Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends-Lesson 17 Save the Tigers-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(编号:f0da4).zip

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Unit 3 Animals Are Our FriendsLesson 17Save the Tigers初中英语冀教版八年级下册初中英语冀教版八年级下册Lead-inLets see a video.Save the Tigers100yearsNow we are in the 21st century.Words andExpressionsn. 世纪世纪furThe havent got much fur yet.puppiesn.(兽类的(兽类的) 毛毛doveThe is the symbol of peace.symboln. 标志,象征标志,象征If youre ready to face danger or pain, you are brave.adj. 勇敢的勇敢的 无畏的无畏的The firemen showed great courage in fire fighting. They are brave.couragen. 勇气,胆量勇气,胆量food chainThe shark is at the top of the sea food chain.n. 链子;链条链子;链条If the stones are not in balance, they will fall.n. 平衡,平稳平衡,平稳You didnt go to the party. Could you tell me the reason?reasonn. 原因,动机,理由原因,动机,理由The rainbow is beautiful.Now we cant see it. It disappeared.disappearv. 消失,失踪消失,失踪The man is cutting a tree.Be careful. Dont cut your fingers.We can cut the cloth with scissors.cutv. 砍,切,剪,割砍,切,剪,割Ben thinks he is too fat. He hopes to decrease his weight by eating right and exercising.decreasev. 使使变小;减少变小;减少Lets see the video of a report.1. Where can you usually see a tiger?2. Do you think tigers need our help? Why or why not?In a zooin the wild listening1.The number of tigers has dropped to a few _ now. 2.Tigers are very important to the _ .3.In recent years, tigers have been in danger of _.Listen to tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear :thousandenvironmentdisappearingDo you hear clearly?Read the lesson by yourselves and answer the questions.1. How many tigers were there at the beginning of the 20th century?2. How many tigers are there in the wild today?3. Where do tigers live?4. What do tigers symbolize?5. How are tigers described in many stories?6. Why are tigers important to the environment?7. Why do people hunt and kill tigers?8. Aside from their being hunted and killed, what is another reason tigers are disappearing?合作互助合作互助,找出答案找出答案Reference answer.1. How many tigers were there at the beginning of the 20th century? Around 100 000.2. How many tigers are there in the wild today? The number has dropped to a few thousand.3. Where do tigers live? They live in the forests of Asia.4. What do tigers symbolize?They are symbols of strength and courage.5. How are tigers described in many stories?They are brave.6. Why are tigers important to the environment?Because tigers help keep the number of other wild animals in balance.7. Why do people hunt and kill tigers?They are for money.8. Aside from their being hunted and killed, what is another reason tigers are disappearing?People have cut down a lot of trees as well. As forests disappear, tigers lose their homes.Read the lesson and match each paragraph with its main idea.BCA自主学习自主学习翻译下列的短语翻译下列的短语 。1.在在之初之初2.下降到;跌至下降到;跌至3.食物链食物链4.保持平衡保持平衡5.处于危险状态处于危险状态6. 的数量的数量7. 把把砍到,减少砍到,减少8.(出某事某人外)还,也(出某事某人外)还,也at the beginning ofdrop tofood chainin balancein dangerthe number ofcut downas wellFill in the blanks.1. _ students is about twenty. (的数量的数量)2. Its _ your health. (对对是重要的是重要的)3. The river is polluted and _ going dry.(处于处于危险之中危险之中)The number ofimportant toin danger of学以致用学以致用4. _ time went by, she became more and more beautiful. (随着随着) 5. _ the party, he gave me a gift. (在在之初之初)6. The temperature has _ below zero. (下降到下降到)7. It is at the bottom of the _.(食物食物链链)8. You know, computers bring troubles _. (也也)AsAt the beginning ofdropped tofoodchainas wellAt the beginning of the 20th century, _ tigers in the wild was around 100000. But today that number _ a few thousand. Tigers are important _ the environment. They help keep the number of other wild animals _. But in recent years, tigers have been in danger of _. Some people _ tigers _ money. We must do something about it.Fill in the blanks and try to retell the text.the number ofhas dropped toin balancedisappearinghunt and killtofor达标测评达标测评There are currently six types of tigers: the Bengal tiger, the Siberian tiger, the Sumatran tiger, the Malayan tiger, the Indochinese tiger and the South China tiger.Learning Tipthe Bengal tiger(孟加拉虎孟加拉虎)the Siberian tiger(西伯利亚)(西伯利亚)the Sumatran tiger(苏门答腊虎)苏门答腊虎)the Malayan tiger (马来亚虎)马来亚虎)the Indochinese tiger(印度支那虎)印度支那虎)the South China tiger (华南虎)华南虎)Example :Groups workWork in groups and discuss some ways we can protect these tigers. Write down your ideas. The number of tigers in the wild is quickly decreasing and we must do something about it .Example1.Dontt hunt and kill the wild animals .2. Dont eat wild animals .3.Some wild animals are in danger of going extinct. Maybe we can put them into the zoo and protect them. (For example, tigers pandas and so on)4.Dont cut down a lot of trees ,As forests disappear, Wild animals will lost their homes.5.We organize a volunteer group to protect the tigers.6.Animals are our friends ,Its our duty to protect animals 1. Review Lesson 17. 2. Write a short passage about how to protect animals.Homework 课题:课题:冀教版八年级英语下冀教版八年级英语下 Lesson 17 Save the Tiger教师教师班级班级八年级八年级 1 班班了解野生老虎的现状。讨论如何保护野生动物。 三维目标三维目标感受中西方文化的不同。重点重点掌握本课的词汇和句型。难点难点培养自主阅读能力。教学过程教学过程明确目标、翻译下列的短语明确目标、翻译下列的短语1.在在之初之初2.下降到;跌至下降到;跌至3.食物链食物链4.保持平衡保持平衡5.处于危险状态处于危险状态6. 的数量的数量7. 把把砍到,减少砍到,减少8.(出某事某人外)还,也(出某事某人外)还,也质疑探究、交流展示:WorkWork inin groupsgroups andand discussdiscuss somesome waysways wewe cancan protectprotect thesethese tigers.tigers. WriteWrite downdown youryour ideas.ideas.Lesson 17 Save the Tigers一、教学目标1. 在整体理解的基础上要求学生能够听、说、认读单词: volunteer, the number of, drop, in balance, in danger of, cut down,2. 理解课文内容。3. 了解怎样为什么要保护动物。4. 知道保护动物的重要性。二、教学重难点1. 正确运用本课的短语。2. 了解怎样为什么要保护动物。3. 知道保护动物的重要性。三、课前准备教学 ppt.四、教学过程Step 1 复习巩固、激情导入1. Have you _(hear) about the ship accident?2. April _(fool) Day is meant to be fun for everyone.3. We should learn _ _ _(保护我们自己). 4. Dont _ _(指着) my nose. Its not polite.5. There is a woman _ _(找) you. 6. We learned to make model plane _ TV. A. in B. on the C. on D. of7. I have heard _ the music. But I havent _ it.A. of; heard B. about; listened to C. of; listened D. from; listened to8. The thief _ (escape) last night.9. Even Tonys granddaughter, a five-year-old girl, asked him _ smoking. A. give up B. gave up C. to give up D. giving up 10. Dad, why must I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy.导入: Do you know how many tigers left in the world?Step 2 出示目标、明确任务1. 牢记本课黑体词汇:volunteer, the number of, drop, in balance, in danger of, cut down.2. 熟读课文,把握其意。3. 背诵重点句子,并灵活运用相关知识点。 词组:a group of volunteers, a few thousand, symbols of strength and courage, thenumber of other wild animals, in danger of disappearing, as well句子:At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of tigers in the wild was around100000. In many stories, they are brave. It helps keep the number of other wild animals in balance. In recent years, tigers have been in danger of disappearing. As forests disappear, tigers lose their homes. The number of tigers in the wild is quickly decreasing.Step 3 自主学习、合作探究 “Save the tigers” is a group of volunteers. “挽救老虎”是一群志愿者。(教材第 42 页) save the tigers 意为“挽救老虎”。save 此处用作及物动词,意为“救,救助”,后接名词或代词作宾语。save ones life 意为“挽救某人的生命”。 He _ the boys life. 他救了那个男孩的命。 【拓展】save 还可意为“储蓄,储存”。He _ a lot of money _ a computer. 他为了买电脑存了很多钱。save 还可意为“节省,节约”。Please _. 请节约用水。At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of tigers in the wild was around 100000. 在 20 世纪初野生老虎的数量大约是 10 万。(教材第 42 页) at the beginning of 意为“在初”。_, I found _ hard _ English. 在这学期初,我发现学习英语很难。【拓展】from beginning to end 意为“从头到尾”。I have read this book _. 我从头到尾读了这本书。 century 可数名词,意为“世纪,百年”。 其复数为 centuries。 “in the +序数词+century”表示“在某世纪”。We are living _. 我们生活在 21 世纪。 【拓展】“in the +年代+of+the+序数词+century” 或 “in+the+年份+s/s”表示“在某世纪某一年代”。He was born _. = He was born _. 他出生于 20 世纪 90 年代。But today that number has dropped to a few thousand. 但是现在老虎的数量下降到几千。(教材第 42 页)drop to 意为“下降到;跌至”。The temperature _ three below zero. 气温会降到零下三度。In many stories, they are brave. 在许多故事中,他们是勇敢的。(教材第 42 页)brave 形容词,意为“勇敢的”。其副词形式为 bravely, 意为“勇敢地”。 _ the soldiers are! 士兵们多勇敢啊!He _ went into the burning house to save the baby. 他勇敢地冲进那所正在燃烧的房子去救那个婴儿。It helps keep the number of other wild animals in balance. 它帮助保持其他野生动物的数量平衡。(教材第 42 页)keep in balance 意为“保持的平衡”。The boy _ the seesaw _. 这个男孩儿让跷跷板保持平衡。 【拓展】keep/lose ones balance 意为“保持/失去平衡”。 I _ and fell. 我身体失去平衡,摔了一跤。 eat a balanced diet 意为“均衡饮食”。Its important _. 均衡饮食是重要的。For this reason, tigers are important to the environment. 因为这个原因,老虎对环境很重要。(教材第 42 页)be important to 意为“对很重要”。Money _ me. 钱对我很重要。【拓展】important 是形容词 important 的名词形式,意为“重要性”。Step4 , task任务一:限时 5 分钟,熟读所有词汇,牢记黑体词汇 。任务二:熟读课文,把握其意,画出不理解处,同桌之间交流。任务三:背诵重点句子,并自学知识点,画出不理解处,同桌之间交流。Step5, 课堂检测: 根据提示完成单词1. His parents were born in the eighties of the 20th c_. 2. I hadnt the c_ to destroy the letter.3. We k_ time by watching TV during the night. 4. He didnt tell us the r_ for being late.5. Wang Liang was b_ and clever and we liked his character. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Can you give me a _(reason) excuse for it? 2. People hate the _(kill) who killed the baby. 3. He goes there _(enjoy) the fresh air.4. The number of the people in our company _(be) more than 50. 5. We both hope _(see) each other next timeStep6, homework1.Review Lesson 17. 2. Write a short passage about how to protect animals.Unit3 课题:Lesson 17 Save The Tigers. 课型:新授课 一、课前回顾:1. Have you _(hear) about the ship accident?2. April _(fool) Day is meant to be fun for everyone.3. We should learn _ _ _(保护我们自己). 4. Dont _ _(指着) my nose. Its not polite. 5. There is a woman _ _(找) you. 6. We learned to make model plane _ TV. A. in B. on the C. on D. of7. I have heard _ the music. But I havent _ it.A. of; heard B. about; listened to C. of; listened D. from; listened to 8. The thief _(escape) last night.9. Even Tonys granddaughter, a five-year-old girl, asked him _ smoking. A. give up B. gave up C. to give up D. giving up 10. Dad, why must I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy.A. play B. to play C. to playing D. playing 二、学习目标: 1. 单词:century, fur, symbol, courage, brave, chain, balance, reason, disappearing, kill, cut, decrease2. 词组:a group of volunteers, a few thousand, symbols of strength and courage, thenumber of other wild animals, in danger of disappearing, as well3. 句子:At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of tigers in the wild was around100000. In many stories, they are brave. It helps keep the number of other wild animals in balance. In recent years, tigers have been in danger of disappearing. As forests disappear, tigers lose their homes. The number of tigers in the wild is quickly decreasing.三、教学过程 : 1. 重点单词练: “Save the tigers” is a group of volunteers. “挽救老虎”是一群志愿者。(教材第 42 页) save the tigers 意为“挽救老虎”。save 此处用作及物动词,意为“救,救助”,后接名词或代词作宾语。save ones life 意为“挽救某人的生命”。 He _ the boys life. 他救了那个男孩的命。 【拓展】save 还可意为“储蓄,储存”。He _ a lot of money _ a computer. 他为了买电脑存了很多钱。save 还可意为“节省,节约”。Please _. 请节约用水。At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of tigers in the wild was around 100000. 在 20 世纪初野生老虎的数量大约是 10 万。(教材第 42 页) at the beginning of 意为“在初”。_, I found _ hard _ English. 在这学期初,我发现学习英语很难。【拓展】from beginning to end 意为“从头到尾”。I have read this book _. 我从头到尾读了这本书。 century 可数名词,意为“世纪,百年”。 其复数为 centuries。 “in the +序数词+century”表示“在某世纪”。We are living _. 我们生活在 21 世纪。 【拓展】“in the +年代+of+the+序数词+century” 或 “in+the+年份+s/s”表示“在某世纪某一年代”。He was born _. = He was born _. 他出生于 20 世纪 90 年代。But today that number has dropped to a few thousand. 但是现在老虎的数量下降到几千。(教材第 42 页)drop to 意为“下降到;跌至”。The temperature _ three below zero. 气温会降到零下三度。In many stories, they are brave. 在许多故事中,他们是勇敢的。(教材第 42 页) brave 形容词,意为“勇敢的”。其副词形式为 bravely, 意为“勇敢地”。 _ the soldiers are! 士兵们多勇敢啊!He _ went into the burning house to save the baby. 他勇敢地冲进那所正在燃烧的房子去救那个婴儿。It helps keep the number of other wild animals in balance. 它帮助保持其他野生动物的数量平衡。(教材第 42 页)keep in balance 意为“保持的平衡”。The boy _ the seesaw _. 这个男孩儿让跷跷板保持平衡。 【拓展】keep/lose ones balance 意为“保持/失去平衡”。 I _ and fell. 我身体失去平衡,摔了一跤。 eat a balanced diet 意为“均衡饮食”。Its important _. 均衡饮食是重要的。For this reason, tigers are important to the environment. 因为这个原因,老虎对环境很重要。(教材第 42 页)be important to 意为“对很重要”。Money _ me. 钱对我很重要。【拓展】important 是形容词 important 的名词形式,意为“重要性”。He didnt realize _ study. 他没有认识到学习的重要性。In recent years, tigers have been in danger of disappearing. 近几年,老虎处于消失的危险中。(教材第 42 页)in recent years 意为“近几年”,句子时态要用现在完成时。Shanghai has greatly changed _. 上海近几年来发生了巨大的变化。 in danger 意为“处于危险中”,其反义短语为 out of danger, 意为“脱离危险”。in danger of “处于的危险中”。The girl is _. 那个女孩处于危险之中。Some animals are _. 一些动物已脱离危险。 【拓展】danger 的形容词是 dangerous, 意为“危险的”。Its very _ to play on the road. 在马路上玩耍是很危险的。As forests disappear, tigers lose their homes. 由于森林消失,老虎失去它们的家园。(教材第 42 页)disappear 此处用作不及物动词,意为“消失;失踪”。其反义词为 appear,意为“出现;露面”,其名词为 appearance,意为“出现;外貌”。My wallet _ from the table. 我放在桌子上的钱包不见了。 We should not judge a person by his _. 我们不应该以貌取人。 lose(lost, lost) 动词,意为“失去”。 lose ones homes 意为“失去某人的家园”。lost 还相当于形容词,作定语或表语。get lost 相当于 lose ones way,意为“迷路”。 His grandmother _ her eyesight. 他奶奶失明了。The little boy _. = The little boy _. 这个小男孩迷路了。 2. 听力写:At the _ of the 20th century, the number of tigers in the wild was around 100,000.But today that number has _ to a few thousand. Tigers are symbols of _.It helps keep _ of other wild animals in balance.In recent years, tigers have been in _ of disappearing. 3. 仔细阅读课文回答下面问题: 判断正误At he beginning of the 20th century, the number of tigers in the wild was over 100,000. ( ) 回答问题What is the main idea of the paragraph 2?_ What is “Save the tigers”?_ 补全句子In many stories, tigers are _.英译汉In recent years, tigers have been in danger of disappearing._ 四、课堂检测: 根据提示完成单词1. His parents were born in the eighties of the 20th c_. 2. I hadnt the c_ to destroy the letter.3. We k_ time by watching TV during the night. 4. He didnt tell us the r_ for being late.5. Wang Liang was b_ and clever and we liked his character. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Can you give me a _(reason) excuse for it? 2. People hate the _(kill) who killed the baby. 3. He goes there _(enjoy) the fresh air.4. The number of the people in our company _(be) more than 50. 5. We both hope _(see) each other next time. 五课下作业:用所给短语的适当形式填空1. Many trees in my hometown have been _. 2. The Great Wall is a _ China.3. I like eating apples and I like eating bananas _.4. We should eat kinds of food to keep our diet(日常饮食) _. 5. Tigers are _ the food chain in the nature. 根据提示补全句子1. Do you have the _(胆量) to go bungee jumping(蹦极)?2. Jim, can you give me the _(理由) why you are always late for class? 3. A mouse was _(杀死) by my brother yesterday. 4. Now we are in the 21st _(世纪).5. He can swim in the Yangtze River, he is so _(勇敢的).6. This kind of animal disappeared in the _(nineteen) century. 7. The number of birds in this tree _(be) about 8,000. 8. The boy answered the question _(quick). 9. Save the tigers is a group of _(volunteer).Unit 3 Animals Are Our FriendsLesson 17 Save the Tigers一、教学目标1. 在整体理解的基础上要求学生能够听、说、认读单词: volunteer, the number of, drop, in balance, in danger of, cut down,2. 理解课文内容。3. 了解怎样为什么要保护动物。4. 知道保护动物的重要性。二、教学重难点1. 正确运用本课的短语。2. 了解怎样为什么要保护动物。3. 知道保护动物的重要性。三、课前准备教学 ppt.四、教学过程Step 1 复习巩固、激情导入1. Have you _(hear) about the ship accident?2. April _(fool) Day is meant to be fun for everyone.3. We should learn _ _
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