Unit 2 My Favourite School Subject-Lesson 10 Looking for Lisa-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-冀教版八年级上册英语(编号:f02f3).zip

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Istherealibraryinyourschool?readbooksstudyWhatcanyoudointhelibrary?searchinformationborrowbooksMy Favourite School SubjectUnit 2Lesson 10 Looking for Lisa赤列央金 Tolearnabouttheconversation Looking for Lisa Tolearnmoreaboutexpressingtime TolearntousethewordsandexpressionsWordsdownloadlibrariansuddenlyrushintoshoutwhisperquarterv.下载n.图书管理员adv.突然地v.冲,奔prep.进入,到里v.喊v&n.低语,小声说话n.刻,四分之一Phrases:workonrushintoaquarterNonoise,please!从事于冲进来一刻钟请保持安静!1.Istherealibraryinyourschool?2.Whatcanyoudothere?3.Doyouthinkitsimportanttobeontime?Nonoise.inthelibraryaquarterpastfourJenny and Bill meet at 3 oclock to work on their project. They are in the library. Jenny is on the computer.Jenny: Look, Bill. I have downloaded some more pictures of Beijing.Bill: Good work, Jenny! We have lots of photos for our talk now. Have you found any Chinese music?Jenny: Yes, I have. The librarian helped me find some.Librarian: May I help you, Jenny?Jenny: Yes, please. Bill and I need some Chinese music. Is there any in the library?Librarian: Yes. Ill show you where it is. Danny,bequiet!Lisaisnothere!Nonoise,please!Is Lisa here ? Lisa! Lisa! Are you here? Whatsthetime,Jenny?Itsaquarterafterthree.Sheshalfahourlate!P3Bill: Relax, Danny! Have you looked in the gym?Danny: No, I havent. Maybe shes there!Bill & Jenny: Yes, maybe she is! See you tomorrow, Danny! Sorry.LisaandIaregoingtoworkonourbasketballprojecttogether.Itoldhertomeetataquartertothree.Whatsthetime,Jenny?I have looked for her everywhere-in the office, and now in the library. Where is she?Language Pointse.g. Imlooking formykey,butIcantfindit.我正在找我的钥匙,但是没有找到。1.LookingforLisa!寻找丽莎!look for 意为“寻找”,强调寻找的动作,不强调是否找到。e.g. Maybeshellcomethisafternoon.她可能今天下午来。2.Maybeshesthere.她可能在那儿。maybe作副词,意为“可能;也许”,表示一种可能性可能发生某事(可能是这样),或可能不发生某事(可能不是某种情况)。通常用于句首,有时也可放在句中或句末, 在句中作状语,相当于 perhaps。maybe是情态动词“may”加动词“be”,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语构成系表结构,意为“可能是”等。e.g. Hemay beasoldier.他可能是一位军人。(1)maybe意为“或许,大概也许”。e.g.Maybeitwillraintomorrow.(2)maybe则是情态动词may+动词原形,意为“也许”,表示可能性。e.g.Mybrothermaybeathome.Maybemybrotherisathome.Summary maybe vs. may be 辨析Exercises1.WhereareJennyandBill?_2.WhohelpedJennyfindsomemusic?_3.WhoisDannylookingfor?_4.WherecanLisabe?_Inthelibrary.Maybesheisinthegym.Lisa.Thelibrarian.1.IhavedownloadedsomemorepicturesofBeijing._2.HaveyoufoundanyChinesemusic?_3.Thelibrarianhelpedmefindsome.4.Itoldhertomeetmeataquartertothree.5.Sheishalfanhourlate.我下载了一些更多关于北京的图片。你找到中国音乐了吗?图书管理员帮助我找到了一些。我告诉她三点差一刻碰面。她迟到了半个小时。1.寻找_2.准时_3.从事的工作_4.inthelibrary_5.nonoise_6.atthecomputer_lookforontimeworkon在图书馆在电脑旁不要喧哗Writeoutthetimeusingwords.halfpasttwelveaquartertooneaquarterpasttwelvefivepasttwelvetwelveoclock2. 用英文写出钟表显示的正确时间。sevenoclocktwelveten/tenpasttwelveonefifteen/fifteenafterone/aquarterpastoneeightthirty/halfpasteightReadthelessonandanswerthequestions.1.WhattimedidJennyandBillmeettoworkontheirproject?2.WhatdidthelibrarianhelpJennyfind?3.WhattimedidDannytellLisatomeethim?4.WherehasDannylookedforLisa?1.JennyandBillmetat3oclocktoworkontheirproject.2.ThelibrarianhelpedJennyfindsomeChinesemusic.3.DannytoldLisatomeethimataquartertothree.4.DannyhaslookedforLisaeverywhereintheclassroom,intheofficeandinthelibrary.1P251.Jennysmotherisa_(library).2.Ineedsome_(China)music.3.“Isthereanybooksintheroom?”askedBill_(loud).4.Itellher_(meet)atthelibrary.5.HaveyouseenthesignNo _ (noise)?Chineselibrarianloudlytomeet.用所给词的适当形式填空。noise1.Haveyoulookedintheclassroom?(做肯定回答)_,I_.2.Jennyisatthecomputer.(对画线部分提问)_Jenny?3.Itsthreethirty.(改为同义句)Its_.4.HisfatherhasbeentoAmerica.(对画线部分提问)_hisfather_?YeshaveWhereishalfpastthreeWherehasbeen1.PreviewthewordsandexpressionsinLesson11.2. Finishtheactivitybook(about lesson10, on page22 to 23).Thanks for your comingphrinlas dbyngscan/Keria 上课教师上课教师赤列央金学生年级学生年级初二年级教材教材英语 (冀教版)课时课时3 课时教教 学学 设设 计计教学内容教学内容Unit 2,Lesson10 : Looking For Lisa教材分析教材分析The reading passage has so much information, and there are quite a few new words in it. This will help to improve students reading skill.教学目标教学目标To get information from reading material about what students are doing or can doing in library.To get to know how to write a postcard.To get to know how to use some phrases, such as“work in , maybe, look for ”To get to know how to expressing time.教学重点教学重点Reading ability: read for details.Vocabulary: Lisa Bill download librarian suddenly rush into shout whisper quarterKey points: No noise, please! a quarter work on rush into On time may be look for Additional new words: Are you here? Lisa is not here? Lisa and I are going to work on our basketball project together. I told her to meet me at a quarter to three. Whats the time ,Jenny? I have looked for her everywhere.I n the classroom , in the office, and now in the librarian. Where is she? Have you looked in the gym?Difficult sentence: I have download some pictures of Beijing.Have you found any Chinese music? Yes , I have No noise, please! Danny rushes into the library with a basketball in his hand. How long can I keep it ? For two weeks.设计思路设计思路Encourage the students to predict what the text will be about by reading the title .Ask the students to read for details.Encourage the students to find out how to write a postcard by reading the post card.教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动1.情情景景导导入入Review what they have learned from last lesson.1.Ask Ss to do some actions(about the words).2.The others talk about what they are doing.Some students would be asked to do some actions. Then the others talk about what they are doing.2知知识识新新授授Vocabulary and sentence structure1.Words guessing2.Say what the people in the photos are doing.Students are supposed to match the new words with picture in all parts on Page24, and to be able to read the new words, and then to know the meanings of the words.教教学学流流程程教教学学流流程程3情情景景操操练练Ask the students to read the title on Page 24 and all parts on Page 24, then guess what will the text talk about.After that, ask students to read and find out information .Then ask students to finish part1.2.3 on page25.Pre-task activity: Pair workRead the title on Page 24 . Then discuss in pairs to guess what the text will talk about. After discussion, some students should be asked to tell the whole class about their guessing.While-task activity 1: Individual work24Read the text and underline the words. While-task activity 2: Group workWork in groups of 4-6 to complete Part 1to 3 on Page 25.Post-task activity: Group workPresent their answers.4情情景景回回归归Text explanationDiscuss the sentences in the text, and try to get familiar with the words and phrases.板书(或板书(或课课件)设计件)设计Lesson10 Looking For Lisa Key points: No noise, please! a quarter work on rush into on time May be look for Additional new words: Are you here? Lisa is not here? Lisa and I are going to work on our basketball project together. I told her to meet me at a quarter to three. Whats the time ,Jenny? I have looked for her everywhere.I n the classroom , in the office, and now in the librarian. Where is she? Have you looked in the gym?Difficult sentence: I have download some pictures of Beijing.Have you found any Chinese music? Yes , I have No noise, please! Danny rushes into the library with a basketball in his hand. How long can I keep it ? For two weeks. 作业布置作业布置1.Reading on Page 26 , p review nest lesson. 2.Buying a new postcard FOR next lesson. 教学反思教学反思Reading skill should be the focus of teaching in this lesson.Should do more exercise about the grammar(About Perfect Tense)
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