Module 9 Great inventions-Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:b01a6).zip

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ancientinventionsgunpowdercompassprintingpapermoderninventionsbookse-bookcomputermobile phonestore many thingsfind information inventions Which one do you like? Why?InternetbooksUnit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet? Module 9 Great InventionsTip1:Tip1: TheThe titletitle cancan helphelp youyou findfind thethe topic.topic.What will the writer talk about in the passage?Read the passage and match the main ideas with the paragraphs.2Activity1 a) The world before printed books b) The world after the invention of printing c) Life with paper and printing d) Technology and books e) The future of bookspara. 1para. 2para. 3para. 4para. 5Tip2: The first sentence may help you find the main idea.Four. My father buys newspapers. I open my books to start lessons. My mother looks through magazines. I look at the photos of my favorite stars. 1. How many examples are there in Para. 1? What are they?2. Why does the writer give so many examples?To show the importance of paper and printing.Activity 3How does the writer introduce paper and printing?The writer introduces paper and printing in the _ order(顺序顺序). a. space b. timeActivity 4about 2000 years ago Sui& Tang 20th centurypaper created start to write on paper 1._not many books/expensive 2._3. _ produce quickly 4._ more people learnt to read5. _ Internet introducedActivity 4about 2000 years ago Sui Tang 20th centuryActivity 4about 2000 years ago Sui& Tang 20th centurypaper createdstart to write on paper and _not many books and expensive_ produce one book at a timefew people learnt to readActivity 4about 2000 years ago Sui& Tang 20th centurypaper createdstart to write on paper and _not many books and expensive_ produce one book at a timefew people learnt to read(after its invention )(as a result )(so )Activity 4about 2000 years ago Sui& Tang 20th centurypaper createdstart to write on paper and _(after its invention )(as a result )not many books and expensive_(so ) _ produce quickly and cheaply _ and more people learnt to read _ produce one book at a timefew people learnt to read printing invented a trade in books spread fasterActivity 4about 2000 years ago Sui& Tang 20th centurypaper createdstart to write on paper and _(after its invention )(as a result )not many books and expensive_(so ) _ produce quickly and cheaply _ and more people learnt to read _ produce one book at a timefew people learnt to read printing invented a trade in books spread faster(later)(as a result )(so) Internet introducedWhy does the writer say “In a way, we can compare the invention of paper to the introduction of the Internet in the twentieth century.”? A. To show the importance of paper B. To introduce the Internet C. Both Although the Internet is still young, it is growing very fast, and may become more powerful than printing.Is the writer talking about advantages or disadvantages?advantagesamount of informationform of informationthe way to find informationthe machine to read informationlargermore varied more easilysmaller and lighterActivity 51960sthe Internet was invented for army to use(after its invention )scientists and businessmen wanted to use it to send or receive messages and people send textscouldnt send photos or ducuments by Internet(so) the world wide web was invented(as a result) more people use it to send filesthe web has many users and it changed the way people live, work and playTalk about the development of the Internet according to the mind map. 1970s19911990sTodayActivity 61. Write with the structures of “be done” as well as the notes in the mind map in Activity6.2. Write with “because, so, as a result” to make your writing coherent(连贯的连贯的) and logical(符合逻辑符合逻辑的的).3. Write a passage about traditional printing with a beginning like this: In the 1960s, the Internet was invented.Write about the future of the Internet.1. Search for more information about great inventions on the Internet.2. Complete the writing if you havent finished it.1 Activity4 Fill in the blanks of the mind map. Internet introduced (so) (result) (later) (so)(as a result) ( (after invention)(after its invention)paper createdstart to write on paper(and)1 .( )about2000years agoSui&Tang20thcenturynot many books and expensive2.( )3.( )produce quickly and cheaply4._( )( and) more people learnt to read5.( )2Activity6 Talk about the development of the Internet according to the mind map.the Internet was invented for army to use1960s1970s19911990sToday(after its invention )scientists and businessmen wanted to use it to send or receive messages (and) people send texts(so)couldnt send photos or documents by Internet the world wide web was invented(as a result) more people use it to send filesthe web has many users and it changed the way people live,work and playModule9 Great InventionsUnit2 Will books be replaced by the Internet?外研版九年级上册第九模块第二单元的教学反思今天在五十中新校上这一课,可能读后准备得“干”了,导致上完课后还剩七分钟。最大的原因还是我对教材不熟,对阅读教学的理解不透彻。我反思了,有以下几点原因:第一,这节课的生词有很多,比如 look through , printing , at a time , by hand , trade 等,我在导入部分只带学生处理result,printing,store 三个生词,而且是刻意放在导入部分,后面阅读部分就没再处理生词了。第二,在快速阅读找出每段大意这一环节,我也处理得很粗糙。正确的处理应该是这样的:第一,关注课本 74 页的书本的插图和文章标题,让学生猜全文的大意;第二,关注 Activity2 中五个段落大意,并且通过红笔标注等方式突出每个段落大意的关键词,如 a.the world before printing 其实是说 paper b.the world after the inventions of printing 其实是说 printing with paper and printing 是说 paper and printing and books 是说 technology d.the future of books 的关键词是 future 带学生梳理完毕,学生便理解了每个标题的关键词,然后学生带着每段的关键词去找每段大意,就会更容易找到段落大意。第三,在处理二三段的细读时,思维导图处理得太仓促,可以让学生完成每段的思维导图填空之后,再把整个思维导图呈现,让学生复述整个二三段的内容。这样一方面,细化了二三段的读后处理,一方面一避免了后面时间剩余的问题。最后我也总结一下这节课中几点自认为做得较好的地方:第一,二三段通过思维导图的方式设计 activity,同时思维导图也循序渐进地呈现本文的重点之一:逻辑词 because,so, as a result 等。有利于学生把握文章思路以及课文重点。第二,第四段信息的处理经过再加工后这样呈献给学生:amount of information,form of information,the way to find information 以及 the machine to read information 这样做可以降低文本难度,使学生更容易把握第四段要点;第三,教学中设计了针对第三段最后一句承上启下的句子的提问 Why does the writer say“In a way,we can compare the invention of paper to the Introduction of the Internet in the twentieth century? ”帮助学生理解过渡句的使用,也引导他们在写作中使用过渡句。这节课中还有很多有待改进的地方,希望各位专家领导多多批评指正,帮助我在教学中取得更大的进步!1Module9 Great InventionsUnit2 Will books be replaced by the Internet?.Teaching Analysis:1.Analysis of the teaching material:The topic is about some great inventions in this module. And these inventions brought some changes in our lives.Unit2 is about some inventions,like paper,printing and the Internet,and it is also about how these great inventions have changed peoples lives. Besides, it is to train students reading and writing skills.2.Analysis of the students:Students in Grade9 may have gained some experiences of both reading online and reading books.So they must feel curious and interested in the topic of this lesson.Teaching Objectives:1 .Knowledge objectives:(1) Ss can grasp the vocabulary about books、Internet as well as other inventions: look through、printing、at a time、by hand、development、trade、 trade、result、spread、 store、form、connection、single、direction、replace(2) Ss are able to learn the structures about books、Internet as 2well as other inventions :Books were only produced one at a time by hand.Will books be replaced by the Internet?2. Ability objectives:(1) Ss can learn about some inventions and how these inventions have changed peoples lives.(2) Ss are able to write sentences using the passive voice.3. Moral objective:Ss learn the advantages of books and the Internet and realize both of them are needed by humans.Teaching Important and Difficult Points:(1) How to learn about some inventions and how these inventions have changed peoples lives(2) How to write sentences using the passive voice.Teaching Methods:Task-based method; Communicative method.Teaching Aids:Multimedia; chalk.Teaching Procedures:Step1 Lead-in1. Ss talk about some great inventions in both ancient world and modern world and learn some new vocabulary about great 3inventions.2. Ss look at two pictures of different classrooms and talk which one do they like with partners.Step2 PredictionSs guess what the writer will talk in the passage and Ss pay attention to the tip“the title can help you find the topic”Step3 Fast reading(Tip: To find information in a passage quickly, you can read the first sentence in each paragraph. This will often tell you what the passage is about.)Ss read fast and match the main idea with the paragraphs.a) The world before printed books b) The world after the invention of printing c)Life with paper and printing d) Technology and books e) The future of booksStep4 Careful Reading1. Ss read para1 as carefully as they can and answer two questions:(1)How many examples are there in paragraph1? What are they?(2)Why does the writer give so many examples?2. Ss read para2 and para3 carefully finish Activity3: How does the writer introduce paper and printing?The writer introduces paper and printing in time order.43.Ss read para2 and para3 carefully and fill in the blanks of mind map.4. Ss answer :why does the writer say “In a way,we can compare the invention of paper to the introduction of the Internet in the 20th century.”? 5. Ss read“Although the Internet is still young, it is growing very fast, and may become more powerful than printing”and think :Is the writer talking about advantages or disadvantages?”and then find the comparative and of the adjectives.Step5 Post-writing1.Ss talk about the development of the Internet according to the mind map.2.Ss write about the future of the Internet by using the key structures.Step6 Homework1. Search for information about the great inventions on the Internet.2. Complete the writing if you havent finished it.Blackboard Design:.Teaching Reflections:琥珀中学南岗校区琥珀中学南岗校区 刘娟刘娟5
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