Module 9-Unit 1 Best wishes to you!-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:f0273).zip

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Module 9 Unit 1 Best wishes to you !练习题 外研社一年级起六年级下册 一、英汉互译1.wish _ 2.future _3.keep _ 4.记住 _5.运动 _ 6.小学 _二、单项选择( )1.You brought us _ of joy.A.lot B. lots C. many( )2.You helped me _ sport. A. in B. on C. of( )3.Mrs Smart is _ teacher.A.I B. mine C. my三、连词成句1. are, a, friend, you, good (.)_2. time, I, together, enjoyed, our (.)_3. time, at, happy, we, school, a, had (.)_4. for, good, future, luck, the (!)_ Module9 Unit1Best wishes to you! 外研版(一起点) wonderful极好的极好的I can read.Youre a wonderful friend.你一个出色的朋友。你一个出色的朋友。 1. listen and chant.Best wishes to you! Good luck to you!You are a great friend. And I will miss you. luck /lk/ 运气运气 Good luck to you ! 祝你祝你好运!好运! Good luck to you !祝你祝你好运好运!luck 运气 2.Listen and readDaming is going to say goodbye to his _ soon. A . Primary school B . family C. baseball team 4.Practise小组分角色朗读!小组分角色朗读!Say good wishes to your friend and dont forget to say “thank you”! 3.Read and repeat.You brought us lots of joy.Good luck for the future.Youre a wonderful friend. I will miss you!Youre my best friend.Best wishes to you! Best _ to you! Good _ to you!You _ a great friend. I will _ you.You brought us lots of _. Good luck for the _. Youre a _ friend.I _ our time together. wishes luck future enjoyed are wonderful joymiss Fill in the blanks:小练笔小练笔 Say best wishes to your friends.You can use these words.Best wishes to you! Good luck to you!You are a great friend. I will miss you.You brought us lots of joy. Good luck for the future. Youre a wonderful friend.I enjoy our time together. 1:000:590:580:570:560:550:540:530:520:510:500:490:480:470:460:450:440:430:420:410:400:390:380:370:360:350:340:330:320:310:300:290:280:270:260:250:240:230:220:210:200:190:180:170:160:150:140:130:120:110:100:090:080:070:060:050:040:030:020:010:00与同桌说出下列节日中的祝福语与同桌说出下列节日中的祝福语! Time for writing: Write a message to your good friends. 给自己的好朋友写给自己的好朋友写 一张祝愿留言,并和一张祝愿留言,并和 大家分享你的大家分享你的 祝福祝福. 教师寄语教师寄语: I wish you will have a good future ,no matter where you are and what you do ,best wishes to you ,good luck to you . I love you 我希望你们都有一个美好的未来,不管你我希望你们都有一个美好的未来,不管你们在哪里,在做什么,我都把最美好的祝福们在哪里,在做什么,我都把最美好的祝福送给你们,好运永相伴!送给你们,好运永相伴! message / mesid / book 留言留言 册册 wonderful极好的极好的I can read.Youre a wonderful friend.你一个出色的朋友。你一个出色的朋友。 primary/praimri/ 初等的初等的School学校学校primary school小学小学Can you read. Were going to say goodbye to our primary school soon. enjoy ones time : 享受某人的时光享受某人的时光I enjoyed our time together.我很享受我们在一起的时光。我很享受我们在一起的时光。enjoy-enjoyed say sth to sb / 跟跟.说说. saysei says sez said sed k keeeep p永远永远保留保留f fo or re ev vererIll keep it forever.我将永远保留它。我将永远保留它。 You brought us lots of joy你带给了我很多快乐。你带给了我很多快乐。 I can read.乐趣乐趣 joyJoy乐乐趣趣joyJoy /di / 乐趣乐趣 future/ fju:t /未来未来Good luck for the future!祝你未来好运!祝你未来好运! teach教教taught教教过去式过去式You taught me Chinese.你教我汉语。你教我汉语。 I can read.春眠不觉晓春眠不觉晓处处处处闻啼鸟闻啼鸟 in sport在运在运动动方面方面You helped me in sportI can read.在运动方在运动方面,你帮了我很多。面,你帮了我很多。 What did Daming help Lingling in? Listen and read Read and choose.Daming taught Amy_. A . English B . Chinese C . Japanees 2.Listen and read.What does Sam ask Daming to do?He asks Daming come to the UK to watch football game with him. 教师寄语教师寄语: I wish you will have a good future ,no matter where you are and what youdo ,best wishes to you all ,good luck to you all . 我希望你们都有一个美好的未来,不管我希望你们都有一个美好的未来,不管你们在哪里,在做什么,我都把最美好的你们在哪里,在做什么,我都把最美好的祝福送给你们,好运永相伴!祝福送给你们,好运永相伴!Best wishes to you 教学设计教材分析本课是选自英语 (新标准) (一起)六年级下册 Module9 Unit1 Best wishes to you .本课讲述的是 Daming,Lingling,Sam 和 Amy 小学将要毕业,他们回忆在一起的快乐时光并祝愿彼此在未来的学习生活中好运。课文涉及一般过去时态,一般现在时态,现在进行时态和一般将来时态,课文还有祈使句的出现,这些时态都要在本课中加以综合练习和巩固本课运用不同时态表达任务或事物的不同状态及其美好祝愿,课文内容贴近学生生活实际,能调动学生的语言表达积极性,有利于培养运用语言的能力。本单元主要以复习巩固时态为主,以达到进一步提升学生的运用能力。学情分析学生已经或多或少地接触过了一般过去时态,一般现在时态,现在进行时态和一般将来时态,已经有了一定的基本,本课新词汇和词组较多,新授内容学生掌握会稍有一定难度。教学目标知识目标:1掌握四会单词:wish, best wishes , primary ,primary school ,message ,keep forever, joy, future, wonderful 2.学生应掌握的短语 say goodbye to,enjoy ones time, write a message ,good luck for ,have a happy time, watch football games3能听懂会说重点句型: Best wishes to you! Good luck for the future等。能力目标:(1)学生能读懂、理解课文大意并回答相关问题; (2)学生能够运用目标语言为同学、老师、朋友写留言。(3)通过写毕业留言,在小组合作中,来增进学生之间的感情。 培养学生学习的自主性,提高表达和交流能力。教学重点及难点教学重点:(1)应该掌握的四会单词(2)写留言的格式。(3)能流利地朗读本课课文。(4)会运用表达祝愿的句子,并为同学们写毕业留言。教学难点:运用表达祝愿的句子,写毕业留言。教学准备卡片及其 PPT 课件教学方法直观教学法,小游戏,情境教学法,任务教学法,合作学习等方法。教学设计教师设计教学情境请学生体会其中情境师生互动完成本课任务Step1:Greetings andWarming up(热身导入)1. Greeting and do a small game together2. Chant:小游戏引导学生进入 chant 情境理解大意3.学生观察句子,认识时态并回答问题S : Look at Amy and Lingling. What are they doing? 导入活动一,为学习新单词wish,以及 best wishes 做好准备。通过回答问题的形式,让学生了解 chant 的基本大意。Step2:TaskPresentation(任务呈现)1Teach new words(生词教学) T:Im an English teacher,but I like maths.Do you like maths? Now lets do the maths together?2Let the students says how to remember the new words. (总结自己记忆单词的方法)3Play a game about the new words. (单词记忆小游戏)通地简单的数学加法,进行本课单词 13-19 的教学。让学生自己总结单词记忆方法巩固学生对新词 1319 的记忆,同时也培养学生在学习中自己解决问题的能力。通过小游戏巩固单词记忆.Step3:Presentation1.Talk about the picture Show students a picture of autumn.T:Guess,Which season is it about? What will we do in autumn?2.Game about picking apples学生通过图片谈论秋天,让学生回答在秋天能做的事情,引出本课水果采摘的话题。通过摘水果游戏将 1319 的生词及本课重点句子相结合,使学生对本课句型有初步的了解。Step4:Text teaching1.Amy and Sam are going to go to the fruit farm.What are ar they going to do?What fruit will they pick?lets see . (观看课文动画)2. Read and answer.初步感知课文,明确语境。在回答问题的过程当中加深对课文的理解。Step5:Drills1.Listen point and say.2.Listen and repeat,try to imitate.巩固文本,模仿语音Step6:Consolidation1.Group work: Aas and answer in pairs.水果采摘游戏。通过创设的情境游戏,进一步巩固重点句型。通过问答,强化综合运用一般将来时的表达。Step7:Homework1.Listen and repeat the text.2.Finish the activity book .3. Think about what we will do this weekend?板书设计Module4 Unit1 Well pick fruit. What fruit will we pick? Well pick apples. What other fruit will we pick? Well pick pears. Wil we pick pears? Yes, we will.
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