Unit 2 Briging cultures Using Language Writing(ppt课件)-2024新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、【版本:人教册别:选必版本:人教册别:选必二】Reading for Writing:Write an argumentative letter Learning Objectivesu 语言目标:语言目标:1)理解、记忆并运用语篇中的(话题/写作)词/块/句;2)能够理解并掌握议论文和书信文体结构,区分作者的论点/论据,学会使用议论文中常见衔接词。u 能力目标:能力目标:能够在文章中灵活运用所学知识点,提高语言运用能力;能够写出格式规范的议论文。u 情感目标情感目标:能够以全面的观点评判出国留学的利弊,培养批判性思维;了解我国“一带一路”倡议以及正确看待我国对世界的贡献,培养爱国情怀。II

2、Reading1.Where are the two passages from?2.Who are the writers?3.What topic are they talking about?Basic informationA local newspaper.Wang Li:mother of twin girls;Zhang Yi:father of one boy.Studying abroad:Is it a good or a bad idea?Pre-ReadingRead the title and predict what the text is about.1.What

3、 is the genre of the text?A.Exposition.B.Narration.C.Argumentative letters.D.Application letters.C 2.The text may be about both the and of studying abroad.advantages disadvantages 1在过去的几十年里在过去的几十年里2.的的数量数量急剧急剧增加增加3大有裨益大有裨益4随着中国的蓬勃发展随着中国的蓬勃发展5打造人类命运共同体打造人类命运共同体6“一带一路一带一路”倡议倡议in the past few decadesbr

4、ing great benefitsas China is boomingbuild a shared future for allthe Belt and Road Initiative Important phrases to be used in the writing:a dramatic increase in the number of.STUDYING ABROAD:IS IT A GOOD OR A BAD IDEA?_,(尊敬的编辑尊敬的编辑)_(过去的几十年里过去的几十年里,留学人数急剧增长留学人数急剧增长).Although studying abroad can bri

5、ng great benefits,I think _(对于年轻人来说弊大于利对于年轻人来说弊大于利)._(首先首先,许多留学生面临着巨大的经济压力许多留学生面临着巨大的经济压力).That means studying abroad is just not possible for everyone.Tuition fees and living expenses are much more expensive than at home and could end up costing most families an arm and a leg.Studyingin China is mu

6、ch more convenient and can help save money._(需要考虑的另一个重要因素是留学带来的巨大压力需要考虑的另一个重要因素是留学带来的巨大压力).Students must learn how to live in an unfamiliar environment with limited language skills.Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock when learning how to behave in new surroundings.Other students are not

7、mature enough to handle the Read and think(text type&organization)there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people studying abroadDear EditorSalutation(称呼)the disadvantages for young people are greaterTo begin with,many students who study abroad face Another important factor to consider is

8、 that comes with studying abroadA factAn opinionReason 1Supporting details:explanationsReason 2Supporting details:explanations In the past few decades,the tremendous pressure great economic pressurechallenges by themselves and may become depressed.Some students might even encounter problems with per

9、sonal safety.In addition,different approaches to teaching and learning may come as a shock to many students._(最后要考虑的一点是最后要考虑的一点是:尽管留学有诸多潜在的益处尽管留学有诸多潜在的益处,但是在中国读书的年轻但是在中国读书的年轻人同样未来可期人同样未来可期)!As China is booming,the educational environment has improved significantly,with many great universities now av

10、ailable.They have great facilities and outstanding professors,helping to educate young people who will contribute to the economy and further strengthen our country.To sum up,_(我们无法否认的事实是我们无法否认的事实是,留学有其弊端留学有其弊端,因此都想要海外求学时因此都想要海外求学时,应当考虑上述诸多因素应当考虑上述诸多因素)._(谨致问候谨致问候),_王丽王丽(一对双胞胎的母亲一对双胞胎的母亲)A final poin

11、t to consider is that while studying abroad does have potential benefits,young people who study in China also one cannot deny the fact that ,so when you think about studying abroad,you should Reason 3Supporting details:explanationsConclusionComplimentary close(信尾客套语)Signature(署名)Kind regardsWang Li(

12、mother of twin girls)have a great future to look forward tostudying abroad has itsdisadvantagesconsiderthese many factorsRead and think(text type&organization)Fast ReadingRead and figure out the structure of letter 1.Letter 1Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Introduce the;The writers;Reason 1Another;A F

13、inal;Draw a .to begin withto sum uptopic opinionfactor point conclusion _(尊敬的编辑尊敬的编辑)_(留学是个好主意还是坏主意留学是个好主意还是坏主意呢呢)?There are certainly disadvantages,but in my opinion,_(利大于弊利大于弊).As I always tell my son,there are no great difficulties for aperson who is brave,optimistic,and willing to work hard!_(留学

14、的第一个好处是留学的第一个好处是个人成长个人成长).The education you gain and the experiences you have will change you for the better.For example,you will certainly become more independent because you will have to deal with all kinds of difficulties by yourself.Studying abroad also helps you to gain a global perspective and

15、 improve your general competence._(留学的另留学的另一个好处就是获得更多文化交流的机会一个好处就是获得更多文化交流的机会).Chinese students can be seen as cultural envoys promoting friendship between nations.International students in China also bring their colourful cultures here.Cooperating with people from diverse cultural backgrounds helps

16、 us view the world from different angles and thus gives us more insight into our own culture.Is studying abroad a good idea or not?The first advantage of studying abroad is Another advantage is Salutation(称呼)A Question the advantages are much greaterAn opinionReason 1Supporting details:examplesReaso

17、n 2Supporting details:explanationsDear Editor,personal growththe increased chance for cultural exchange Read and think(text type&organization)_(最后最后,留学提供了为祖国发展做出贡献,促进祖国发留学提供了为祖国发展做出贡献,促进祖国发展的好机会展的好机会).Chinas global outlook,with projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative,has helped us make connect

18、ions across the world.Therefore,China needs more talented young people with a global perspective who are highly competent with languages,have leadership and skills,and have strong cultural awareness.Students who study abroad will develop such skills and abilities,and these in turn will provide them

19、with better career opportunities._(总而言之总而言之,留学有助于塑造品格留学有助于塑造品格,增进人们对文化多样性的理解增进人们对文化多样性的理解,同时增强中国实力同时增强中国实力,打造人类命运打造人类命运共同体共同体).I think this lifechanging experienceis certainly worthwhile,and I hope my child will study abroad in the future._(此致敬礼此致敬礼)_张毅张毅(一个男孩的父亲一个男孩的父亲)Finally,studying abroad provi

20、des a great opportunity to All in all,studying abroad helps to build character and while strengthening China and building a shared future for allReason 3Supporting details:examples and explanationsConclusionComplimentary close(信尾客套语)Signature(署名)Sincerely yours,Zhang Yi(father of one boy)contribute

21、to the development of our motherlandincrease peoplesunderstanding of cultural diversityRead and think(text type&organization)Letter 2Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Introduce the;The writers;Advantage 1Advantage 2Advantage 3Draw a .firstall in alltopic opinionconclusionanotherfinallyRead and figure ou

22、t the structure of letter 2.LetterBodyStart with a fact/a questionSalutationArgumentationArgumentative lettersState an opinionReasons&evidenceState a conclusionComplimentary close;signatureDear Editor:In the past few decades,there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people studying abroad.

23、Although studying abroad can bring great benefits,I think the disadvantages for young people are greater.过去几十年里,出国留学的人数急剧增长。虽然出国留学能带来很多好处,但我认为对年轻人来说是弊大于利。Studying abroad is a bad ideaIn the past few decades 过去几十年里a dramatic increase in.在某方面的急剧增长studying abroad 出国留学bring great benefits 带来很大益处To begin

24、 with,many students who study abroad face great economic pressure.That means studying abroad is just not possible for everyone.Tuition fees and living expenses are much more expensive than at home and could end up costing most families an arm and a leg.Studying in China is much more convenient and c

25、an help save money.首先,许多留学生面临着巨大的经济压力,这意味着并非每个人都能出国留学。国外的学费和生活开销比国内昂贵得多,大部分家庭最终可能要花费一大笔钱。而在中国读书则更加方便,而且省钱。To begin with 首先Tuition fees 学费living expenses 生活费at the expense of 以.为代价end up doing 以做.结束-end up with sth.以.结束cost an arm and a leg 花了一大笔钱Another important factor to consider is the tremendous

26、 pressure that comes with studying abroad.Students must learn how to live in an unfamiliar environment with limited language skills.Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock when learning how to behave in new surroundings.Other students are not mature enough to handle the challenges by themsel

27、ves and may become depressed.Some students might even encounter problems with personal safety.In addition,different approaches to teaching and learning may come as a shock to many students.tremendous pressure 巨大的压力 behave vt.表现;vi&vt 表现得体,有礼貌culture shock 文化冲击 behavior n.行为,举止,态度handle the challenge

28、s 应对挑战 behave yourself 有礼貌;有规矩encounter problems 遇到问题 mature adj.成熟的In addition 另外 maturity n.成熟,完备 maturation n.成熟an approache to(doing)sth.mature into sth.使.成熟,充分发展做某事的方法 mature consideration 深思熟虑surround v.围绕;包围surrounding adj.周围的;附近的surroundings n.环境;周围的事物A final point to consider is that while

29、studying abroad does have potential benefits,young people who study in China also have a great future to look forward to!As China has boomed,the educational environment has improved significantly,with many great universities now available.They have great facilities and outstanding professors,helping

30、 to educate young people who will contribute to the economy and further strengthen our country.最后要考虑的一点是:尽管留学的确有许多潜在的好处,但是在国内读书的年轻人同样未来可期!随着中国的蓬勃发展,教育环境己大为改观,现在有许多优秀的大学。它们拥有一流的设施和杰出的教授,助力培养为经济作贡献、进步增强我国实力的年轻人。look forward to 期待(不定式短语做后置定语)boom vi.&n.迅速发展;繁荣booming adj.兴旺的;繁荣的contribute to 为.做贡献stren

31、gthen vi&vt 加强;增强;巩固strength n.体力;实力;意志力strong adj.强壮的;坚固的To sum up,one cannot deny the fact that studying abroad has its disadvantages,so when you think about studying abroad you should consider these many factors.综上所述,我们无法否认的事实是:留学有其弊端。因此当你想要海外求学时,应当考虑上述诸多因素。To sum up 总之;综上所述deny vt.否认;否定;拒绝There

32、is no denying that.不可否认.deny doing sth.否认做某事Main point:I think the (of studying abroad)for young people are greater.Reasons:To begin with,many students who study abroad face great .Another important factor to consider is the _pressure that comes with studying abroad.A final point to consider is that

33、 while studying abroad does have potential benefits,young people who study in China also _.disadvantages economic pressuretremendous have a great future to look forward to!Dear Editor Is studying abroad a good idea or not?There are certainly disadvantages,but in my opinion,the advantages are much gr

34、eater.As I always tell my son,there are no great difficulties for a person who is brave,optimistic,and willing to work hard!留学是个好主意还是坏主意呢?留学当然有其弊端,但我认为利大于弊。我时常告诚我儿子,对勇敢、乐观、愿意拼搏的人来说,世上无难事!in ones opinion 在某人看来optimistic adj.乐观的optimism n.乐观主义pessimistic adj.悲观的be optimistic about 对.感到乐观be willing to

35、do.乐意做某事Studying abroad is a good ideaThe first advantage of studying abroad is personal growth.The education you gain and the experiences you have will change you for the better.For example,you will certainly become more independent because you will have to deal with all kinds of difficulties by yo

36、urself.Studying abroad also helps you to gain a global perspective and improve your general competence.留学的第一个好处就是个人成长。你获得的教育和拥有的经历将有助于你提升自我。例如,由于你需要独自应对各种困难,你一定会变得更加独立。留学还有助于你获得全球视野,提升综合能力。gain vt.获得;赢得;取得 n.好处;增加deal with 处理;对付global perspective 全球视野competence n.能力;胜任;本领competent adj.有能力的;称职的genera

37、l competence 综合能力综合能力Another advantage is the increased chance for cultural exchange.Chinese students can be seen as cultural envoy promoting friendship between nations.International students in China also bring their colourful cultures here.Cooperating with people from diverse cultural backgrounds

38、helps us view the world from different angles and thus gives us more insight into our own culture.留学的另一个好处是获得更多文化交流的机会。中国留学生可被视为增进国际友谊的文化使者。在华的外国留学生也带来他们丰富多彩的文化。与来自不同文化背景的人合作有助于我们从不同视角看待世界,进而让我们对自己的文化有更深入的了解。seen as 把.看做.cultural envoy 文化使者cooperate vi.合作;协作;配合cooperative adj.合作的cooperation n.合作;协作c

39、ooperate with 与.合作angle n.角;角度;立场insight n.了解;洞悉Finally,studying abroad provides a great opportunity to contribute to the development of our motherland.Chinas global outlook,with projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative,has helped us make connections across the world.Therefore,China needs more

40、talented young people with a global perspective who are highly competent with languages,have leadership and organisational skills,and have strong cultural awareness.Students who study abroad will develop such skills and abilities,and these in turn will provide them with better career opportunities.c

41、ontribute to 为.做贡献 be competent with 具有某方面的能力 global outlook 全球前景 organisational skills 组织能力 initiative n.倡议;新方案 in turn 反过来说;转而the Belt and Road Initiative provide sb.with sth.“一带一路”倡议 =provide sth.for sb.提供某人某物All in all,studying abroad helps to build character and increase peoples understanding o

42、f cultural diversity while strengthening China and building a shared future for all.I think this life-changing experience is certainly worthwhile and I hope my child will study abroad in the future.总之,出国留学有助于塑造人格,增加人们对文化多样性的了解,同时增强中国的实力,为大家打造一个共同的未来。我觉得这种改变人生的经历当然是值得的,我希望孩子将来能出国留学。All in all 总之cultu

43、ral diversity 文化多样性a shared future 一个共同的未来worthwhile adj.重要的;值得做的It is worthwhile to do sth.It is worthwhile doing sth.做某事是值得的Main point:the (of studying abroad)are much greater.Reasons:The first advantage of studying abroad is .Another advantage is the increased chance for .Finally,studying abroad

44、provides a great opportunity to the development of out motherland.advantages personal growthcultural exchangecontribute to How to write an argumentative letter?Opinionreason 1reason 2reason 3A question/factconnectors 衔接衔接词词STUDYING ABROAD:IS IT A GOOD OR A BAD IDEA?Dear Editor,In the past few decade

45、s,there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people studying abroad._(=Though)studying abroad canbring great benefits,_(=in my opinion )the disadvantages for young people are greater._(=Firstly),many students who study abroad face greateconomic pressure._(=That is to say )studying abroad is

46、 just not possible for everyone.Tuition fees and living expenses are much more expensive than at home and could end up costing most families an arm and a leg.Studying in China is much more convenient and can help save money._(另一个重要因素另一个重要因素)to consider is the tremendous pressure that comes with stud

47、ying abroad.Students must learn how to live in an unfamiliar environment with limited language skills.Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock when learning how to behave in new surroundings.AlthoughI thinkTo begin withThat means Another important factor Read and think(connectors)Other studen

48、ts are not mature enough to handle the challenges by themselvesand may become depressed.Some students might even encounter problems with personal safety._(=),different approaches to teaching and learning may come as a shock to many students._(最后要考虑的一点最后要考虑的一点)is that _(=)studying abroad does have po

49、tential benefits,young people who study in China also have a great future to look forward to!As China is booming,the educationalenvironment has improved significantly,with many great universities now available.They have great facilities and outstanding professors,helping toeducate young people who w

50、ill contribute to the economy and further strengthen our country._(=),one cannot deny the fact that studying abroad has its disadvantages,so when you think about studying abroad,you should consider these many factors.Kind regards,Wang Li(mother of twin girls)Read and think(connectors)In additionBesi


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