Unit 7 Enjoy Your Hobby-Lesson 37 What’s Your hobby -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-冀教版八年级上册英语(编号:8207a).zip

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:rocketPaulmodel rocket He is building a model rocket. ( build, built , built)It is made of wood and cardboard.He glues it together.(glue)They are launching (launch) a rocket in a field .(在田野在田野)Where will their rocket land?(降落降落)Maybe it will land in a field in a tree. They join a rocket club.(加入加入俱乐部俱乐部)There are many members(成员成员) in the club.Most of them are adults.(member)(adult)They are competing. ( compete 比赛比赛)The winner will get a prize(奖品)奖品) either.火箭n. 参加俱乐部 木头 n. 成员发射火箭 成年人 n.田野 n. 奖品 n. 降落 v. 胶水n.用胶水把物体 或者或者粘合 v.woodrocketlaunch the rocketfieldlandeitherorjoin a clubmemberadultprizeglue1.How many rockets does Paul have ? 2.How long has he been launching rockets?Ten rockets.For two years.Each group try to find some questions .Write them down and then we will ask and answer. For example: What is pauls rocket made of? 1. Did Paul build one of his rockets himself? 2. What happened two weeks ago? 3. Did he join a rocket club? 4. How often do they meet ?Retell the text.(复述课文) Pauls hobby is He has He built.Two weeks ago,He He lanchedThis year,he joinedSometimes, theyThey alsoClassroom activity: Surwey!Whats your hobby?What about your parents?My hobby is My father enjoys My mother is interested in He/She is good atHome workSend an e-mail to Paul .Talk about your hobby and tell him where his lost rocket is .E-mail address : Paul bms. ca:rocketPaulmodel rocket He is building a model rocket. ( build, built , built)It is made of wood and cardboard.He glues it together.(glue)They are launching (launch) a rocket in a field .(在田野在田野)Where will their rocket land?(降落降落)Maybe it will land in a field in a tree. They join a rocket club.(加入加入俱乐部俱乐部)There are many members(成员成员) in the club.Most of them are adults.(member)(adult)They are competing. ( compete 比赛比赛)The winner will get a prize(奖品)奖品) either.火箭n. 参加俱乐部 木头 n. 成员发射火箭 成年人 n.田野 n. 奖品 n. 降落 v. 胶水n.用胶水把物体 或者或者粘合 v.woodrocketlaunch the rocketfieldlandeitherorjoin a clubmemberadultprizeglue1.How many rockets does Paul have ? 2.How long has he been launching rockets?Ten rockets.For two years.Each group try to find some questions .Write them down and then we will ask and answer. For example: What is pauls rocket made of? 1. Did Paul build one of his rockets himself? 2. What happened two weeks ago? 3. Did he join a rocket club? 4. How often do they meet ?Retell the text.(复述课文) Pauls hobby is He has He built.Two weeks ago,He He lanchedThis year,he joinedSometimes, theyThey alsoClassroom activity: Surwey!Whats your hobby?What about your parents?My hobby is My father enjoys My mother is interested in He/She is good atHome workSend an e-mail to Paul .Talk about your hobby and tell him where his lost rocket is .E-mail address : Paul bms. ca冀教版初中八上 Unit 7 Enjoy Your Hobby Lesson 37 Whats Pauls Hobby?教学活动设计Simple analysis of the course(教材简析)这是一节阅读课。课文围绕主人公 Paul 对火箭的爱好展开学习,Paul 介绍了自己火箭的制作与发射,还讲述了自己加入火箭俱乐部,并与朋友进行火箭比赛的故事,故事中与大家分享了自己爱好的酸甜苦辣。Teaching aims(教学目标)1.知识目标:a.New words and phrases of the section. rocket model build wood glue launch field land join club member adult compete prizeb. New patterns:Whats it made of?He has been launching rockets for two years. Maybe it will land in a field in a tree. There are many members(成员) in the club.How often do they meet ?My hobby is playing football/flying kites.2.能力目标:a. Express ones hobby in English correctly.b. Get the main ideas from the text according to different reading aims.c. Retell the text by yourself.3.情感目标:a. 培养与同学朋友的友好合作精神;b. 培养和树立学生正确的爱好观念,使个性向正确的方向发展;c. 培养学生的自学能力与实践调查能力。Teaching difficult points(教学难点)1. Describe ones hobbies in detail.2. Verb-ing3. Help the students learn to talk and write about ones hobby.Teaching methods(教学方法)教学中综合运用启发,探究,合作的教学方法,借助多媒体辅助教学,尝试了“先学后教,当堂训练”的教学模式,还学生课堂的主体地位,教师尽量少讲多导,课堂教学“兵教兵” ,教师在课堂上做一个组织者,合作者,引导者,使课堂在“真实,紧张,有序”中开展,培养学生的自学能力,合作精神。Guiding teaching scene(教学情景导入) Good morning, students. Look at the object, it is a model rocket, it can be launched into the air, whose hobby is building and launching model rockets? He is Paul, let us know more about his hobby.Teaching steps(教学过程设计)Step 1. Enjoy some pictures about hobbies of people.playing the piano, reading, flying a kite, watching TV, playing on the computer, playing cards, playing Chinese chess, playing the violin, playing basketball, collecting stamps, swimming, fishing, shopping, dancing, singing, gardening, cooking, making model cars, drawing, paintingStep 2. Interview some of your classmates about his or her hobby.Step 3. By showing some pictures of rocket models, enable students to learn these new words, and then say something about the use of a rocket.Step 4. Come to “Think About it!” Let the students to discuss the first question, and then let the students give a report about his scientific model. a. How many rockets does he have? He has ten. b. What are the rockets made of? Wood and cardboard.Step 5. Reading tasks: Read the text by yourself and answer the following questions:(自学指导问题)1. Did Paul build one of his rockets himself?2. What happened two weeks ago?3. Did he join a rocket club?4. How often do they meet ?Step 6. Group work: In your group ,find as many questions as you can. Share your questions with your classmates in class. Help each other.(“兵教兵” )Step 7.Read the text loudly in class. After a while, let some students read the text loudly in front of the class.Step8. Classroom activity:survey.Whats your hobby? What about your parents?My hobby is My father enjoys My mother is interested in He/She is good atStep 9.classroom tests1.Retell the text in your words.(当堂训练) 2. Filling the blanks 1 I built one of my rockets _. myself2 I _ it together, then I painted it. glued3 I launched it _ _ _, but it _ in some trees. in a field, landed4 I have been _ rockets for two years. launching5 Some of the members are young like me, but most members are _. adults6 Sometimes we _. If your rocket goes _ _, you win. compete, the highest7 I launch most of my rockets seven to ten. Then I _ lose _ break them. either, or8 I keep my _ rockets. I have a _ of them in my bedroom!broken, collectionHomework(作业)1. Send an e-mail to Paul .Talk about your hobby and tell him where his lost rocket is .2.Prepare to show and tell your hobby to the class.Teaching reflection (教学反思)在英语课堂教学中引入了“先学后教,当堂训练”的教学模式,激活了学生的思维,调动他们已有的知识和经验,改被动接受为主动参与,让学生充分发挥其创造性及主观能动性。我在教学中根据课程的总体目标结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生生活实际的教学活动与话题,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作的方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。教师作为课堂教学的组织者,合作者和引导者,其任务是调动学生的积极性,促使他们自己去获取知识、发展能力,做到学生自己能发现问题、提出问题、分析问题、解决问题。教学中由于新单词较多,尝试了边学边教边练的教学模式,占用了较多课堂时间;学生自学时间不足,教学节奏偏快,效果比预想的偏差;对差生在课堂上的关注不够,发言不够积极主动;课堂训练环节完成了复述与调查,缺少了笔头练习。今后教学中要继续多研究教学目标的难易程度,教师在课堂如何做“精彩的引导” ,如何在课堂进行高效的教学重难点训练,从而真正构建真实,紧张,有序的英语高效课堂。
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