Module 9-Unit 1 Why do you like Australia -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(编号:2374d).zip

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Lingling Amy map of AustraliaA. Kangaroos and coalas are .B. Sam and Tom are .cutecutecuteGroup work A: I like . B: Why do you like/love ? A: Because . cute naughty lovely specialfunny interestingAustraliakangaroo koalaEnglish cute This is a map of Australia.Australian speak English.Kangaroos and koalas live in Australia.They are very very cute.This is a map of Australia. Australian speak English. Kangaroos and koalas live in Australia. They are very ,very cute.Homework:Make a poster about Australia. - 1 -Module9Module9 Unit1Unit1 WhyWhy dodo youyou likelike Australia?Australia?【教材分析教材分析】本册教材(新标准)是供小学四年级下学期使用的。全书分为10个模块,1个复习模块,每个单元具有Unit1, Unit2 两个部分。一般情况下,分为词汇教学、对话教学、阅读理解部分的教学、语音训练、歌曲与歌谣教学、趣味教学及阶段复习教学内容。本课为Module9的语篇教学,通过用以学语言谈论自己喜欢的动物及原因,呈现对话教学。【学情分析学情分析】上课班级为四年级学生,学生们从一年级开始学习英语,对英语有着良好的语感及浓厚的兴趣。学生们可以通过运用英语对话与教师进行有效的交流和沟通,能够在教师的教学设计下,完成教学任务,达到充分理解重点难点的效果。【教学目标教学目标】1.认知目标:能够听、说、读、写单词 because, map, Australia, language 2能力目标:能理解、朗读课文;能通过阅读课文抓住主要信息。通过本课学习,促进学生听、说、读的能力的提高,培养学生语言交流的学科素养。3.情感目标:热爱动物,保护动物,充满爱心的美好心里。 【教学重点教学重点】1.单词:because, kangaroo, koala, cute, Australia, language2.句型:Why do you like ? Because . 3.理解并巩固句型的运用。【教学难点教学难点】1. 理解“Australia”和 “Australian”的不同。2. 在短时中记忆文本的重点单词、句型、语篇,培养学生的识记能力和紧密的思维能力。【教学方法教学方法】1.TPR及听说法。 - 2 -2.任务型教学法。3.情境教学法。【教学准备教学准备】CAI课件,词卡,实物等。【教学课时教学课时】1课时【教学设计教学设计】教学流程教师活动学生活动设计意图Warming up:1. Greetings.2. TPR ActivityMiss wang says.Greetings. Follow the orders.TPR 活动充分调动了课堂气氛,学生轻松进入到学习状态中。Leading in: Show a picture of their head-teacher, let them talk about why do they like her. Look at the picture and talk about.I like Miss Du.Because shes .以设计谈论学生身边最贴近的老师为导入点,顺其自然的进入到主要句型中,为新授部分进行了良好的铺垫。 - 4 -New concepts:Step1Step21 Show the picture of Lingling and Amy, ask them to answer “Whatre they doing?” And let them look at the map of Australia. Teacher leads them reading “Australia”. 2 Encourage the students to ask the questions about Australia.3 let the students watch advertising video about Australia. Play the VCD, let the class listen carefully. And talk what do they know about the text. And by the way, teach the word kangaroo, koala, language.Look and talk.Learn to read the wordAustralia.Think and ask the questions about Australia.Watch the video and enjoy the beauty of Australia.Talk and learn the words.教师以多样的学习方式,设计层层递进的教学问题,启发学生多思考、多提问,自主学习新知。 - 5 -Step31. Ask the students to fill inthe blanks .2. Teach the word-cute, show some pictures and make sentences.3. Let the class choose their favorite animals. And practice the key sentence structure.4. Pair work .A: I like .B: Why do you like?A: Because . Learn the word cute. Talk about their favorite animals in pairs.通过出示各种动物的动图,体现 “cute”, 引导学生感受可爱的含义,从而练习重点句型。 Step4Listen and repeat the text sentence by sentence. Listen and repeat.再次整体感知课文,训练朗读技巧,体会情感。Step4Play the game.1. Remember 5 words in 30 seconds. And say out.2. Remember the each of sentences as quickly as they can. Then say out.3. Remember the whole passage and repeat it. Play the game. 设计游戏环节,不仅在于提炼文本的关键词和句,同时通过难度的加强,培养学生的思维能力和反应能力,真正的在任务教学环节中体现词、句、篇的良好效果。 - 1 -Class closing:1. Conclude. 2. Homework: Make a poster about Australia.Make a wish!通过学习,使学生们真正的感受到澳大利亚的美好,同时也希望通过自己的努力能够某一天去哪里感受!板书设计:Module 9 Why do you like Australia? AustraliaLanguageEnglishkangarookoalaWhy do you like / love ?Because .
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