(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第三册英语Unit 2 Discovering Useful Structures课时作业(含答案).docx

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1、UnitUnit 2 2MoralsMorals andand virtuesvirtuesDiscovering Useful Structures &Listening and Talking基础知识过关.单词拼写1.The(董事长) of the company presented the annual report.2.My friend and I returned to town by the(午夜) express(特快列车).3.For six months of the year, there is hardly any light at the both(地极).4.She

2、 was(咬) by the family dog the other day and had to go to hospital toget the vaccine.5.With peoples pursuit of quality of life,(进口商品) are increasing rapidly.6.The products made in China are popular all over the world and more and moregoods are(出口).选词填空give first aid;pass away;in memory of;first of al

3、l1.He unfortunatelylast year because of serious disease.2.Anyone with the right medical knowledge canto patients.3.Her mother was an excellent teacher, so she set up an educational fundher.4., you should understand why the teacher asked you to recite Englishsentences.单句语法填空1.They speaka whisper in c

4、ase they might be heard.2.He studied his map, trying to(memory)the way to the museum.3.Our English teacher(accidental) found the headmaster attending herlecture.4.Space weather affects the(operate)of aerospace, communication andnavigation systems.5.The(assist) to the director of the China Manned Spa

5、ce Agency said thatthere are more than 120 kinds of food and beverages(饮料) inside the coremodule,named Tianhe.完成句子1.我看到几个年轻人进了等候区,好奇地四处张望。I saw several young people enter the waiting area,.2.我在那里站了片刻,注视着他们,然后过去和他们打招呼。I stood there for a minute, and then went to greet them.3.转过身,她看到一辆救护车开走了。, she saw

6、 an ambulance driving away.4.玛丽坐在教室的窗边读书。Mary sat by the window of the classroom,.5.今天早晨,在我去学校的路上,我看到两位妇女正在争吵。When I was on my way to school this morning, I.6.被看到正在厨房吸烟的厨师被老板解雇了。The cook whoin the kitchen was fired by the boss.7.在乘火车之前,乘客应该让他们的行李接受检查。Passengers shouldbefore they take a train.8.过马路时行

7、人必须要注意红绿灯。The pedestrians must pay attention to the trafficlights.9.屠呦呦是第一位被授予诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的中国科学家。Tu Youyou is the first Chinese scientistthe Nobel Prize inPhysiology or Medicine.10.这几年我们见证了中国在许多方面的巨大变化。All these years wein China in many aspects.能力提升训练.阅读理解A Kenyan teacher who gave away the majority of

8、 his monthly salary to poorpeople has won a $1-million Global Teacher Prize.In 2016, Peter Tabichi came to Keriko Mixed Day Secondary School, a publicschool, in a faraway Kenyas rift valley. The school had just a single computer andhad difficulty connecting to the Internet. It had no library or labo

9、ratory as well. Tomake matters worse, the students came from poor families where basics like food andclothing were hard to come by(设法得到). While these difficulties would have causedmost people to leave quickly, Tabichi stayed.Realizing that starving kids make for poor students, the teacher began usin

10、g asmuch as 80 percent of his monthly salary to buy food and learning objects for them.He set up a science club to get kids interested in the topic. “Our laboratory does nothave everything, but I encourage them to think wider and use what we can getlocally.”Tabichi and other four teachers regularly

11、visited low-achieving and at-riskstudents at their homes to provide one-on-one help and understand the difficultiesthese children faced daily. Tabichi also encouraged parents to allow girls to continuetheir high-school education.Tabichis efforts have made a difference. School registrations(注册)have m

12、orethan doubled to almost 400 now since he came. In 2017, 16 of the 59 graduatingstudents went to college, while in 2018, the number rose to 26.In 2017, five studentsqualified(获得参赛资格)for the Intel ISEF (英特尔国际科学与工程大奖赛). Thisyear, two other students will compete in the 2019 Intel ISEF to be held in Ph

13、oenix,Arizona.The teacher, however, owes his success to his students, saying,“I am only herebecause of what my students have achieved. This prize gives them a chance to tell theworld that they can do anything.” As expected, Tabichi plans to spend the prizemoney on his school community and feed the p

14、oor.1.What is the text mainly about?A.A school located in a Kenyas rift valley became famous.B.A Kenyan teacher helping poor students won Global Teacher Prize.C.A Kenyan teacher helped girls to continue their high-school education.D.Five Kenyan students qualified for the Intel ISEF for their perform

15、ance.2.What can we know about Keriko Mixed Day Secondary School?A.It had dozens of teachers.B.It was in a city.C.It owned a modern lab.D.It was in poor condition.3.Which word can be used to describe Peter Tabichi?A.Honest.B.Wealthy.C.Kind.D.Humorous.4.Which is the closest number of students when Pet

16、er Tabichi began teaching there?A.90.B.190.C.290.D.390.完形填空(2021 湖北鄂州高一期末)About a decade ago, my seven-year-old daughter was in our car on her way toschool. This particular day we drove1many homeless people who were askingfor help. She asked why the same people were asking for help every day and why

17、 noone was2.I really did not have an3answer to this question. So I decided to ask herhow she thought she could help.This beautiful little girl had so many ideas4of her that I couldnt keep up.There were a few good ideas flying past me just as the time did that morning. Thenext day on the morning trip

18、 to school my daughter asked me to stop at each cornerwhere a homeless person stood. I asked why but was5informed to wait andsee.I6my window and asked the gentleman to come over. My daughter7him 50 cents and told him she would see him every morning. This8for 3blocks. I asked her where all of the mon

19、ey came from and she quickly9me thather classmates took up a collection of10and coins for her to pass on to the“people on the corner”.Every school day for 2 more wonderful years we stopped and offered11ora good morning wish to the “people on the12”. She could always get everyoneto smile13just for a

20、quick second.Times have changed, and many14giving money to homeless people on thecorner but everyone15be acknowledged, so my “people on the corner” can geta “good morning” and a smile every day. I get the same in return every day.1.A.byB.withC.againstD.for2.A.helpingB.stoppingC.answeringD.questionin

21、g3.A.unnecessaryB.unpleasantC.unimportantD.uncomplicated4.A.working outB.going outC.flowing outD.trying out5.A.frequentlyB.graduallyC.quicklyD.constantly6.A.rolled downB.put upC.shut downD.opened up7.A.deliveredB.handedC.lentD.threw8.A.went upB.went onC.insisted onD.held on9.A.informedB.saidC.believ

22、edD.guaranteed10.A.understandingB.concernC.sympathyD.love11.A.billsB.coinsC.foodD.toys12.A.streetB.roadC.cornerD.ground13.A.as ifB.even ifC.unlessD.if14.A.frown uponB.feel likeC.rely onD.care about15.A.prefers toB.deserves toC.refuses toD.offers to.语法填空(2021 浙江丽水高一上期末)A scavenger (拾荒者) in Foshan Cit

23、y, Guangdong Province, found a1(lose)wallet and returned it with a thoughtful note.His good deed was pictured on Sept. 11 on video, in2the scavenger canbe seen collecting waste paper with two woven bags at a wholesale market in the city.He spotted a wallet nearby, picked it up and waited around. But

24、 the owner didnt showup.So, while3(carry) two bags of waste paper, he walked 1.5 kilometers to thelocal police station and4(leave) the wallet with a note to the security guard.According to the note that5(show) in the video, inside the wallet were1,305 yuan, eight bank cards,6ID card and a drivers li

25、cense. “I reported it tothe security guard of the market, and asked7I could find the owner throughbroadcasting. But there wasnt a broadcasting8(serve) in the market. Therefore,I must trouble you9(help)find the owner. Thank you,” the note read.Thanks to this man, local police10(quick) found the owner

26、 and returnedthe wallet to him.参考答案与解析参考答案与解析基础知识过关.1.chairman2.midnight3.poles4.bitten5.imports6.exported.1.passed away2.give first aid3.in memory of4.First of all.1.in考查介词。句意:他们低声说话,以防可能被别人听见。in a whisper 小声地;低声地。2.memorize考查动词。句意:他研究了他的地图,试图记住到博物馆的路。由 tryto do sth.“试图做某事”可知,此

27、处应用动词原形,memory 是名词,其动词形式为memorize。3.accidentally考查副词。句意:我们的英语老师偶然发现校长正在听她的课。设空处修饰谓语动词,作状语,应用副词,accidentally 意为“偶然地;意外地”。4.operation考查名词。 句意:空间天气影响航空航天、 通信以及导航系统的运行。由设空处前的 the 和设空处后的 of 可知此处应填名词。故填 operation。5.assistant考查名词。句意:中国载人航天工程办公室主任助理说天和核心舱内有超过 120 种食物和饮料。设空处作主语,故填名词 assistant。.1.looking arou

28、nd curiously2.watching them3.Turning around4.reading abook5.saw two women arguing6.was seen smoking7.have their luggageexamined8.when crossing the road9.to be awarded10.have witnessed/saw thegreat changes能力提升训练.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位肯尼亚教师资助贫困学生完成学业,并致力于学生的科学教育,他因此荣获“全球教师奖”和 100 万美元的奖金。1.B主旨大意题。根据第一段“A

29、 Kenyan teacher who gave away the majority ofhis monthly salary to poor people has won a $1-million Global Teacher Prize.”及全文的其他内容可知,本文主要讲述一位肯尼亚教师资助贫困学生完成学业,并致力于学生的科学教育,从而荣获“全球教师奖”的故事。故选 B。本题注意 C、D 两项的排除,虽然 C、D 两项所述内容均是正确的,但并不是文章所传达的主要内容。2.D推理判断题。根据第二段的“The school had just a single computer and hadd

30、ifficulty connecting to the Internet. It had no library or laboratory as well.”可知,这所学校只有一台电脑,上网也有困难,也没有图书馆和实验室。因此这所学校条件很差。故选 D。3.C推理判断题。根据第三段的“.the teacher began using as much as 80 percentof his monthly salary to buy food and learning objects for them.”可知,他把工资的80%拿出来资助贫困学生,据此可以判断 Peter Tabichi 为人善良

31、,乐善好施。 故选 C。4.B细节理解题。根据第五段的“School registrations(注册) have more thandoubled to almost 400 now since he came.”可知,目前学校注册人数翻了一番多,达到了将近 400 人,可见当 Peter Tabichi 刚开始来到这所学校时,学生人数约为 200人。选项中 190 最接近 200,故选 B。.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了作者女儿用同班同学捐助得来的钱,进行爱心活动,并且和作者一起坚持每天帮助街角无家可归的人的故事。1.A根据上句中的“.my seven-year-old daugh

32、ter was in our car on her way toschool”可知,作者开车送女儿上学要经过无家可归者。by 经过;with 和在一起;against 反对,紧靠;for 为了。故选 A。2.A根据空格前的“She asked why the same people were asking for help every dayand why no one was” 以及下文中的“how she thought she could help”可知,女儿问为什么同样的人每天都在寻求帮助,为什么没人帮助。help 帮助;stop 停下;answer回答;question 询问。故选

33、A。3.D根据下文“So I decided to ask her how she thought she could help”可知,对于这个问题,作者感到无从回答,想不出来一个简单的答案,因此问女儿她想怎么帮助。unnecessary 不必要的;unpleasant 令人不快的;unimportant 不重要的;uncomplicated 简单的。故选 D。4.C根据空格前后的“so many ideas.of her that I couldnt keep up”可知,这个漂亮的小女孩有那么多的想法涌出来以至于作者跟不上。 此处指想法就像水一样自然地“流淌”出来,这是一种比喻的手法,这与

34、下句“There were a few good ideas flyingpast me”中的“flying”有异曲同工之妙。work out 解决,计算出;go out 出去;flow out流出;try out 测试。故选 C。5.C根据上文“The next day on the morning trip to school my daughter asked me tostop at each corner where a homeless person stood.”以及空格前后的“I asked whybut was.informed to wait and see.”可知,女儿显

35、然已经有了主意,于是作者很快就被告知拭目以待。 frequently 频繁地;gradually 逐渐地;quickly 很快地;constantly 始终。故选 C。6.A根据下文的“and asked the gentleman to come over”可知,让那位绅士过来,显然是摇下车窗后的交流。 roll down 摇下;put up 举起;shut down 关闭;open up 打开。故选 A。7.B根据空格后的“him 50 cents”可知,作者的女儿当面递给他 50 分钱。deliver交付,递送;hand 递,交;lend 借给;throw 扔。故选 B。8.B根据上文中

36、的“.my daughter asked me to stop at each corner where ahomeless person stood.”及下文的“3 blocks”可知,作者女儿给无家可归者钱,这一行为持续了 3 条街。go up 上升;go on 继续;insist on 坚持;hold on 抓住。故选 B。9.A根据空格前的“I asked her where all of the money came from”可知,作者问这些钱的来历,所以此处应该是女儿告诉作者这些钱的来历。inform 告诉;say说;believe 相信;guarantee 保证。故选 A。10

37、.D根据空格前后的“her classmates took up a collection of.and coins for her”可知,女儿和同学的举动是善举,他们向流浪者开始进行的是爱心和钱的捐赠。understanding 理解;concern 关心,担心;sympathy 同情;love 爱。故选 D。11.B根据空格前后的“offered.or a good morning wish”并结合上文的“coins”可知,向“街角的人”赠送硬币或一句早安的祝福。bill 账单;coin 硬币;food 食物;toy玩具。故选 B。12.C根据上文的“.for her to pass on

38、 to the people on the corner”可知,此处表示“街角的人”。street 街道;road 道路;corner 街角;ground 地面。故选 C。13.B根据空格前后的“She could always get everyone to smile.just for a quicksecond.”可知,她能让每个人微笑,即使笑容持续很短暂。as if 好像;even if 即使;unless 除非;if 如果。故选 B。14.A根据上文“Times have changed”和下文“but everyone.be acknowledged”可知,时代变了,许多人不赞成向

39、拐角处的无家可归者捐钱,但是每个人都应该得到认可。frown upon 不赞成;feel like 想要;rely on 依靠;care about 关心。故选 A。15.B根据空格后的“so my people on the corner can get a good morning and asmile every day”可知,作者认为每个人都应该得到认可。deserve to be done.值得被。故选 B。.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了一名拾荒者捡到丢失的钱包并暖心附上一张纸条交给警察局的门卫,最后在警察的帮助下找到钱包主人的故事。1.lost考查形容词。句意:广东省佛山市

40、的一名拾荒者,发现了一个丢失的钱包,归还了它,并附带着一张贴心的纸条。 分析句子可知,设空处作定语,意为“丢失的”,修饰名词 wallet。故填形容词 lost。2.which考查定语从句。句意:他的善行在 9 月 11 日被录像拍摄下来了,在录像里可以看见,这位拾荒者正用两个编织袋在这座城市里的一个批发市场收集废纸。分析句子可知,in引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是 video,设空处在从句中作 in 的宾语,故填 which。3.carrying考查现在分词。句意:所以,尽管提着两袋废纸,他仍然走了 1.5 千米到达当地警察局,把附带着一张纸条的钱包留给了门卫。 分析句子可知,while 引

41、导让步状语从句的省略形式,此处主句的主语和从句的主语是一致的,carry 与其逻辑主语 he 之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词。此处让步状语从句的完整形式为“while he was carrying two bags of waste paper”。4.left考查动词时态。 句意见上题。 分析句子可知,and 连接两个并列的谓语动词,由 walked 可知此处用一般过去时态。 故填 left。5.was shown考查动词时态和语态。句意:根据被展示在录像里的纸条可知,钱包里有 1,305 元,八张银行卡,一张身份证和一张驾驶证。 分析句子可知,the note 后面的 that 引导定语从

42、句,修饰先行词 the note,the note 与 show 之间是被动关系,且由上下文语境可知用一般过去时态。 故填 was shown。6.an考查冠词。此处表示一张身份证,表泛指,设空处需填不定冠词,名词 ID card以元音音素开头。故填 an。7.if/whether考查连词。 此处指“我”向这个市场的门卫报告了这件事,并询问“我”是否可以通过广播找到(钱包的)主人。 分析句子和句意可知,设空处引导宾语从句,意为“是否”,if 和 whether 都可以用在此处。8.service考查名词。此处指但是市场里没有广播服务。分析句意可知,设空处与broadcasting 构成名词词组,由前面的 a 可知此处应填单数名词 service。9.to help考查不定式。此处指所以,“我”必须麻烦你帮忙找到失主。trouble sb. todo sth.表示“麻烦某人去做某事”,故填 to help。10.quickly考查副词。句意:多亏了这个人,当地的警察很快找到了(钱包的)主人并把钱包还给了他。 分析句子可知,设空处应填副词,修饰动词 found,故填 quickly。


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