(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第三册英语 Unit 4 -5复习练习题(含答案).doc

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1、选择性必修三 Units 4-5I. 选用方框内合适的单词并用其正确形式填空(每个单词限用一次)。fortunately, apply, guide, advertise, commit, vary1. South Africa has submitted a(n) _ to host the World Cup.2. _, I didnt have my credit card with me or Id certainly have bought it.3. John was looking forward to working under her expert _.4. The film

2、s she makes are all _ on the same theme.5. I want to honor my fathers _ to the people who have been farming here.6. They put a(n) _ in The Morning News, offering a high salary for the right person.II. 根据括号内的词性及英文释义用适当的单词补全下列句子。1. The reforms are motivated by a(n) _ concern for the teenagers. (adj. r

3、eal and exactlywhat it appears to be)2. Dont spend too much time outside! The sun can easily damage a childs _ skin. (adj.easily damaged or broken)3. No one likes war because many innocent _ may be killed during the war. (n. anyonewho is not a member of the military forces or the police)4. The cours

4、es of poetry appreciation were run to a consistent _. (n. the way in whichsomething such as a television show or meeting is organized or arranged)5. The children are _ about learning, but they are desperately short of resources. (adj.feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about somethin

5、g)6. They said goodbye to him as he got _ the train at Union Station. (prep. on or ontoaship, plane, or train)7. The captain gave the order to _ the ship and asked the crew members to board thetwolifeboats. (v. to leave a place, thing or person forever)8. Please put the poetry collection back on the

6、 _ when you finish reading it. (n. a long flatnarrow board attached to a wall, used for putting things on)III. 写出下列各句中画线单词的词性及中文释义。1. blank When youve filled in the blanks, hand the form back to me. _ _ Hearing the bad news, Zoe looked at me with a blank expression. _ _2. contest Amy hopes to contes

7、t the international dancer title next month. _ _ Few contests in the recent history of British boxing have been as exciting. _ _3. resolve When getting up in the morning, he resolved that he would make an early start. _ Dont give up. His opposition served only to strengthen our resolve. _ _IV. 补全下列句

8、子,使两个句子意思相近或相同(每空一词)。1. Im not going to refuse an invitation to go to New York! Im not going to _ _ an invitation to go to New York!2. If you dont shower more often, your body will release an unpleasant smell. If you dont shower more often, your body will _ _ an unpleasant smell.3. The written recor

9、d of our conversation is different from what was actually said. The written record of our conversation _ _ _ what was actually said.4. Its too cold. We went off to collect wood to build a fire. Its too cold. We went off to collect wood to _ _ _.5. The relationship is a little difficult to understand

10、. Hes my mothers cousins daughters child. The relationship is a bit _. Hes my mothers cousins daughters child.V. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下列句子(每空一词,含缩略形式)。1. The lack of government funding is _ _ _ _ (核心所在) theproblem.2. Steve and I were at very different stages _ _ _ _ (在我们各自的事业上).3. One of the best ways to imp

11、rove your writing is to _ _ _ _(背诵一些经典作品).4. The good weather allowed him a couple of days of holiday, during which he _ _ _ _ (心情好).5. _ _ _ (一连串) five rowing boats set out from the opposite bank.6. The prime minister _ _ _ _ (做了坚定的承诺) to increasingspending on health.7. Know what you have and appre

12、ciate it. _ _ _ _ (不要羡慕其他人) because they are rich or they have something that you dont.VI. 英汉互译。1. Whats worse, their ship struck a rock and began to sink.2. The candidates purpose of applying for this job is to earn a high wage and live a decent life.3. 这位年轻小伙子被安排把毯子分给船员们。4. 对比这首诗的几个经典译文后,这位业余爱好者修改

13、了他的版本。VII. 根据所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词)。ASylvia had been dreaming of an exciting voyage to the Pacific since the age of 5. Thisyearshe stepped onto a huge ship to achieve her dream, which was powered by a hugeelectric1. m_. Unfortunately, the rocking motion of the ship made Sylvia feel sick and

14、 she had togive up this plan at the beginning of the “2. _ (远征)”.BLife is 1. c_ to Jane. Her family are really poor. 2. F_, they have a place tolive even though there is little 3. f_. While other students can watch TV for 4. r_,Jane can only run on the playground. When her long hair is 5. d_ with sw

15、eat, she feelsfree. One day, her P. E. teacher came to her and asked if she was interested in joining theschoolrunning team. Jane was genuinely excited. Then the school coach gave her specific adviceandwith 6. t_ training, Jane became the running star of the school. She believes withperseverance, sh

16、e can continue to succeed.COn April 7, 1770, William Wordsworth was born in England. When Wordsworth was eight,his mother died this experience shaped much of his later 1. l_ work. Wordsworthattended Hawkshead Grammar School, where his love of poetry was firmly established. Itisbelieved that he made

17、his first attempts at verse in this period of time.After Hawkshead, Wordsworth entered St. Johns College in Cambridge and before hisfinalsemester, he set out on a walking tour of Europe, an 2. e_ that influenced both hispolitical sensibilities (敏锐度) and his poetic 3. _ (理解力). While touring Europe,Wo

18、rdsworth fell in love with France, where he came into contact with the French Revolution. Thisexperience as well as a subsequent period living in France, brought about Wordsworthsinterestand 4. _ (同情心) for the life, troubles, and speech of the “common man”.Wordsworths poem The Prelude that was publi

19、shed in 1850 is his most famous work. It isconsidered by many people to be the crowning achievement (最高成就) of Englishromanticism.It records the spiritual life of the poet and marks the birth of a new 5. _ (格式) in poetry.答案I.1. application2. Unfortunately3. guidance4. variations5. commitment6. advert

20、isementII.1. genuine2. delicate3. civilians4. format5. enthusiastic6. aboard7. abandon8. shelfIII.1. n. 空格 adj. 没表情的2. v. 争取赢得 n. 竞赛3. v. 决定,决心 n.决心,坚定的信念IV.1. turn down2. give off / out3. doesnt correspond with4. make a fire5. complicatedV.1. at the core of2. in our respective careers3. recite some

21、 classic works4. was in a good mood5. A string of6. made a firm commitment7. Dont envy other peopleVI.1. 更糟糕的是,他们的船撞到了岩石,开始下沉。2. 这位应试者应聘这个工作的目的是挣高工资,过体面的生活。3. The young guy was assigned to distribute blankets to the crew.4. After comparing several classic translations of this poem, this amateur polished his version.VII.A.1. motor2. expeditionB.1. cruel2. Fortunately3. furniture4. recreation5. damp6. thoroughC.1. literary2. episode3. comprehension4. sympathy5. format


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