberthree, try to know other places and routes in Nanjing. (板书板书: 最左边方框内画最左边方框内画 “?” )Blackboard design:(所有的方框提前画好)(所有的方框提前画好)


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