Module 10-Unit 1 I’ll send you a postcard.-公开课ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--外研版四年级下册英语(一起)-(编号:f2853).zip

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postcard1.What are Amy and Lingling going to do this summer?2.What language are they going to speak every day?3.What is Daming going to do this summer?4.Will they send postcards?-What is she going to do ?-She is going to -What is he going to do ?-He is going to -What are they going to do ?-They are going to -What is she going to do?-She is -What is he going to do ?-He is -What are they going to do ?-They areWhere will she/ he go?When will she/ he go there?How will she/ he go there?this weekendthis summerLiliQiqithis Sundaythis year The children will have a picnic for Childrens Day.What are they going to do ?Its going to be Sports Day next week.What are they going to do?DamingAmySamMingmingThe Children are going to have a party for Mothers Day. What are they going to do? Its going to be Mothers Day this Sunday.We are going to a party for our mothers.Tom going to the drums.My sisters . .We will be very happy.haveisplayare going to sing songsSam is going to play the fluteIts going to be Children Day.We are going to a picnic.Tom his bike.My sisters . .We will be very happy. Its going to be Sports Day.We are going to sports.Tom football.My sisters . . We will be very happy.Its going to be summer holiday.We are going to go to foreign countries(外国外国).Tom is going to America.My sisters . .We will be very happy.Chance are always for prepared people.机会总是留给有准备的人。机会总是留给有准备的人。Homework1王丽娜精品课教案及反思Book 8 Module 10 Unit1 Ill send you a postcard.教材分析我执教的是新标准英语一年级起点第八册 Module 10 unit 1 Ill send you a postcard.的教学内容。课文中出现了 will, be going to 两种表达一般将来时的方式,而其中be going to 的运用能多一些。在前面 Module 6 模块的学习中,学生已经练习的 will 的运用,并且非常熟练。所以这节课我把重点放在 be going to 上。而且通过 will 来导入 be going to 。学情分析我授课的对象是是四年级的学生,这个年龄段的学生好奇心强,有较强的模仿能力和求知欲望,而且富有一定的逻辑思维能力,对英语的喜欢已初步体现出个性。同时本课的教学内容,他们在三年级时已接触过一般将来时的句式,但在句子的学习过程中,还是较容易出现语法错误。根据对教材的理解和学情的分析,我预设如下教学目标:认知目标:1掌握这几个单词:postcard, send, granddad 2掌握短语:speak English, from China, from England3会用句型:What are you going to do ?Im going to Whats he / she going to do ?He/ She is going to 能力培养目标:能够比较熟练的运用句型 Im going to Hes /Shes going to 进行交流。2在设定的语境中进行口语交流,培养学生的口语表达能力。情感培养目标:1、创设情境,让学生谈论即将做的事情或计划做的事情,激发学生的学习热情,乐于学习这节课,主动参与。2、通过同伴合作学习来完成教学任务,培养学生的协作精神。教学重点:会运用以上几个句型进行交流。教学难点:postcard, send 的发音;be going to 是否能运用的非常到位,能和 will 的运用一样熟练。教学策略:开课通过复习 will 的运动导入 be going to ,并对二者的不同点稍做解释;设置多个任务巩固单词及句型,并通过适合四年级学生年轻特征的课堂游戏来强化新知、运用新知;结尾让学生们学会运用自己的语言来描述本计划。教学资源:PPT,CD-ROM, 投影仪,打印好的小作文单。评价方式:教师对表现好、发音标准、有进步的学生给予相应的评价,如:Good! Wonderful! Excellent! You have a great improve!教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up activities 1T:What will you do tomorrow? Ss:2.T:Do you still remember “be going to” , Whats the meaning of it ? Is it different 3from“will”(如果学生不会,那老师可以做以解释,二者都运用于一般将来时中,will 有将的意思; be going to 有计划、打算的意思。 )T:Who can make sentences with “be going to”? (注意学生的运用是否正确,如果不正确可以告诉学生 be going to 和 will 后面接的动词和动词短语可以是一样的。)(这个阶段在黑板上板书 will be going to )Step 2: PresentationT: Today well learn Module 10 Unit1 Ill send you a postcard. (黑板上板书)T: Whats the meaning of “send” and “postcard”?Learn “send, postcard”. ( ask students say the Chinese meaning of “send”. Show the pictures on the big screen to students and help them to understand the meaning of “postcard”)Step 3: LearningT: Lets have a look at what will Daming and his friends are going to do this summer.The teacher play the CD-ROM, students just listen.Listen and repeat. Before it , the teacher give the four questions about the text. After listen and repeat check the answers.Read by themselves and find the sentences with “ will” and “ going to”.Let the students speak out these sentences. At the same time the teacher draw students attention to some important phrases and sentences. E.g. go back, from What about you ?4Act the text out.Step 4:TrainingPart A Dialogue: A: What are you going to do ?B: Im going to What about you ?A:Part B Pictures on the screen.Ask and answer in pairs : What is she/ he going to do ? He/ She is going to What are they going to do ? They are going to Part C Writing e.g.Its going to be Mothers Day this Sunday.We are going to have a party for our mothers.Tom is going to play the drums.My sisters are going to sing. I am going to dance.We will be very happy.Its going to be Children Day.We are going to a picnic.Tom his bike.My sisters . .We will be very happy.5Its going to be Sports Day.We are going to sports.Tom football.My sisters . . We will be very happy.(学生选择一个他们喜欢的写,写完后在投影仪上展示,老师鼓励其他学生说一说他写的好不好,如果不好,把出错的地方指出来,并加以改正)Step 5 Summary and homeworkEncourage students say something about this lesson.Finish the other composition.教学反思:本节课在教学目标的确定上我是很明确,就是围绕 be going to 句型进行有针对性的课堂教学设计。在课前准备方面,特别注意材料和辅助教学手段的使用,在新知识的呈现上,注意到了视听手段的结合,通过录音和图片手段的结合,有效地引导学生对本课内容进行最初的阅读理解。又通过圈一圈、读一读等多种活动,愉快地进行了信息的交流。在活动中设计出不同的问题,学生在问题引导下,展开小组讨论和表达。这节课也存在有待改进的地方,并不是所有的孩子都像我预期的那样,孩子们的“will”已经掌握得很熟练了,课堂上我也提示他们 “will”, “be going to”后面的动词和动词短语可以是一样的。我认为在口语交流时是不会有什么问题的。但还是出现了语法错误,比如,Im going to swimming. She is be going to 如果我在拓展练习之前能把 be 动词的知识练一下,让孩子能脱口而出,如 He 6is going to She is going to I am going to They are going to , 然后再把常用的动词和动词短语练一下,再进行口语交际,我想效果可能会更好一些。
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