Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(编号:63387).zip

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welcome to my English classby Nene Zhai from Cuizhu Primary School Guilin CityShow time for homework Warm-upAct out the story.Once upon a time, there was a boy. He looked after sheep every day. One day ran to shouted ran up the hillThere was no laughedThe next dayran to againshoutedran up were angryThen one day came up the hillran to but people didnt.ate all the sheepThe boy learnt a lesson and wouldnt tell lies again.He was bored.There was no动词的过去式(不规则变化)dodidgowentseesaw做去看见eatatebuyboughtis-was吃买be动词-是have-hadsay-saidrun-ran有说跑GIwentintoashop. 走进 Cheese:奶酪,一种发酵的固体奶制品,淡黄色或奶白色。somecheese:一些奶酪(奶酪是不可数名词)Iwentintoashop. IboughtsomecheeseI ate the cheese.Isaw a monster.I ran away. 逃跑ELong ago Once upon a timeYesterdayLast week Last SundayLast month(月) Last year ReviewPWE423Putthesepicturesinorder.15Dubthetext.(给课文配音)GroupGroup work:work: choosechoose oneone1.Retell1.Retell thethe storystory(复述故事)(复述故事) 2.act2.act outout thethe storystory(表演故事)(表演故事)Homework:1.Read1.Read thethe texttext & & paypay attentionattention to to thethe pronunciationpronunciation andand intonationintonation . . 2.Retell2.Retell thethe storystory to to youryour parents.parents.Act out the storyOnce upon a time, there was a boy. He looked after sheep every day. He was bored.One day ran to shouted ran up laughedThe next dayThen one day ran to shouted ran up were angry came up the hill ran to but people didntThey saidThe wolf ate all the sheep. The boy learnt a lesson and wouldnt tell lies again.PracticeSB Activity 2Yesterday, I went skating. It was cold. I had got GroupGroup work:work: choosechoose oneone5040603020101.Retell1.Retell thethe storystory(复述故事)(复述故事)oror2.act2.act outout thethe storystory (表演故事)(表演故事)Lastmonth,Shewentintoashop.Sheboughtsomecheese.Sheatethecheese.ThenTillysawacatintheshop.Shewasscaredandranaway.Presentation Read it by yourself for one minute.自己读文章一分钟自己读文章一分钟。504060302010Learning tip :当你当你自己朗读自己朗读时,遇到不会时,遇到不会读或不明白意思的单词或句读或不明白意思的单词或句子,可以把它圈起来,请教子,可以把它圈起来,请教同学或老师!同学或老师!What did Tilly see?Why did Tilly run away?She saw a cat in the shop.She was scared.Presentation Presentation Where did Tilly go last month?What did Tilly buy?She went into a shop.She bought some cheese.went intoboughtatesawwasshoutedran awayPresentation PracticeYesterday, I _. It was _. I had got_.PracticeYesterday, I went skating. It was cold. I had got 1.观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。2.给爸爸妈妈表演活动4课文韵句。3.给自己的小伙伴或者是家人讲述今天学习的故事。4.预习Module4 Unit1。Warm-upRetell the story. InIn EnglishEnglish 1.1.在用英语讲故事,需要用在用英语讲故事,需要用过去时过去时。2.2. 同中文一样,还需要交代故事发生的时间,地点,同中文一样,还需要交代故事发生的时间,地点,开头常用开头常用“ “once upon a time/ long ago” ”比如:比如:One day /last year等等3.3.介绍人物。介绍人物。 比如:比如:There was a boyTips for telling story外研社版新标准一年级起点四年级下四年级下学情分析:学情分析:四年级的学生大概处在十岁左右,这个阶段的儿童注意不稳定、不持久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物,容易为一些新奇刺激的事物所吸引。本次课采用练习加故事教学的方式。所以他们对课件里的动画和能动发声的教具感兴趣。目的在于通过英语课堂教学中穿插进故事内容,故事教学能培养学生的语言表达能力,通过听故事,讲故事和表演故事能让学生很好地了解中外文化差异,从而渗透了文化意识的教育。教学项目:课文Activity2Activity2. Listen and say Tilly is amouse. Last month. she went into a shop. She bought some cheese and she ate the cheese. Then Tilly saw a cat in the shop. She wasscaredand ran away .The cat shouted. come to my shop again.教学方法: 讲授、交际、问题引导教学、多媒体教学语言知识:继续在课文情境中感知“一般过去时”语言技能:全体学生能认读、听懂、能说: ran, run away ,month,scared,was全体学生能写出 1-2 个与本单元相关的句子。运用:全体学生能运用已学语言讲故事文化意识:在学习和日日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化异同(中英文过去式构成)情感态度:积极尝试使用英语讲故事教学目标:1.熟练掌握本课中的核心单词和词组(cheese; scared; run away) 。并熟练掌握相关句式。2.需要掌握的句式:She went into a shop. She bought some cheese. She ate the cheese. Tilly saw a cat. She was scared and ran away. 3.培养学生尝试阅读英语故事以其他英语课外读物,并尝试用英语讲小故事,并对过去时态进行归纳教学重点及难点: 学会如何描述过去发生的故事。 能够掌握重点词、句。 会总结归纳动词的过去式。 学会复述简单的英语小故事。课前准备:教材,单词卡,点读笔,多媒体课件教学流程示意图教学流程示意图通过家庭作业展示(Unit1 的故事表演)导入,体会并复习动词过去式在英语故事中的应用,激起孩子的兴趣。a.复习动词过去式b. free talk 引出“where did you go yesterday?”及其回答 “I went to _.I bought_. I ate_ .I saw_等让学生继续感受本课的重点仍为“一般过去时” 通过师生对话、生生对话,复习导入课文词汇“went, bought ,ate,cheese,ran away” c.复习表示过去的时间,造句练习活动 2 的学习:1 以 what animal do you like?引出关于动物的故事。2 边观看故事,问题导向学习,新词汇学习,同时完成思维导图。3 再次观看故事,跟读。 4 故事排序巩固:1 短文配音 2 根据课文复述故事或者表演故事(小组活动)总结和作业ModuleModule 3 3 UnitUnit 2 2 SheShe wentwent intointo a a procedures(procedures(教学步骤教学步骤) ) Pre-taskPre-task1.1.热身热身T: Good morning children. Ss:Good morning MsZhai.T: last time I gave you some homework, one of which is to act out the story of unit 1, now are you done?Ss: yes. (Groupwork)2.2.复习复习(PPT)不规则过去式3.3. 师生互动以及回答师生互动以及回答(T:where did you go ? what did you do ?)4.4.呈现表示过去的时间词组呈现表示过去的时间词组(ppt)5.5.造句练习造句练习。6 6.导入导入T: Do you like animals?Ss: Yes, we do. T: what animal do you like?S1: I like dog.T: today, I want to tell you a story, which is about an animal,and The name is “she went into a shop”, now lets enjoy it. (活动 2) While-taskWhile-task1观看视频(无字幕)( (开始思维导图开始思维导图) )2回答三个问题(who?where?when?)板书板书3第二次观看视频(有字幕)4( (播放录音从头至播放录音从头至 sheshe boughtbought somesome cheesecheese andand sheshe ateate thethe cheese.)cheese.)回答一个问题 what did she do? 板书板书5.( (播放录音从播放录音从 thenthen TiiyTiiy 至至 ranran away.)away.)回答两个问题 What happened to her?板书板书Did she stay there? (继续完成思维导图)继续完成思维导图)T: whatwhat happenedhappened to her?S: she saw a catT: howhow did she feel? Was she happy? Or excited?S: she was scared(新词)T T:DidDid sheshe staystay inin theshop?theshop?7:7: no, sheran away(词组)(思维导图完成思维导图完成)Who: TiLLY(mouse)When: last monthWhere: went in to a shop What did she do : bought some cheese ate the cheese What happened to her : she saw a catShe was scared Did she stay there?: she ran away Watch the story again and read after it softly. post-taskpost-task1 再次观看故事,小声的跟读2 根据课文给图片排序3 配音或者表演故事(小组活动)巩固巩固:1 短文配音 2 根据课文复述故事或者表演故事(小组活动)在此处键入公式。V V反思:反思:板书板书Module 3 Unit 2 She went into a shop Cheese WhoWho: TiLLY (mouse) whatwhat diddid sheshe do?do?MonthWhenWhen: last monthshe bought some cheeserun away WhereWhere: shop ate the cheese scaredWhatWhat happenedhappened toto her?her?She saw a catwas scared DidDid sheshe staystay there?there?She ran away
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