Module 3 Heroes-Unit 3 Language in use.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:d191f).zip

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Unit 3Language in use. use the words and phrases following to make sentences.1. did not ,were dying , because , get to hospital ,many people, they, quickly enough(.)2. on his own ,there , had to ,few doctors, so, he ,work hard, were (.)3. so that, learn about ,he , the sick , they ,wrote books,could, how ,he treated(.)Lets check the answer 1. Many people were dying because they did not get to hospital quickly enough. 2. There were few doctors, so he had to work hard on his own. 3. He wrote books so that they could learn about how he treated the sick.Have you noticed the words in red?状语从句本单元涉及到的状语从句类型:原因状语从句目的状语从句结果状语从句because so that so1. Many people were dying _ they did not get to hospital quickly enough.2. There were few doctors, _ he had to work hard on his own.3. He wrote books _ they could learn about how he treated the sick.4. He invented special medical tools to use outside hospitals and close to the fighting areas _ doctors could treat the wounded more quickly.becausesoso thatgo Ready? so that 1.(2011四川成都) The old man asked the girl to take another seat _ he wanted to sit next to his wife. A. because B. so that C. so解析:考查连词及状语从句。由句意知: 那位老人让那个女孩坐另一座位的“原因”是想坐到妻子旁边。故用 because (因为)引导原因状语从句。A 2. (2010甘肃.定西) She had a stomachache _ she ate something bad.A. so B. because C. or D. although解析:本题考查连词。句意:她胃疼,因为她吃了坏了的东西。吃坏了的东西是导致胃疼的原因,前面是结果,后面是原因,所以用because引导。 B 3. (2010广东广州) The teacher speaks very loudly _ all the students can hear her.A. so that B. because C. since D. when解析:连词的用法。句意为老师说话的声音很大以便于所有的学生都能听到。so that 译为“以至于,以便于”。故选AADiscussion: who do you like better and why ?Norman BethuneDengYapingP23Listen and choose the correct answer.1 What did Stan Lee write about? a) Actors in films. b) Brave heroes. c) His own life.2 Who did Stan Lee think were heroes? a) His parents. b) His teachers. c) His favorite actors in films.3 Why did Stan Lee want to write? a) Because his mother was proud of him. b) Because his teacher told great stories. c) Because of the books he read by famous writers.4 What is Stan Lees advice for children about writing? a) They should read a lot before they writes. b) They should only read their favourite books. c) They should write like famous writers.HeroineNightingaleAnswer the questions:1.what does Nightingale do?A.a teacher B. a doctorC.a nurse D. a cook2.why did Nightingale go to a British military hospital?A.Help British soldiers B. Work as a doctorC.Look after her relatives D. Live there3.what are the books written by Nightingale about? A. about cooking B. about nursingC.about medicine D. about moviesLets know somethingmore about her !playA famous British nurse Florence Nightingale was born on 12th May 1820. In 1851, she was trained as a nurse. Three years later, she went to a British military hospital so that she could help British soldiers. Before she arrived, many soldiers died in the hospital because it was dirty. Florence Nightingale worked hard to make the hospital clean and save soldiers lives. When she returned to Britain in 1856, she became a national hero. Florence Nightingale wrote two books about nursing, and she also started a school to train nurses. She died in London on 13th August 1910, when she was ninety years old.杂交水稻Hybrid riceLook at the facts about Yuan Longping and write a passage about him.Fact box: Yuan LongpingIs helping many countries of the world grow more rice than beforeWon World Food PrizeTravelled around the world and gave advice about growing riceDeveloped a new kind of riceMade a special study of riceStudied in Southwest Agricultural CollegeWas born in BeijingNow 2004 1980s 1974 1964 1950-1953 1930Homework1. Review the words and expressions in this module 2. Make a dialogue about the heroes they like. Module 3 Heroes Unit 3 Language in use 课后反思本单元是前两个单元的复习与应用,但是如果教师只是按照传统一时的语法课讲解语法规则,再加上大量的巩固与训练,那这节课就会显得枯燥、教法单一,也失去了其育人的价值。所以,在设计中,我围绕着“英雄”这一话题,设计了不同形式的环节和活动。学生通过进一步的学习,在完成听、说、读、写的过程中,了解Stan Lee 和 Nightingale 的一些情况,体会不同领域的英雄的人生,能从中学习他们积极向上、顽强拼搏的精神并规划好自己的人生,为人生的目标而努力奋斗。通过完成一个个的活动,学生在“学习英雄人物、顽强拼搏、积极向上”的这条德育主线的指引下,大量的巩固和使用原因状语从句,结果状语从句和目的状语从句。基于以上目的,我主要设计了四个环节:游戏环节(复习状语从句的几种类型) 、听说环节(继续巩固状语从句的用法,同时渗透听力技巧)、阅读环节(了解护理界创始人南丁.戈尔的事迹,培养学生顽强拼搏的精神)和写作环节(写作方法的指导,师生沟通的平台) 。每个环节相互独立,又相互依托,保证了这四个部分的主题一致,使知识在教学上互为呼应,同时也使“热爱生活、顽强拼搏、意志坚强、努力进取”的德育主线穿插其中、渗透其中。学科德育一直是我的教学风格中的灵魂。我始终坚信,语言教学是离不开人文性的,没有了人的情感,语言只不过是一些含无意义的符号罢了。教师只有和学生建立了真情感,才会精神融合,消除隔阂,从而达到“润物无声”的育人目的。因此,当这堂课上完的时候,学生们能对白求恩、南丁格尔有一个客观的评价,对每一个医护人员,不管是成功亦或是失败,都能有一种发自内心的尊重,我的目的就达到了。从这个角度讲,我认为这节课是成功的。除此之外,我这节课的成功之处还体现在如下几个方面:一、为学生创造了一个真实的语言交际环境。每一个环节和任务都在真实的语境中进行,有效提高了学生创造性运用语言的能力,充分体现了以学生为主的教育思想。学生参与的活动过程中始终处于活跃的语言氛围中,实现了情感因素与教学互相服务的目标,真正意义上的做到了让学生在情境中交流。在说中学。在学中练,在练中玩的愉快教学模式。二、各项内容紧凑,使学生得到了听说读写的全方面联系。听说读写既是学习的内容,又是学习的手段,让学生在一节课中得到全方位的练习是我们努力的方向,所以在环节的设置上我力求内容贴近学生生活实际,难度适中,让学生在任务型模式下,综合运用语言,发展各项能力。三、体现了对学生方法的指导。在教学过程中能较好的处理好:知识与技能;过程与方法;情感态度与价值观之间的关系。不是只教书本,而是以书本为本进行教;以学生现有的知识经验导入,有学习课本的语言知识输入到延伸过程中的语言知识输出,使学生学会交际,学会做事情。在本节课之前,很多学生都不知道斯坦李和南丁格尔,但是简短的视频直击孩子的心灵,向大家展示两位不同领域的英雄人物。授人以鱼,不如授之以渔,在教学中教给学生方法是非常重要的,现代英语教学主张跨出句子走向篇章,要求更深层次的理解,甚至评价性的理解。这时,书中的“英雄”已经不是一个具体的人,而是一个内涵丰富的,包容人类自强不息顽强奋斗的情感的一种精神,所以,在如何客观评价别人,如何写好一个人的方法指导下,在写作时,孩子们也就能融入他们的真情实感,我想这就是我们教师幸福的所在吧。本堂课达到了教学要求,完成了教学目标,但仍存在一个不足:一、学生的积极性没有被完全调动起来。毕竟我是初三接班,刚教了学生不到一个月,还有那么多摄像机对着,学生难免会有一些紧张,小组活动,学生讨论都未达到他预期效果。加上读音错误,语法错误频频出现,但这正是真实课堂的展现,也在提示着我今后教学应该加强的环节。二、评价机制未能有效实施。虽然对预先的活任务做了精心准备,但学生表现的不是十分积极,在一定程度上影响了自己的评价进行。可以说,这是本人不成熟的表现,今后加强自己教师能力和素养的提高。从繁重的批改辅导中解放出来,同时收到更好的的教学效果是我们永远的追求,高效课堂,这个全国热议的话题,他离我们很远,因为我们还在为了提高学生的成绩每天苦苦的追寻,它又离我们很近,因为我们已经站在了巨人的肩膀上,一步步朝它靠近,虽然艰辛,但是为伊消得人憔悴,衣带渐宽终不悔,在“研教”的道路上,我愿意做一直稳步前进的蜗牛,走得坚实,充满执着希望在教学过程中与学生共成长。一一. 教教 学学 基基 本本 信信 息息课题Module 3Heroes Unit 3 Language in use任课教师学科英语学段初中年级初三日期教材书名:义务教育教科书英语九年级上册出版社: 外研社二二. 教教 学学 分分 析析内容分析本单元是前两个单元的复习与应用。围绕着“英雄人物”这一话题,总结语法项目 because, so, so that 等引导的原因、结果和目的状语从句。因母语的“负迁移”的影响,学生对 because 和 so 两个词的使用可能会出现一些困难,而对 so和 so that 引导的状语从句则易产生混淆。因此,教师在教学中要引领学生在情境中理解语意,感受其用法。同学们对“英雄人物”这一话题比较感兴趣,乐于讨论,教师除了引领学生去了解不同领域的英雄外,更多的要让学生感受到英雄人物顽强拼搏,不折不挠的精神,从而进行德育教育,让学生用于面对生活中的困难。学情分析经过前两单元的学习,学生对于语法、词汇有所熟悉。由于本节课的话题为“英雄人物” ,学生较为感兴趣,因此课堂上要多给学生展示的机会,让学生表达自己对“英雄人物”的看法,由于学生口语水平相对薄弱一些且基础一般,需要教师示范引领下,进行语言输出。三三. 目目 标标 设设 置置语言知识掌握相关词汇,谈论心中的英雄人物。能运用 because, so, so that 等引导的原因、结果和目的状语从句来表达原因、目的和结果。语言技能能读懂介绍英雄人物生平的文章,并能对重要事件按时间顺序排序;能与同学谈论自己心中的英雄人物,并写出短文介绍自己心中的英雄。学习策略小组合作,能够在同学之间积极运用所学英语就英雄人物这一话题进行表达和交流。文化意识了解不同领域的一些英雄人物,增加个人阅历,拓展文化视野。教学目标情态态度通过了解不同领域的一些英雄人物,学习他们的宝贵精神,培养刻苦努力,积极向上的人生态度。教学任务能正确使用 because, so, so that 等引导的原因、结果和目的状语从句;能够读懂介绍英雄人物的文章; 能够听懂介绍英雄人物的短文并获取信息;能运用所学语言知识描写一位自己心中的英雄。教学重点复习总结本模块的词汇,语法。在真实的语境中让学生有充分感知、体验和实践语言,从而达到训练学生听,说,读,写能力的目的。教学难点介绍自己心目中的英雄人物。教具PPT、黑板、活动卡片板书设计 Module 3 -Unit 3 Language in use because-原因状语从句 状语从句 so -结果状语从句 so that-目的状语从句四四. 教教 学学 过过 程程教学过程教师活动预设学生活动预设教学目的教学时间Lead-inCompetition: make sentences1)Ask the students to finish the activity 1on the paper: use the phrases to make sentences. The group which finishes the first will win 1points.2)Check the answer on screen and ask the students to think about how to use the Adverbial clauses with because, so, so that Use the words and phrase to make sentences on the paper and then focus on the Adverbial clauses started with different conjunctions, such as because, so, so that活跃课堂气氛,为后面的学习做好铺垫。通过观察所连接的句子更好的体会不同连词引导的状语从句的用法。7Presentation1)Ask the students to finish the exercises on the screen with because, so, so that.2) Let the students to think about who are the persons we talk about and ask them to give reasons why they are heroes.1) Finish the exercises and read the sentences.2)Share their own ideas on DengYaping and Dr Bethune.通过练习巩固不同状语从句的用法。学生自己描述这两位不同领域的英雄达到复习旧知拓展思维的目的。7Listening 1)Show some pictures about spider man.2)Do listening comprehension about the creator of spider manStan Lee. Look at the pictures and listen to the tape ,then answer the questions蝙蝠侠的图片使学生的注意力高度集中,在听的过程中渗透听力技巧。7Reading1) Ask the students to read the article about Florence Nightingale and answer the questions.2) Watch a video about Florence Nightingale and get to know more information about the most famous nurse in the world.Read the passage and answer the questions.Watch the video and know more information about Florence Nightingale通过阅读文章同学能够了解护理界的英雄南丁格尔,视频又从视听上让学生更多的了解这位女英雄。6Speaking and Writing1)Free talk-Ask the students to talk about the heroes they admire in the group and then let some share their ideas with us.2 )Give some information about the rice father :YuanLongping according to the time order. If we have time, well ask someone to show the composition.Talk about the heroes in their heart and write the composition.通过讨论让学生了解英雄出自不同领域,提升英雄的含义同时让同学们收到英雄事迹的感染,增强自己面对困难的信心。10-15Summary and homework1)Ask the students to summarize what we learnt in this lesson.2)Homework: review the words and expressions in this module and make a dialogue about the heroes they like.Get to know培养学生归纳总结当堂所学知识的能力。作业内容贴近学生生活,是课堂到生活的延伸,让学生体会语言在显示生活中的运用。5五设五设 备备 与与 技技 术术 要要 求求教学中是否使用实物投影是是PPT 中是否有音视频内容是是教学中是否有小组讨论等学生活动是是教学中需要哪些教具黑板,小白板,黑板,小白板,ppt教学中是否使用学案否否六所六所 需需 素素 材材 (参(参 考考 备备 课课 说说 明)明)
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