Module 12 Save our world-Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:40532).doc

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Module 12 Save our world-Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:40532).doc_第1页
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Module 12 Save our world-Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:40532).doc_第2页
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Module 12 Save our world-Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:40532).doc_第3页
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1、1Module 12 Save our worldUnit 1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.学科:学科:英语英语班级:班级: _姓名:姓名:编写:编写:授课时间:授课时间:2016-12-5【学习目标】【学习目标】1. 能够理解并掌握本课有关环境保护的词汇,如能够理解并掌握本课有关环境保护的词汇,如 factory, pollute, recycle, waste, enemy, kill, oil,less, hopeless,学习前缀、后缀构词法,学习前缀、后缀构词法, 。2. 能够听懂有关环保的对

2、话,并能简单谈论环保措施。能够听懂有关环保的对话,并能简单谈论环保措施。3. 从身边做起,爱护环境,提高环保意识。从身边做起,爱护环境,提高环保意识。【重点难点】【重点难点】重点重点: 能够理解对话内容并掌握对话中的重点词汇、句型能够理解对话内容并掌握对话中的重点词汇、句型 。难点难点: 能通过构词法的学习扩大词汇量,并能在语境中灵活使用。能通过构词法的学习扩大词汇量,并能在语境中灵活使用。学 习过程学习内容学法指导知识链接关于污染的图片导入关于污染的图片导入自自主主学学习习一、试读课本一、试读课本 96 页的对话,找出下列词组并试着翻译。页的对话,找出下列词组并试着翻译。1.stop pol

3、lution_ 2.造成污染造成污染_3.对对.感到担心感到担心_ 4.a danger to._5. 如此多的车如此多的车_/如此多的油如此多的油_6. spread well _8.开始做开始做_9. Its no use doing sth_ 10. 想出想出 _11. as well as_12.use. to do sth _13.collect/recycle waste_ 14. save energy_15.stop sb from doing sth_二、语法点感悟。二、语法点感悟。1.根据对话内容及以前所学知识,写出下列词的相应形式。根据对话内容及以前所

4、学知识,写出下列词的相应形式。1. worry(形容词)形容词)_2.pullute (名词名词)_3.use (形容词形容词)_(动词动词)_4.danger (形容词形容词)形容词)形容词)_6.hope (形容词形容词)_(反义词反义词)_观察以上词形,结合课本观察以上词形,结合课本 P138 构词法内容进行总结。构词法内容进行总结。英语中主要有三种构词法,即英语中主要有三种构词法,即_ 、_和转化法。我们学过的这些单词和转化法。我们学过的这些单词如如_是由合成法构成的。派生法是通过在词根上加是由合成法构成的。派生法是通过在词根上加_ 和和_来来构成新词,一般情况构成

5、新词,一般情况_改变的是词义,如改变的是词义,如 happy-unhappy,possible-impossible,而而_改变的是词性改变的是词性, 如如 happy-happiness, pollute-pollution. 转化法就是把一种词性转化为转化法就是把一种词性转化为另外一种词性。另外一种词性。自行看自行看书,独书,独立完立完成,不成,不准讨准讨论。论。2合合作作探探究究Pre-listening一、一、复习单词复习单词。 (2 minutes)二、二、Lead in. (4 minutes)-Activity 1We have only one earth, but she i

6、s suffering a lot of pollution.What kinds of pollution can we see around us? What causes the pollution? Whatshould we do?(Look at the pictures and talk about them.)三、三、Listen and complete the sentences. -Activity 2 (4 minutes)While-listening 四、四、Listen to the tape and choose the best answers. Activi

7、ty3 (6 minutes)() 1. What is the great enemy to us ?A. EnvironmentB.PollutionC. Population() 2. If the rivers are polluted, farmers _.A. will be deadB. will be illC. cant use the water for their crops() 3. Because there are so many cars on the roads, they use so much _ andcause _.A. water, air pollu

8、tion B. energy, noise pollutionC. oil, air pollution() 4.The world will be _ if everyone start to do something.A. helpfulB. hopefulC, hopeless五、五、Read and complete the notes. -Activity 3( 4 minutes )Post-listening (7 minutes)六、六、Read after the tape and practice reading.七、七、Complete the passage with

9、the correct form of the words. -Activity 4八、八、Summary.小小组组讨讨论论完完成成,课课堂堂指指导导达达标标检检测测一、用所给单词的适当形式填空一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.I like working here because everyone is_ (friend).2.Tony is the_ (win) of the photo competition this year.3.It is_ (possible) to buy things without money.4.The girl didnt go to school bec

10、ause of _ (ill).5.I _ (usual) go to school by bike.二、选择二、选择1.I think hes been drinking,_ Im not completely.A. ifB. thoughC. untilD. as2.Today people are encouraged to_ paper, plastic and for a betterenvironment.A. useB. wasteC. recycleD. make3.Its no use_at him-he just doesnt care.A. to shoutC.of shoutingD.for shouting面批面批师 生师 生反思反思安全教育:安全教育:安全、稳定,时代的永恒主题。安全、稳定,时代的永恒主题。3


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