Module 4 Home alone-Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:64644).doc

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Module 4 Home alone-Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:64644).doc_第1页
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Module 4 Home alone-Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:64644).doc_第2页
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Module 4 Home alone-Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:64644).doc_第3页
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1、Module 4 Home aloneUnit 2I became so bored with their orders thatI wished they would leave me alone.教材分析教材分析This unit is a reading lesson, which is about Zheng Chenyus homealone story. From learning the passage, we know most studentsdepend on their parents too much, but they often feel bored with th

2、eirparents orders even though they dont have basic life skills.学情分析学情分析The topic of this lesson can cause teenagers resonance. Students havea lot of similar experiences so that they can easily express theiropinions. Through reading, students could learn to cultivate the abilityof living alone and in

3、spire the positive attitudes of independence.教学目标教学目标To be able to understand the passage and learn to sum up what thestory is about;To write about what you can do and what you cant do when yourparents are away.To learn to cultivate the ability of living alone and inspire the positiveattitude of ind

4、ependence.教学重点教学重点To be able to understand the passage of living alone and get the detailsfrom the passage.To learn to cultivate the ability of living alone.教学难点教学难点To use the key words and structures to talk about the life of beingalone rules.教学方法教学方法Communicative approach;Task-based approach.教学过程教

5、学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图Step IWarming-upShow students a videoand ask a question: Whathappened to the boy?Watch the videocarefully to find theanswers.To arousestudentsinterests and leadto todays topic.Step II.Pre-reading1. Lead students to freetalk about home aloneand what growing painsteenagers a

6、re facingthrough pictures andlearn some new words.Students express theirfeelings about beingleft alone and givereasons.To help studentslearn new wordsand know somebackgroundinformationbefore reading.2. Introduce ZhengChenyu to students andmake predictions abouthis perfect holiday.Students makepredic

7、tions accordingto the title.To developstudentsreadingstrategies ofprediction.Step III.While-Reading1. SkimmingHave students read thepassage quickly and findout the summary. Teachstudents how tosummarize the mianiedea through keysentences.Students read thepassage quickly andfind out the summary.To gr

8、asp thegeneral ideathrough findingkey sentences.2. ScanningHave students read againand match paragraphswith titles. Teach readingstrategies of scanning.Students read againand match paragraphswith titles.To train studentsreading strategyof scanning.3. Careful readingHave students read thepassage care

9、fully andcomplete the form.Students read thepassage carefully to seehow Zheng Chenyusfeelings changed andgive reasons.Then compare theiranswers in pairs beforechecking as a class.To inspect thestudents abilityof informationextraction anddiscoursecomprehension.Step IV.Post-reading1. RetellingHave stu

10、dents retell thepassage according to theclues.Students work in pairsto retell the passage.To practise whatthey havelearned.2. WritingHave students do asurvey and writesentences with although,but and so.that.Students work ingroups to finish thesurvey about what theycan do and what theycannot do when

11、theirparents are away. Theneach group can choosea member to report .To put thelanguage in use.Show studentsabilities andprepare forwriting.3. ExtensionMake a leaflet aboutHome Alone Rules.Emotional sublimation.Students work ingroups to list thingsthat they thinkteenagers need to dowhen they are home

12、alone and choose onetopic to make anadvice leaflet. Thenshare in front of theclass.To cultivate thestudentscooperation ingroups and theability of livingalone.Step V.Homework1. Write a passage about what you can do andwhat you cant do when your parents are away.2. Read more information on the Interne

13、t abouthow to be independent.http:/ consolidatewhat they havelearned.板书设计板书设计M4U2I became so bored with their orders that I wishedthey would leave me alone.freedomalthoughorderbutmanageso.that教学反思教学反思本课是一节阅读课,话题是关于“独自在家” 。1,在导入环节,我利用一个小视频吸引学生的注意, 并引导学生谈论自己独自在家的经历,引发学生独立思考的能力;2,接着我带领学生分析为什么大多青少年选择独自在

14、家并分析他们面临的成长的烦恼;3,在自由讨论环节中中我带学生一步一步地探讨, 如果时间允许的话, 能够先让学生自由讨论, 再个别提问, 可能更有利于孩子学习主体性的发挥;4,在阅读教学中,我比较重视阅读的策略,以及对学生在阅读中思考、 质疑的引导。 本课我主要运用了根据标题让学生预测课文主旨大意、略读找出文章中心句、寻读找关键词等阅读策略,引领学生学习并了解课文。5,在最后的的拓展活动中,我开展了两项小组活动。第一个活动是做调查,学生根据问卷调查表,讨论父母外出时, 自己在家能做和不能做得事情, 然后每个小组做汇报;第二个活动是在第一个活动的基础上, 每个合作小组制作一张宣传海报, 整理出自己独自在家的注意事项, 从而培养自己的独立生活能力。 这两个活动学生都非常感兴趣, 由于之前大量的输入做铺垫,学生能够积极地参与到活动中。6. 课堂结束后,学生填写自我评价表,检测本节课哪些地方还有不足之处,并与课后改进。整体来说, 本节课学生能很好地参与到课堂活动中来, 教学目标能较好地达成。


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