Unit 5 Poems单词精讲ppt课件-(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第三册高中英语.pptx

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1、Unit 5 单词精讲单词精讲1sorrow n. 悲伤;悲痛;伤心事 vi. 感到悲伤(1) ones sorrow at/over/for sth. 对某事的悲伤对某事的悲伤 in sorrow悲哀地悲哀地(2)sorrowful adj. 悲伤的;伤心的悲伤的;伤心的(3)sorrowfully adv. 悲哀地;悔恨悲哀地;悔恨地地He expressed his sorrow at the news of her death. They shared with their joys and sorrows of childhood. They said that the decisi

2、on was made more in sorrow than in anger. 单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)She looked at me _ sorrow when she heard the sudden news. (2)That was the most _ (sorrow) moment in his life. (3)The boy _ (sorrow) admitted that he hadnt worked hard before. (4)As we all know, our life is filled with _ (sorrow) and joys. (5)T

3、hey all expressed their sorrow _ the death of the young man. insorrowfulsorrowfullysorrowsat/over/for2literary adj. 文学的;有文学作品特征的伤(1)文学的;文学上的文学的;文学上的literary criticism/theory文学批评文学批评/理论理论literary criticism文学批评;文学评论文学批评;文学评论literary work文学作品;手笔文学作品;手笔literary film文艺片文艺片literary device文学手法文学手法(2)适于文学作品

4、的;有典型文学作品特征的适于文学作品的;有典型文学作品特征的(3)爱好文学的;从事文学研究爱好文学的;从事文学研究(或写作或写作)的的写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1. Popular music evolved from folk songs. _2. The artists inspiration came from Chinese folk tales. _3. Most neighbours enjoy making small talk with the folks on the other side of the fence.(2014 浙江)

5、 _4. Traditional folk arts of Tianjin like paper cutting are being exhibited at the culture show of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. _folk人们人们民歌民歌民间故事民间故事传统民间艺术传统民间艺术完成句子完成句子(1)My daughter engages in _ . 我女儿主要从事文学翻译。(2)Your _ seems to be out of date. 你的文学理念似乎过时了。(3)Many _ are deeply interested in poems

6、. 许多文学青年对诗歌都很感兴趣的。literary translationliterary theoryliterary youths3folk adj. 民间的;民俗的;普通百姓的(1)folk n. 民族;人们;亲属民族;人们;亲属(复数复数)folks n. (复数复数)人们人们folk tales民间故事;民间传说民间故事;民间传说folk music民俗音乐民俗音乐(2)folk art民间艺术民间艺术a folk museum民俗博物馆民俗博物馆folk wisdom民间智慧民间智慧a folk festival/concert民间音乐节民间音乐节/会会完成句子完成句子(1)Th

7、ese experts take special interest in _ in this area.这些专家对这个地方的民俗音乐特别感兴趣。(2)We ought to present our traditional _ to the world. 我们要向世界展示我们传统的民间艺术。folk musicfolk artGarlic is widely used in Chinese folk medicine. Id like to express my thanks to the folks back home.Id like a job working with old folks

8、or kids. Well, folks, what are we going to do today? 4amateur n. 业余爱好者adj. 业余的;业余爱好的an amateur photographer业余摄影爱好者业余摄影爱好者amateur athletics业余体育运动业余体育运动完成句子完成句子(1)All the participants are _ . 所有参加比赛的人员都是业余油画爱好者。(2)Though _,they did a very good job in the competition. 尽管他们都是业余爱好者,但是他们在比赛中都表现得非常出色。amate

9、ur paintersthey are all amateurs5mood n. 情绪;心情;语气be in a good mood心情很好;情绪很好心情很好;情绪很好be in a bad mood处于坏脾气的时候处于坏脾气的时候the mood of the meeting会议的气氛会议的气氛I wonder why hes in such a bad mood today. The mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic.She is in a bad mood these days, so you dont bother her.

10、The teacher is quite satisfied with the mood of the class. We all know that if we are in a bad mood, we are likely to express negative attitudes and feelings. 6be made up of 由组成(构成)(1)be made up ofconsist of由由组成组成consist of与与be made up of意思相同,但前者不能意思相同,但前者不能用于被动语态或进行时态。用于被动语态或进行时态。(2)相关短语:相关短语:make

11、up编造;虚构;组成;化妆;和解编造;虚构;组成;化妆;和解make up for补偿;弥补补偿;弥补make up with sb. 与某人和好与某人和好make up ones mind (to do)下决心下决心(做做)make out理解;明白理解;明白(事理事理)单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)He made _ some excuses about his daughter being sick. (2)She determined to work twice as hard as before to make up _ the lost time. (3)The letter is

12、 so carelessly written that I cant make _ what the letter says. (4)The G8 is made up _ political leaders from France, the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada and Russia. (5)Our school _ (consist) of sixty classes. upforoutofconsists7core n. 核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿core of the apple苹果核苹果核the e

13、arths core 地核地核the core of the argument争论的核心争论的核心to the core直至核心;十足;透顶直至核心;十足;透顶完成句子完成句子(1)The _ jujubes are too hard to digest. 枣子核太硬,不能消化。(2)She is _ . 她是这个队的核心成员。(3)Hes a politician _ . 他是个十足的政客。cores ofthe core of the teamto the core8blank adj. 空白的;没表情的 n. 空白;空格blank adj. 空白的;空白的; 空的;不理解的;不感兴趣的空

14、的;不理解的;不感兴趣的a blank sheet一张白纸一张白纸blank walls光秃秃的墙光秃秃的墙blank expression木然的表情木然的表情ones mind goes blank脑子里突然一片空白脑子里突然一片空白Suddenly the screen went blank. Sign your name in the blank space below.Write on one side of the paper and leave the other side blank. Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what

15、 I was talking about. 【易混辨析】empty, vacant, hollow, bare与blank “空白”(1)empty “空的”,指某物缺少其常有的东西。也可引申为“空洞的,空虚的”。The room is empty of furniture. (2)vacant “空着的;未被占用的”,常指房子、座位、职位等。The room is vacant. (3)hollow “中空的;空心的”,与solid相对。A water pipe is hollow. (4)bare “(房间、柜子等)空的;裸露的;无遮盖的”。a bare room, bare arm, b

16、are walls(5)blank 表面没有任何东西或表面是空白的,也可引申为“没表情的”。a blank wall, a blank expression9sympathetic adj. 同情的;有同情心的;赞同的(1)a sympathetic listener一个体恤别人的听众一个体恤别人的听众be sympathetic to/towards sb. /sth. 对某人对某人/物同情;物同情;赞同、支持某人赞同、支持某人/某事某事(2)sympathy n. 同情;同情; 赞同;支持赞同;支持have no sympathy for sb. 对某人没有同情心对某人没有同情心feel/

17、show/express sympathy for对某人感到对某人感到/表现出表现出/表达同情表达同情in sympathy with sb. 为支持某人为支持某人in sympathy with因某事而发生因某事而发生out of sympathy with不赞成某事不赞成某事单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The boss had no sympathy _ the injured worker and laid him off. (2)All the workers went on strike _ sympathy with the senior workers who had been

18、 laid off. (3)The wooden building fell off in sympathy _ the big fire. (4)At the meeting most people were out of sympathy _ new proposal. (5)Mike is a _ (sympathy) person in his daily life. (6)She is never sympathetic _ others when they are in trouble. forinwithsympatheticto/towardswith10innocence n

19、. 单纯;无罪;天真(1)innocent adj. 天真的;无罪的;纯洁的天真的;无罪的;纯洁的(2)innocently adv. 天真地;若无其事地;纯洁地;天真地;若无其事地;纯洁地;无罪地无罪地ask innocently装作若无其事地;满脸无辜地装作若无其事地;满脸无辜地obtain/get/receive sth. innocently清白地得到某物清白地得到某物She protested her innocence. They have imprisoned an innocent man. He walked casually into the store and innoc

20、ently offered to buy the cat for 2 dollars. 完成句子完成句子(1)She was found _ (没有任何罪状). (2)This new evidence will _ (证明他们的清白). (3)Children _ (失去了天真) as they grow older. (4)“What do you mean?” Annie _ (若无其事地问道). innocent of any crimeprove their innocencelost their innocenceasked innocently11sow vt. &vi. 播种;

21、种(1)sowed(过去式过去式), sown/sowed过去分词过去分词(2)灌输、散布灌输、散布(某个消息某个消息);激起、煽动;激起、煽动(某种情感某种情感)sow the seeds播种播种sow doubt in sb. s mind使某人心怀疑虑使某人心怀疑虑sow confusion制造混乱制造混乱sow the seeds of 成为成为的肇端的肇端Farmers sow their seeds in spring. How can you sow trouble among the villagers?Their quarrel sowed the seeds of hatr

22、ed among the two families. 完成句子完成句子(1)His words _ . 他的话让我心存疑虑。(2)The news _ among the citizens. 这种消息在市民中引发了混乱。(3)His carelessness _ the accident afterwards. 他的粗心为后来的事故埋下了祸根。sowed doubt in my mindsowed confusionsowed the seeds of12correspondence n. 来往信件;通信联系(1)personal/private correspondences私人来往信件私人

23、来往信件the correspondence column/page (in a newspaper)(2)enter into correspondence with sb. 开始与某人通信开始与某人通信keep up a correspondence保持通信联系保持通信联系be in correspondence保持通信联系保持通信联系(3)the correspondence between A and B A和和B之间的关系之间的关系(4)correspond v. 符合;与符合;与一致;相当;通信一致;相当;通信correspond to/with 与与相符、一致相符、一致corre

24、spond to与与相当;相当于相当;相当于correspond with sb. 与某人通信与某人通信单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)I still keep the personal _ (correspond) with my wife. (2)We entered _ correspondence with each other in the early 1985(3)They had been _ correspondence for two years before they got married. (4)I wasnt aware of the correspondence _

25、Mike and Jane. (5)These goods do not correspond _ the list of those I ordered. (6)Red lines on the map correspond _ major roads. correspondenceinintoto/withtobetween13dominant adj. 首要的;占支配地位的;显著的dominance n. 优势;统治;支配优势;统治;支配dominate vt. 控制;支配;占优势;在控制;支配;占优势;在中占主要地位中占主要地位完成句子完成句子(1)Mr Smith is a _ in

26、 this company. 在这个公司史密斯是非常独断专行的人物。(2)Of all the applicants, Lily has the _ over others. 在所有的求职者中,李丽有着压倒性的优势。(3)From beginning to end, the match _ our team. 自始至终我们队控制着比赛场上的主动权。dominant figure/persondominant advantageswas dominated by14contest n. 比赛;竞赛;竞争 vt. 争取;争辩(1)contest n. (可数可数)竞赛;比赛;竞赛;比赛; 争夺;竞

27、争;竞选争夺;竞争;竞选a contest between A and B在在A与与B之间的比赛之间的比赛/竞争竞争(2)contest vt. 争夺;争取赢得争夺;争取赢得(奖品、胜利、一场战役等奖品、胜利、一场战役等)contest against sb. 同某人竞争同某人竞争contest for sth. 为了获得某物而比赛、竞争为了获得某物而比赛、竞争There is a preliminary contest before the final one. The match looks like being a David and Goliath contest. This has

28、stripped the contest down to its essentials. Were you present at the declamation contest of freshmen?完成句子完成句子(1)This is a _ two excellent speakers. 这场演讲比赛是两个优秀选手之间的竞争。(2)The _ the gold prize begins. 冲刺金奖的比赛开始了。(3)Will you enter for this weeks _ ?你要参加这个星期的选美比赛吗?(4)This will be a _ . 这场比赛将会是一场势均力敌的比赛。

29、contest betweenbeauty contestcontest forclose contest15polish vt.抛光;修改;润色n. 抛光;擦亮There is a preliminary contest before the final one. The match looks like being a David and Goliath contest. This has stripped the contest down to its essentials. Were you present at the declamation contest of freshmen?

30、完成句子完成句子(1)Yesterday I _ my shoes _ . 昨天请人擦了一下我的鞋子。(2)Youd better _ before sending it to the manager. 你最好先把信润色一下再发给经理。hadpolish the letterpolished16string n. 细绳 vt. 系 adj. 弦乐器的;线织的A string of my violin has broken, so Ill have to replace it with another one. Flags were strung out along the route. /Th

31、e route was strung with flags. (1)string n. 细绳;线;带子;细绳;线;带子; 串;弦串;弦a piece/length of string一根一根/一段细绳一段细绳a string of一串一串;接二连三的;接二连三的(2)string(strung, strung) vt. 悬挂;系;扎;串联起来悬挂;系;扎;串联起来string A on B 把把A系系/挂在挂在B上上完成句子完成句子(1)He got _ and tied it to the balloon. 他拿来一根线,把它系在了那个气球上。(2)A lot of flags _ the

32、trees. 树上挂着许多的旗帜。(3)He experienced _ failures in his life. 在他的人生中,他经历了接二连三的失败。a piece of stringa string ofare strung on17be familiar with 熟悉Hes a familiar figure in the school. Jin Li found the American way of life familiar soon after her arrival in the USAThey were so popular that their fans formed

33、 clubs in order to get more familiar with them. sb. be/get familiar with sth. /sb. 某人对某事物某人对某事物(人人)熟悉熟悉sth. /sb. be familiar to sb. 某事物某事物(某人某人)为某人所熟悉为某人所熟悉18entertain vt. &vi. 招待;使娱乐;使欢乐(1)entertain sb. 使某人娱乐使某人娱乐entertain oneself自娱自乐自娱自乐entertain sb. to sth. 款待款待(招待招待)某人吃某人吃(用用)某物某物entertain sb. w

34、ith sth. /by doing sth. 用某物用某物/通过做某事使某人欢乐通过做某事使某人欢乐(2)entertainer n. (娱乐的娱乐的)表演者;艺人表演者;艺人(3)entertainment n. (不可数不可数)娱乐;娱乐;(可数可数)娱乐活动娱乐活动to ones entertainment使某人快乐的是使某人快乐的是(4)entertaining adj. 使人愉快的;有趣的使人愉快的;有趣的单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Look, the two children are entertaining _ so happily over there. (2)The li

35、ttle girl usually entertains herself _ playing the piano when she is free. (3)Much _ our entertainment, my daughter was admitted to Beijing University. (4)There are all kinds of _ (entertain) in our school when school is over. themselvestobyentertainments19racial adj. 种族的;人种的(1)racial hatred种族仇恨种族仇恨

36、racial prejudice种族偏见种族偏见racial tension种族间的紧张状况种族间的紧张状况racial violence种族暴力种族暴力racial equality种族平等种族平等racial minorities少数民族少数民族(2)racially adv. 人种上;按人种人种上;按人种racialism n. 种族主义;种族歧视;人种偏见种族主义;种族歧视;人种偏见racialist n. 种族主义者种族主义者race n. 民族;种族民族;种族单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Mr Brown is really a _ (race) because he often

37、shows racial prejudice. (2)As a man of _ (race), Mr Jackson always believes his own race superior to others. (3)These children are all from _ (race) mixed families. (4)We expect to live in a world, where people of all _ (race) live and work in peace. racialistraciallyracialismraces20complicated adj.

38、 复杂的;难懂的a complicated system复杂的系统复杂的系统complicate vt. 使复杂化;使恶化使复杂化;使恶化完成句子完成句子(1)This problem is _ for you to understand. 这个问题太复杂,你理解不了。(2)The machines has a very _ . 这台机器的系统非常复杂。too complicatedcomplicated systemreal 词族词族realreally adv 确实确实reality n 现实现实realise v 实现实现realism n 现实主义现实主义realisation n 实

39、现实现realist n 现实主义者现实主义者realistic adj 现实主义的现实主义的写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1. An English-language version of the book is planned for the autumn. _2. The official version of events is that the police were attacked and were just trying to defend themselves. _3. How many cover versions have been

40、made of the song “My Way”? _版本版本version说法说法翻唱版本翻唱版本写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1. Be careful with those wine cups they are very delicate. _2. The sun can easily damage a childs delicate skin. _3. I need to speak to you about a rather delicate matter. _ 4. She served the dish up on delicate whi

41、te plates. _5. We chose a delicate pink pattern for our bedroom curtains. _ 易碎的易碎的delicate娇嫩的娇嫩的棘手的棘手的精美的精美的柔和的柔和的guarantee写出下列句子中写出下列句子中画线部分画线部分的汉语释义。的汉语释义。1. We guarantee to complete our mission. _2. Im planning to hold a party in the open air, but I can make no guarantees because it depends on th

42、e weather. _3. Higher educational evaluation(评估)is the main pattern(模式)of educational quality guarantee._ 4. I can offer my land as a guarantee. _5. The car is still under guarantee, so you should be able to get it repaired free of charge. _保证保证 不能保证不能保证 质量保证质量保证抵押品抵押品 在保修期内在保修期内memory 词族词族选出适当的单词,并

43、用其正确形式填空。选出适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。1. I usually _ twenty new words a day and put them to use whenever possible.(2010 江苏)2. Whatever your age or interests, Buxton has something to see or do to make your visit truly _.(2019 江苏)3. The painting will be a lasting _ to a remarkable woman.4. She and her research t

44、eam wanted to know how the Internet is changing _.(2015 安徽)5. Hundreds of people came to the service to honour the _ doctor.memory, memorise, memorable, memorialmemorise memorable memorial memory memorial 名词后缀名词后缀 -ismreal + -ism realism n 现实主义 ideal + -ism idealism n 理想主义 tour + -ism tourism n 观光旅行

45、;旅游业Buddha + -ism Buddhism n 佛教Confucian + -ism Confucianism n 儒家 Tao + -ism Taoism n 道家 hero + -ism heroism n 英勇 / 英雄行为impression + -ism Impressionism n 印象主义modern + -ism modernism n 现代主义human + -ism Humanism n 人文主义critic + -ism criticism n 评论 / 批评social + -ism Socialism n 社会主义 capital + -ism capit

46、alism n 资本主义后缀-ism 表示“制度”“主义”:_后缀-ism表示“宗教”: _后缀-ism表示“行为”“现象”:_后缀-ism表示“学术”“学术流派”:_后缀-ism表示“某种特性”:_idealism, socialism, capitalism Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoismtourism, heroism, criticismrealism, impressionism, modernismhumanism隐喻隐喻单词单词基本义基本义比喻义(衍生义)比喻义(衍生义)polish擦亮_ seed种子_core _核心dawn黎明_blank空白的

47、_ seize抓住;捉住_reform改进;改革_润色润色果核果核开端;开始开端;开始开端;萌芽开端;萌芽无表情的;迷惑的无表情的;迷惑的抓住(机会);(情绪)抓住(机会);(情绪)突然侵袭突然侵袭(使)改过自新(使)改过自新根据所给提示完成表格。根据所给提示完成表格。单词单词不可数名词不可数名词可数名词可数名词sorrow悲伤;悲痛悲伤;悲痛recreation消遣;娱乐消遣;娱乐grief 悲伤;悲痛悲伤;悲痛comfort舒适;安慰舒适;安慰joy欢乐;高兴欢乐;高兴emission散发;发出;排放散发;发出;排放抽象名词具体化抽象名词具体化不可数的抽象名词可用来表示可数的人或物,即“抽

48、象名词具体化”。此时,名词的数和词义都发生变化。表示抽象的概念时,前面不用不定冠词;表示具体的一个人或一件事时,前面通常用不定冠词。伤心事;不幸事伤心事;不幸事伤心事;悲痛事伤心事;悲痛事娱乐娱乐 / 消遣活动消遣活动令人感到安慰的人或物令人感到安慰的人或物乐事;乐趣乐事;乐趣排放物;散发物排放物;散发物根据所给提示完成表格。根据所给提示完成表格。品质品质抽象名词抽象名词由由形容词形容词派生而来的抽象名词叫作派生而来的抽象名词叫作品质品质抽象名词抽象名词写出下列形容词的名词形式。写出下列形容词的名词形式。adjninnocentdelicateurgentelegantstableloyalinnocencedelicacyurgencyelegancestabilityloyalty行为抽象名词行为抽象名词由动词派生而来的抽象名词叫作行为抽象名词由动词派生而来的抽象名词叫作行为抽象名词写出下列动词的名词形式。写出下列动词的名词形式。vnrecogniseexpandinvestexhibitenterrecognitionexpansioninvestmentexhibitionentry / entranceUnit 5 谢谢观看谢谢观看


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