1、教学过程教学随笔Unit1Unit1 CinderellaCinderellacheckoutcheckout time&tickingtime&ticking timetimeStep 1 Warming up1.Free talkT:What did you learn from this unit?2Show ticking timeT:lets look at ticking time:I know the sound of dr.Its easyfor you.All of you can get three stars.Now,pay attention to thesecond
2、aim:I can understand Cinderella.Can you?Here are 4tasks for you.Step 2 Review story time1. Task1:ask and answer about Cinderella.T:(出示 Cinderella)Who is the girl?Can she go to the party?Canyou ask any other questions about Cinderella?4 students agroup,ask and answer.2. Task2:the best actors and actr
3、esses.T:You understand it well.Can you act it out?There are severalpictures ,thy to act it out.Use your body language。Pay attentionto your intonation and emotion.3. Task3:think and writeT:You are good at acting.Now lets complete the story.4.Task4:review the verb phrases by finishing the blanks.T:Goo
4、d job!Do you understand the phrases well?Lets fill in theblanks.Ticking time: I can understand the story根据要求如实评价自己的等级Step 3 Checkout time1.Look and writeT:Cinderella is the charactor of story time,Liu tao is the charactorin our English book.Look at him,do you have any questionsabout him?S1:Why is Li
5、utao so happy?S2:Because its his birthday.T:Focus on the pictures and finish them on page 14.2. Check the answers.Work in group 2,ask and answer.Step 4 绘本故事绘本故事whyT:I know a girl who likes asking questions.Look!lets watch andtry to answer me:what questions does she ask?1. Anew storyT:What questions
6、does she ask?S1:Why do I go home?S2:Why do we buy milk?S3:Why do I put on the trousers?Read together2.continue the story1)T:Do you like the story?Lets continue.Lily goes out to playand she meets Cinderella.What questions does she ask?S1:Who are you?S2:Why are you so sad?S3:.2)Lily meets alien ,what
7、questions does she ask?3)Lily comes to our school and she meets our students.Whatquestions does she ask?3.Lilys adventureT:This is Lilys adventure.Four students a group and choose onescene.Write it and act it out.Ticking time你能用 why 和 because 提问吗? 根据自己的情况在相应的空格内打。Step 5. Homework1. 复习 Unit12. 继续编写 L
8、ilys adventure.教学反思教学反思本节课执教的内容是 U1 第四课时,checkouttime&ticking time.这部分内容可以看作是一个单元总体的复习,它主要以习题的方式来检测学生对本单元知识的掌握,在 ticking time 环节,通过打星的方式来自我评价。看起来这部分内容一般都是匆匆带过。讲起来学生的热情度和积极性不高。在小学英语核心素养的背景下,每堂课的教学设计都应该围绕三维课程目标,以培养学生的思维品质,语言能力,文化品格和学习能力为出发点和落脚点。因此,这节课上,我运用精讲精练加上课外延展相结合的方式,来充实丰富相对枯燥的课堂。复习环节,设置了难度层层递进的四
9、个任务,在这一环节里,学生的热情慢慢被激发,表演环节大家勇敢地加入了自己的语言。习题校对答案,以小组合作展示或者对话的形式呈现,别出心裁。最后加入新的绘本故事,与本节课知识点相呼应。学生在后半段时间,并没有产生疲劳倦怠,而是充满新鲜感。然而,虽然是精心准备的一堂课,真正上下来,总有这样或那样的问题。这节课依旧有些不足。例如,我让学生对Cinderella进行提问, 这个头脑风暴环节并没收到预想的效果,学生提出问题的不多,提出的问题很局限。这就说明孩子们的发散思维还需调动和开发。在课堂表演环节,一些内敛胆小的孩子只是一两句话就了事,难以给小组整体一个公平公正的评价。如何针对孩子个体性差异,给出科学合理的评价和反馈,继而能够有效激发其主动性,确实是一个值得深思的问题。知不足而后学。我将继续探究思考,在追求高效课堂的道路上继续努力。