Module 3-Unit 2 The sun is shining.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:339c8).zip

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cloudyrainy snowysunnywindyThe sun is_.shiningWhats the weather like?Its sunny.The sun is shining.shine照耀照耀shine(现在分词现在分词)shineingcry 喊,叫喊,叫crycryingFind is doingGroup work:读句子,找规律,作总结。读句子,找规律,作总结。1. I am taking some photos. 2. He is playing basketball. 3.We are dancing .4.It is raining.5. The dog is crying . 概念:概念: 表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。 结构结构: 由由主语主语 +be(is/am/are)+doing构成构成 的。的。温馨提示:温馨提示:1.be动词的形式要随主语人称的变化而变动词的形式要随主语人称的变化而变化化2. be动词和动词动词和动词-ing形式是现在进行时的形式是现在进行时的两个最重要组成部分,二者缺一不可。两个最重要组成部分,二者缺一不可。 be doing 正在做正在做be 是是am, is ,are 正在读书正在读书 I am reading. He is reading. We are reading.1.一般情况下直接加一般情况下直接加 ing. . play-playing eat-eating look-looking2.以重读闭音节结尾,呈现以重读闭音节结尾,呈现“辅,元,辅辅,元,辅”结构的动词,结构的动词,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加 ing. . stop-stopping sit-sitting run-running 3.以不发音的字母以不发音的字母e结尾的单词,去掉字母结尾的单词,去掉字母e,再加,再加 ing. wake-waking make-making come-coming4.4.以以 ie结尾的动词,把结尾的动词,把 ie改为改为y ,再加,再加 ing . die-dying lie-lying 动词变现在分词,其动词变现在分词,其规则如下规则如下:进行时很好记,进行时很好记,be+动词动词-ing,直加双写去哑,直加双写去哑e,还有一种别忘记,结尾还有一种别忘记,结尾ie变为变为y,再加动词,再加动词ing。用下列词的正确形式填空。用下列词的正确形式填空。1 I am_(swim) now. swimming2 He _ (be) doing homework now. is3 We are _ (look at) some ducks. looking atlook at the photos,and sayWhat isare heshethey doing?The birds are flying.He is running.She is drinking milk.They are watching TV.They are playing basketball.The panda is eating bamboo.Listen and find be doing .1.外来物用外来物用“ in the tree” 在树上在树上There are some birds in the tree. 2. 本身物用本身物用“ on the tree” 在树上在树上长在树上用长在树上用长在树上用长在树上用on the tree. There are many apples on the tree.Ask and answer:Whats the weather like?What are the birds doing?What are the birds doing?What are the ducks doing?Ask and answer:Whats the weather like?The sun is shining.What are the birds doing?The birds are singing.What are the birds doing?The birds are flying away.What are the ducks doing?They are eating our sandwiches. In this photo, the sun_ (shine). The birds_ _ (sing)be doing正在做,be 是am, is ,areis shining.are singing.Now look at this photo, It_ to rain(start)and the birds _ (fly) away. be doing 正在做,be 是am, is ,are is startingare flying单数is 复数are And in this photo, it_ (rain)The ducks _ our sandwiches. be doing 正在做,be 是am, is ,areis raining.are eating In this photo, the sun_ The birds _ is shining. are singing.Lets say and do.Now look at this photo, It_ to rainand the birds _ _ startingare flyingAnd in this photo, it_The ducks _ our sandwiches. is raining. are eatingWhat have we learned today? 现在进行时现在进行时 be doing,正在做,be是am, is, are. I - am, you - are, he/she - is. doing有四种变化doing的四种变化doing1.直接直接+ing, 大部分单词的变化方式大部分单词的变化方式2.去去e+ing, 结尾结尾e不发音不发音3.双写双写+ing, 结尾是辅元辅结构结尾是辅元辅结构4.变变ie为为y+ing,如如lie 进行时很好记,进行时很好记,be+动词动词-ing,直加双写去哑,直加双写去哑e,还有一种别忘记,结尾还有一种别忘记,结尾ie变为变为y,再加动词,再加动词ing。写出下列动词的现在分词形式写出下列动词的现在分词形式read play dance write sit gethave eat look carry begin putreadingplayingdancingwritingsittinggettinghavingeatinglookingcarryingbeginningputtingLets say. How can we ask and answer?Homework外研社小学英语六年级下册外研社小学英语六年级下册 Module 3 Unit 1 The Sun is Shining 教学设计教学设计一、一、教学内容教学内容本课时是外研社小学英语六年级下册 Module 3 Unit 1 The Sun is Shining 部分。这一单元的第一部分是以书信的形式展现课文的,并附以描述照片来教授重点句型,教师可在教授句型的同时,向学生们展示英语书信的格式。二、二、教学目标教学目标根据“新标准英语”所设置的教学目标,结合本单元的实际内容可设置如下:1、 知识目标 听、说、认读单词 shine, everyone 和现在进行时句型,如:The sun is shining 等,并能实际运用。 能了解动词的现在分词(即 ing 形式) ,并能运用到现在进行时中。 能听懂、理解课文的大致内容,能回答教师的问题。 能运用本课的学习内容进行表演或再创作,或在教师设置的交际情景中运用。2、 情感目标锻炼学生自主学习的能力,并能以交笔友的形式增强与他人的交际,提高学习英语的兴趣。三、三、教学重、难点教学重、难点1、 教学重点:现在进行时的运用;英语书信的格式。2、 教学难点:现在进行时在日常情景对话中的应用;运用英语书信的格式写信交笔友。四、四、教具准备教具准备录音机、相关图片或照片若干、物品盒Teaching stages Students activitiesPurposesStep Revision and Warming up.1、 Free talk.T: Hello, boys and girls. Is everyone here today?Ss: Yes.T: Hi! Whats your name?S1: My name is T: Whats the weather like today?S1: Its sunny.T: Do you like the sun?S1: Yes, I do. T: Well, The sun is very lovely.2、Lets chant. Whats the weather like?Its hot. Its cold. Its warm. Whats the weather like?Its sunny. Its windy. Its rainy.Sun, sun, sun, its very hot.Wind, wind, wind, I feel cold.以寒暄的方式开始一节课,并引出本节课的话题之一。热身活动,学生跟唱,能根据歌曲回忆起表示天气的单词,时间的运用上不需过长。学生熟悉过后可以用同桌问答的方式,重新熟悉一下天气的表达。天气的表达是上一模块的重点,通过唱儿歌以及自由对话的方式使学生们尽快回忆起旧知,由于本模块的题目就是表达天气的另一种方式,以旧立新,由此,便可将本节课的重点串联出来,使学生尽快进入状态。加深练习。Rain, rain, rain, the God is crying.Step Presentation and Practice1、Lead in. 教师展示图片: T: Whats the weather like today?S1: Its sunny.T: Good! Its sunny, and the sun is shining.教师重点领读句型 The sun is shining.和 It is shining.2、教师展示出图片: (晴天,游泳池) T: Look at this photo. Whats the weather like?Ss: The sun is shining.T: Great! It is shining. I think its very hot today. So what are they doing?Ss: They are swimming.T: Yes, it is shining today, and it is very hot. Some people are swimming, and some people are at home. Now look at these photos? What are they doing?教师分别展示出若干相片:(主要为在家的图片) S1: He is singing. S2: She is eating.(Blackboard writing: singing eating, 并把图片贴到相应的单词后。 )3、Show some photos教师课前可抓拍授课班级学生课间活动场景。Photo1: (一名学生正在读书。 ) T: Whos he?Ss: Hes xxx. (学生指向该同学)T:Hi, xxx. What are you doing? (反复两遍,张贴句子卡片至黑板)S1:引导理解并回答“Im reading a book.”板书领读此问答句。Photo2: (一名学生正在跳舞。) T: Whos she?导入”the sun is shining.”时,学生可能会不是很理解,老师可以配以夸张的动作或是图片来帮助学生理解。学生跟读。由于前一单元已经对现在进行时的表现形式进行了学习,所以这两个环节难度不是很大,学生可以根据图片很快地理解并说出句子。学生跟读两个句子。尽量让学生自己说出自己正在做的事情,主要是让学生用 I am表达出来。动词的学习一直是理解课文的重点,但是我们以前掌握的多是动词的原形,而在现在进行时的表达中,出现的是动词的现在分词形式,学生们只是简单了解,而不会具体运用。教师以图片及学习过的旧知,首先引出本课的第一个现在进行时的表达形式,使学生们熟悉现在进行时的使用情景以及方式,并引出了本课时的几个单词 shining, singing, eating, swimming. 然后,再以授课班级内学生有趣的活动照片导入现在进行时态的教学,一下子便抓住学生的兴奋点与注意力,紧接其后以师生问答的形式进行操练,强化学生对于现在进行时态的感知,为现在进行时态的进一步学习“搭梯”。此活动联系学生的生活,能更有效地调动他们的情绪,同时通过提问,可以增强学生的主动性。前面两个环节以已经多次出现“I am” ,学生此时通过思考说出”she is ”这一句型,要比教师直接呈现有意义Ss: Shes xxx. (学生指向该同学)T:Hi, xxx. What are you doing?S1:引导回答“Im dancing.”T:Boys and girls. What is she doing? (反复两遍,张贴句子卡片至黑板) She isPhoto3: Two boys are playing chess.T: Are they dancing reading?Ss: No, they arent.T:Hi, the boy(照片中人). What are you doing?S1:引导回答“Were playing chess.”板书在 Im 下面添上 Were .T:Boys and girls. What are they doing? (反复两遍,张贴句子卡片至黑板)Ss:引导理解并回答“Theyre playing chess.”板书领读此问答句。3、 Game: Weather, Person, Action准备三个盒子,一个盒子里面放有关天气的图片,一个盒子放人物图片,一个盒子里面放表示动作的图片(可与课文有关) ,让学生分别从三个盒子中摸取一张,联系起来说出一个完整的句子。引导学生理解并回答“Shes dancing.”板书领读此问答句。引导学生说出两个句型“They are”“We are:学生跟读。根据以上几张图片同桌问答小组活动,可以三人一组,每人分工写出或画出一部分,然后展示并表达出来。得多如果在第一张图片时学生们就已经掌握地较好,后面两张可以让学生互问互答,这样既是对所学内容的巩固,有培养了他们主动学习的能力。将本节课的两个要点合二为一,以生生交流的方式展示出来,并增强了趣味性。Step Text-teaching1、Listen to the tape about the letter.Answer the questions: Who writes this letter? Did he have a funny day on Saturday? What did they do? What is he sending?注意一下 everyone 的读法。T: Daming had a picnic in the park on Saturday, and he sent some photos to us. Lets look at them!2、教师展示 picture 1T: In picture 1. What can you see in this picture?Ss: I can see a lady, two boys, some birds and ducks, a tree, and the sun.T: So good! This boy is Daming, and that boy is Simon. Look! What are they doing?根据所听到的课文内容回答问题。学生根据图片内容回答问题。对于学生在回答问题的过程中所遇到的困难,最好采用合作的方式解决,而不是单纯依靠教师的采用“任务型”教学方式,引导学生初步了解课文的大致内容。Everyone 不算是生词,平时的课堂接触也比较多,教师不必花费过多时间。课文的学习就是语言文本的学习,是学生学习英语的一个重要组成部分,现在提倡教师要创造性地使用教材,并不是要求教师忽视教材,而是在As the picture as ask:Whats the weather like?What are those birds doing in the tree?What are the people doing?What are the ducks doing?T: Then, we will listen to the tape and know about other photos.3、 Play the tape and have the students listen.Answer the questions: Whats the weather like?Where are they?What are the ducks doing?展示出 Picture2、Picture 3.4、听录音并跟读。提醒。根据所听录音回答问题。此基础上加以提炼和延伸。在处理课文方面,我本身更注重操练,以本文为例,在“任务型”教学的基础上,通过让学生自己观察图片,训练学生自己提取信息,并加以融会贯通的能力,并通过提问,引导学生口头描述,以此来培养学生的表达能力。由于先前的充分练习,再加上课文中的难点不多,因而学生在对课文理解方面没有太多困难,所以教师则不用作太多的讲解,只需要在学生自己理解的过程中给予一定的帮助就可以。Step Consolidation1、 Play a game:一组同学上前扮模特,做出各种动作,如踢球、吃东西等等,另一人扮作记者对全班同学随机采访,用 What is she/he doing? What are they doing? 也可采访模特本人:What are you doing?2、 activity 33、准备一张练习纸,或是以 PPT 形式展现。(书信前可给予一些提示词。)如下:Dear Lily,How are you? It is Sunday today. The sun is _. _ is at home. My father is _ a cake. My mother is _her housework. My brothers are _ watermelons. My sister is _, and I am _some photos to you.From,_可以将全班同学分成三大组,一组表演,一组采访,一组回答。学习 activity 3 可采取 pair work 的方式,让学生自主交流。让学生联系前后文,补充完整。并且对于书信形式给予适当点拨。此环节放在巩固拓展部分主要是为全班同学创造一个开放的语言交际环境,并能充分发挥学生的主体性,让学生尽可能多的用上学过的句子,让学生动起来,对所学的句型也能进行充分的练习,让学生感受到学以致用的乐趣。此环节是用小结的方式帮助学生梳理本节课的重点知识,对动词的现在分词加深印象,同时也是学习联系生活的又一体现。Step Homework1、 跟录音读课文。2、 实践作业:观察一下晚上的七点到七点半这段时间,你的家人在做什么?布置实践性的作业,是对课堂教学的深化和补充,也可以促进学生实践能力的发展。板书设计:板书设计: The sun is shining. raining singing They are + looking at He is She is They are swimmingPhoto1Photo2Photo3
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