Project 2 My important days-Part A&B-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:9009d).doc

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Project 2 My important days-Part A&B-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:9009d).doc_第1页
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Project 2 My important days-Part A&B-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:9009d).doc_第2页
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Project 2 My important days-Part A&B-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:9009d).doc_第3页
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Project 2 My important days-Part A&B-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:9009d).doc_第4页
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Project 2 My important days-Part A&B-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:9009d).doc_第5页
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1、1学校学科英语年级五年级课题Project 2My important days教时Period 1执教日期6.7一、学习基础分析教材分析: Project 是课堂教学的延伸和拓展,属于探究式学习,需要学生将课内知识和课外探究结合在一起,从提供的话题中得到启发,通过讨论、调查、专访、手工制作等形式完成课题汇报。课本中第一第二个活动皆为 Work in pairs,要求学生互相交流生日和最喜爱节日等信息,第三个活动 Draw and write 要求学生完成最重要 8 个日子的信息填写情况,并简单绘画,第四个活动要求学生做简要汇报。学生基础:经过一学期的学习,学生能较为熟练地掌握了序数词、月份、


3、习的能力;通过思考讨论完成记录整合汇报的方式,厘清探究式学习的思维路径建构。2三、教学重难点分析1教学重点(1)能准确掌握序数词、月份类词汇,能流利表达日期,并熟练运用相关句型问答日期。(2)能熟练运用七、八两单元所学语言知识,与同伴分享自己、家人和朋友的生日以及自己最喜爱的节日等信息。(3)能综合运用前四个单元所学词汇和主要句型,开展交流汇报活动。2教学难点(1)能流利地表达日期。(2)能用语篇流利地表达重要日子的主要信息。四、教学实施教学步骤教师活动预测学生活动能力达标Step 1Warm up &Game time1. Greeting2. Game 1-Happy trainT ask

4、s Ss to say the ordinal numbers.3.Game 2-Happy “7”T asks Ss to say the ordinal numbersbut clap the hands when they meet“7”4.Game 3-Happy”th”T asks Ss to talk about the spellingrules about the ordinal numbers.5. Happy mouthT asks Ss to read the words and thedate loudly when they see them.6. TitleT te

5、lls Ss the date are “My1. Greeting2. Say the ordinal numbers inturns.3. Say the ordinal numbers, butclap the hands when they meet“74. Say the spelling rules aboutthe ordinal numbers.5. Read the ordinal numbersand the date loudly.6. Learn the words- importantKnow the topic-My important days通过全部学生轮流说序

6、数词和“逢 7 拍手”说序数词,快速地复习了语言难点序数词。轮流说和拍手说的方式不仅有节奏感、且有思维含量,培养了学生流利表达和用英语思维的能力。通过让学生总结序数词的拼写规则,培养其归纳能力。通过快速说词的活动,不仅检测学生所学,对序数词和日期表达法的掌握程度,同时揭示话题。3important days”。Step 2Birthday time1. Think and say1)T asks Ss to say the birthdays asmore as they can,2)T asks Ss to say what they can doon their birthdays.2.

7、Ask and answer1) T lets Ss ask and answer in pairabout the birthday.2) show time3) T asks the questions to checkwhether Ss are listening to others.4) T asks Ss to take notes.3. Ask and guess1) T lets Ss try to ask questions aboutAnnie.2) T lets Ss listen to the tape to checkthe answers.3) T acts the

8、 pictures and lets Ss guessWhat Annie is doing.4 Think and reportT lets Ss try to report desk matesbirthday.1. Ss try to say the birthdaysthey know.Ss try to say the activities theydo on their birthdays.2. Ss ask and answer about eachothers birthdays in pairs.Show time.Ss try to answer thequestions.

9、Ss write down their answers.3. Ss try to ask questions.Ss find the information fromthe tape.Ss try to guess what Annie isdoing.Ss try to say sth according themodel.通过让学生尝试尽可能多地说出自己知道的家人和朋友的生日, 巩固日期表达法。同时也培养学生要关心他人的意识。通过自由表达生日活动,培养学生发散思维,同时为接下来的同桌互相问答做好铺垫。同桌交流培养学生表达沟通能力。结合学生的展示提问,在检测学生表达情况的同时,检测其他学生的

10、倾听情况和获取信息的能力。记下他们生日检测学生是否认真倾听和记忆能力。通过问Annie生日的活动,培养学生的问题意识,和训练问句的表达。以听力的形式检测和图片猜测的方式不断补充信息,检测学生的听力和对现在进行时句型的掌握。最后, 模仿例子进行语段式的表达。Step 3Festival time1. Guess and say1 ) T lets Ss guess what festival it isaccording to some information.2) T lets Ss try to say more about thisfestival.2.Think and say1) T

11、lets Ss say more Chinese festivals.Ss try to guess the festival.Ss try to say sth according tothe mind map.Ss say more Chinese festivals.通过关键信息猜节日,激发学生谈论兴趣。同时用思维脑图的方式让学生补充完整关于四个主要节日的信息,检测学生对第 7 单元知识掌握程度。42) T asks the months of these Chinesefestivals.3) T asks Ss to order all the festivals.3. Ask an

12、d answer in pairs1) T asks Ss to work in pairs about theirfavourite festivals.2) Show time3) Take notes.4 Look and sayT asks Ss to look at the pictures andsay what are the foreigners favouritefestivals.5. Think and reportT lets Ss try to report desk matesfavourite festival.Ss say the months.Ss say t

13、hese festivals in turns.Ss work in pairs.Show time.Take note.Ss says foreigners favouritefestivals according to thepictures.Ss try to say sth according themodel.结合学生生活经验,拓展 4 个主要传统节日,并复习主要句型The . is in 几个节日的排序,使学生头脑中有较为清晰的时间线。通过谈论最喜爱的节日,巩固主要句型, 训练其对话能力。同第二板块训练学生听、说、记和写的能力。通过看老外的照片,巩固主要句型的同时,训练现在进行时,

14、培养民族文化自信。最后,模仿例子进行语段式的表达。Step 4Show time1. Watch and enjoyT gives a model about “Myimportant days2, Write and reportT asks Ss to choose two importantdays to do a report.1.Ss enjoy the book aboutMy important days2.Ss choose two days and tryto report according to themodel.教师通过一个示范给出如何制作自制书。学生尝试用语段的形式,将本课所学进行一个总结提炼。Homework1. Continue to make the information card.2. Share the information card to families and friends.板书设计Project 2My important daysDate:Note:5五、目标重构


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