Module 12 Save our world-Unit 3 Language in use.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:b0d34).zip

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Merry Merry ChristmasChristmasPresents are coming.Presents are coming.M12 U2 The 2M12 U2 The 2ndnd Period - Writing Period - WritingHow to Have a How to Have a GreenGreen Festival FestivalQuestions:Questions:What do you do with the packaging?What do you do with the packaging?too much foodPictures about the waste in festivalsPictures about the waste in festivalsordermore food than we can finishred packetspaperthrow awayburncause air pollutionWhat other waste in festivals can you think of?What other waste in festivals can you think of?Write them down and share with us.Write them down and share with us.because .reducefooduse lessdo sth. lesselectricityWhat can we What can we do to improve the situation?do to improve the situation?many people are still so poor级句型:becausethat they dont have enough food to that we can .reusered packetsuse againchina cupssave trees级句型:because so thatWhat can we What can we do to improve the situation?do to improve the situation?rubbishold clotheschange things into something else to be reusedrecycleIf we, we can . reduce pollution级句型:because so that ifWhat can we What can we do to improve the situation?do to improve the situation?We call for a Green Festival !We call for a Green Festival ! 现今社会,人们喜欢庆祝各种各样的节日,但也会造成很多浪费。请你以“How to Have a Green Festival”为题,根据以下要点,写一篇80词左右的短文。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。写作要点:1、你曾经历的一个不环保的节日。2、你对这些浪费现象的看法。3、就“如何过一个环保的节日”提出你的建议(至少3点)。Tips: 1)Tips: 1)人称、时态人称、时态 2)2)分段分段 3)3)尝试用尝试用级句型级句型( (至少至少1 1句句) )级句型:because so that ifLanguage in UseLanguage in Use评评 价价 标标 准准Self-assessmentSelf-assessment自我评价自我评价 内容熟悉程度我知道如何描述节日中的浪费我知道如何联系reduce, reuse, recycle给出建议写作中我有要运用星级句型的意识我知道如何评价自己和他人的作文Wish Wish You You a a Green Green and and Merry Merry Christmas !Christmas !Module 12 Save our worldUnit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recyclethe 2nd period: Writing - How to Have a Green FestivalStep 1: Lead inQuestions: What do you do with the packaging(包装) ?Step 2: Think and ShareWhat other waste(浪费) in festivals can you think of?Write them down and share with us. (Work in group)Step 3: What can we do?reducefoodmeaning: because .electricityreusemeaning: so that .red packetschina cupsrecyclerubbishIf we, .old clothesStep 4: Writing现今社会,人们喜欢庆祝各种各样的节日,但也会造成很多浪费。请你以“How to Have a Green Festival”为题,根据以下要点,写一篇 80 词左右的短文。文章开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。写作要点:1、你你曾经历曾经历的一个不环保的节日。2、你对这些浪费现象的看法。3、就“如何过一个环保的节日”提出你的建议(至少 3 点) 。meaning: How to Have a Green FestivalNowadays, people like celebrating all kinds of festivals, but they also cause a lot of waste and pollution. Lets call for a green festival!Step 5: 互评互改评价标准分数内容(5 分)语言(8 分)连贯(2 分)评分标准经历:1 分看法:1 分建议:3 分注意:人称、时态、中文式英语、单词拼写、词语搭配(固定句式、动词短语搭配等)句子逻辑关系、连接词、连接句书写工整、字数合理他评师评Step 6: Self-assessment 自我评价内容我知道如何描述节日中的浪费我知道如何联系 reduce, reuse, recycle 给出建议写作中我有要运用星级句型的意识我知道如何评价自己和他人的作文Tips: 1)人称、时态; 2)分段; 3)尝试用级句型(至少 1 句:because, so that, if)1教学设计教学设计(外研版初中英语九年级上册外研版初中英语九年级上册)Module 12 Save our worldUnit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recyclethe 2nd period: Writing - How to Have a Green Festival 教学内容:教学内容: 话题: How to have a green festival 课型: 写作课 教材分析:教材分析: “环境污染”是学生们非常熟悉的话题,巧借圣诞这一节日契机,引导学生列举生活中过节时的各种浪费现象。结合课文的三个关键词,让学生集思广益想出建议改善浪费和污染的情况,从而号召同学们以环保的方式欢度节日。 学情分析:学情分析:初三级同学已有一定的写作基础,但用过去时描述事情的能力较弱。本课设题贴近学生生活,学生联系自身实际有话可说、有事可写,有利于师生在课堂上展开语言实践活动。利用星级句型引导学生优化句子,提高遣词造句的能力。此外,设立互评互改环节,让学生明确中考作文的评分标准,通过给同伴的文章评分,从而也知道如何提升自己的写作。 教学目标:教学目标: 在本节课结束时,学生能够:1、描述节日的浪费现象;2、联系 reduce, reuse, recycle 给出改善节日浪费现象的建议;3、多使用 because, so that, if 等句型结构优化句子;4、明确中考作文评分标准,知道如何评价自己和他人的作文。教学重点与难点:教学重点与难点:1、联系自身实际,用过去时描述节日中的浪费现象;2、善用句型,加强语篇的连贯性和逻辑性。教学过程:教学过程:Teaching DesignStageStage aimTeachers activitiesStudentsactivitiesStrategiesTimeWarm-upArouse students interests in the topic.1. Give presents to Ss. (The presents are put in different packaging, such as paper bag, plastic bag, china cup, cloth bag, ect.)2. Ask Ss what they will do with the packaging.Enjoy the presents and talk about how they will do with the packaging, to throw them away or to reuse them.提问引发好奇2m2Think and shareThink about the waste in festivals and write them downTo show examples about the waste in festivals, with verbs and nouns.Work in groups and write down the waste of festival on the paper. Share with the whole class.小组合作,头脑风暴5mThink about some adviceThink about some advice to improve the situation with reduce, reuse and recycle1. Review the meaning of reduce, reuse and recycle.2. Ask Ss to think about some advice with these three words, examples are given.3. Show “sentence” and ask Ss to make their sentence longer and more beautiful.1. Recall the meaning of reduce, reuse, recycle.2. Make phrases and sentences according to the examples by oral. 3. To be familiar with the “sentence”.运用星级句型优化句子7mWritingWrite a composition “How to Have a Green Festival”1. Ask Ss to read the title of the composition.2. Give some tips to Ss which they have to pay attention to.1. Read the title and make themselves clear of the key points2. Finish their composition in 15 minutes.语言运用15mCheck in groupGive a mark for others according to the standard of composition1. Show the standard to the Ss.2. Give a mark to one of the Sss writings as example.3. Ask Ss to give a mark to each other according to the standard.1. Learn to give a mark to each other according to the standard of composition. 2. To know how to improve their writing as well.互评互改10mSelf-assessment & HomeworkCheck whether Ss have achieved the teaching goals.1. Ask Ss to do the self-assessment to check whether they have achieved the teaching goals.2. To rewrite the composition.Do the self-assessment and rewrite their composition after class.自我评价、根据评分标准及他评完善作文2m3Student Sheet:Module 12 Save our worldUnit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recyclethe 2nd period: Writing - How to Have a Green Festivalby Zhangcha Middle School Huo YunyiStep 1: Lead inQuestions: What do you do with the packaging(包装) ?Step 2: Think and ShareWhat other waste(浪费) in festivals can you think of?Write them down and share with us. (Work in group)Step 3: What can we do?reducefoodmeaning: because .electricityreusemeaning: so that .red packetschina cupsrecyclerubbishIf we, .old clothesStep 4: Writing现今社会,人们喜欢庆祝各种各样的节日,但也会造成很多浪费。请你以“How to Have a Green meaning: 4Festival”为题,根据以下要点,写一篇 80 词左右的短文。文章开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。写作要点:1、你你曾经历曾经历的一个不环保的节日。2、你对这些浪费现象的看法。3、就“如何过一个环保的节日”提出你的建议(至少 3 点)。How to Have a Green FestivalNowadays, people like celebrating all kinds of festivals, but they also cause a lot of waste and pollution. Lets call for a green festival!Step 5: 互评互改评价标准分数内容(5 分)语言(8 分)连贯(2 分)评分标准经历:1 分看法:1 分建议:3 分注意:人称、时态、中文式英语、单词拼写、词语搭配(固定句式、动词短语搭配等)句子逻辑关系、连接词、连接句书写工整、字数合理他评师评Step 6: Self-assessment 自我评价内容我知道如何描述节日中的浪费我知道如何联系 reduce, reuse, recycle 给出建议写作中我有要运用星级句型的意识我知道如何评价自己和他人的作文Tips: 1)人称、时态; 2)分段; 3)尝试用级句型(至少 1 句:because, so that, if)5
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