Unit 8 Birthdays-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:31142).zip

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    • 五下 Unit8 Birthdays.pptx--点击预览
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(Story time) Lets review. Lets learn.Sam, whens your birthday ? Its on the seventh of June.firstsecondfourththirdseventheighthfifthninthtenthsixth eleventhordinal number (序数词) twelfth Whose birthdays are they talking about?Lets learn.Su Hai and Su Yangs birthday When What Howhave a great timehave a big dinner witheat some noodlesplay with the caton the 11th of MayWhat do you want to know?(你想知道什么?)Lets learn.mind map(思维导图) ? ? ?Whens your birthday, Su Hai?Its on the eleventh of May.Its also Su Yangs birthday.Whens your birthday ,Su Hai?Its on the eleventh of May.Its also Su Yangs birthday.Lets read.What do you do on your birthday?We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents.Su Yang and I eat some noodles.After that, we play with Kitty the cat.We have a great time.What do you do on your birthday?We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents.Su Yang and I eat some noodles.After that, we play with Kitty the cat.We have a great time.Lets read.What about Mikes birthday?Lets learn.What about Mikes birthday?lFirst, we should(应该) and underline the key information. 四人一组,以小组喜欢的方式读并划出关键信息。lThen, we can talk and . 小组分工,两人合作谈论并画出Mike 生日思维导图。lAt last, something about Mikes birthday by the mind map in groups and try to show us. 利用思维导图小组交流,以小组喜欢的方式全班分享。Lets learn. readdraw say TasksTick(请打勾)Questions(有问题吗)I can read the passage.(我会读该段落)I can draw the mind map.I can say something about Mikes birthday.I can exchange and cooperate with others.(我会跟人交流与合作)About Mikes birthday: Lets tick.Miss Li: Whens your birthday,Mike?Mike: Its on the eighth of April. We always have a party at home. Helen,Tim and I go to buy a birthday cake in the morning. Then, my friends come in the afternoon.We eat the birthday cake together and play some games. We have a lot of fun.Lets learn. When What HowCan you find sth. different between their birthdays?(你能发现他们生日有什么不同吗?) on the 8th of Aprilhave a party witheat the birthday cakeplay some games have a lot of funhave a big dinner witheat some noodles play with Kittyon the 11th of May have a great timeSu Hai and Su Yang.but MikeDifferent countries, Different cultures. 不同的国家,不同的文化。Lets share. The world cultures are fusion. 世界文化融合。Lets enjoy.Lets talk and write.My birthday Hello, Im _. My birthday is on the_ of_ .On my birthday,_ JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberfirst 1stsecond 2ndthird 3rdfourth 4thfifth 5thsixth 6thseventh 7theighth 8thninth 9thtenth 10th twelfth 12thfifteenth 15theighteenth 18thtwentieth 20thtwenty-first 21sttwenty-second 22ndtwenty-third 23rd Lets write.Lets ask ourselves. (让我们自问)l1.Who gives you birth(生命)?l2.Whens your mothers birthday? Whens your fathers birthday? l3.What do you do on your parents birthdays?Homework:l1.Listen, read and copy the story time . 听,读并抄写story time.l2.Know more about birthdays in different countries, share in groups. 搜寻更多不同国家的生日习俗,小组分享。We have made a great effort,and we have a great time. (我们很努力,我们很快乐。)情境中感悟情境中感悟 探究中生成探究中生成 运用中内化运用中内化 五下 Unit 8 Birthdays教学设计 Teaching Aims:1.By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read, recognize, and use these words and sentences : birthday, play, game ,together, whens ? what do you do? and its answer. 2.By the end of the lesson, students can understand the story time and can talk about Su Hai , Su Yang and Mikes birthdays and to use the sentence type to talk about their birthdays.Their abilities of listening , speaking and writing will be developed.3.To help students cultivate and foster their abilities of working in groups ,foster students consciousness of good-cooperation and proper competition. to help students cultivate their abilities to analyze and solve problems independently. To foster students initiative and creativeness.to help to learn to care about parents, to recognize and identify the differences between Chinese and western cultures on birthdays , and recognize the world culture is fusion and arouse their love for parents.Teaching Designs and the theoretical basis :1、Organization二、Pre-reading1.Im very happy to be together with you, lets chat with each other and have a good time ,OK?【英语学科的本质是教会学生用英语进行交际,英语课堂的最高境界就是师生,生生用英语在交流。】2.Heres a cartoon for you. Do you still remember?1)Its a cartoon about.?(Sams birthday)2)What does Sam do on his birthday?3)What does he want? He wants. Maybe he wants.4) Whens Sams birthday? Guess and ask.5)Whens your birthday?(能用 Its on.of.表达日期,根据规律大胆尝试使用序数词。)【引用孩子们三年级学过的一则关于生日的卡通,通过谈论 Sam 的生日自然地复习了关于生日的一些词组,并且让孩子尽情发挥想象,一起猜猜 Sam 的生日是什么时候,复习月份的同时很自然地导入序数词新授和日期的表达。新旧知识关联,培养了学生自主吸纳和建构新知识的能力。】三、While-reading:1.We are talking about birthdays, Miss Li and her students are talking about birthdays,too,whose birthdays are they talking about? Lets listen and answer.【呈现课文录音,整体感知文本。】2.They are talking about.(学生回答)Su Hai and Su Yang are twins,Lets talk about their birthday.(1)About Su Hai and Su Yangs birthday,what do you want to know ?【让学生大胆提问,发散了学生的思维,引导学生对课文内容大胆预测。教师notes:when,what, how, presents.是学生写自己生日很好的铺垫。】(2)You can say long sentences, so I only have 3 questions here: Whens their birthday? What do they do on their birthday? How do they feel?Ask the students to open the book and turn to page 78,read freely and underline the answers.(3)Check.(教师问,学生答,一步步用思维导图呈现答案)(4)Show the mind map, use the mind map to ask and answer.Whens .Its .What do they do. They.How do they feel? They.(5)Look here,Su Hai and Su Yangs birthday is on the.(教师引导学生看着板书来复述苏海和苏阳的生日,用笔连线,生成图文结合的思维导图。)(6)Reading time.Attention the pronunciation and intonation.【新授文本包括两部分,教师利用思维导图教授苏海和苏阳的生日,有意识提供以身示范,施以援手,实时渗透,教给一种学习的方法。体现扎扎实实教的过程,实实在在学的过程,体现不会到会的过程。为后面学生的自主学习铺垫。】3.What about Mikes birthday? Can you draw a mind map ? Work in groups of four.(1)To draw a mind map,what should we do? (2) If you are finished,you can tick.About Mikes birthday: TasksTick(请打勾)Questions(有问题吗)I can read the passage.(我会读该段落)I can draw the mind map.I can say something about Mikes birthday.I can exchange and cooperate with others.(我会跟人交流与合作) 【跟学生一起商量画思维导图的 tips:read,talk and draw, say and show,关注策略指导,充分激励学生学习的自主性。】 (3)Check and show.a.Can you read?(呈现文本,关注读,关注生成,适时教)a)读词组:on the eighth of April,have a party,eat the birthday together,(together,ther,it reminds the words father,mother and brother,father,mother and brother,they are together)play some games(you know computer games? Less computer games ,but more ball games.) b)引导分角色读:Now ,Im Miss Li,you are Mike.c)教师领读: I can read better than you. Attention the pronunciation and intonation.b.Can you show your mind map,and say something about Mikes birthday?(强调方式多元)c.Well, look at the blackboard,Mikes birthday is . (需要的话微调学生在黑板上的思维导图,引导复述课文)【利用正迁移效应,引导学生通过小组合作学习自主完成文本的第二部分。学生通过阅读文本抓住关键信息完成关于麦克生日的思维导图,并通过思维导图来说一说麦克的生日。教师只是对学生学习过程作一个引发,诱导,推进和调控。学生亲身体验领悟,搜集和处理信息的能力,获取新知的能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力得以发展。】4、Post- reading 1.Look at the mind map here,can you find something different between their birthdays? Of course,Su Hai and Su Yangs birthday is on.but Mikes birthday is on.Can you say something more? Try to use Su Hai and Su Yang.,but Mike.当学生说到 Su Hai and Su Yang eat some noodles,but mike eats the birthday cake,教师追问:Why?教师总结:Traditionally, Chinese people eat noodles on their birthdays,they say long noodles ,long life,when I was a child, I ate noodles on my birthdays,but I didnt eat birthday cakes,but do you eat birthday cakes now? Do you sometimes have a party?引出:Different countries, different cultures,but the world cultures are fusion.【英语学科承载着文化传递的功能,教师以自身为教学资源,随着时代的进步,文化也越来越趋于融合。世界就是一个大家庭。】 2.Say something about my birthday and share my sons little book about his birthday.Ask the students to attention the aspects mentioned in it and try to write something about their own birthdays.Suggest the students to put their articles together,its just a book about birthdays and they can share their others birthdays after class.【跟学生分享我儿子画的生日绘本,小伙伴的资源呈现让学生倍感亲切,让学生大条地关注生日绘本所涉及的几个方面,让学生尝试着围绕这几方面来写一写自己的生日,实现了语言的整体输出。这些生日小短文合订起来,就是一本书,这本书的 title 是什么?教师顺势点题,升华主题。在这里还要提一下笔者设计的一个巧妙之处,让孩子写自己的生日时,教师通过 PPT 给了孩子所有的月份单词,因为这些单词拼写有一定难度,教师给以呈现是很好的复习,还给出了 1 到 23 的序数词表达法,起到一个对新知的预习作用。通过语言的接触和使用去习得语言,在学语言中用语言,又在用语言中进一步学会语言,避免过多的形式主义和程序化的成分。】 3.Conclusion.We have learned Unit 8 Birthdays,show the new word birthday.1)Who gives you birth(生命)?2)Whens your mothers birthday? And whens your fathers birthday?3)What do you usually do on your parents birthdays?【由单元主题 Birthdays 引出新单词 birth,是谁给了我们生命,知道爸爸妈妈的生日吗?在父母的生日你又通常做什么?这三个问题虽然没有要求孩子当场回答,但引起了孩子深深的思考,情感教育自然而然。】五、Home workDiscuss the home work with students: 1.Listen, read and copy the story time .2.Know more about birthdays in different countries, share in groups.【跟学生一起商量布置今天的作业,让学生自发地关注听、说、读,写四项基本技能。始终体现学生是学习的主体,体现民主和谐平等的师生关系。】 六、Evaluation1.Well,Id like to say,you are really very good.what do you think of yourself?2.What do you think of Miss Ding?Anyway, we have made a great effort and we have a great time.Thank you,bye-bye.【一堂课下来,老师评学生,学生评老师,老师自评,学生自评。教师总结,自然地向学生传递,努力比优秀重要,越努力越幸运。整堂课在融融的气氛中结束,意犹未尽。】 (Story time) Ding WenminWu Jin Xinghe Primary School Lets review. Lets learn.Sam, whens your birthday ? Its on the seventh of June.firstsecondfourththirdseventheighthfifthninthtenthsixth eleventhordinal number (序数词) twelfth Whose birthdays are they talking about?Lets learn.Su Hai and Su Yangs birthday When What Howhave a great timehave a big dinner witheat some noodlesplay with the caton the 11th of MayWhat do you want to know?(你想知道什么?)Lets learn.mind map(思维导图) ? ? ?Whens your birthday, Su Hai?Its on the eleventh of May.Its also Su Yangs birthday.Whens your birthday ,Su Hai?Its on the eleventh of May.Its also Su Yangs birthday.Lets read.What do you do on your birthday?We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents.Su Yang and I eat some noodles.After that, we play with Kitty the cat.We have a great time.What do you do on your birthday?We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents.Su Yang and I eat some noodles.After that, we play with Kitty the cat.We have a great time.Lets read.What about Mikes birthday?Lets learn.What about Mikes birthday?lFirst, we should(应该) and underline the key information. 四人一组,以小组喜欢的方式读并划出关键信息。lThen, we can talk and . 小组分工,两人合作谈论并画出Mike 生日思维导图。lAt last, something about Mikes birthday by the mind map in groups and try to show us. 利用思维导图小组交流,以小组喜欢的方式全班分享。Lets learn. readdraw say TasksTick(请打勾)Questions(有问题吗)I can read the passage.(我会读该段落)I can draw the mind map.I can say something about Mikes birthday.I can exchange and cooperate with others.(我会跟人交流与合作)About Mikes birthday: Lets tick.Miss Li: Whens your birthday,Mike?Mike: Its on the eighth of April. We always have a party at home. Helen,Tim and I go to buy a birthday cake in the morning. Then, my friends come in the afternoon.We eat the birthday cake together and play some games. We have a lot of fun.Lets learn. When What HowCan you find sth. different between their birthdays?(你能发现他们生日有什么不同吗?) on the 8th of Aprilhave a party witheat the birthday cakeplay some games have a lot of funhave a big dinner witheat some noodles play with Kittyon the 11th of May have a great timeSu Hai and Su Yang.but MikeDifferent countries, Different cultures. 不同的国家,不同的文化。Lets share. The world cultures are fusion. 世界文化融合。Lets enjoy.Lets talk and write.My birthday Hello, Im _. My birthday is on the_ of_ .On my birthday,_ JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberfirst 1stsecond 2ndthird 3rdfourth 4thfifth 5thsixth 6thseventh 7theighth 8thninth 9thtenth 10th twelfth 12thfifteenth 15theighteenth 18thtwentieth 20thtwenty-first 21sttwenty-second 22ndtwenty-third 23rd Lets write.Lets ask ourselves. (让我们自问)l1.Who gives you birth(生命)?l2.Whens your mothers birthday? Whens your fathers birthday? l3.What do you do on your parents birthdays?Homework:l1.Listen, read and copy the story time . 听,读并抄写story time.l2.Know more about birthdays in different countries, share in groups. 搜寻更多不同国家的生日习俗,小组分享。We have made a great effort,and we have a great time. (我们很努力,我们很快乐。)
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